use of org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeDeclaration in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.
the class XSDCommonUIUtils method getInputXSDAnnotation.
public static XSDAnnotation getInputXSDAnnotation(XSDConcreteComponent input, boolean createIfNotExist) {
XSDAnnotation xsdAnnotation = null;
XSDFactory factory = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE;
if (input instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration) {
XSDAttributeDeclaration xsdComp = (XSDAttributeDeclaration) input;
xsdAnnotation = xsdComp.getAnnotation();
if (createIfNotExist && xsdAnnotation == null) {
xsdAnnotation = factory.createXSDAnnotation();
} else if (input instanceof XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) {
XSDAttributeGroupDefinition xsdComp = (XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) input;
xsdAnnotation = xsdComp.getAnnotation();
if (createIfNotExist && xsdAnnotation == null) {
xsdAnnotation = factory.createXSDAnnotation();
} else if (input instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) {
XSDElementDeclaration xsdComp = (XSDElementDeclaration) input;
xsdAnnotation = xsdComp.getAnnotation();
if (createIfNotExist && xsdAnnotation == null) {
xsdAnnotation = factory.createXSDAnnotation();
} else if (input instanceof XSDNotationDeclaration) {
XSDNotationDeclaration xsdComp = (XSDNotationDeclaration) input;
xsdAnnotation = xsdComp.getAnnotation();
if (createIfNotExist && xsdAnnotation == null) {
xsdAnnotation = factory.createXSDAnnotation();
} else if (input instanceof XSDXPathDefinition) {
XSDXPathDefinition xsdComp = (XSDXPathDefinition) input;
xsdAnnotation = xsdComp.getAnnotation();
if (createIfNotExist && xsdAnnotation == null) {
xsdAnnotation = factory.createXSDAnnotation();
} else if (input instanceof XSDModelGroup) {
XSDModelGroup xsdComp = (XSDModelGroup) input;
xsdAnnotation = xsdComp.getAnnotation();
if (createIfNotExist && xsdAnnotation == null) {
xsdAnnotation = factory.createXSDAnnotation();
} else if (input instanceof XSDModelGroupDefinition) {
XSDModelGroupDefinition xsdComp = (XSDModelGroupDefinition) input;
xsdAnnotation = xsdComp.getAnnotation();
if (createIfNotExist && xsdAnnotation == null) {
xsdAnnotation = factory.createXSDAnnotation();
} else if (input instanceof XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition) {
XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition xsdComp = (XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition) input;
xsdAnnotation = xsdComp.getAnnotation();
if (createIfNotExist && xsdAnnotation == null) {
xsdAnnotation = factory.createXSDAnnotation();
} else if (input instanceof XSDWildcard) {
XSDWildcard xsdComp = (XSDWildcard) input;
xsdAnnotation = xsdComp.getAnnotation();
if (createIfNotExist && xsdAnnotation == null) {
xsdAnnotation = factory.createXSDAnnotation();
} else if (input instanceof XSDSchema) {
XSDSchema xsdComp = (XSDSchema) input;
List list = xsdComp.getAnnotations();
if (list.size() > 0) {
xsdAnnotation = (XSDAnnotation) list.get(0);
} else {
if (createIfNotExist && xsdAnnotation == null) {
xsdAnnotation = factory.createXSDAnnotation();
if (xsdComp.getContents() != null) {
xsdComp.getContents().add(0, xsdAnnotation);
return xsdAnnotation;
} else if (input instanceof XSDFacet) {
XSDFacet xsdComp = (XSDFacet) input;
xsdAnnotation = xsdComp.getAnnotation();
if (createIfNotExist && xsdAnnotation == null) {
xsdAnnotation = factory.createXSDAnnotation();
} else if (input instanceof XSDTypeDefinition) {
XSDTypeDefinition xsdComp = (XSDTypeDefinition) input;
xsdAnnotation = xsdComp.getAnnotation();
if (createIfNotExist && xsdAnnotation == null) {
xsdAnnotation = factory.createXSDAnnotation();
} else if (input instanceof XSDInclude) {
XSDInclude xsdComp = (XSDInclude) input;
xsdAnnotation = xsdComp.getAnnotation();
if (createIfNotExist && xsdAnnotation == null) {
xsdAnnotation = factory.createXSDAnnotation();
} else if (input instanceof XSDImport) {
XSDImport xsdComp = (XSDImport) input;
xsdAnnotation = xsdComp.getAnnotation();
if (createIfNotExist && xsdAnnotation == null) {
xsdAnnotation = factory.createXSDAnnotation();
} else if (input instanceof XSDRedefine) {
XSDRedefine xsdComp = (XSDRedefine) input;
List contents = xsdComp.getContents();
for (int i = 0; i < contents.size(); i++) {
Object content = contents.get(i);
if (content instanceof XSDAnnotation) {
xsdAnnotation = (XSDAnnotation) content;
if (createIfNotExist && xsdAnnotation == null) {
xsdAnnotation = factory.createXSDAnnotation();
contents.add(0, xsdAnnotation);
return xsdAnnotation;
} else if (input instanceof XSDAnnotation) {
xsdAnnotation = (XSDAnnotation) input;
if (createIfNotExist) {
return xsdAnnotation;
use of org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeDeclaration in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.
