use of org.eclipse.winery.repository.datatypes.ids.elements.DirectoryId in project winery by eclipse.
the class CsarExporter method writeCsar.
* Writes a complete CSAR containing all necessary things reachable from the given service template
* @param entryId the id of the service template to export
* @param out the output stream to write to
public void writeCsar(IRepository repository, DefinitionsChildId entryId, OutputStream out) throws ArchiveException, IOException, JAXBException, RepositoryCorruptException {
CsarExporter.LOGGER.trace("Starting CSAR export with {}", entryId.toString());
Map<RepositoryFileReference, String> refMap = new HashMap<>();
Collection<String> definitionNames = new ArrayList<>();
try (final ArchiveOutputStream zos = new ArchiveStreamFactory().createArchiveOutputStream("zip", out)) {
ToscaExportUtil exporter = new ToscaExportUtil();
Map<String, Object> conf = new HashMap<>();
ExportedState exportedState = new ExportedState();
DefinitionsChildId currentId = entryId;
do {
String defName = CsarExporter.getDefinitionsPathInsideCSAR(repository, currentId);
zos.putArchiveEntry(new ZipArchiveEntry(defName));
Collection<DefinitionsChildId> referencedIds;
referencedIds = exporter.exportTOSCA(repository, currentId, zos, refMap, conf);
currentId = exportedState.pop();
} while (currentId != null);
// if we export a ServiceTemplate, data for the self-service portal might exist
if (entryId instanceof ServiceTemplateId) {
ServiceTemplateId serviceTemplateId = (ServiceTemplateId) entryId;
this.addSelfServiceMetaData(repository, serviceTemplateId, refMap);
this.addSelfServiceFiles(repository, serviceTemplateId, refMap, zos);
// now, refMap contains all files to be added to the CSAR
// write manifest directly after the definitions to have it more at the beginning of the ZIP rather than having it at the very end
this.addManifest(repository, entryId, definitionNames, refMap, zos);
// used for generated XSD schemas
TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer transformer;
try {
transformer = tFactory.newTransformer();
} catch (TransformerConfigurationException e1) {
CsarExporter.LOGGER.debug(e1.getMessage(), e1);
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not instantiate transformer", e1);
// write all referenced files
for (RepositoryFileReference ref : refMap.keySet()) {
String archivePath = refMap.get(ref);
CsarExporter.LOGGER.trace("Creating {}", archivePath);
if (ref instanceof DummyRepositoryFileReferenceForGeneratedXSD) {
addDummyRepositoryFileReferenceForGeneratedXSD(zos, transformer, (DummyRepositoryFileReferenceForGeneratedXSD) ref, archivePath);
} else {
if (ref.getParent() instanceof DirectoryId) {
// special handling for artifact template directories "source" and "files"
addArtifactTemplateToZipFile(zos, repository, ref, archivePath);
} else {
addFileToZipArchive(zos, repository, ref, archivePath);
this.addNamespacePrefixes(zos, repository);
use of org.eclipse.winery.repository.datatypes.ids.elements.DirectoryId in project winery by eclipse.
the class ArtifactTemplateResource method copySourceToFilesResource.
public Response copySourceToFilesResource(@ApiParam(value = "if data contains a non-empty array than only the files" + " whose names are included are copied ", required = true) ArtifactResourcesApiData data) {
List<String> artifactList = data.getArtifactNames();
DirectoryId sourceDir = new ArtifactTemplateSourceDirectoryId((ArtifactTemplateId);
FilesResource filesResource = getFilesResource();
for (RepositoryFileReference ref : RepositoryFactory.getRepository().getContainedFiles(sourceDir)) {
if (artifactList == null || artifactList.contains(ref.getFileName())) {
try (InputStream inputStream = RepositoryFactory.getRepository().newInputStream(ref)) {
String fileName = ref.getFileName();
String subDirectory = ref.getSubDirectory().map(s -> s.toString()).orElse("");
filesResource.putFile(fileName, subDirectory, inputStream);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.debug("The artifact source " + ref.getFileName() + " could not be copied to the files directory.", e);
return Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build();
return Response.status(Status.CREATED).build();
use of org.eclipse.winery.repository.datatypes.ids.elements.DirectoryId in project winery by eclipse.
the class GenericArtifactsResource method generateImplementationArtifact.
