use of org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.type.ThingType in project smarthome by eclipse.
the class ThingTypeResource method getByUID.
@RolesAllowed({ Role.USER })
@ApiOperation(value = "Gets thing type by UID.", response = ThingTypeDTO.class)
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Thing type with provided thingTypeUID does not exist.", response = ThingTypeDTO.class), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "No content") })
public Response getByUID(@PathParam("thingTypeUID") @ApiParam(value = "thingTypeUID") String thingTypeUID, @HeaderParam(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE) @ApiParam(value = HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE) String language) {
Locale locale = LocaleUtil.getLocale(language);
ThingType thingType = thingTypeRegistry.getThingType(new ThingTypeUID(thingTypeUID), locale);
if (thingType != null) {
return Response.ok(convertToThingTypeDTO(thingType, locale)).build();
} else {
return Response.noContent().build();