use of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping in project eclipselink by eclipse-ee4j.
the class CacheableModelJunitTest method testUpdateForceProtectedOneToOne.
public void testUpdateForceProtectedOneToOne() {
EntityManager em = createDSEntityManager();
int cfeID = 0;
try {
CacheableForceProtectedEntity cte = em.find(CacheableForceProtectedEntity.class, m_cacheableForceProtectedEntity1Id);
CacheableFalseEntity oldcfe = cte.getCacheableFalse();
ServerSession session = em.unwrap(ServerSession.class);
CacheableFalseEntity cfe = new CacheableFalseEntity();
cfeID = cfe.getId();
CacheableForceProtectedEntity cachedCPE = (CacheableForceProtectedEntity) session.getIdentityMapAccessor().getFromIdentityMap(cte);
assertNull("A protected OneToOne relationship was merged into the shared cache", cachedCPE.getCacheableFalse());
ObjectReferenceMapping orm = (ObjectReferenceMapping) session.getDescriptor(CacheableForceProtectedEntity.class).getMappingForAttributeName("cacheableFalse");
Object cacheableFalsefk = session.getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getCacheKeyForObject(cte).getProtectedForeignKeys().get(orm.getSelectFields().get(0));
assertEquals("FK update not cached", cfe.getId(), cacheableFalsefk);
cfe = em.find(CacheableFalseEntity.class, cfeID);
} finally {
if (isTransactionActive(em)) {
use of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping in project eclipselink by eclipse-ee4j.
the class ObjectAccessor method initOneToOneMapping.
* Initialize a OneToOneMapping.
protected ObjectReferenceMapping initOneToOneMapping() {
// Allow for different descriptor types (EIS) to create different mapping types.
ObjectReferenceMapping mapping = getDescriptor().getClassDescriptor().newOneToOneMapping();
// Process the indirection.
// Process a @ReturnInsert and @ReturnUpdate (to log a warning message)
return mapping;
use of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping in project eclipselink by eclipse-ee4j.
the class OneToOneAccessor method process.
* Process a one to one setting into an EclipseLink OneToOneMapping.
public void process() {
// Initialize our mapping now with what we found.
ObjectReferenceMapping mapping = initOneToOneMapping();
if (hasMappedBy()) {
// Non-owning side, process the foreign keys from the owner.
DatabaseMapping owningMapping = getOwningMapping();
if (owningMapping.isOneToOneMapping()) {
OneToOneMapping ownerMapping = (OneToOneMapping) owningMapping;
// as we would for a many-to-many mapping.
if (ownerMapping.hasRelationTableMechanism()) {
// Put a relation table mechanism on our mapping.
((OneToOneMapping) mapping).setRelationTableMechanism(new RelationTableMechanism());
processMappedByRelationTable(ownerMapping.getRelationTableMechanism(), ((OneToOneMapping) mapping).getRelationTableMechanism());
} else {
Map<DatabaseField, DatabaseField> targetToSourceKeyFields;
Map<DatabaseField, DatabaseField> sourceToTargetKeyFields;
// the primary key field to point to our own database table.
if (getDescriptor().usesTablePerClassInheritanceStrategy()) {
targetToSourceKeyFields = new HashMap<DatabaseField, DatabaseField>();
sourceToTargetKeyFields = new HashMap<DatabaseField, DatabaseField>();
for (DatabaseField fkField : ownerMapping.getSourceToTargetKeyFields().keySet()) {
// We need to update the pk field to be to our table.
DatabaseField pkField = ownerMapping.getSourceToTargetKeyFields().get(fkField).clone();
sourceToTargetKeyFields.put(fkField, pkField);
targetToSourceKeyFields.put(pkField, fkField);
} else {
targetToSourceKeyFields = ownerMapping.getTargetToSourceKeyFields();
sourceToTargetKeyFields = ownerMapping.getSourceToTargetKeyFields();
((OneToOneMapping) mapping).setSourceToTargetKeyFields(targetToSourceKeyFields);
((OneToOneMapping) mapping).setTargetToSourceKeyFields(sourceToTargetKeyFields);
} else {
// If improper mapping encountered, throw an exception.
throw ValidationException.invalidMapping(getJavaClass(), getReferenceClass());
} else if (mapping instanceof OneToOneMapping) {
// Owning side, look for JoinColumns or PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.
processOwningMappingKeys((OneToOneMapping) mapping);
} else {
use of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping in project eclipselink by eclipse-ee4j.
the class CMP3Policy method initializePrimaryKeyFields.