* Generates the implementation artifact using the implementation artifact generator. Also sets the properties
* according to the requirements of OpenTOSCA.
private Response generateImplementationArtifact(String interfaceName, String javaPackage, UriInfo uriInfo, ArtifactTemplateId artifactTemplateId) {
assert (this instanceof ImplementationArtifactsResource);
IRepository repository = RepositoryFactory.getRepository();
QName type = RestUtils.getType(this.res);
EntityTypeId typeId = getTypeId(type).orElseThrow(IllegalStateException::new);
TInterface i = findInterface(typeId, interfaceName).orElseThrow(IllegalStateException::new);
Path workingDir;
try {
workingDir = Files.createTempDirectory("winery");
} catch (IOException e2) {
LOGGER.debug("Could not create temporary directory", e2);
return Response.serverError().entity("Could not create temporary directory").build();
URI artifactTemplateFilesUri = uriInfo.getBaseUri().resolve(RestUtils.getAbsoluteURL(artifactTemplateId)).resolve("files");
URL artifactTemplateFilesUrl;
try {
artifactTemplateFilesUrl = artifactTemplateFilesUri.toURL();
} catch (MalformedURLException e2) {
LOGGER.debug("Could not convert URI to URL", e2);
return Response.serverError().entity("Could not convert URI to URL").build();
String name = this.generateName(typeId, interfaceName);
Generator gen = new Generator(i, javaPackage, artifactTemplateFilesUrl, name, workingDir.toFile());
Path targetPath;
try {
targetPath = gen.generateProject();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.debug("IA generator failed", e);
return Response.serverError().entity("IA generator failed").build();
DirectoryId fileDir = new ArtifactTemplateSourceDirectoryId(artifactTemplateId);
try {
BackendUtils.importDirectory(targetPath, repository, fileDir);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WebApplicationException(e);
// clean up
this.storeProperties(artifactTemplateId, typeId, name);
URI url = uriInfo.getBaseUri().resolve(Util.getUrlPath(artifactTemplateId));
return Response.created(url).build();
use of org.eclipse.winery.repository.datatypes.ids.elements.DirectoryId in project winery by eclipse.
the class BackendUtils method synchronizeReferences.
* Synchronizes the list of files of the given artifact template with the list of files contained in the given
* repository. The repository is updated after synchronization.
* <p>
* This was intended if a user manually added files in the "files" directory and expected winery to correctly export
* a CSAR
* @param repository The repository to search for the files
* @param id the id of the artifact template
* @return The synchronized artifact template. Used for testing only, because mockito cannot mock static methods
* (
public static TArtifactTemplate synchronizeReferences(IRepository repository, ArtifactTemplateId id) throws IOException {
TArtifactTemplate template = repository.getElement(id);
List<TArtifactReference> toRemove = new ArrayList<>();
List<RepositoryFileReference> toAdd = new ArrayList<>();
List<TArtifactReference> artifactReferences = template.getArtifactReferences();
DirectoryId fileDir = new ArtifactTemplateFilesDirectoryId(id);
SortedSet<RepositoryFileReference> files = repository.getContainedFiles(fileDir);
if (artifactReferences == null) {
artifactReferences = new ArrayList<>();
determineChanges(artifactReferences, files, toRemove, toAdd);
if (toAdd.size() > 0 || toRemove.size() > 0) {
// apply removal list
// apply addition list
artifactReferences.addAll( -> {
String path = Util.getUrlPath(fileRef);
return new TArtifactReference.Builder(path).build();
// finally, persist only if something changed
BackendUtils.persist(repository, id, template);
return template;
use of org.eclipse.winery.repository.datatypes.ids.elements.DirectoryId in project winery by eclipse.
the class YamlArtifactsSynchronizer method deleteYamlArtifact.
private void deleteYamlArtifact(TNodeTemplate nodeTemplate, TArtifact artifact) throws IOException {
DirectoryId artifactDirectory = BackendUtils.getYamlArtifactDirectoryOfNodeTemplate(this.serviceTemplateId, nodeTemplate.getId(), artifact.getId());