use of org.eclipse.winery.repository.backend.IRepository in project winery by eclipse.
the class AbstractComponentsWithTypeReferenceResource method onJsonPost.
public Response onJsonPost(QNameWithTypeApiData jsonData) {
// only check for type parameter as namespace and name are checked in super.onPost
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(jsonData.type)) {
return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).build();
ResourceCreationResult creationResult = super.onPost(jsonData.namespace, jsonData.localname);
if (!creationResult.isSuccess()) {
return creationResult.getResponse();
if (creationResult.getStatus().equals(Status.CREATED)) {
final DefinitionsChildId id = (DefinitionsChildId) creationResult.getId();
final IRepository repository = RepositoryFactory.getRepository();
final Definitions definitions = repository.getDefinitions(id);
final TExtensibleElements element = definitions.getElement();
((HasType) element).setType(jsonData.type);
if (id instanceof EntityTemplateId) {
BackendUtils.initializeProperties(repository, (TEntityTemplate) element);
try {
BackendUtils.persist(id, definitions);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WebApplicationException(e);
return creationResult.getResponse();
use of org.eclipse.winery.repository.backend.IRepository in project winery by eclipse.
the class AdminTopResource method checkConsistency.
public ConsistencyErrorLogger checkConsistency(@QueryParam("serviceTemplatesOnly") boolean serviceTemplatesOnly, @QueryParam("checkDocumentation") boolean checkDocumentation) {
IRepository repo = RepositoryFactory.getRepository();
EnumSet<ConsistencyCheckerVerbosity> verbosity = EnumSet.of(ConsistencyCheckerVerbosity.NONE);
ConsistencyCheckerConfiguration config = new ConsistencyCheckerConfiguration(serviceTemplatesOnly, checkDocumentation, verbosity, repo);
return ConsistencyChecker.checkCorruption(config);
use of org.eclipse.winery.repository.backend.IRepository in project winery by eclipse.
the class GenericArtifactsResource method generateImplementationArtifact.
* Generates the implementation artifact using the implementation artifact generator. Also sets the proeprties
* according to the requirements of OpenTOSCA.
* <p>
* @param artifactTemplateResource the resource associated with the artifactTemplateId. If null, the object is
* created in this method
private Response generateImplementationArtifact(String interfaceNameStr, String javapackage, UriInfo uriInfo, ArtifactTemplateId artifactTemplateId) {
TInterface iface;
assert (this instanceof ImplementationArtifactsResource);
QName type = RestUtils.getType(this.res);
NodeTypeId typeId;
// required for IA Generation
typeId = new NodeTypeId(type);
final IRepository repository = RepositoryFactory.getRepository();
TNodeType nodeType = repository.getElement(typeId);
List<TInterface> interfaces = nodeType.getInterfaces().getInterface();
Iterator<TInterface> it = interfaces.iterator();
do {
iface =;
if (iface.getName().equals(interfaceNameStr)) {
} while (it.hasNext());
// iface now contains the right interface
ArtifactTemplateSourceDirectoryId sourceDirectoryId = new ArtifactTemplateSourceDirectoryId(artifactTemplateId);
Path workingDir;
try {
workingDir = Files.createTempDirectory("winery");
} catch (IOException e2) {
GenericArtifactsResource.LOGGER.debug("Could not create temporary directory", e2);
return Response.serverError().entity("Could not create temporary directory").build();
URI artifactTemplateFilesUri = uriInfo.getBaseUri().resolve(RestUtils.getAbsoluteURL(artifactTemplateId)).resolve("files/");
URL artifactTemplateFilesUrl;
try {
artifactTemplateFilesUrl = artifactTemplateFilesUri.toURL();
} catch (MalformedURLException e2) {
GenericArtifactsResource.LOGGER.debug("Could not convert URI to URL", e2);
return Response.serverError().entity("Could not convert URI to URL").build();
String name = this.generateName(typeId, interfaceNameStr);
Generator gen = new Generator(iface, javapackage, artifactTemplateFilesUrl, name, workingDir.toFile());
Path targetPath;
try {
targetPath = gen.generateProject();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.debug("IA generator failed", e);
return Response.serverError().entity("IA generator failed").build();
DirectoryId fileDir = new ArtifactTemplateSourceDirectoryId(artifactTemplateId);
try {
BackendUtils.importDirectory(targetPath, repository, fileDir);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WebApplicationException(e);
// cleanup dir
this.storeProperties(artifactTemplateId, typeId, name);
URI url = uriInfo.getBaseUri().resolve(Util.getUrlPath(artifactTemplateId));
return Response.created(url).build();
use of org.eclipse.winery.repository.backend.IRepository in project winery by eclipse.
the class GenericArtifactsResource method generateArtifact.
