Search in sources :

Example 56 with Definition

use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.definitions.Definition in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.

the class SelectionFinder method perform.

void perform() {
    // getting the active editor
    final IEditorPart editor = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().getActiveEditor();
    if (editor == null || !(editor instanceof TTCN3Editor)) {
    final TTCN3Editor targetEditor = (TTCN3Editor) editor;
    statusLineManager = targetEditor.getEditorSite().getActionBars().getStatusLineManager();
    // getting current selection
    final ISelectionService selectionService = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getSelectionService();
    textSelection = extractSelection(selectionService.getSelection());
    if (textSelection == null) {
        ErrorReporter.logError("No valid statements were found in the selection.");
        ExtractToFunctionRefactoring.setStatusLineMsg(ERR_MSG_NO_SELECTION, statusLineManager);
    // getting selected module
    final IResource selectedRes = extractResource(targetEditor);
    if (!(selectedRes instanceof IFile)) {
        ErrorReporter.logError("ExtractToFunctionRefactoring.findSelection(): Selected resource `" + selectedRes.getName() + "' is not a file.");
    selectedFile = (IFile) selectedRes;
    project = selectedFile.getProject();
    sourceParser = GlobalParser.getProjectSourceParser(project);
    selectedModule = sourceParser.containedModule(selectedFile);
    // iterating through the module for the selected statements
    final SelectionVisitor selectionVisitor = new SelectionVisitor(textSelection.getOffset(), textSelection.getLength());
    selectedStatements = selectionVisitor.createStatementList(textSelection);
    if (selectedStatements.isEmpty()) {
        ExtractToFunctionRefactoring.setStatusLineMsg(ERR_MSG_NO_SELECTION, statusLineManager);
    if (ExtractToFunctionRefactoring.DEBUG_MESSAGES_ON) {
    // finding return type & runs on clause
    final RunsOnClauseFinder runsonVisitor = new RunsOnClauseFinder(selectedStatements.getLocation());
    runsOnRef = runsonVisitor.getRunsOnRef();
    parentFunc = runsonVisitor.getFuncDef();
    // finding insert location
    if (parentFunc instanceof Definition) {
        insertLoc = ((Definition) parentFunc).getLocation().getEndOffset();
    } else if (parentFunc instanceof ControlPart) {
        final ControlPart cp = (ControlPart) parentFunc;
        final Location commentLoc = cp.getCommentLocation();
        insertLoc = commentLoc == null ? cp.getLocation().getOffset() : commentLoc.getOffset();
    final ReturnVisitor retVis = new ReturnVisitor();
    returnCertainty = retVis.getCertainty();
    if (retVis.getCertainty() != ReturnCertainty.NO) {
        returnType = runsonVisitor.getReturnType();
    // checking erroneousness of selection
    if (containsBreakWithoutLoop()) {
        warnings.add(new RefactoringStatusEntry(RefactoringStatus.WARNING, WARNING_ERRONEOUS_BREAK));
    if (containsContinueWithoutLoop()) {
        warnings.add(new RefactoringStatusEntry(RefactoringStatus.WARNING, WARNING_ERRONEOUS_CONTINUE));
    if (retVis.getCertainty() == ReturnCertainty.MAYBE) {
        warnings.add(new RefactoringStatusEntry(RefactoringStatus.WARNING, WARNING_UNCERTAIN_RETURN));
Also used : TTCN3Editor(org.eclipse.titan.designer.editors.ttcn3editor.TTCN3Editor) IFile(org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile) Definition(org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.definitions.Definition) RefactoringStatusEntry(org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatusEntry) ISelectionService(org.eclipse.ui.ISelectionService) ControlPart(org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.definitions.ControlPart) IEditorPart(org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart) IResource(org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource) Location(org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.Location)

Example 57 with Definition

use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.definitions.Definition in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.

the class ChangeCreator method createFileChange.

