use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.ILocateableNode in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.
the class DependencyCollector method readDependencies.
public WorkspaceJob readDependencies() {
final WorkspaceJob job = new WorkspaceJob("ExtractModulePar: reading dependencies from source project") {
public IStatus runInWorkspace(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
final ProjectSourceParser projectSourceParser = GlobalParser.getProjectSourceParser(sourceProj);
// find all dependencies of the 'selection' definition
Set<IResource> allFiles = new HashSet<IResource>();
Set<IResource> asnFiles = new HashSet<IResource>();
NavigableSet<ILocateableNode> dependencies = new TreeSet<ILocateableNode>(new LocationComparator());
for (Def_ModulePar def : selection) {
* Def_ModulePars with mutliple entries in a single modulepar block have incorrect location info
* (all entries have a location info equal to the location of their parent block)
* that is why the dependencies must be collected into a set that is not sorted by location
* TODO fix grammar definitions
* */
Set<ILocateableNode> nonSortedTempSet = new HashSet<ILocateableNode>();
collectDependencies(def, nonSortedTempSet, allFiles, asnFiles);
// adding the selection itself to the dependencies
if (!dependencies.contains(def)) {
// get imports and friends for all files
for (IResource r : allFiles) {
if (!(r instanceof IFile)) {
IFile f = (IFile) r;
Module m = projectSourceParser.containedModule(f);
ImportFinderVisitor impVisitor = new ImportFinderVisitor();
List<ImportModule> impDefs = impVisitor.getImportDefs();
List<FriendModule> friendDefs = impVisitor.getFriendDefs();
filterImportDefinitions(allFiles, impDefs, projectSourceParser);
filterFriendDefinitions(allFiles, friendDefs, projectSourceParser);
// the dependencies are sorted by file & location to avoid reading through a file multiple times
// collect the text to insert into the new project
copyMap = new HashMap<IPath, StringBuilder>();
try {
InputStream is = null;
InputStreamReader isr = null;
IResource lastFile = null;
IResource currFile;
ILocateableNode lastD = null;
int currOffset = 0;
for (ILocateableNode d : dependencies) {
currFile = d.getLocation().getFile();
if (!(currFile instanceof IFile)) {
ErrorReporter.logError("ExtractModulePar/DependencyCollector: IResource `" + currFile.getName() + "' is not an IFile.");
if (currFile != lastFile) {
// started reading new file
lastD = null;
if (lastFile != null) {
addToCopyMap(lastFile.getProjectRelativePath(), MODULE_TRAILER);
if (isr != null) {
if (is != null) {
is = ((IFile) currFile).getContents();
isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
currOffset = 0;
Module m = projectSourceParser.containedModule((IFile) currFile);
String moduleName = m.getIdentifier().getTtcnName();
addToCopyMap(currFile.getProjectRelativePath(), MessageFormat.format(MODULE_HEADER, moduleName));
int toSkip = getNodeOffset(d) - currOffset;
if (toSkip < 0) {
reportOverlappingError(lastD, d);
// separators
if (d instanceof ImportModule && lastD instanceof ImportModule) {
addToCopyMap(currFile.getProjectRelativePath(), SINGLE_SEPARATOR);
} else if (d instanceof FriendModule && lastD instanceof FriendModule) {
addToCopyMap(currFile.getProjectRelativePath(), SINGLE_SEPARATOR);
} else {
addToCopyMap(currFile.getProjectRelativePath(), DOUBLE_SEPARATOR);
insertDependency(d, currFile, isr);
currOffset = d.getLocation().getEndOffset();
lastFile = currFile;
lastD = d;
if (lastFile != null) {
addToCopyMap(lastFile.getProjectRelativePath(), MODULE_TRAILER);
if (isr != null) {
if (is != null) {
// copy the full content of asn files without opening them
filesToCopy = new ArrayList<IFile>();
for (IResource r : asnFiles) {
if (!(r instanceof IFile)) {
ErrorReporter.logError("ExtractModulePar/DependencyCollector: IResource `" + r.getName() + "' is not an IFile.");
filesToCopy.add((IFile) r);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
ErrorReporter.logError("ExtractModulePar/DependencyCollector: Error while reading source project.");
return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
return Status.OK_STATUS;
private void insertDependency(final ILocateableNode d, final IResource res, final InputStreamReader isr) throws IOException {
char[] content = new char[d.getLocation().getEndOffset() - getNodeOffset(d)];, 0, content.length);
addToCopyMap(res.getProjectRelativePath(), new String(content));
return job;
use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.ILocateableNode in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.