* Cache the bean's primary key fields so speed up creating of primary key
* objects and initialization of beans.
* Note, we have to re-look up the fields for the bean class since
* these fields may have been loaded with the wrong loader (thank you Kirk).
* If the key is compound, we also have to look up the fields for the key.
protected KeyElementAccessor[] initializePrimaryKeyFields(Class<?> keyClass, AbstractSession session) {
KeyElementAccessor[] pkAttributes = null;
ClassDescriptor aDescriptor = this.getDescriptor();
fieldToAccessorMap = new HashMap<DatabaseField, KeyElementAccessor>();
int numberOfIDFields = aDescriptor.getPrimaryKeyFields().size();
pkAttributes = new KeyElementAccessor[numberOfIDFields];
Iterator<DatabaseField> attributesIter = aDescriptor.getPrimaryKeyFields().iterator();
// Used fields in case it is an embedded class
for (int i = 0; attributesIter.hasNext(); i++) {
DatabaseField field =;
// We need to check all mappings for this field, not just the writable one and instead of
// having multiple sections of duplicate code we'll just add the writable mapping directly
// to the list.
List allMappings = new ArrayList(1);
addReadOnlyMappings(aDescriptor, field, allMappings);
addWritableMapping(aDescriptor, field, allMappings);
// This exception will be used to determine if the element (field or method) from
// the mapping was found on the key class was found or not and throw an exception otherwise.
Exception noSuchElementException = null;
// Set the current key class ...
Class<?> currentKeyClass = keyClass;
// that mapping instead when we find it.
for (int index = (allMappings.size() - 1); index >= 0; --index) {
DatabaseMapping mapping = (DatabaseMapping) allMappings.get(index);
// the id or not.
if (aDescriptor.hasDerivedId() && !mapping.derivesId()) {
// we initialize this portion of the composite id.
if (mapping.isAggregateMapping() && allMappings.size() > 1) {
// Bail ... more mappings to check.
} else if (mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping() && !mapping.isOneToOneMapping()) {
// JPA 2.0 allows DerrivedIds, so Id fields are either OneToOne or DirectToField mappings
if (mapping.isAggregateMapping()) {
// Either this aggregate is the key class, or we need to drill down further. Add the read
// only and writable mappings from the aggregate.
addReadOnlyMappings(mapping.getReferenceDescriptor(), field, allMappings);
addWritableMapping(mapping.getReferenceDescriptor(), field, allMappings);
// Since we added the mappings from this aggregate mapping, we should remove this aggregate
// mapping from the allMappings list. Otherwise, if the mapping for the primary key field is
// not found in the aggregate (or nested aggregate) then we will hit an infinite loop when
// searching the aggregate and its mappings. Note: This is cautionary, since in reality, this
// 'should' never happen, but if it does we certainly would rather throw an exception instead
// of causing an infinite loop.
// Update the index to parse the next mapping correctly.
index = allMappings.size();
// Update the key class now ...
currentKeyClass = mapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getJavaClass();
} else {
String fieldName = (mapping.hasMapsIdValue()) ? mapping.getMapsIdValue() : mapping.getAttributeName();
if (currentKeyClass == null || mapping.isMultitenantPrimaryKeyMapping()) {
// Without a currentKeyClass, the primary key is a non compound key but
// we may need to add any multitenant primary key mappings that are
// defined and we need an accessor for them. The same case will hold
// true when we do have a currentKeyClass. Multitenant primary keys
// must still be added.