private Change createFileChange(final IFile toVisit) {
    if (toVisit == null) {
        return null;
    final ProjectSourceParser sourceParser = GlobalParser.getProjectSourceParser(toVisit.getProject());
    final Module module = sourceParser.containedModule(toVisit);
    if (module == null) {
        return null;
    // find all locations in the module that should be edited
    final DefinitionVisitor vis = new DefinitionVisitor();
    final NavigableSet<Definition> nodes = vis.getLocations();
    if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    // calculate edit locations
    final List<Definition> locations = new ArrayList<Definition>();
    try {
        final WorkspaceJob job1 = calculateEditLocations(nodes, toVisit, locations);
    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
    } catch (CoreException ce) {
        ErrorReporter.logError("UngroupModuleparRefactoring/CreateChange.createFileChange(): " + "CoreException while calculating edit locations. ");
    if (locations.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    // create a change for each edit location
    final TextFileChange tfc = new TextFileChange(toVisit.getName(), toVisit);
    final MultiTextEdit rootEdit = new MultiTextEdit();
    int precedeOffset = -1;
    final String fileContents = loadFileContent(toVisit);
    for (Definition node : locations) {
        final Location l = node.getCumulativeDefinitionLocation();
        final Location typeLocation = node.getType(CompilationTimeStamp.getBaseTimestamp()).getLocation();
        final Location identifierLocation = node.getIdentifier().getLocation();
        if (precedeOffset != l.getOffset()) {
            precedeOffset = l.getOffset();
            final int len = l.getEndOffset() - l.getOffset();
            rootEdit.addChild(new DeleteEdit(l.getOffset(), len + 1));
        String typeText = fileContents.substring(typeLocation.getOffset(), typeLocation.getEndOffset()).trim();
        String name = fileContents.substring(identifierLocation.getOffset(), identifierLocation.getEndOffset()).trim();
        String newModulePar = "";
        if (node instanceof Def_ModulePar) {
            Def_ModulePar modulePar = (Def_ModulePar) node;
            if (modulePar.getDefaultValue() != null) {
                final Location valueLocation = modulePar.getDefaultValue().getLocation();
                String valueText = fileContents.substring(valueLocation.getOffset(), valueLocation.getEndOffset()).trim();
                newModulePar = "modulepar " + typeText + " " + name + " := " + valueText + ";\n";
            } else {
                newModulePar = "modulepar " + typeText + " " + name + ";\n";
        } else if (node instanceof Def_ModulePar_Template) {
            Def_ModulePar_Template modulePar = (Def_ModulePar_Template) node;
            if (modulePar.getDefaultTemplate() != null) {
                final Location valueLocation = modulePar.getDefaultTemplate().getLocation();
                String temlateText = fileContents.substring(valueLocation.getOffset(), valueLocation.getEndOffset()).trim();
                newModulePar = "modulepar template " + typeText + " " + name + " := " + temlateText + ";\n";
            } else {
                newModulePar = "modulepar template " + typeText + " " + name + ";\n";
        rootEdit.addChild(new InsertEdit(l.getOffset(), newModulePar));
    return tfc;
Also used : InsertEdit(org.eclipse.text.edits.InsertEdit) Def_ModulePar_Template(org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.definitions.Def_ModulePar_Template) Definition(org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.definitions.Definition) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) WorkspaceJob(org.eclipse.core.resources.WorkspaceJob) Def_ModulePar(org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.definitions.Def_ModulePar) TextFileChange(org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextFileChange) DeleteEdit(org.eclipse.text.edits.DeleteEdit) ProjectSourceParser(org.eclipse.titan.designer.parsers.ProjectSourceParser) CoreException(org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException) Module(org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.Module) MultiTextEdit(org.eclipse.text.edits.MultiTextEdit) Location(org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.Location)

Example 58 with Definition

use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.definitions.Definition in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.

the class ChangeCreator method calculateEditLocations.

