use of org.eclipse.lsp4j.Position in project xtext-core by eclipse.
the class RenameTest3 method testRenameAutoQuoteRef.
public void testRenameAutoQuoteRef() throws Exception {
String model = "type Foo {\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "type Bar extends Foo {\n" + "}\n" + "";
String file = writeFile("foo/Foo.renametl", model);
TextDocumentIdentifier identifier = new TextDocumentIdentifier(file);
Position position = new Position(3, 18);
Range range = languageServer.prepareRename(new PrepareRenameParams(identifier, position)).get().getLeft();
assertEquals("Foo", new Document(0, model).getSubstring(range));
RenameParams params = new RenameParams(identifier, position, "type");
WorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = languageServer.rename(params).get();
String expectation = "changes :\n" + "documentChanges : \n" + " Foo.renametl <1> : ^type [[0, 5] .. [0, 8]]\n" + " ^type [[3, 17] .. [3, 20]]\n" + "";
assertEquals(expectation.toString(), toExpectation(workspaceEdit));
use of org.eclipse.lsp4j.Position in project xtext-core by eclipse.
the class RenameTest3 method testRenameQuoted.
public void testRenameQuoted() throws Exception {
String model = "type ^type {\n" + "}\n" + "";
String file = writeFile("foo/Foo.renametl", model);
TextDocumentIdentifier identifier = new TextDocumentIdentifier(file);
Position position = new Position(0, 6);
Range range = languageServer.prepareRename(new PrepareRenameParams(identifier, position)).get().getLeft();
assertEquals("^type", new Document(0, model).getSubstring(range));
RenameParams params = new RenameParams(identifier, position, "Foo");
WorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = languageServer.rename(params).get();
String expectation = "changes :\n" + "documentChanges : \n" + " Foo.renametl <1> : Foo [[0, 5] .. [0, 10]]\n" + "";
assertEquals(expectation.toString(), toExpectation(workspaceEdit));
use of org.eclipse.lsp4j.Position in project xtext-core by eclipse.
the class PrepareRenameTest method testRenameFqn_invalid_error.
public void testRenameFqn_invalid_error() throws Exception {
String model = "package {\n" + " type A {\n" + " bar\n" + " }\n" + " type MyType { }\n" + "}\n";
String uri = writeFile("my-type-invalid.testlang", model);
RenameParams params = new RenameParams(new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri), new Position(2, 5), "Does not matter");
try {
languageServer.rename(params).get();"Expected an expcetion when trying to rename document but got a valid workspace edit instead: �workspaceEdit�");
} catch (Exception e) {
Throwable rootCause = Throwables.getRootCause(e);
Assert.assertTrue(rootCause instanceof ResponseErrorException);
ResponseError error = ((ResponseErrorException) rootCause).getResponseError();
Assert.assertTrue(error.getData().toString().contains("No element found at position"));
use of org.eclipse.lsp4j.Position in project xtext-core by eclipse.
the class PrepareRenameTest method testPrepareRenameFqn_start_ok.
public void testPrepareRenameFqn_start_ok() throws Exception {
String model = "package {\n" + " type A {\n" + " bar\n" + " }\n" + " type MyType { }\n" + "}\n";
String uri = writeFile("my-type-valid.testlang", model);
PrepareRenameParams params = new PrepareRenameParams(new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri), new Position(2, 12));
Range range = languageServer.prepareRename(params).get().getLeft();
assertEquals("MyType", new Document(0, model).getSubstring(range));
use of org.eclipse.lsp4j.Position in project xtext-core by eclipse.
the class PrepareRenameTest method testPrepareRenameFqn_end_ok.
public void testPrepareRenameFqn_end_ok() throws Exception {
String model = "package {\n" + " type A {\n" + " bar\n" + " }\n" + " type MyType { }\n" + "}\n";
String uri = writeFile("my-type-valid.testlang", model);
PrepareRenameParams params = new PrepareRenameParams(new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri), new Position(2, 18));
Range range = languageServer.prepareRename(params).get().getLeft();
assertEquals("MyType", new Document(0, model).getSubstring(range));