use of org.eclipse.xsemantics.runtime.RuleFailedException in project n4js by eclipse.
the class InternalTypeSystem method expectedTypeInImpl.
protected Result<TypeRef> expectedTypeInImpl(final RuleEnvironment G, final RuleApplicationTrace _trace_, final BinaryLogicalExpression e, final Expression expression) throws RuleFailedException {
try {
final RuleApplicationTrace _subtrace_ = newTrace(_trace_);
final Result<TypeRef> _result_ = applyRuleExpectedTypeInBinaryLogicalExpression(G, _subtrace_, e, expression);
addToTrace(_trace_, new Provider<Object>() {
public Object get() {
return ruleName("expectedTypeInBinaryLogicalExpression") + stringRepForEnv(G) + " |- " + stringRep(e) + " |> " + stringRep(expression) + " : " + stringRep(_result_.getFirst());
addAsSubtrace(_trace_, _subtrace_);
return _result_;
} catch (Exception e_applyRuleExpectedTypeInBinaryLogicalExpression) {
expectedTypeInThrowException(ruleName("expectedTypeInBinaryLogicalExpression") + stringRepForEnv(G) + " |- " + stringRep(e) + " |> " + stringRep(expression) + " : " + "ParameterizedTypeRef", EXPECTEDTYPEINBINARYLOGICALEXPRESSION, e_applyRuleExpectedTypeInBinaryLogicalExpression, e, expression, new ErrorInformation[] { new ErrorInformation(e), new ErrorInformation(expression) });
return null;
use of org.eclipse.xsemantics.runtime.RuleFailedException in project n4js by eclipse.
the class InternalTypeSystem method typeImpl.
protected Result<TypeRef> typeImpl(final RuleEnvironment G, final RuleApplicationTrace _trace_, final ConditionalExpression expr) throws RuleFailedException {
try {
final RuleApplicationTrace _subtrace_ = newTrace(_trace_);
final Result<TypeRef> _result_ = applyRuleTypeConditionalExpression(G, _subtrace_, expr);
addToTrace(_trace_, new Provider<Object>() {
public Object get() {
return ruleName("typeConditionalExpression") + stringRepForEnv(G) + " |- " + stringRep(expr) + " : " + stringRep(_result_.getFirst());
addAsSubtrace(_trace_, _subtrace_);
return _result_;
} catch (Exception e_applyRuleTypeConditionalExpression) {
typeThrowException(ruleName("typeConditionalExpression") + stringRepForEnv(G) + " |- " + stringRep(expr) + " : " + "TypeRef", TYPECONDITIONALEXPRESSION, e_applyRuleTypeConditionalExpression, expr, new ErrorInformation[] { new ErrorInformation(expr) });
return null;
use of org.eclipse.xsemantics.runtime.RuleFailedException in project n4js by eclipse.
the class InternalTypeSystem method applyRuleSubstTypeVariablesThisTypeRef.
protected Result<TypeArgument> applyRuleSubstTypeVariablesThisTypeRef(final RuleEnvironment G, final RuleApplicationTrace _trace_, final ThisTypeRef thisTypeRef) throws RuleFailedException {
// output parameter
ThisTypeRef T = null;
/* { val BoundThisTypeRef boundRefFromEnv = G.getThisType() as BoundThisTypeRef; if (boundRefFromEnv !== null) { val boundRef = TypeUtils.createBoundThisTypeRef(boundRefFromEnv.actualThisTypeRef); boundRef.setTypingStrategy(thisTypeRef.typingStrategy); TypeUtils.copyTypeModifiers(boundRef, thisTypeRef); T = boundRef; } else { T = thisTypeRef } } or { T = thisTypeRef } */
RuleFailedException previousFailure = null;
try {
TypeRef _thisType = RuleEnvironmentExtensions.getThisType(G);
final BoundThisTypeRef boundRefFromEnv = ((BoundThisTypeRef) _thisType);
if ((boundRefFromEnv != null)) {
final BoundThisTypeRef boundRef = TypeUtils.createBoundThisTypeRef(boundRefFromEnv.getActualThisTypeRef());
TypeUtils.copyTypeModifiers(boundRef, thisTypeRef);
T = boundRef;
} else {
T = thisTypeRef;
} catch (Exception e) {
previousFailure = extractRuleFailedException(e);
T = thisTypeRef;
return new Result<TypeArgument>(T);
use of org.eclipse.xsemantics.runtime.RuleFailedException in project n4js by eclipse.