private WorkspaceJob calculateEditLocations(final NavigableSet<Definition> nodes, final IFile file, final List<Definition> locations_out) throws CoreException {
    final WorkspaceJob job = new WorkspaceJob("UngroupModuleparRefactoring: calculate edit locations") {

        public IStatus runInWorkspace(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
            int precedeOffset = -1;
            Definition precedeNode = null;
            for (Definition node : nodes) {
                if (node.getCumulativeDefinitionLocation().getOffset() == precedeOffset) {
                } else {
                    if (locations_out.size() != 0) {
                        final Definition lastInserted = locations_out.get(locations_out.size() - 1);
                        if (precedeNode.getCumulativeDefinitionLocation().getOffset() == lastInserted.getCumulativeDefinitionLocation().getOffset()) {
                precedeOffset = node.getCumulativeDefinitionLocation().getOffset();
                precedeNode = node;
            if (locations_out.size() != 0) {
                final Definition lastnode = nodes.last();
                final Definition lastInserted = locations_out.get(locations_out.size() - 1);
                if (lastnode.getCumulativeDefinitionLocation().getOffset() == lastInserted.getCumulativeDefinitionLocation().getOffset()) {
            return Status.OK_STATUS;
    return job;
Also used : IProgressMonitor(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) WorkspaceJob(org.eclipse.core.resources.WorkspaceJob) Definition(org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.definitions.Definition)

Example 59 with Definition

use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.definitions.Definition in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.

the class Definition method hasImplicitOmitAttribute.

 * Checks if this definition has an implicit omit attribute or not.
 * @param timestamp
 *                the timestamp of the actual semantic check cycle.
 * @return true if it has an implicit omit attribute, false if no
 *         attribute is given or explicit omit is specified.
public boolean hasImplicitOmitAttribute(final CompilationTimeStamp timestamp) {
    if (withAttributesPath == null) {
        return false;
    final List<SingleWithAttribute> realAttributes = withAttributesPath.getRealAttributes(timestamp);
    SingleWithAttribute tempAttribute;
    for (int i = realAttributes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        tempAttribute = realAttributes.get(i);
        if (tempAttribute != null && Attribute_Type.Optional_Attribute.equals(tempAttribute.getAttributeType())) {
            final String tempSpecification = tempAttribute.getAttributeSpecification().getSpecification();
            if ("implicit omit".equals(tempSpecification)) {
                return true;
            } else if ("explicit omit".equals(tempSpecification)) {
                return false;
    return false;
Also used : SingleWithAttribute(org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.attributes.SingleWithAttribute)

Example 60 with Definition

use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.definitions.Definition in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.

the class Definitions method updateSyntax.

