use of org.eclipse.xpect.runner.Xpect in project n4js by eclipse.
the class FlowgraphsXpectMethod method allPaths.
* This xpect method can evaluate all paths from a given start code element. If no start code element is specified,
* the first code element of the containing function.
@ParameterParser(syntax = "('from' arg1=OFFSET)? ('direction' arg2=STRING)? ('pleaseNeverUseThisParameterSinceItExistsOnlyToGetAReferenceOffset' arg3=OFFSET)?")
public void allPaths(@N4JSCommaSeparatedValuesExpectation IN4JSCommaSeparatedValuesExpectation expectation, IEObjectCoveringRegion offset, String directionName, IEObjectCoveringRegion referenceOffset) {
AllBranchPrintVisitor appw = performBranchAnalysis(offset, directionName, referenceOffset);
List<String> pathStrings = appw.getPathStrings();
use of org.eclipse.xpect.runner.Xpect in project n4js by eclipse.
the class LinkingXpectMethod method linkedPathname.
* Similar to {@link #linkedName(IStringExpectation, ICrossEReferenceAndEObject)} but concatenating the fully
* qualified name again instead of using the qualified name provider, as the latter may not create a valid name for
* non-globally available elements.
* <p>
* The qualified name created by retrieving all "name" properties of the target and its containers, using '/' as
* separator.
@ParameterParser(syntax = "('at' arg1=OFFSET)?")
public void linkedPathname(@StringExpectation IStringExpectation expectation, ICrossEReferenceAndEObject arg1) {
EObject targetObject = (EObject) arg1.getEObject().eGet(arg1.getCrossEReference());
if (targetObject == null) {"Reference is null");
// to avoid warnings in the following
if (targetObject.eIsProxy())"Reference is a Proxy: " + ((InternalEObject) targetObject).eProxyURI());
Resource targetResource = targetObject.eResource();
if (targetResource instanceof TypeResource)
targetResource = arg1.getEObject().eResource();
if (!(targetResource instanceof XtextResource))"Referenced EObject is not in an XtextResource.");
Deque<String> segments = new ArrayDeque<>();
do {
EStructuralFeature nameFeature = targetObject.eClass().getEStructuralFeature("name");
if (nameFeature != null) {
Object obj = targetObject.eGet(nameFeature);
if (obj instanceof String) {
segments.push((String) obj);
} else {
if (targetObject instanceof NamedElement) {
segments.push(((NamedElement) targetObject).getName());
targetObject = targetObject.eContainer();
} while (targetObject != null);
String pathname = Joiner.on('/').join(segments);
use of org.eclipse.xpect.runner.Xpect in project n4js by eclipse.
the class FindReferencesXpectMethod method findReferences.
* This Xpect methods compares all computed references at a given EObject to the expected references. The expected
* references include the line number.
@ParameterParser(syntax = "('at' arg1=OFFSET)?")
public void findReferences(@N4JSCommaSeparatedValuesExpectation IN4JSCommaSeparatedValuesExpectation expectation, IEObjectCoveringRegion offset) {
// When you write Xpect test methods, ALWAYS retrieve eObject via IEObjectCoveringRegion to get the right
// eObject!
// Do NOT use EObject arg1!
EObject context = offset.getEObject();
EObject argEObj = offsetHelper.resolveElementAt((XtextResource) context.eResource(), offset.getOffset());
// If not a cross-reference element, use context instead
if (argEObj == null)
argEObj = context;
EObject eObj = argEObj;
if (argEObj instanceof ParameterizedTypeRef)
eObj = ((ParameterizedTypeRef) argEObj).getDeclaredType();
List<EObject> refs = findReferenceHelper.findReferences(eObj);
ArrayList<String> result = Lists.newArrayList();
for (EObject ref : refs) {
if (ref instanceof PropertyNameOwner)
ref = ((PropertyNameOwner) ref).getDeclaredName();
ICompositeNode srcNode = NodeModelUtils.getNode(ref);
int line = srcNode.getStartLine();
String moduleName;
if (ref.eResource() instanceof N4JSResource) {
N4JSResource n4jsResource = (N4JSResource) ref.eResource();
moduleName = n4jsResource.getModule().getQualifiedName();
} else {
moduleName = "(unknown resource)";
String text = NodeModelUtils.getTokenText(srcNode);
if (ref instanceof GenericDeclaration)
text = ((GenericDeclaration) ref).getDefinedType().getName();
String resultText = moduleName + " - " + text + " - " + line;
use of org.eclipse.xpect.runner.Xpect in project n4js by eclipse.
the class OrganizeImportXpectMethod method organizeImports.
