use of org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttClient in project ignite by apache.
the class MqttStreamer method start.
* Starts streamer.
* @throws IgniteException If failed.
public void start() throws IgniteException {
if (!stopped)
throw new IgniteException("Attempted to start an already started MQTT Streamer");
// For simplicity, if these are null initialize to empty lists.
topics = topics == null ? new ArrayList<String>() : topics;
qualitiesOfService = qualitiesOfService == null ? new ArrayList<Integer>() : qualitiesOfService;
try {
Map<String, Object> logValues = new HashMap<>();
// Parameter validations.
A.notNull(getStreamer(), "streamer");
A.notNull(getIgnite(), "ignite");
A.ensure(!(getSingleTupleExtractor() == null && getMultipleTupleExtractor() == null), "tuple extractor missing");
A.ensure(getSingleTupleExtractor() == null || getMultipleTupleExtractor() == null, "cannot provide both single and multiple tuple extractor");
A.notNullOrEmpty(brokerUrl, "broker URL");
// If the client ID is empty, generate one.
if (clientId == null || clientId.length() == 0)
clientId = MqttClient.generateClientId();
// size 1 and == topic, as this would be a case of re-initialization), fail.
if (topic != null && topic.length() > 0 && !topics.isEmpty() && topics.size() != 1 && !topics.get(0).equals(topic))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot specify both a single topic and a list at the same time.");
// Same as above but for QoS.
if (qualityOfService != null && !qualitiesOfService.isEmpty() && qualitiesOfService.size() != 1 && !qualitiesOfService.get(0).equals(qualityOfService))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot specify both a single QoS and a list at the same time.");
// Paho API requires disconnect timeout if providing a quiesce timeout and disconnecting forcibly.
if (disconnectForcibly && disconnectQuiesceTimeout != null)
A.notNull(disconnectForciblyTimeout, "disconnect timeout cannot be null when disconnecting forcibly " + "with quiesce");
// If we have multiple topics.
if (!topics.isEmpty()) {
for (String t : topics) A.notNullOrEmpty(t, "topic in list of topics");
A.ensure(qualitiesOfService.isEmpty() || qualitiesOfService.size() == topics.size(), "qualities of service must be either empty or have the same size as topics list");
logValues.put("topics", topics);
} else {
// Just the single topic.
if (qualityOfService != null)
logValues.put("topic", topic);
// Finish building log values.
logValues.put("brokerUrl", brokerUrl);
logValues.put("clientId", clientId);
// Cache log values.
cachedLogValues = "[" + Joiner.on(", ").withKeyValueSeparator("=").join(logValues) + "]";
// Create logger.
log = getIgnite().log();
// Create the MQTT client.
if (persistence == null)
client = new MqttClient(brokerUrl, clientId);
client = new MqttClient(brokerUrl, clientId, persistence);
// Set this as a callback.
// Set stopped to false, as the connection will start async.
stopped = false;
// Build retrier.
Retryer<Void> retrier = RetryerBuilder.<Void>newBuilder().retryIfResult(new Predicate<Void>() {
public boolean apply(Void v) {
return !client.isConnected() && !stopped;
// Create the connection retrier.
connectionRetrier = new MqttConnectionRetrier(retrier);
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Starting MQTT Streamer " + cachedLogValues);
// Connect.
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IgniteException("Failed to initialize MQTT Streamer.", e);
use of org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttClient in project transporter by wang4ever.
the class MqttConsumer method configure.