the class InternalTypeSystem method applyRuleSubstTypeVariablesInParameterizedTypeRef.
protected Result<TypeArgument> applyRuleSubstTypeVariablesInParameterizedTypeRef(final RuleEnvironment G, final RuleApplicationTrace _trace_, final ParameterizedTypeRef typeRef) throws RuleFailedException {
// output parameter
TypeRef result = null;
result = typeRef;
Type _declaredType = typeRef.getDeclaredType();
if ((_declaredType instanceof TypeVariable)) {
Type _declaredType_1 = typeRef.getDeclaredType();
final TypeVariable typeVar = ((TypeVariable) _declaredType_1);
/* { var temp = env(G, typeVar, TypeRef) if (typeRef instanceof ParameterizedTypeRefStructural) { if (temp instanceof ParameterizedTypeRef) { var ptrs = TypeUtils.copyToParameterizedTypeRefStructural(temp); ptrs.setTypingStrategy(typeRef.getTypingStrategy()); temp = ptrs; } } val tempDeclaredType = temp.declaredType if (typeVar !== tempDeclaredType && (TypeUtils.isOrContainsRefToTypeVar(temp) || (tempDeclaredType !== null && tempDeclaredType.generic)) && G.get(GUARD_SUBST_TYPE_VARS -> temp) === null) { val G2 = G.wrap; G2.add(GUARD_SUBST_TYPE_VARS -> temp, Boolean.TRUE) G2 |- temp ~> result result = TypeUtils.copy(result); } else { result = TypeUtils.copy(temp); } TypeUtils.copyTypeModifiers(result, typeRef) } or { val List<TypeRef> l_raw = env(G, typeVar, List) val l = newArrayList; for(var i=0;i<l_raw.size;i++) { val temp = l_raw.get(i); val tempDeclaredType = temp.declaredType; if(typeVar !== tempDeclaredType && (TypeUtils.isOrContainsRefToTypeVar(temp) || (tempDeclaredType !== null && tempDeclaredType.generic)) && G.get(GUARD_SUBST_TYPE_VARS -> temp) === null) { val G2 = G.wrap; G2.add(GUARD_SUBST_TYPE_VARS -> temp, Boolean.TRUE) G2 |- temp ~> var TypeRef tempResult tempResult = TypeUtils.copy(tempResult); l += tempResult; } else { l += TypeUtils.copy(temp); } } result = if(typeVar.declaredCovariant) { typeSystemHelper.createIntersectionType(G,l) } else if(typeVar.declaredContravariant) { typeSystemHelper.createUnionType(G,l) } else { G.addInconsistentSubstitutions(typeVar, l); TypeRefsFactory.eINSTANCE.createUnknownTypeRef }; TypeUtils.copyTypeModifiers(result, typeRef) } or { } */
RuleFailedException previousFailure = null;
try {
TypeRef temp = this.<TypeRef>env(G, typeVar, TypeRef.class);
if ((typeRef instanceof ParameterizedTypeRefStructural)) {
if ((temp instanceof ParameterizedTypeRef)) {
ParameterizedTypeRefStructural ptrs = TypeUtils.copyToParameterizedTypeRefStructural(((ParameterizedTypeRef) temp));
ptrs.setTypingStrategy(((ParameterizedTypeRefStructural) typeRef).getTypingStrategy());
temp = ptrs;
final Type tempDeclaredType = temp.getDeclaredType();
if ((((typeVar != tempDeclaredType) && (TypeUtils.isOrContainsRefToTypeVar(temp) || ((tempDeclaredType != null) && tempDeclaredType.isGeneric()))) && (G.get(Pair.<String, TypeRef>of(RuleEnvironmentExtensions.GUARD_SUBST_TYPE_VARS, temp)) == null))) {
final RuleEnvironment G2 = RuleEnvironmentExtensions.wrap(G);
Pair<String, TypeRef> _mappedTo = Pair.<String, TypeRef>of(RuleEnvironmentExtensions.GUARD_SUBST_TYPE_VARS, temp);
boolean _add = G2.add(_mappedTo, Boolean.TRUE);
