use of org.eclipse.winery.model.ids.definitions.ArtifactTypeId in project winery by eclipse.
the class IRepository method getReferencedDefinitionsChildIds.
default Collection<DefinitionsChildId> getReferencedDefinitionsChildIds(ServiceTemplateId id) {
// We have to use a HashSet to ensure that no duplicate ids are added<
// E.g., there may be multiple relationship templates having the same type
Collection<DefinitionsChildId> ids = new HashSet<>();
TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = this.getElement(id);
// add included things to export queue
TBoundaryDefinitions boundaryDefs;
if ((boundaryDefs = serviceTemplate.getBoundaryDefinitions()) != null) {
List<TPolicy> policies = boundaryDefs.getPolicies();
if (policies != null) {
for (TPolicy policy : policies) {
PolicyTypeId policyTypeId = new PolicyTypeId(policy.getPolicyType());
PolicyTemplateId policyTemplateId = new PolicyTemplateId(policy.getPolicyRef());
// reqs and caps don't have to be exported here as they are references to existing reqs/caps (of nested node templates)
final TTopologyTemplate topology = serviceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate();
if (topology != null) {
if (Objects.nonNull(topology.getPolicies())) {
topology.getPolicies().stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).forEach(p -> {
QName type = p.getPolicyType();
PolicyTypeId policyTypeIdId = new PolicyTypeId(type);
for (TEntityTemplate entityTemplate : topology.getNodeTemplateOrRelationshipTemplate()) {
QName qname = entityTemplate.getType();
if (entityTemplate instanceof TNodeTemplate) {
ids.add(new NodeTypeId(qname));
TNodeTemplate n = (TNodeTemplate) entityTemplate;
// crawl through policies
List<TPolicy> policies = n.getPolicies();
if (policies != null) {
for (TPolicy pol : policies) {
QName type = pol.getPolicyType();
PolicyTypeId ctId = new PolicyTypeId(type);
QName template = pol.getPolicyRef();
if (template != null) {
PolicyTemplateId policyTemplateId = new PolicyTemplateId(template);
// Crawl RequirementTypes and Capabilities for their references
getReferencedRequirementTypeIds(ids, n);
getCapabilitiesReferences(ids, n);
// TODO: this information is collected differently for YAML and XML modes
// crawl through deployment artifacts
List<TDeploymentArtifact> deploymentArtifacts = n.getDeploymentArtifacts();
if (deploymentArtifacts != null) {
for (TDeploymentArtifact da : deploymentArtifacts) {
if (da.getArtifactType() != null) {
// This is considered Nullable, because the test case ConsistencyCheckerTest#hasError
// expects an empty artifactType and thus it may be null.
ids.add(new ArtifactTypeId(da.getArtifactType()));
if (da.getArtifactRef() != null) {
ids.add(new ArtifactTemplateId(da.getArtifactRef()));
// Store all referenced artifact types
List<TArtifact> artifacts = n.getArtifacts();
if (Objects.nonNull(artifacts)) {
artifacts.forEach(a -> ids.add(new ArtifactTypeId(a.getType())));
TNodeType nodeType = this.getElement(new NodeTypeId(qname));
if (Objects.nonNull(nodeType.getInterfaceDefinitions())) {
nodeType.getInterfaceDefinitions().stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).forEach(iDef -> {
if (Objects.nonNull(iDef.getType())) {
ids.add(new InterfaceTypeId(iDef.getType()));
} else {
assert (entityTemplate instanceof TRelationshipTemplate);
ids.add(new RelationshipTypeId(qname));
return ids;
use of org.eclipse.winery.model.ids.definitions.ArtifactTypeId in project winery by eclipse.
the class VersionSupport method getDefinitionInTheGivenVersion.
public static DefinitionsChildId getDefinitionInTheGivenVersion(DefinitionsChildId childId, WineryVersion otherVersion) {
if (childId.getVersion().compareTo(otherVersion) == 0) {
return childId;
String localPart = childId.getNameWithoutVersion() + (otherVersion.toString().length() > 0 ? WineryVersion.WINERY_NAME_FROM_VERSION_SEPARATOR + otherVersion.toString() : "");
QName qName = new QName(childId.getNamespace().getDecoded(), localPart);
if (childId instanceof RelationshipTypeImplementationId) {
return new RelationshipTypeImplementationId(qName);
} else if (childId instanceof NodeTypeImplementationId) {
return new NodeTypeImplementationId(qName);
} else if (childId instanceof RequirementTypeId) {
return new RequirementTypeId(qName);
} else if (childId instanceof NodeTypeId) {
return new NodeTypeId(qName);
} else if (childId instanceof RelationshipTypeId) {
return new RelationshipTypeId(qName);
} else if (childId instanceof CapabilityTypeId) {
return new CapabilityTypeId(qName);
} else if (childId instanceof ArtifactTypeId) {
return new ArtifactTypeId(qName);
} else if (childId instanceof PolicyTypeId) {
return new PolicyTypeId(qName);
} else if (childId instanceof PolicyTemplateId) {
return new PolicyTemplateId(qName);
} else if (childId instanceof ServiceTemplateId) {
return new ServiceTemplateId(qName);
} else if (childId instanceof ArtifactTemplateId) {
return new ArtifactTemplateId(qName);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unhandled id branch. Could happen for XSDImportId");
use of org.eclipse.winery.model.ids.definitions.ArtifactTypeId in project winery by eclipse.
the class NodeTemplateResource method createStateElement.
public Response createStateElement(@FormDataParam("file") InputStream uploadedInputStream, @FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition fileDetail, @FormDataParam("file") FormDataBodyPart body, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) {
LOGGER.debug("Received state artifact for Node Template {} with ID {}", this.nodeTemplate.getName(), this.nodeTemplate.getId());
LOGGER.debug("Artifact file name is {} and is {} bytes big.", fileDetail.getFileName(), fileDetail.getSize());
// ensure that the artifact type exists.