the class ChangeCreator method calculateEditLocations.
private WorkspaceJob calculateEditLocations(final NavigableSet<ILocateableNode> nodes, final IFile file, final MultiTextEdit rootEdit) throws CoreException {
final WorkspaceJob job = new WorkspaceJob("InsertFieldRefactoring: calculate edit locations") {
public IStatus runInWorkspace(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
for (ILocateableNode node : nodes) {
int vmLen = settings.getType().length() + settings.getId().getTtcnName().length();
if (node instanceof Def_Type) {
Def_Type df = (Def_Type) node;
Type type = df.getType(CompilationTimeStamp.getBaseTimestamp());
if (type instanceof TTCN3_Sequence_Type || type instanceof TTCN3_Set_Type) {
vmLen = insertField((TTCN3_Set_Seq_Choice_BaseType) type, node, rootEdit, vmLen);
} else if (node instanceof Sequence_Value) {
Sequence_Value sv = (Sequence_Value) node;
vmLen += 6;
final Location nodeLocation = node.getLocation();
if (settings.getPosition() < sv.getNofComponents()) {
final Location valueLocation = sv.getSeqValueByIndex(settings.getPosition()).getLocation();
Location l = new Location(nodeLocation.getFile(), nodeLocation.getLine(), valueLocation.getOffset(), valueLocation.getEndOffset() + vmLen);
rootEdit.addChild(new InsertEdit(l.getOffset(), settings.getId().getTtcnName() + " := " + settings.getValue() + ", "));
} else {
int max = sv.getNofComponents();
final Location valueLocation = sv.getSeqValueByIndex(max - 1).getLocation();
Location l = new Location(nodeLocation.getFile(), nodeLocation.getLine(), valueLocation.getEndOffset(), valueLocation.getEndOffset() + vmLen);
rootEdit.addChild(new InsertEdit(l.getOffset(), ", " + settings.getId().getTtcnName() + " := " + settings.getValue()));
} else if (node instanceof TTCN3Template) {
TTCN3Template template = (TTCN3Template) node;
vmLen += 6;
if (template instanceof Named_Template_List) {
Named_Template_List ntl = (Named_Template_List) template;
final Location nodeLocation = node.getLocation();
if (settings.getPosition() < ntl.getNofTemplates()) {
final Location templateLocation = ntl.getTemplateByIndex(settings.getPosition()).getLocation();
Location l = new Location(nodeLocation.getFile(), nodeLocation.getLine(), templateLocation.getOffset(), templateLocation.getEndOffset() + vmLen);
rootEdit.addChild(new InsertEdit(l.getOffset(), settings.getId().getTtcnName() + " := " + settings.getValue() + ", "));
} else {
int max = ntl.getNofTemplates();
final Location templateLocation = ntl.getTemplateByIndex(max - 1).getLocation();
Location l = new Location(nodeLocation.getFile(), nodeLocation.getLine(), templateLocation.getEndOffset(), templateLocation.getEndOffset() + vmLen);
rootEdit.addChild(new InsertEdit(l.getOffset(), ", " + settings.getId().getTtcnName() + " := " + settings.getValue()));
} else if (template instanceof Template_List) {
Template_List tl = (Template_List) template;
final Location nodeLocation = node.getLocation();
if (settings.getPosition() < tl.getNofTemplates()) {
final Location templateLocation = tl.getTemplateByIndex(settings.getPosition()).getLocation();
Location l = new Location(nodeLocation.getFile(), nodeLocation.getLine(), templateLocation.getOffset(), templateLocation.getEndOffset() + vmLen);
rootEdit.addChild(new InsertEdit(l.getOffset(), settings.getValue() + ","));
} else {
int max = tl.getNofTemplates();
final Location templateLocation = tl.getTemplateByIndex(max - 1).getLocation();
Location l = new Location(nodeLocation.getFile(), nodeLocation.getLine(), templateLocation.getEndOffset(), templateLocation.getEndOffset() + vmLen);
rootEdit.addChild(new InsertEdit(l.getOffset(), "," + settings.getValue()));
return Status.OK_STATUS;
return job;
use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.ILocateableNode in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.