the class MakeAnonymousTypeGlobalAction method canEnable.
private boolean canEnable(XSDConcreteComponent xsdComponent) {
if (xsdComponent instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition) {
fSelectedComponent = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition) xsdComponent;
isComplexType = true;
XSDComplexTypeDefinition typeDef = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition) xsdComponent;
XSDConcreteComponent parent = typeDef.getContainer();
if (parent instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) {
fParentName = ((XSDElementDeclaration) parent).getName();
return true;
} else if (xsdComponent instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
fSelectedComponent = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) xsdComponent;
isComplexType = false;
XSDSimpleTypeDefinition typeDef = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) xsdComponent;
XSDConcreteComponent parent = typeDef.getContainer();
if (parent instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) {
fParentName = ((XSDElementDeclaration) parent).getName();
return true;
} else if (parent instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration) {
fParentName = ((XSDAttributeDeclaration) parent).getName();
return true;
return false;
use of org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeDeclaration in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.
the class XSDAttributeDragAndDropCommand method doDrop.
protected void doDrop(List siblings, GraphicalEditPart movingEditPart) {
commonSetup(siblings, movingEditPart);
if ((previousRefComponent instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration || previousRefComponent instanceof XSDWildcard) && (nextRefComponent instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration || nextRefComponent instanceof XSDWildcard)) {
XSDConcreteComponent parent = previousRefComponent.getContainer().getContainer();
if (closerSibling == BELOW_IS_CLOSER) {
parent = nextRefComponent.getContainer().getContainer();
action = new MoveXSDAttributeAction(parent, xsdComponentToDrag, previousRefComponent, nextRefComponent);
} else if (previousRefComponent == null && (nextRefComponent instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration || nextRefComponent instanceof XSDWildcard)) {
XSDConcreteComponent parent = nextRefComponent.getContainer().getContainer();
if (closerSibling == ABOVE_IS_CLOSER) {
if (leftSiblingEditPart == null) {
action = new MoveXSDAttributeAction(parent, xsdComponentToDrag, previousRefComponent, nextRefComponent);
} else if (parentEditPart != null) {
action = new MoveXSDAttributeAction(parentEditPart.getXSDConcreteComponent(), xsdComponentToDrag, previousRefComponent, nextRefComponent);
} else {
action = new MoveXSDAttributeAction(parent, xsdComponentToDrag, previousRefComponent, nextRefComponent);
} else if (previousRefComponent instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration && nextRefComponent == null) {
XSDConcreteComponent parent = previousRefComponent.getContainer().getContainer();
if (closerSibling == ABOVE_IS_CLOSER) {
action = new MoveXSDAttributeAction(parent, xsdComponentToDrag, previousRefComponent, nextRefComponent);
} else {
if (rightSiblingEditPart == null) {
action = new MoveXSDAttributeAction(parent, xsdComponentToDrag, previousRefComponent, nextRefComponent);
} else {
action = new MoveXSDAttributeAction(parent, xsdComponentToDrag, previousRefComponent, nextRefComponent);
if (action != null)
canExecute = action.canMove();
use of org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeDeclaration in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.
the class OpenOnSelectionHelper method openOnGlobalReference.
public XSDNamedComponent openOnGlobalReference(XSDConcreteComponent comp) {
XSDSchema schema = xsdSchema;
String name = null;
String namespace = null;
if (comp instanceof XSDNamedComponent) {
name = ((XSDNamedComponent) comp).getName();
namespace = ((XSDNamedComponent) comp).getTargetNamespace();
if (name == null) {
// For Anonymous types, just show the element
if (comp instanceof XSDTypeDefinition) {
XSDTypeDefinition type = (XSDTypeDefinition) comp;
comp = type.getContainer();
if (comp instanceof XSDNamedComponent) {
name = ((XSDNamedComponent) comp).getName();
namespace = ((XSDNamedComponent) comp).getTargetNamespace();
if (schema == null || name == null) {
return null;
List objects = null;
if (comp instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) {
objects = schema.getElementDeclarations();
} else if (comp instanceof XSDTypeDefinition) {
objects = schema.getTypeDefinitions();
} else if (comp instanceof XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) {
objects = schema.getAttributeGroupDefinitions();
} else if (comp instanceof XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition) {
objects = schema.getIdentityConstraintDefinitions();
} else if (comp instanceof XSDModelGroupDefinition) {
objects = schema.getModelGroupDefinitions();
} else if (comp instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration) {
objects = schema.getAttributeDeclarations();
if (objects != null) {
if (namespace != null) {
// First, look for a namespace and name match
for (Iterator iter = objects.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
XSDNamedComponent namedComp = (XSDNamedComponent);
String targetNamespace = namedComp.getTargetNamespace();
if (namedComp.getName().equals(name) && targetNamespace != null && targetNamespace.equals(namespace)) {
return namedComp;
// Next, look for just a name match
for (Iterator iter = objects.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
XSDNamedComponent namedComp = (XSDNamedComponent);
if (namedComp.getName().equals(name)) {
return namedComp;
return null;
use of org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeDeclaration in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.
