use of org.eclipse.n4js.workspace.N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot in project n4js by eclipse.
the class N4JSLanguageHelper method isDirectoryWithPackageJson.
private boolean isDirectoryWithPackageJson(IResourceDescriptions index, TModule targetModule, QualifiedName targetQN) {
// NOTE: the following approach would be a more elegant implementation of this method, but would require a
// different computation of FQNs for package.json files in source folders (in N4JSQualifiedNameProvider):
// @formatter:off
// Iterable<IEObjectDescription> matchingPackageJsonDesc = index.getExportedObjects(
// JSONPackage.Literals.JSON_DOCUMENT,
// targetQN.append(N4JSQualifiedNameProvider.PACKAGE_JSON_SEGMENT), false);
// if (matchingPackageJsonDesc.iterator().hasNext()) {
// return true;
// }
// @formatter:on
N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot targetProject = replaceDefinitionProjectByDefinedProject(targetModule, workspaceAccess.findProjectContaining(targetModule), true);
if (targetProject == null) {
return false;
int segCount = targetQN.getSegments().size();
String[] segments = new String[segCount + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < segCount; i++) {
segments[i] = targetQN.getSegments().get(i);
segments[segCount] = N4JSGlobals.PACKAGE_JSON;
for (N4JSSourceFolderSnapshot srcFolder : targetProject.getSourceFolders()) {
if (srcFolder instanceof N4JSSourceFolderSnapshotForPackageJson) {
FileURI packageJsonURI = srcFolder.getPathAsFileURI().appendSegments(segments);
if (index.getResourceDescription(packageJsonURI.toURI()) != null) {
return true;
return false;
use of org.eclipse.n4js.workspace.N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot in project n4js by eclipse.
the class N4JSResourceValidator method doValidateWithMeasurement.
private List<Issue> doValidateWithMeasurement(Resource resource, CheckMode mode, CancelIndicator cancelIndicator) {
// QUICK EXIT #1: in case of invalid file type (e.g. js file in a project with project type definition)
final N4JSWorkspaceConfigSnapshot ws = workspaceAccess.getWorkspaceConfig(resource);
final N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot project = ws.findProjectContaining(resource.getURI());
if (project != null && !isValidFileTypeForProjectType(resource, project)) {
final Issue issue = createInvalidFileTypeError(resource, project);
return Collections.singletonList(issue);
// QUICK EXIT #2: for files that match a "noValidate" module filter from package.json
if (ws.isNoValidate(resource.getURI())) {
return Collections.emptyList();
if (resource instanceof N4JSResource) {
final N4JSResource resourceCasted = (N4JSResource) resource;
// (pure performance tweak, because those resources have an empty AST anyway; see N4JSResource#doLoad())
if (resourceCasted.isOpaque()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
// QUICK EXIT #4: resources with disabled validation (e.g. d.ts files)
if (resourceCasted.isValidationDisabled()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
// trigger post-processing of N4JS resource (won't harm if post-processing has already taken place)
try {
} catch (Throwable th) {
// ignore this exception/error (we will create an issue for it below)
// QUICK EXIT #4: if post-processing failed
if (resourceCasted.isFullyProcessed() && resourceCasted.getPostProcessingThrowable() != null) {
// When getting here, we have an attempt to validate a resource that was post-processed but the
// post-processing failed (i.e. postProcessingThrowable!=null). Validating such a resource will usually
// cause a multitude of follow-up exceptions in many @Check methods (could easily be hundreds). Since,
// EMF/Xtext has the behavior of not aborting the overall validation due to an exception in a single
// @Check method, this will lead to many exceptions, which are all just follow-up issues of the problem
// that caused the post-processing to fail.
// 1) Since this is annoying and misleading, we just ignore all ordinary validation.
// 2) To not overlook the problem, we create a single validation issue (error) pointing out the problem.
// (for a test, see class AvoidFollowUpExceptionsInValidationTest)
final Throwable th = resourceCasted.getPostProcessingThrowable();
if (operationCanceledManager.isOperationCanceledException(th)) {
// do not show errors in case of cancellation
return Collections.emptyList();
final Issue issue = createPostProcessingFailedError(resourceCasted, th);
return Collections.singletonList(issue);
List<Issue> issues = super.validate(resource, mode, cancelIndicator);
if (resource instanceof N4JSResource) {
final N4JSResource resourceCasted = (N4JSResource) resource;
ASTMetaInfoCache cache = resourceCasted.getASTMetaInfoCache();
if (cache.hasUnknownTypeRef()) {
boolean hasErrors = -> issue.getSeverity() == Severity.ERROR);
if (!hasErrors) {
final String msg = IssueCodes.getMessageForTYS_UNKNOWN_TYPE_REF();
createFileIssue(resource, msg, IssueCodes.TYS_UNKNOWN_TYPE_REF);
return issues;
use of org.eclipse.n4js.workspace.N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot in project n4js by eclipse.
the class StaticPolyfillHelper method findStaticPolyfiller.