the class ChangeCreator method calculateEditLocations.
private WorkspaceJob calculateEditLocations(final NavigableSet<ILocateableNode> nodes, final IFile file, final List<Location> locations_out) throws CoreException {
final WorkspaceJob job = new WorkspaceJob("MinimizeVisibilityRefactoring: calculate edit locations") {
public IStatus runInWorkspace(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
final int BUF_LEN = 8;
try {
InputStream is = file.getContents();
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
int currOffset = 0;
char[] content = new char[BUF_LEN];
for (ILocateableNode node : nodes) {
int toSkip = node.getLocation().getOffset() - currOffset;
if (toSkip < 0) {
ErrorReporter.logError("MinimizeVisibilityRefactoring.ChangeCreator: Negative skip value" + " while parsing file: " + file.getName() + ", offset: " + node.getLocation().getOffset() + "->" + currOffset);
String str = new String(content);
VisibilityModifier vm = parseVisibilityModifier(str);
int vmLen = 0;
if (vm != null) {
switch(vm) {
case Public:
vmLen = 7;
case Friend:
vmLen = 7;
case Private:
vmLen = 8;
locations_out.add(new Location(node.getLocation().getFile(), node.getLocation().getLine(), node.getLocation().getOffset(), node.getLocation().getOffset() + vmLen));
currOffset = node.getLocation().getOffset() + BUF_LEN;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
ErrorReporter.logError("MinimizeVisibilityRefactoring.CreateChange: " + "Error while reading source project.");
return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
return Status.OK_STATUS;
return job;
use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.ILocateableNode in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.
the class ChangeCreator method createFileChange.
private Change createFileChange(final IFile toVisit) {
if (toVisit == null) {
return null;
final ProjectSourceParser sourceParser = GlobalParser.getProjectSourceParser(toVisit.getProject());
final Module module = sourceParser.containedModule(toVisit);
if (module == null) {
return null;
// find all locations in the module that should be edited
final DefinitionVisitor vis = new DefinitionVisitor();
final NavigableSet<ILocateableNode> nodes = vis.getLocations();
if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
return null;
// calculate edit locations
final List<Location> locations = new ArrayList<Location>();
try {
final WorkspaceJob job1 = calculateEditLocations(nodes, toVisit, locations);
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
} catch (CoreException ce) {
ErrorReporter.logError("MinimizeVisibilityRefactoring/CreateChange.createFileChange(): " + "CoreException while calculating edit locations. ");
if (locations.isEmpty()) {
return null;
// create a change for each edit location
final TextFileChange tfc = new TextFileChange(toVisit.getName(), toVisit);
final MultiTextEdit rootEdit = new MultiTextEdit();
for (Location l : locations) {
final int len = l.getEndOffset() - l.getOffset();
if (len == 0) {
rootEdit.addChild(new InsertEdit(l.getOffset(), "private "));
} else {
rootEdit.addChild(new ReplaceEdit(l.getOffset(), len, "private "));
return tfc;
use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.ILocateableNode in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.
the class BlockNode method toString.
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("BN(").append(astNode.toString()).append("), loc: ");
if (astNode instanceof ILocateableNode) {
final Location loc = ((ILocateableNode) astNode).getLocation();
} else {
sb.append(" parent: ");
if (parent == null) {
} else {
return sb.toString();