use of org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.context.RunMonitor in project scout.rt by eclipse.
the class InvocationContextTest method testCancel.
@Test(timeout = 5000)
public void testCancel() {
final BlockingCountDownLatch setupLatch = new BlockingCountDownLatch(1);
final IBlockingCondition processingCondition = Jobs.newBlockingCondition(true);
final InvocationContext<TestPort> invocationContext = new InvocationContext<>(m_port, "name");
// Make Stub.webMethod to block until cancelled.
doAnswer(new Answer<Void>() {
public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
processingCondition.waitForUninterruptibly(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
return null;
final RunMonitor runMonitor = new RunMonitor();
// Cancel the 'webMethod' once blocking.
Jobs.schedule(new IRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
}, Jobs.newInput().withRunContext(RunContexts.copyCurrent()));
// Run the test by invoking the web service with a specific RunMonitor to test cancellation.
try {
RunContexts.empty().withRunMonitor(runMonitor).run(new IRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
try {
// this method blocks until cancelled.
fail("WebServiceRequestCancelledException expected");
} catch (WebServiceRequestCancelledException e) {
verify(m_implementorSpecifics).closeSocket(same(m_port), anyString());
} finally {
use of org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.context.RunMonitor in project scout.rt by eclipse.
the class JobManager method createJobFutureTask.
* Creates the Future to be given to {@link ExecutorService} and registers it with this job manager.
* @param callable
* callable to be given to the executor for execution.
* @param input
* input that describes the job to be executed.
protected <RESULT> JobFutureTask<RESULT> createJobFutureTask(final Callable<RESULT> callable, final JobInput input) {
final RunMonitor runMonitor = Assertions.assertNotNull(input.getRunContext() != null ? input.getRunContext().getRunMonitor() : BEANS.get(RunMonitor.class), "'RunMonitor' required if providing a 'RunContext'");
final JobInput inputCopy = ensureJobInputName(input, callable.getClass().getName());
return new JobFutureTask<>(this, runMonitor, inputCopy, new CallableChain<RESULT>(), callable);
use of org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.context.RunMonitor in project scout.rt by eclipse.
the class ClientJobCancelTest method doPingRequestAsync.
* Runs a 'ping-request' which gets blocked in the service implementation.
protected RequestData doPingRequestAsync(final String pingRequest) throws Exception {
final BlockingCountDownLatch serviceCallSetupLatch = new BlockingCountDownLatch(1);
final BlockingCountDownLatch serviceCallCompletedLatch = new BlockingCountDownLatch(1);
final AtomicBoolean serviceCallInterrupted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
// Mock the PingService.
class PingService implements IPingService {
public String ping(String s) {
try {
} catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
return s.toUpperCase();
// Create a separate RunContext with a separate RunMonitor, so we can wait for the service result in case of cancellation.
final ClientRunContext runContext = ClientRunContexts.copyCurrent();
final RunMonitor runMonitor = BEANS.get(RunMonitor.class);
IFuture<String> pingFuture = Jobs.schedule(new Callable<String>() {
public String call() throws Exception {
return Callable<String>() {
public String call() throws Exception {
IBean<?> bean = TestingUtility.registerBean(new BeanMetaData(PingService.class).withInitialInstance(new PingService()).withApplicationScoped(true));
try {
return ServiceTunnelUtility.createProxy(IPingService.class).ping(pingRequest);
} finally {
}, Jobs.newInput().withExceptionHandling(null, false));
// Wait for the ping request to enter service implementation.
return new RequestData(pingFuture, runMonitor, serviceCallSetupLatch, serviceCallCompletedLatch, serviceCallInterrupted);
use of org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.context.RunMonitor in project scout.rt by eclipse.
the class RunMonitorCancelRegistry method cancelAllBySessionId.
* Cancels all registered monitors associated with the given 'sessionId' except the one that is currently running and
* invoking this method (to ensure that the calling {@link RunMonitor} is not cancelled).
* @return <code>true</code> if all monitors matching the given 'sessionId' could be cancelled, or <code>false</code>
* if no monitor is registered, or if at least one monitor was already cancelled or failed to be cancelled.
public boolean cancelAllBySessionId(final String sessionId) {
final List<RegistryEntry> registryEntries;
final RunMonitor currentRunMonitor = RunMonitor.CURRENT.get();
synchronized (m_registryLock) {
registryEntries = m_sessionIdIndex.get(sessionId);
for (Iterator<RegistryEntry> it = registryEntries.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
RegistryEntry next =;
if (next.getRunMonitor() == currentRunMonitor) {
return cancelRunMonitors(getRunMonitors(registryEntries));
use of org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.context.RunMonitor in project scout.rt by eclipse.
the class RunMonitorCancelRegistryTest method before.
* Prepares 3 RunMonitors:<br>
* session1: monitor1 (requestId=1), monitor2 (requestId=2)<br/>
* session2: monitor3 (requestId=1)
public void before() {
m_registry = new RunMonitorCancelRegistry();
m_monitor1 = new RunMonitor();
m_monitor2 = new RunMonitor();
m_monitor3 = new RunMonitor();
m_regHandle1 = m_registry.register(m_monitor1, SESSION_ID_1, 1L);
m_regHandle2 = m_registry.register(m_monitor2, SESSION_ID_1, 2L);
m_regHandle3 = m_registry.register(m_monitor3, SESSION_ID_2, 1L);
assertEquals(CollectionUtility.hashSet(m_monitor1, m_monitor2, m_monitor3), m_registry.getAll());
assertEquals(CollectionUtility.arrayList(m_monitor1, m_monitor2), m_registry.getAllBySession(SESSION_ID_1));
assertEquals(CollectionUtility.arrayList(m_monitor3), m_registry.getAllBySession(SESSION_ID_2));
assertEquals(CollectionUtility.arrayList(m_monitor1), m_registry.getAllBySessionIdAndRequestId(SESSION_ID_1, 1L));
assertEquals(CollectionUtility.arrayList(m_monitor2), m_registry.getAllBySessionIdAndRequestId(SESSION_ID_1, 2L));
assertEquals(CollectionUtility.arrayList(m_monitor3), m_registry.getAllBySessionIdAndRequestId(SESSION_ID_2, 1L));