 * Handles the incremental parsing of this list of definitions.
 * @param reparser
 *                the parser doing the incremental parsing.
 * @param importedModules
 *                the list of module importations found in the same
 *                module.
 * @param friendModules
 *                the list of friend module declaration in the same
 *                module.
 * @param controlpart
 *                the control part found in the same module.
 * @throws ReParseException
 *                 if there was an error while refreshing the location
 *                 information and it could not be solved internally.
public void updateSyntax(final TTCN3ReparseUpdater reparser, final List<ImportModule> importedModules, final List<FriendModule> friendModules, final ControlPart controlpart) throws ReParseException {
    // calculate damaged region
    int result = 0;
    boolean enveloped = false;
    int nofDamaged = 0;
    int leftBoundary = location.getOffset();
    int rightBoundary = location.getEndOffset();
    final int damageOffset = reparser.getDamageStart();
    final int damageEndOffset = reparser.getDamageEnd();
    IAppendableSyntax lastAppendableBeforeChange = null;
    IAppendableSyntax lastPrependableBeforeChange = null;
    boolean isControlPossible = controlpart == null;
    if (controlpart != null) {
        final Location tempLocation = controlpart.getLocation();
        if (reparser.envelopsDamage(tempLocation)) {
            enveloped = true;
        } else if (!reparser.isDamaged(tempLocation)) {
            if (tempLocation.getEndOffset() < damageOffset && tempLocation.getEndOffset() > leftBoundary) {
                leftBoundary = tempLocation.getEndOffset();
                lastAppendableBeforeChange = controlpart;
            if (tempLocation.getOffset() > damageEndOffset && tempLocation.getOffset() < rightBoundary) {
                rightBoundary = tempLocation.getOffset();
                lastPrependableBeforeChange = controlpart;
    for (int i = 0, size = groups.size(); i < size && !enveloped; i++) {
        final Group tempGroup = groups.get(i);
        final Location tempLocation = tempGroup.getLocation();
        if (reparser.envelopsDamage(tempLocation)) {
            enveloped = true;
            leftBoundary = tempLocation.getOffset();
            rightBoundary = tempLocation.getEndOffset();
        } else if (reparser.isDamaged(tempLocation)) {
        } else {
            if (tempLocation.getEndOffset() < damageOffset && tempLocation.getEndOffset() > leftBoundary) {
                leftBoundary = tempLocation.getEndOffset();
                lastAppendableBeforeChange = tempGroup;
            if (tempLocation.getOffset() > damageEndOffset && tempLocation.getOffset() < rightBoundary) {
                rightBoundary = tempLocation.getOffset();
                lastPrependableBeforeChange = tempGroup;
    if (!groups.isEmpty()) {
        isControlPossible &= groups.get(groups.size() - 1).getLocation().getEndOffset() < leftBoundary;
    for (int i = 0, size = importedModules.size(); i < size && !enveloped; i++) {
        final ImportModule tempImport = importedModules.get(i);
        if (tempImport.getParentGroup() == null) {
            final Location tempLocation = tempImport.getLocation();
            if (reparser.envelopsDamage(tempLocation)) {
                enveloped = true;
                leftBoundary = tempLocation.getOffset();
                rightBoundary = tempLocation.getEndOffset();
            } else if (reparser.isDamaged(tempLocation)) {
            } else {
                if (tempLocation.getEndOffset() < damageOffset && tempLocation.getEndOffset() > leftBoundary) {
                    leftBoundary = tempLocation.getEndOffset();
                    lastAppendableBeforeChange = tempImport;
                if (tempLocation.getOffset() > damageEndOffset && tempLocation.getOffset() < rightBoundary) {
                    rightBoundary = tempLocation.getOffset();
                    lastPrependableBeforeChange = tempImport;
    if (!importedModules.isEmpty()) {
        isControlPossible &= importedModules.get(importedModules.size() - 1).getLocation().getEndOffset() < leftBoundary;
    for (int i = 0, size = friendModules.size(); i < size && !enveloped; i++) {
        final FriendModule tempFriend = friendModules.get(i);
        if (tempFriend.getParentGroup() == null) {
            final Location tempLocation = tempFriend.getLocation();
            if (reparser.envelopsDamage(tempLocation)) {
                enveloped = true;
                leftBoundary = tempLocation.getOffset();
                rightBoundary = tempLocation.getEndOffset();
            } else if (reparser.isDamaged(tempLocation)) {
            } else {
                if (tempLocation.getEndOffset() < damageOffset && tempLocation.getEndOffset() > leftBoundary) {
                    leftBoundary = tempLocation.getEndOffset();
                    lastAppendableBeforeChange = tempFriend;
                if (tempLocation.getOffset() > damageEndOffset && tempLocation.getOffset() < rightBoundary) {
                    rightBoundary = tempLocation.getOffset();
                    lastPrependableBeforeChange = tempFriend;
    if (!friendModules.isEmpty()) {
        isControlPossible &= friendModules.get(friendModules.size() - 1).getLocation().getEndOffset() < leftBoundary;
    for (final Iterator<Definition> iterator = definitions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext() && !enveloped; ) {
        final Definition temp =;
        if (temp.getParentGroup() == null) {