pkAttributes[i] = new KeyIsElementAccessor(fieldName, field, mapping);
if (mapping.isAbstractDirectMapping()) {
} else if (mapping.isOneToOneMapping()) {
ClassDescriptor refDescriptor = mapping.getReferenceDescriptor();
// ensure the referenced descriptor was initialized
if (!session.isRemoteSession()) {
CMPPolicy refPolicy = refDescriptor.getCMPPolicy();
fieldToAccessorMap.put(field, pkAttributes[i]);
noSuchElementException = null;
} else {
if (mapping.isOneToOneMapping()) {
ClassDescriptor refDescriptor = mapping.getReferenceDescriptor();
// ensure the referenced descriptor was initialized
if (!session.isRemoteSession()) {
CMPPolicy refPolicy = refDescriptor.getCMPPolicy();
if ((refPolicy != null) && refPolicy.isCMP3Policy() && (refPolicy.getPKClass() == currentKeyClass)) {
// Since the ref pk class is our pk class, get the accessor we need to pull the value out of the PK class for our field
OneToOneMapping refmapping = (OneToOneMapping) mapping;
DatabaseField targetKey = refmapping.getSourceToTargetKeyFields().get(field);
pkAttributes[i] = ((CMP3Policy) refPolicy).fieldToAccessorMap.get(targetKey);
// associate their accessor to our field so we can look it up when we need it
this.fieldToAccessorMap.put(field, pkAttributes[i]);
noSuchElementException = null;
try {
pkAttributes[i] = new FieldAccessor(this, getField(currentKeyClass, fieldName), fieldName, field, mapping, currentKeyClass != keyClass);
fieldToAccessorMap.put(field, pkAttributes[i]);
noSuchElementException = null;
} catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) {
String getMethodName = null;
String setMethodName = null;
if (mapping.isObjectReferenceMapping() && ((ObjectReferenceMapping) mapping).getIndirectionPolicy().isWeavedObjectBasicIndirectionPolicy()) {
WeavedObjectBasicIndirectionPolicy weavedIndirectionPolicy = (WeavedObjectBasicIndirectionPolicy) ((ObjectReferenceMapping) mapping).getIndirectionPolicy();
if (weavedIndirectionPolicy.hasUsedMethodAccess()) {
getMethodName = weavedIndirectionPolicy.getGetMethodName();
setMethodName = weavedIndirectionPolicy.getSetMethodName();
} else {
getMethodName = mapping.getGetMethodName();
setMethodName = mapping.getSetMethodName();
if (getMethodName != null) {
// Must be a property.
try {
Method getMethod = null;
if (PrivilegedAccessHelper.shouldUsePrivilegedAccess()) {
try {
getMethod = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedGetMethod(currentKeyClass, getMethodName, new Class<?>[] {}, true));
} catch (PrivilegedActionException exception) {
throw (NoSuchMethodException) exception.getException();
} else {
getMethod = PrivilegedAccessHelper.getMethod(currentKeyClass, getMethodName, new Class<?>[] {}, true);
Method setMethod = null;
if (PrivilegedAccessHelper.shouldUsePrivilegedAccess()) {
try {
setMethod = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedGetMethod(currentKeyClass, setMethodName, new Class<?>[] { getMethod.getReturnType() }, true));
} catch (PrivilegedActionException exception) {
throw (NoSuchMethodException) exception.getException();
} else {
setMethod = PrivilegedAccessHelper.getMethod(currentKeyClass, setMethodName, new Class<?>[] { getMethod.getReturnType() }, true);
pkAttributes[i] = new PropertyAccessor(this, getMethod, setMethod, fieldName, field, mapping, currentKeyClass != keyClass);
this.fieldToAccessorMap.put(field, pkAttributes[i]);
noSuchElementException = null;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException exs) {
// not a field not a method, but a pk class is defined. Check for other mappings
noSuchElementException = exs;
} else {
noSuchElementException = ex;
// accessor then we're dealing with a dynamic entity.
if (noSuchElementException != null && mapping.getAttributeAccessor().isValuesAccessor()) {
pkAttributes[i] = new ValuesFieldAccessor(fieldName, field, mapping, currentKeyClass != keyClass);
noSuchElementException = null;
if (mapping.derivesId() || noSuchElementException == null) {
// any more mappings
if (noSuchElementException != null) {
throw DescriptorException.errorUsingPrimaryKey(keyClass, getDescriptor(), noSuchElementException);
return pkAttributes;