/* G2.add(GUARD_SUBST_TYPE_VARS -> temp, Boolean.TRUE) */
if (!_add) {
sneakyThrowRuleFailedException("G2.add(GUARD_SUBST_TYPE_VARS -> temp, Boolean.TRUE)");
/* G2 |- temp ~> result */
Result<TypeArgument> result_1 = substTypeVariablesInternal(G2, _trace_, temp);
checkAssignableTo(result_1.getFirst(), TypeRef.class);
result = (TypeRef) result_1.getFirst();
result = TypeUtils.<TypeRef>copy(result);
} else {
result = TypeUtils.<TypeRef>copy(temp);
TypeUtils.copyTypeModifiers(result, typeRef);
} catch (Exception e) {
previousFailure = extractRuleFailedException(e);
/* { val List<TypeRef> l_raw = env(G, typeVar, List) val l = newArrayList; for(var i=0;i<l_raw.size;i++) { val temp = l_raw.get(i); val tempDeclaredType = temp.declaredType; if(typeVar !== tempDeclaredType && (TypeUtils.isOrContainsRefToTypeVar(temp) || (tempDeclaredType !== null && tempDeclaredType.generic)) && G.get(GUARD_SUBST_TYPE_VARS -> temp) === null) { val G2 = G.wrap; G2.add(GUARD_SUBST_TYPE_VARS -> temp, Boolean.TRUE) G2 |- temp ~> var TypeRef tempResult tempResult = TypeUtils.copy(tempResult); l += tempResult; } else { l += TypeUtils.copy(temp); } } result = if(typeVar.declaredCovariant) { typeSystemHelper.createIntersectionType(G,l) } else if(typeVar.declaredContravariant) { typeSystemHelper.createUnionType(G,l) } else { G.addInconsistentSubstitutions(typeVar, l); TypeRefsFactory.eINSTANCE.createUnknownTypeRef }; TypeUtils.copyTypeModifiers(result, typeRef) } or { } */
try {
final List<TypeRef> l_raw = this.<List>env(G, typeVar, List.class);
final ArrayList<TypeRef> l = CollectionLiterals.<TypeRef>newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; (i < l_raw.size()); i++) {
final TypeRef temp_1 = l_raw.get(i);
final Type tempDeclaredType_1 = temp_1.getDeclaredType();
if ((((typeVar != tempDeclaredType_1) && (TypeUtils.isOrContainsRefToTypeVar(temp_1) || ((tempDeclaredType_1 != null) && tempDeclaredType_1.isGeneric()))) && (G.get(Pair.<String, TypeRef>of(RuleEnvironmentExtensions.GUARD_SUBST_TYPE_VARS, temp_1)) == null))) {
final RuleEnvironment G2_1 = RuleEnvironmentExtensions.wrap(G);
Pair<String, TypeRef> _mappedTo_1 = Pair.<String, TypeRef>of(RuleEnvironmentExtensions.GUARD_SUBST_TYPE_VARS, temp_1);
boolean _add_1 = G2_1.add(_mappedTo_1, Boolean.TRUE);
/* G2.add(GUARD_SUBST_TYPE_VARS -> temp, Boolean.TRUE) */
if (!_add_1) {
sneakyThrowRuleFailedException("G2.add(GUARD_SUBST_TYPE_VARS -> temp, Boolean.TRUE)");
/* G2 |- temp ~> var TypeRef tempResult */
TypeRef tempResult = null;
Result<TypeArgument> result_2 = substTypeVariablesInternal(G2_1, _trace_, temp_1);
checkAssignableTo(result_2.getFirst(), TypeRef.class);
tempResult = (TypeRef) result_2.getFirst();
tempResult = TypeUtils.<TypeRef>copy(tempResult);
/* l += tempResult */
if (!l.add(tempResult)) {
sneakyThrowRuleFailedException("l += tempResult");
} else {
TypeRef _copy = TypeUtils.<TypeRef>copy(temp_1);
/* l += TypeUtils.copy(temp) */
if (!l.add(_copy)) {
sneakyThrowRuleFailedException("l += TypeUtils.copy(temp)");
TypeRef _xifexpression = null;
boolean _isDeclaredCovariant = typeVar.isDeclaredCovariant();
if (_isDeclaredCovariant) {