            final Location tempLocation = temp.getLocation();
            final Location cumulativeLocation = temp.getCumulativeDefinitionLocation();
            if (tempLocation.equals(cumulativeLocation) && reparser.envelopsDamage(cumulativeLocation)) {
                enveloped = true;
                leftBoundary = cumulativeLocation.getOffset();
                rightBoundary = cumulativeLocation.getEndOffset();
            } else if (reparser.isDamaged(cumulativeLocation)) {
                if (reparser.getDamageStart() == cumulativeLocation.getEndOffset()) {
                    lastAppendableBeforeChange = temp;
                } else if (reparser.getDamageEnd() == cumulativeLocation.getOffset()) {
                    lastPrependableBeforeChange = temp;
            } else {
                if (cumulativeLocation.getEndOffset() < damageOffset && cumulativeLocation.getEndOffset() > leftBoundary) {
                    leftBoundary = cumulativeLocation.getEndOffset();
                    lastAppendableBeforeChange = temp;
                if (cumulativeLocation.getOffset() > damageEndOffset && cumulativeLocation.getOffset() < rightBoundary) {
                    rightBoundary = cumulativeLocation.getOffset();
                    lastPrependableBeforeChange = temp;
            final Location tempCommentLocation = temp.getCommentLocation();
            if (tempCommentLocation != null && reparser.isDamaged(tempCommentLocation)) {
                rightBoundary = tempLocation.getEndOffset();
    if (!definitions.isEmpty()) {
        isControlPossible &= definitions.get(definitions.size() - 1).getLocation().getEndOffset() < leftBoundary;
    // was not enveloped
    if (!enveloped && reparser.isDamaged(location)) {
        // the extension might be correct
        if (lastAppendableBeforeChange != null) {
            final boolean isBeingExtended = reparser.startsWithFollow(lastAppendableBeforeChange.getPossibleExtensionStarterTokens());
            if (isBeingExtended) {
                leftBoundary = lastAppendableBeforeChange.getLocation().getOffset();
                enveloped = false;
                reparser.extendDamagedRegion(leftBoundary, rightBoundary);
        if (lastPrependableBeforeChange != null) {
            final List<Integer> temp = lastPrependableBeforeChange.getPossiblePrefixTokens();
            if (temp != null && reparser.endsWithToken(temp)) {
                rightBoundary = lastPrependableBeforeChange.getLocation().getEndOffset();
                enveloped = false;
                reparser.extendDamagedRegion(leftBoundary, rightBoundary);
        if (nofDamaged != 0) {
            // remove damaged stuff
            removeStuffInRange(reparser, importedModules, friendModules);
            if (doubleDefinitions != null) {
            lastUniquenessCheckTimeStamp = null;
            lastCompilationTimeStamp = null;
        // extend damaged region till the neighbor definitions just here to avoid calculating something damaged or extended:
        // Perhaps it should be moved even farther:
        reparser.extendDamagedRegion(leftBoundary, rightBoundary);
    // update what is left
    for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
        final Group temp = groups.get(i);
        final Location tempLocation = temp.getLocation();
        if (reparser.isAffected(tempLocation)) {
            try {
                temp.updateSyntax(reparser, importedModules, definitions, friendModules);
            } catch (ReParseException e) {
                if (e.getDepth() == 1) {
                    enveloped = false;
                    result = 1;
                } else {
                    if (doubleDefinitions != null) {
                    lastUniquenessCheckTimeStamp = null;
                    throw e;
    for (int i = 0; i < importedModules.size(); i++) {
        final ImportModule temp = importedModules.get(i);
        if (temp.getParentGroup() == null) {
            final Location tempLocation = temp.getLocation();
            if (reparser.isAffected(tempLocation)) {
                try {
                    final boolean isDamaged = enveloped && reparser.envelopsDamage(tempLocation);
                    temp.updateSyntax(reparser, enveloped && reparser.envelopsDamage(tempLocation));
                    if (isDamaged) {
                        ((TTCN3Module) parentScope).checkRoot();
                } catch (ReParseException e) {
                    if (e.getDepth() == 1) {
                        enveloped = false;
                        result = 1;
                    } else {
                        if (doubleDefinitions != null) {
                        lastUniquenessCheckTimeStamp = null;
                        throw e;
    for (int i = 0; i < friendModules.size(); i++) {
        final FriendModule temp = friendModules.get(i);
        if (temp.getParentGroup() == null) {
            final Location tempLocation = temp.getLocation();
            if (reparser.isAffected(tempLocation)) {
                try {
                    final boolean isDamaged = enveloped && reparser.envelopsDamage(tempLocation);
                    temp.updateSyntax(reparser, enveloped && reparser.envelopsDamage(tempLocation));
                    if (isDamaged) {
                        ((TTCN3Module) parentScope).checkRoot();
                } catch (ReParseException e) {
                    if (e.getDepth() == 1) {
                        enveloped = false;
                        result = 1;
                    } else {
                        if (doubleDefinitions != null) {