* Give the result as a multiline diff. If cancellation due to multiple possible resolution is expected, provide the
* expected Exception with 'XPECT organizeImports ambiguous "Exception-Message" -->'.
* If the parameter is not provided, always the first computed solution in the list will be taken
* @param ambiguous
* - String Expectation in {@link BreakException}
@ParameterParser(syntax = "('ambiguous' arg0=STRING)?")
@ConsumedIssues({ Severity.INFO, Severity.ERROR, Severity.WARNING })
public void organizeImports(// arg0
String ambiguous, @StringDiffExpectation(whitespaceSensitive = false, allowSingleSegmentDiff = false, allowSingleLineDiff = false) IStringDiffExpectation expectation, @ThisResource XtextResource resource) throws Exception {"organize imports ...");
boolean bAmbiguityCheck = ambiguous != null && ambiguous.trim().length() > 0;
Interaction iaMode = bAmbiguityCheck ? Interaction.breakBuild : Interaction.takeFirst;
try {
if (expectation == null) /* || expectation.isEmpty() */
// Cannot access the region which could be asked for it's length.
throw new AssertionFailedError("The test is missing a diff: // XPECT organizeImports --> [old string replaced|new string expected] ");
// capture text for comparison:
String beforeApplication = resource.getParseResult().getRootNode().getText();
N4ContentAssistProcessorTestBuilder fixture = n4ContentAssistProcessorTestBuilderHelper.createTestBuilderForResource(resource);
IXtextDocument xtextDoc = fixture.getDocument(resource, beforeApplication);
// in case of cross-file hyperlinks, we have to make sure the target resources are fully resolved
final ResourceSet resSet = resource.getResourceSet();
for (Resource currRes : new ArrayList<>(resSet.getResources())) {
// Calling organize imports
Display.getDefault().syncExec(() -> imortsOrganizer.unsafeOrganizeDocument(xtextDoc, iaMode));
if (bAmbiguityCheck) {
// should fail if here
assertEquals("Expected ambiguous resolution to break the organize import command.", ambiguous, "");
// checking that no errors are left.
String textAfterApplication = xtextDoc.get();
// compare with expectation, it's a multiline-diff expectation.
String before = XpectCommentRemovalUtil.removeAllXpectComments(beforeApplication);
String after = XpectCommentRemovalUtil.removeAllXpectComments(textAfterApplication);
expectation.assertDiffEquals(before, after);
} catch (Exception exc) {
if (exc instanceof RuntimeException && exc.getCause() instanceof BreakException) {
String breakMessage = exc.getCause().getMessage();
assertEquals(ambiguous, breakMessage);
} else {
throw exc;
use of org.eclipse.xpect.runner.Xpect in project n4js by eclipse.
the class ScopeXpectMethod method binding.
* Checks that a given element is bound to something identified by (simple) qualified name. The check is designed as
* simple as possible. That is, simply the next following expression is tested, and within that we expect a property
* access or a direct identifiable element. The compared name is the simple qualified name, that is container (type)
* followed by elements name, without URIs of modules etc.
@ParameterParser(syntax = "('at' arg1=OFFSET)?")
public //
void binding(//
@CommaSeparatedValuesExpectation ICommaSeparatedValuesExpectation expectation, //
ICrossEReferenceAndEObject arg1) {
EObject eobj = arg1.getEObject();
ParameterizedPropertyAccessExpression ppae = EcoreUtil2.getContainerOfType(eobj, ParameterizedPropertyAccessExpression.class);
IdentifiableElement element;
if (ppae != null) {
element = ppae.getProperty();
} else if (eobj instanceof IdentifiableElement) {
element = (IdentifiableElement) eobj;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot check binding for " + (eobj == null ? "null" : eobj.eClass().getName()));
String container = "";
if (element instanceof TMember) {
container = ((TMember) element).getContainingType().getName() + ".";
final String qn = container + element.getName();
// URI uri = eobj == null ? null : eobj.eResource() == null ? null : eobj.eResource().getURI();