the class OpenOnSelectionHelper method openOnSelection.
public boolean openOnSelection() {
List selectedNodes = null;
ISelection selection = textEditor.getSelectionProvider().getSelection();
if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
selectedNodes = ((IStructuredSelection) selection).toList();
if (selectedNodes != null && !selectedNodes.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator i = selectedNodes.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Object obj =;
if (xsdSchema != null) {
XSDConcreteComponent xsdComp = xsdSchema.getCorrespondingComponent((Node) obj);
XSDConcreteComponent objectToReveal = null;
if (xsdComp instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) {
XSDElementDeclaration elementDecl = (XSDElementDeclaration) xsdComp;
if (elementDecl.isElementDeclarationReference()) {
objectToReveal = elementDecl.getResolvedElementDeclaration();
} else {
XSDConcreteComponent typeDef = null;
if (elementDecl.getAnonymousTypeDefinition() == null) {
typeDef = elementDecl.getTypeDefinition();
XSDConcreteComponent subGroupAffiliation = elementDecl.getSubstitutionGroupAffiliation();
if (typeDef != null && subGroupAffiliation != null) {
// then jump to that, otherwise just go to the typeDef.
if (obj instanceof Attr && ((Attr) obj).getLocalName().equals(XSDConstants.SUBSTITUTIONGROUP_ATTRIBUTE)) {
objectToReveal = subGroupAffiliation;
} else {
// if we fail, set the substitution group as the object to reveal as a backup plan.
if (revealObject(typeDef)) {
return true;
} else {
objectToReveal = subGroupAffiliation;
} else {
// one or more of these is null. If the typeDef is non-null, use it. Otherwise
// try and use the substitution group
objectToReveal = typeDef != null ? typeDef : subGroupAffiliation;
} else if (xsdComp instanceof XSDModelGroupDefinition) {
XSDModelGroupDefinition elementDecl = (XSDModelGroupDefinition) xsdComp;
if (elementDecl.isModelGroupDefinitionReference()) {
objectToReveal = elementDecl.getResolvedModelGroupDefinition();
} else if (xsdComp instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration) {
XSDAttributeDeclaration attrDecl = (XSDAttributeDeclaration) xsdComp;
if (attrDecl.isAttributeDeclarationReference()) {
objectToReveal = attrDecl.getResolvedAttributeDeclaration();
} else if (attrDecl.getAnonymousTypeDefinition() == null) {
objectToReveal = attrDecl.getTypeDefinition();
} else if (xsdComp instanceof XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) {
XSDAttributeGroupDefinition attrGroupDef = (XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) xsdComp;
if (attrGroupDef.isAttributeGroupDefinitionReference()) {
objectToReveal = attrGroupDef.getResolvedAttributeGroupDefinition();
} else if (xsdComp instanceof XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition) {
XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition idConstraintDef = (XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition) xsdComp;
if (idConstraintDef.getReferencedKey() != null) {
objectToReveal = idConstraintDef.getReferencedKey();
} else if (xsdComp instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
XSDSimpleTypeDefinition typeDef = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) xsdComp;
objectToReveal = typeDef.getItemTypeDefinition();
if (objectToReveal == null) {
// if itemType attribute is not set, then check for memberType
List memberTypes = typeDef.getMemberTypeDefinitions();
if (memberTypes != null && memberTypes.size() > 0) {
objectToReveal = (XSDConcreteComponent) memberTypes.get(0);
} else if (xsdComp instanceof XSDTypeDefinition) {
XSDTypeDefinition typeDef = (XSDTypeDefinition) xsdComp;
objectToReveal = typeDef.getBaseType();
} else if (xsdComp instanceof XSDSchemaDirective) {
XSDSchemaDirective directive = (XSDSchemaDirective) xsdComp;
// String schemaLocation = URIHelper.removePlatformResourceProtocol(directive.getResolvedSchema().getSchemaLocation());
// openXSDEditor(schemaLocation);
// return false;
objectToReveal = directive.getResolvedSchema();
// now reveal the object if this isn't null
if (objectToReveal != null) {
return revealObject(objectToReveal);
return false;