use of in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.
the class RenameComponentProcessor method addOccurrences.
void addOccurrences(TextChangeManager manager, IProgressMonitor pm, RefactoringStatus status) throws CoreException {
String fileStr = selectedComponent.getElement().getModel().getBaseLocation();
IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(fileStr));
String componentName = selectedComponent.getName();
String componentNamespace = selectedComponent.getNamespaceURI();
QualifiedName elementQName = new QualifiedName(componentNamespace, componentName);
QualifiedName typeQName = selectedComponent.getTypeQName();
SearchEngine searchEngine = new SearchEngine();
SearchScope scope = null;
HashMap map = new HashMap();
if (singleFileOnly) {
map.put("searchDirtyContent", Boolean.TRUE);
scope = new SelectionSearchScope(new IResource[] { file });
} else {
scope = new WorkspaceSearchScope();
SortingSearchRequestor requestor = new SortingSearchRequestor();
SearchPattern pattern = new XMLComponentReferencePattern(file, elementQName, typeQName);, requestor, scope, map, new NullProgressMonitor());
references = requestor.getResults();
// for (Iterator iter = references.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
// SearchMatch match = (SearchMatch);
// TextChange textChange = manager.get(match.getFile());
// String newName = getNewElementName();
// if(match.getObject() instanceof Node){
// Node node = (Node)match.getObject();
// if(node instanceof IDOMAttr){
// IDOMAttr attr = (IDOMAttr)node;
// IDOMElement element = (IDOMElement)attr.getOwnerElement() ;
// newName = getNewQName(element, componentNamespace, newName);
// }
// newName = quoteString(newName);
// }
// ReplaceEdit replaceEdit = new ReplaceEdit(match.getOffset(),
// match.getLength(), newName );
// String editName =
// RefactoringMessages.getString("RenameComponentProcessor.Component_Refactoring_update_reference");
// TextChangeCompatibility.addTextEdit(textChange, editName,
// replaceEdit);
// }