// @formatter:off
* @return TImplementationArtifact | TDeploymentArtifact (XML) | URL of generated IA zip (in case of autoGenerateIA)
@ApiOperation(value = "Creates a new implementation/deployment artifact. " + "If an implementation artifact with the same name already exists, it is <em>overridden</em>.")
public Response generateArtifact(GenerateArtifactApiData apiData, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) {
// we assume that the parent ComponentInstance container exists
final IRepository repository = RepositoryFactory.getRepository();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactName)) {
return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("Empty artifactName").build();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactType)) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplateName) || StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplateNamespace)) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplate)) {
return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("No artifact type given and no template given. Cannot guess artifact type").build();
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.autoGenerateIA)) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.javaPackage)) {
return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("no java package name supplied for IA auto generation.").build();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.interfaceName)) {
return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("no interface name supplied for IA auto generation.").build();
// convert second calling form to first calling form
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplate)) {
QName qname = QName.valueOf(apiData.artifactTemplate);
apiData.artifactTemplateName = qname.getLocalPart();
apiData.artifactTemplateNamespace = qname.getNamespaceURI();
Document doc = null;
// if invalid, abort and do not create anything
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactSpecificContent)) {
try {
DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
InputSource is = new InputSource();
StringReader sr = new StringReader(apiData.artifactSpecificContent);
doc = db.parse(is);
} catch (Exception e) {
// FIXME: currently we allow a single element only. However, the content should be internally wrapped by an (arbitrary) XML element as the content will be nested in the artifact element, too
GenericArtifactsResource.LOGGER.debug("Invalid content", e);
return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(e.getMessage()).build();
// determine artifactTemplate and artifactType
ArtifactTypeId artifactTypeId;
ArtifactTemplateId artifactTemplateId = null;
ArtifactTemplateResource artifactTemplateResource = null;
boolean doAutoCreateArtifactTemplate = !(StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.autoCreateArtifactTemplate) || apiData.autoCreateArtifactTemplate.equalsIgnoreCase("no") || apiData.autoCreateArtifactTemplate.equalsIgnoreCase("false"));
if (!doAutoCreateArtifactTemplate) {
// no auto creation
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplateName) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplateNamespace)) {
QName artifactTemplateQName = new QName(apiData.artifactTemplateNamespace, apiData.artifactTemplateName);
artifactTemplateId = BackendUtils.getDefinitionsChildId(ArtifactTemplateId.class, artifactTemplateQName);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactType)) {
// derive the type from the artifact template
if (artifactTemplateId == null) {
return Response.status(Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE).entity("No artifactTemplate and no artifactType provided. Deriving the artifactType is not possible.").build();
@NonNull final QName type = repository.getElement(artifactTemplateId).getType();
artifactTypeId = BackendUtils.getDefinitionsChildId(ArtifactTypeId.class, type);
} else {
// artifactTypeStr is directly given, use that
artifactTypeId = BackendUtils.getDefinitionsChildId(ArtifactTypeId.class, apiData.artifactType);
} else {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactType)) {
return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("Artifact template auto creation requested, but no artifact type supplied.").build();
artifactTypeId = BackendUtils.getDefinitionsChildId(ArtifactTypeId.class, apiData.artifactType);
// ensure that given type exists
if (!repository.exists(artifactTypeId)) {
LOGGER.debug("Artifact type {} is created", apiData.artifactType);
final TArtifactType element = repository.getElement(artifactTypeId);
try {
repository.setElement(artifactTypeId, element);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WebApplicationException(e);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplateName) || StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplateNamespace)) {
// no explicit name provided
// we use the artifactNameStr as prefix for the
// artifact template name
// we create a new artifact template in the namespace of the parent
// element
Namespace namespace = this.resWithNamespace.getNamespace();
artifactTemplateId = new ArtifactTemplateId(namespace, new XmlId(apiData.artifactName + "artifactTemplate", false));
} else {
QName artifactTemplateQName = new QName(apiData.artifactTemplateNamespace, apiData.artifactTemplateName);
artifactTemplateId = new ArtifactTemplateId(artifactTemplateQName);
// even if artifactTemplate does not exist, it is loaded
final TArtifactTemplate artifactTemplate = repository.getElement(artifactTemplateId);
try {
repository.setElement(artifactTemplateId, artifactTemplate);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WebApplicationException(e);
// variable artifactTypeId is set
// variable artifactTemplateId is not null if artifactTemplate has been generated
// we have to generate the DA/IA resource now
// Doing it here instead of doing it at the subclasses is dirty on the
// one hand, but quicker to implement on the other hand
// Create the artifact itself
ArtifactT resultingArtifact;
if (this instanceof ImplementationArtifactsResource) {
ImplementationArtifact a = new ImplementationArtifact();
// Winery internal id is the name of the artifact:
// store the name
assert (artifactTypeId != null);
if (artifactTemplateId != null) {
if (doc != null) {
// the content has been checked for validity at the beginning of the method.
// If this point in the code is reached, the XML has been parsed into doc
// just copy over the dom node. Hopefully, that works...
this.list.add((ArtifactT) a);
resultingArtifact = (ArtifactT) a;
} else {
// for comments see other branch
TDeploymentArtifact a = new TDeploymentArtifact();
assert (artifactTypeId != null);
if (artifactTemplateId != null) {
if (doc != null) {
this.list.add((ArtifactT) a);
resultingArtifact = (ArtifactT) a;
Response persistResponse = RestUtils.persist(super.res);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.autoGenerateIA)) {
return Response.created(RestUtils.createURI(Util.URLencode(apiData.artifactName))).entity(resultingArtifact).build();
} else {
// after everything was created, we fire up the artifact generation
return this.generateImplementationArtifact(apiData.interfaceName, apiData.javaPackage, uriInfo, artifactTemplateId);