public MqttConsumer configure() {
try {
if (this.client != null) {"The initialized MQTT client consumer. {}", this.client);
return this;
// host为主机名,test为clientid即连接MQTT的客户端ID,一般以客户端唯一标识符表示,MemoryPersistence设置clientid的保存形式,默认为以文件保存
this.client = new MqttClient(this.config.getHostUrl(), this.config.getClientId(MQClientId.MQ_C), new MemoryPersistence());
// MQTT的连接设置
this.options = new MqttConnectOptions();
// 设置是否清空session, false:服务器会保留客户端的连接记录,true:每次连接到服务器都以新的身份连接
// 设置超时时间 单位为秒
// 设置会话心跳时间 单位为秒 服务器会每隔1.5*20秒的时间向客户端发送个消息判断客户端是否在线,但这个方法并没有重连的机制
// 当一个客户端断开连接的时候,它希望客户端可以发送它指定的消息。该消息和普通消息的结构相同。通过设置该位并填入和信息相关的内容即可。
// this.options.setWill(topic, "close".getBytes(), 0, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("MQTT client consumer initialization failed.", e);
return this;
use of org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttClient in project transporter by wang4ever.
the class MqttProducer method configure.
public MqttProducer configure() {
try {
if (this.client != null) {"The initialized MQTT client producer. {}", this.client);
return this;
// host为主机名,test为clientid即连接MQTT的客户端ID,一般以客户端唯一标识符表示,MemoryPersistence设置clientid的保存形式,默认为以文件保存
this.client = new MqttClient(this.config.getHostUrl(), this.config.getClientId(MQClientId.MQ_P), new MemoryPersistence());
// MQTT的连接设置
this.options = new MqttConnectOptions();
// 设置是否清空session,这里如果设置为false表示服务器会保留客户端的连接记录,这里设置为true表示每次连接到服务器都以新的身份连接
// 设置超时时间 单位为秒
// 设置会话心跳时间 单位为秒 服务器会每隔1.5*20秒的时间向客户端发送个消息判断客户端是否在线,但这个方法并没有重连的机制
// MqttTopic topic = this.client.getTopic("");
// // setWill方法,如果项目中需要知道客户端是否掉线可以调用该方法。设置最终端口的通知消息
// this.options.setWill(topic, "close".getBytes(), 0, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("MQTT client producer initialization failed.", e);
return this;
use of org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttClient in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.
the class MQTTClientBuilderTest method testValidBuilderParams.
public void testValidBuilderParams() throws MqttException {
MqttClient client = builder.withQos("2").withUsername("user").withPassword("pass").withIsSecure(true).withTopics(Collections.singletonList("SomeTopic")).withSslConfig(ImmutableMap.of("ssl.trustStore", "/some/path")).withCallback(callback).withKeepAliveInterval("1000").withMaxInflight("2000").withConnectionTimeout("3000").withCleanSession("true").withStorageLevel("/Users/NoName/Temp").withServerUris("").withMqttVersion("3").withAutomaticReconnect("false").buildAndConnect();
verify(factory).getClient(anyString(), anyString(), any(MemoryPersistence.class));
MqttConnectOptions opts = connectOptsCapture.getValue();
assertThat(opts.getUserName(), equalTo("user"));
assertThat(opts.getPassword(), equalTo("pass".toCharArray()));
Properties props = opts.getSSLProperties();
assertThat(props.size(), equalTo(1));
assertThat(props.getProperty(""), equalTo("/some/path"));
assertEquals(opts.getKeepAliveInterval(), 1000);
assertEquals(opts.getMaxInflight(), 2000);
assertEquals(opts.getConnectionTimeout(), 3000);
assertEquals(opts.isCleanSession(), true);
assertArrayEquals(opts.getServerURIs(), new String[] { "ssl://" });
assertEquals(opts.getMqttVersion(), 3);
assertEquals(opts.isAutomaticReconnect(), false);
use of org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttClient in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.
the class MQTTProducerTest method testSendRowToProducer.
public void testSendRowToProducer() throws Exception {
doAnswer(invocation -> {
String topic = (String) invocation.getArguments()[0];
MqttMessage message = (MqttMessage) invocation.getArguments()[1];
assertEquals("TestWinning", topic);
assertEquals(0, message.getQos());
assertEquals("#winning", new String(message.getPayload()));
return null;
}).when(mqttClient).publish(any(), any());
assertEquals(4, trans.getSteps().get(1).step.getLinesOutput());