_xifexpression = this.typeSystemHelper.createIntersectionType(G, ((TypeRef[]) Conversions.unwrapArray(l, TypeRef.class)));
} else {
TypeRef _xifexpression_1 = null;
boolean _isDeclaredContravariant = typeVar.isDeclaredContravariant();
if (_isDeclaredContravariant) {
_xifexpression_1 = this.typeSystemHelper.createUnionType(G, ((TypeRef[]) Conversions.unwrapArray(l, TypeRef.class)));
} else {
UnknownTypeRef _xblockexpression = null;
RuleEnvironmentExtensions.addInconsistentSubstitutions(G, typeVar, l);
_xblockexpression = (TypeRefsFactory.eINSTANCE.createUnknownTypeRef());
_xifexpression_1 = _xblockexpression;
_xifexpression = _xifexpression_1;
result = _xifexpression;
TypeUtils.copyTypeModifiers(result, typeRef);
} catch (Exception e_1) {
previousFailure = extractRuleFailedException(e_1);
boolean _and = false;
Type _declaredType_2 = null;
if (typeRef != null) {
_declaredType_2 = typeRef.getDeclaredType();
boolean _tripleNotEquals = (_declaredType_2 != null);
if (!_tripleNotEquals) {
_and = false;
} else {
boolean _isGeneric = typeRef.getDeclaredType().isGeneric();
_and = _isGeneric;
if (_and) {
final int len = typeRef.getTypeArgs().size();
boolean haveSubstitution = false;
final TypeArgument[] argsChanged = new TypeArgument[len];
for (int i = 0; (i < len); i++) {
final TypeArgument arg = typeRef.getTypeArgs().get(i);
/* G |- arg ~> var TypeArgument argSubst */
TypeArgument argSubst = null;
Result<TypeArgument> result_2 = substTypeVariablesInternal(G, _trace_, arg);
checkAssignableTo(result_2.getFirst(), TypeArgument.class);
argSubst = (TypeArgument) result_2.getFirst();
if ((argSubst != arg)) {
argsChanged[i] = argSubst;
haveSubstitution = true;
if (haveSubstitution) {
if ((result == typeRef)) {
result = TypeUtils.<ParameterizedTypeRef>copy(typeRef);
for (int i = 0; (i < len); i++) {
final TypeArgument argCh = argsChanged[i];
if ((argCh != null)) {
result.getTypeArgs().set(i, argCh);
if ((result instanceof StructuralTypeRef)) {
result = this.typeSystemHelper.substTypeVariablesInStructuralMembers(G, ((StructuralTypeRef) result));
return new Result<TypeArgument>(result);
use of org.eclipse.xsemantics.runtime.RuleFailedException in project n4js by eclipse.
the class InternalTypeSystem method typeImpl.
protected Result<TypeRef> typeImpl(final RuleEnvironment G, final RuleApplicationTrace _trace_, final BinaryLogicalExpression e) throws RuleFailedException {
try {
final RuleApplicationTrace _subtrace_ = newTrace(_trace_);
final Result<TypeRef> _result_ = applyRuleTypeBinaryLogicalExpression(G, _subtrace_, e);
addToTrace(_trace_, new Provider<Object>() {
public Object get() {
return ruleName("typeBinaryLogicalExpression") + stringRepForEnv(G) + " |- " + stringRep(e) + " : " + stringRep(_result_.getFirst());
addAsSubtrace(_trace_, _subtrace_);
return _result_;
} catch (Exception e_applyRuleTypeBinaryLogicalExpression) {
typeThrowException(ruleName("typeBinaryLogicalExpression") + stringRepForEnv(G) + " |- " + stringRep(e) + " : " + "TypeRef", TYPEBINARYLOGICALEXPRESSION, e_applyRuleTypeBinaryLogicalExpression, e, new ErrorInformation[] { new ErrorInformation(e) });
return null;