* Find the corresponding static-polyfill to this {@code @@PolyfillAware} resource in the same project. returns null
* if not found or this resource has no {@code @@PolyfillAware} annotation.
public SafeURI<?> findStaticPolyfiller(Resource resource) {
// ensure right resource
if (resource instanceof N4JSResource) {
final N4JSResource res = (N4JSResource) resource;
if (!isContainedInStaticPolyfillAware(res.getScript()))
return null;
final QualifiedName qnFilled = qualifiedNameConverter.toQualifiedName(res.getModule().getQualifiedName());
final N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot project = projectResolver.resolveProject(res, res.getURI());
final QualifiedName fqn = qnFilled;
// see Req.155#4: "Both extensions are equal."
final Optional<String> fileExtension = Optional.of(URIUtils.fileExtension(res.getURI()));
final N4JSSourceFolderSnapshot filledSrcContainer = workspaceAccess.findSourceFolderContaining(res, res.getURI());
for (N4JSSourceFolderSnapshot srcConti : project.getSourceFolders()) {
if (!Objects.equals(filledSrcContainer, srcConti)) {
final SafeURI<?> uri = findArtifactHelper.findArtifact(srcConti, fqn, fileExtension);
if (uri != null) {
return uri;
return null;
use of org.eclipse.n4js.workspace.N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot in project n4js by eclipse.
the class PackageJsonValidatorExtension method holdsExistingDirectoryPath.
* Checks whether the given {@code pathLiteral} represents an existing relative path to the currently validated
* {@link Resource}.
* Returns {@code false} and adds issues to {@code pathLiteral} otherwise.
private boolean holdsExistingDirectoryPath(JSONStringLiteral pathLiteral) {
final Resource resource = pathLiteral.eResource();
final URI resourceURI = resource.getURI();
final N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot n4jsProject = workspaceAccess.findProjectContaining(resource);
if (n4jsProject == null) {
// container project cannot be determined, fail gracefully (validation running on non-N4JS project?)
return true;
final FileURI path = n4jsProject.getPathAsFileURI();
final URI projectLocation = path.toURI();
// resolve against project uri with trailing slash
final URI projectRelativeResourceURI = resourceURI.deresolve(projectLocation.appendSegment(""));
final Path absoluteProjectPath = path.toFileSystemPath();
if (absoluteProjectPath == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to compute project path for package.json at " + resourceURI.toString());
// compute the path of the folder that contains the currently validated package.json file
final Path baseResourcePath = new File(absoluteProjectPath.toFile(), projectRelativeResourceURI.trimSegments(1).toFileString()).toPath();
final String relativePath = pathLiteral.getValue();
final File file = new File(baseResourcePath.toString(), relativePath);
if (!file.exists()) {
addIssue(IssueCodes.getMessageForPKGJ_NON_EXISTING_SOURCE_PATH(relativePath), pathLiteral, IssueCodes.PKGJ_NON_EXISTING_SOURCE_PATH);
return false;
if (!file.isDirectory()) {
addIssue(IssueCodes.getMessageForPKGJ_EXPECTED_DIRECTORY_PATH(relativePath), pathLiteral, IssueCodes.PKGJ_EXPECTED_DIRECTORY_PATH);
return false;
return true;
use of org.eclipse.n4js.workspace.N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot in project n4js by eclipse.
the class JSDoc2AdocFullTest method fullTest.
protected void fullTest(String projectName) throws IOException, InterruptedException, InterruptedException {
// create an empty yarn workspace
File probandFolder = new File(TESTRESOURCES + projectName);
File projectFolder = new File(getProjectLocation(), projectName);
assertTrue("proband folder not found", probandFolder.isDirectory());
FileCopier.copy(probandFolder, projectFolder);
FileURI packageJsonURI = toFileURI(getProjectLocation()).appendSegments(projectName, N4JSGlobals.PACKAGE_JSON);
assertIssues(Map.of(packageJsonURI, Lists.newArrayList("(Error, [4:17 - 4:26], Missing dependency to n4js-runtime (mandatory for all N4JS projects of type library, application, test).)")));
String systemSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n");
try {
for (String lsep : new String[] { "\n", "\r\n", "\r" }) {
System.setProperty("line.separator", lsep);
String expectationFileName = projectName + "/expected.adoc";
ResourceSet resourceSet = workspaceAccess.createResourceSet();
N4JSProjectConfigSnapshot project = workspaceAccess.findProjectByName(resourceSet, "yarn-test-project/packages/" + projectName);
assertNotNull("Project not found", project);
Collection<SpecFile> specChangeSet = jSDoc2SpecProcessor.convert(new File(TESTRESOURCES), Collections.singleton(project), (p) -> resourceSet, SubMonitorMsg.nullProgressMonitor());
String adocRootName = TESTRESOURCES + projectName + "/expectedADoc";
Collection<String> expectedFileNames = getExpectedFileNames(adocRootName, specChangeSet);
File adocRoot = new File(adocRootName);
String completeActual = "";
String completeExpected = "";
for (SpecFile specFile : specChangeSet) {
String expectedFile = getExpectedFile(expectedFileNames, specFile);
if (expectedFile == null)
Path fullExpectationPath = adocRoot.toPath().resolve(expectedFile);
File fullExpectationFile = fullExpectationPath.toFile();
String fullExpectationPathStr = fullExpectationPath.toString();
String expectedADoc = Files.asCharSource(fullExpectationFile, Charset.defaultCharset()).read();
String actualADoc = specFile.getNewContent();
if (UPDATE_EXPECTION && !actualADoc.equals(expectedADoc)) {
expectedADoc = actualADoc;
org.eclipse.xtext.util.Files.writeStringIntoFile(fullExpectationPathStr, expectedADoc);
System.out.println("Updated expectation " + fullExpectationPathStr);
completeActual += "\n//////// " + expectedFile + " ////////\n";
completeActual += actualADoc;
completeExpected += "\n//////// " + expectedFile + " ////////\n";
completeExpected += expectedADoc;
assertEqualsIgnoreWS(completeExpected, completeActual);
} finally {
System.setProperty("line.separator", systemSeparator);