IRepository repo = RepositoryFactory.getRepository();
repo.getElement(new ArtifactTypeId(OpenToscaBaseTypes.stateArtifactType));
// create DA
Optional<TDeploymentArtifact> stateDeploymentArtifact = this.getDeploymentArtifacts().getDeploymentArtifacts().stream().filter(artifact -> artifact.getArtifactType() != null).filter(artifact -> artifact.getArtifactType().equals(OpenToscaBaseTypes.stateArtifactType)).findFirst();
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");
TDeploymentArtifact deploymentArtifact = new TDeploymentArtifact.Builder("state", OpenToscaBaseTypes.stateArtifactType).build();
String componentVersion = dateFormat.format(new Date());
ArtifactTemplateId newArtifactTemplateId = new ArtifactTemplateId("", this.getServiceTemplateResource().getServiceTemplate().getName() + "-" + this.nodeTemplate.getId() + "-State" + WineryVersion.WINERY_NAME_FROM_VERSION_SEPARATOR + componentVersion + WineryVersion.WINERY_VERSION_SEPARATOR + WineryVersion.WINERY_VERSION_PREFIX + "1", false);
LOGGER.debug("Created Artifact Template of Type \"State\" called {}", newArtifactTemplateId.getQName());
// if there is already a state artifact, update the file
if (stateDeploymentArtifact.isPresent()) {
LOGGER.debug("Updating the state DA of the Node Template...");
deploymentArtifact = stateDeploymentArtifact.get();
// create new ArtifactTemplate version
ArtifactTemplateId oldArtifactTemplateId = new ArtifactTemplateId(deploymentArtifact.getArtifactRef());
List<WineryVersion> versions = WineryVersionUtils.getAllVersionsOfOneDefinition(oldArtifactTemplateId, repo);
WineryVersion newWineryVersion = VersionUtils.getNewWineryVersion(versions);
newArtifactTemplateId = (ArtifactTemplateId) VersionSupport.getDefinitionInTheGivenVersion(oldArtifactTemplateId, newWineryVersion);
} else {
LOGGER.debug("Creating the state DA of the Node Template...");
List<TDeploymentArtifact> list = this.nodeTemplate.getDeploymentArtifacts();
if (Objects.isNull(list)) {
list = new ArrayList<>();
new ArtifactTemplatesResource().onJsonPost(new QNameWithTypeApiData(newArtifactTemplateId.getQName().getLocalPart(), newArtifactTemplateId.getQName().getNamespaceURI(), OpenToscaBaseTypes.stateArtifactType.toString()));
LOGGER.debug("Attaching the new Artifact...");
Response response = new ArtifactTemplateResource(newArtifactTemplateId).getFilesResource().onPost(uploadedInputStream, fileDetail, body, uriInfo, this.nodeTemplate.getId() + ".state");
if (response.getStatus() != Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode()) {
LOGGER.debug("Could not create artifact file! Response was {}", response);
return response;
LOGGER.debug("Persisting now...");
return RestUtils.persist(this.res);
use of org.eclipse.winery.model.ids.definitions.ArtifactTypeId in project winery by eclipse.
the class FromCanonical method convertArtifactTemplate.
public YTArtifactDefinition convertArtifactTemplate(TArtifactTemplate node) {
if (Objects.isNull(node) || Objects.isNull(node.getType())) {
return null;
List<String> files = new ArrayList<>();
List<TArtifactReference> artifactReferences = node.getArtifactReferences();
if (artifactReferences != null) {
for (TArtifactReference artifactReference : artifactReferences) {
return new YTArtifactDefinition.Builder(getQName(new ArtifactTypeId(node.getType()), node.getType().getNamespaceURI(), node.getType().getLocalPart()), files.size() > 0 ? files.get(0) : null).build();
use of org.eclipse.winery.model.ids.definitions.ArtifactTypeId in project winery by eclipse.
the class YamlRepository method getRequestedDefinition.
* Parses only requested Definition from converted yaml service template
* @param id Definitions Child id
* @param definitions converted definitions
* @return requested definitions
private TDefinitions getRequestedDefinition(DefinitionsChildId id, TDefinitions definitions) {
if (id instanceof ArtifactTemplateId) {
String artifactName = getNameOfArtifactFromArtifactName(id.getQName().getLocalPart());
List<TArtifactTemplate> artifactTemplates = definitions.getArtifactTemplates();
List<TArtifactTemplate> requestedArtifactTemplates = new ArrayList<>();
for (TArtifactTemplate artifactTemplate : artifactTemplates) {
if (artifactTemplate.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(artifactName)) {
TDefinitions.Builder requestedDefinitions = getEmptyDefinition(definitions);
// we did not find the artifact template id (this should not happen!)
LOGGER.error("requested artifact template id (" + id.toReadableString() + ") cannot be extracted from definitions object!");
return definitions;
} else {
TDefinitions.Builder requestedDefinitions = getEmptyDefinition(definitions);
if (id instanceof NodeTypeId) {
} else if (id instanceof RelationshipTypeId) {
} else if (id instanceof NodeTypeImplementationId) {
} else if (id instanceof RelationshipTypeImplementationId) {
} else if (id instanceof ArtifactTypeId) {
} else if (id instanceof CapabilityTypeId) {
} else if (id instanceof DataTypeId) {
} else if (id instanceof RequirementTypeId) {
} else if (id instanceof PolicyTypeId) {
} else if (id instanceof InterfaceTypeId) {
} else {
// we do not need to filter anything
return definitions;