                        lastUniquenessCheckTimeStamp = null;
                        throw e;
    for (final Iterator<Definition> iterator = definitions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
        final Definition temp =;
        if (temp.getParentGroup() == null) {
            final Location tempLocation = temp.getLocation();
            final Location cumulativeLocation = temp.getCumulativeDefinitionLocation();
            if (reparser.isAffected(cumulativeLocation)) {
                try {
                    final boolean isDamaged = enveloped && reparser.envelopsDamage(tempLocation);
                    temp.updateSyntax(reparser, isDamaged);
                    if (reparser.getNameChanged()) {
                        if (doubleDefinitions != null) {
                        lastUniquenessCheckTimeStamp = null;
                        // to recheck the whole module
                        lastCompilationTimeStamp = null;
                    // This could also spread
                    if (isDamaged) {
                        // TODO lets move this into the definitions
                } catch (ReParseException e) {
                    if (e.getDepth() == 1) {
                        enveloped = false;
                        result = 1;
                    } else {
                        if (doubleDefinitions != null) {
                        lastUniquenessCheckTimeStamp = null;
                        throw e;
    if (result == 1) {
        removeStuffInRange(reparser, importedModules, friendModules);
        if (doubleDefinitions != null) {
        lastUniquenessCheckTimeStamp = null;
        lastCompilationTimeStamp = null;
    for (int i = 0, size = groups.size(); i < size; i++) {
        final Group temp = groups.get(i);
        final Location tempLocation = temp.getLocation();
        if (reparser.isAffected(tempLocation)) {
    for (int i = 0, size = importedModules.size(); i < size; i++) {
        final ImportModule temp = importedModules.get(i);
        if (temp.getParentGroup() == null) {
            final Location tempLocation = temp.getLocation();
            if (reparser.isAffected(tempLocation)) {
    for (int i = 0, size = friendModules.size(); i < size; i++) {
        final FriendModule temp = friendModules.get(i);
        if (temp.getParentGroup() == null) {
            final Location tempLocation = temp.getLocation();
            if (reparser.isAffected(tempLocation)) {
    for (final Iterator<Definition> iterator = definitions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
        final Definition temp =;
        if (temp.getParentGroup() == null) {
            final Location tempLocation = temp.getLocation();
            final Location cumulativeLocation = temp.getCumulativeDefinitionLocation();
            if (reparser.isAffected(tempLocation)) {
                if (tempLocation != cumulativeLocation) {
    final boolean tempIsControlPossible = isControlPossible;
    if (!enveloped) {
        if (reparser.envelopsDamage(location)) {
            reparser.extendDamagedRegion(leftBoundary, rightBoundary);
            result = reparse(reparser, tempIsControlPossible);
            result = Math.max(result - 1, 0);
            lastCompilationTimeStamp = null;
        } else {
            result = Math.max(result, 1);
    if (result == 0) {
        lastUniquenessCheckTimeStamp = null;
    } else {
        if (doubleDefinitions != null) {
        lastUniquenessCheckTimeStamp = null;
        throw new ReParseException(result);
Also used : IAppendableSyntax(org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.IAppendableSyntax) ReParseException(org.eclipse.titan.designer.parsers.ttcn3parser.ReParseException) NULL_Location(org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.NULL_Location) Location(org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.Location)


Definition (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.definitions.Definition)52 Assignment (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.Assignment)16 IValue (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.IValue)12 Location (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.Location)11 IReferenceChain (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.IReferenceChain)10 IType (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.IType)10 Identifier (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.Identifier)10 Module (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.Module)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 Reference (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.Reference)9 StatementBlock (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.statements.StatementBlock)8 ISubReference (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.ISubReference)6 Def_Function (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.definitions.Def_Function)6 ExpressionStruct (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.values.expressions.ExpressionStruct)6 ProjectSourceParser (org.eclipse.titan.designer.parsers.ProjectSourceParser)6 FieldSubReference (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.FieldSubReference)5 RunsOnScope (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.definitions.RunsOnScope)5 TTCN3Module (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.definitions.TTCN3Module)5 IFile (org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile)4 Restriction_type (org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.TemplateRestriction.Restriction_type)4