use of in project tycho by eclipse.
the class P2DependencyResolver method collectPomDependencies.
private PomDependencyCollector collectPomDependencies(MavenProject project, List<ReactorProject> reactorProjects, MavenSession session) {
Set<String> projectIds = new HashSet<>();
for (ReactorProject p : reactorProjects) {
String key = ArtifactUtils.key(p.getGroupId(), p.getArtifactId(), p.getVersion());
ArrayList<String> scopes = new ArrayList<>();
Collection<Artifact> artifacts;
try {
artifacts = projectDependenciesResolver.resolve(project, scopes, session);
} catch (MultipleArtifactsNotFoundException e) {
Collection<Artifact> missing = new HashSet<>(e.getMissingArtifacts());
for (Iterator<Artifact> it = missing.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Artifact a =;
String key = ArtifactUtils.key(a.getGroupId(), a.getArtifactId(), a.getBaseVersion());
if (projectIds.contains(key)) {
if (!missing.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not resolve project dependencies", e);
artifacts = e.getResolvedArtifacts();
} catch (AbstractArtifactResolutionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not resolve project dependencies", e);
List<Artifact> externalArtifacts = new ArrayList<>(artifacts.size());
for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
String key = ArtifactUtils.key(artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getBaseVersion());
if (projectIds.contains(key)) {
// resolved to an older snapshot from the repo, we only want the current project in the reactor
PomDependencyProcessor pomDependencyProcessor = new PomDependencyProcessor(session, repositorySystem, resolverFactory, equinox.getService(LocalRepositoryP2Indices.class), getLogger());
return pomDependencyProcessor.collectPomDependencies(project, externalArtifacts);
use of in project tycho by eclipse.
the class PomDependencyProcessor method collectPomDependencies.
PomDependencyCollector collectPomDependencies(MavenProject project, Collection<Artifact> transitivePomDependencies) {
final TychoRepositoryIndex p2ArtifactsInLocalRepo = localRepoIndices.getArtifactsIndex();
PomDependencyCollector result = resolverFactory.newPomDependencyCollector();
for (Artifact artifact : transitivePomDependencies) {
if (Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM.equals(artifact.getScope())) {
// ignore
P2DataArtifacts p2Data = new P2DataArtifacts(artifact);
p2Data.resolve(session, project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories());
if (p2Data.p2MetadataXml.isAvailable() && p2Data.p2ArtifactsXml.isAvailable()) {
* The POM dependency has (probably) been built by Tycho, so we can re-use the
* existing p2 data in the target platform. The data is stored in the attached
* artifacts p2metadata.xml and p2artifacts.xml, which are now present in the local
* Maven repository.
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("P2TargetPlatformResolver: Using existing metadata of " + artifact.toString());
result.addArtifactWithExistingMetadata(new ArtifactFacade(artifact), new ArtifactFacade(p2Data.p2MetadataXml.artifact));
* Since the p2artifacts.xml exists on disk, we can add the artifact to the (global)
* p2 artifact repository view of local Maven repository. Then, the artifact is
* available in the build.
// TODO this should happen in resolution context
p2ArtifactsInLocalRepo.addGav(new GAV(artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getBaseVersion()));
} else if (!p2Data.p2MetadataXml.isAvailable() && !p2Data.p2ArtifactsXml.isAvailable()) {
* The POM dependency has not been built by Tycho. If the dependency is a bundle,
* run the p2 bundle publisher on it and add the result to the resolution context.
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("P2resolver.addMavenArtifact " + artifact.toString());
result.publishAndAddArtifactIfBundleArtifact(new ArtifactFacade(artifact));
} else {
failDueToPartialP2Data(artifact, p2Data);
return result;