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Example 21 with UnorderedGroupState

use of org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState in project xtext-core by eclipse.

the class InternalExBacktrackingBug325745TestLanguageParser method entryRuleExpression.

// $ANTLR end "ruleDataType"
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleExpression"
// InternalExBacktrackingBug325745TestLanguage.g:287:1: entryRuleExpression returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleExpression= ruleExpression EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleExpression() throws RecognitionException {
    EObject current = null;
    EObject iv_ruleExpression = null;
    UnorderedGroupState myUnorderedGroupState = getUnorderedGroupHelper().snapShot(grammarAccess.getExpressionAccess().getUnorderedGroup_1(), grammarAccess.getExpressionAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3());
    try {
        // InternalExBacktrackingBug325745TestLanguage.g:292:2: (iv_ruleExpression= ruleExpression EOF )
        // InternalExBacktrackingBug325745TestLanguage.g:293:2: iv_ruleExpression= ruleExpression EOF
            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
            iv_ruleExpression = ruleExpression();
            if (state.failed)
                return current;
            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                current = iv_ruleExpression;
            match(input, EOF, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_2);
            if (state.failed)
                return current;
    } catch (RecognitionException re) {
        recover(input, re);
    } finally {
    return current;
Also used : UnorderedGroupState(org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState) EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)

Example 22 with UnorderedGroupState

use of org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState in project xtext-core by eclipse.

the class InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguageParser method ruleUnit.

// $ANTLR end "entryRuleUnit"
// $ANTLR start "ruleUnit"
// InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:172:1: ruleUnit returns [EObject current=null] : ( () ( (lv_documentation_1_0= RULE_DOCUMENTATION ) )? otherlv_2= 'unit' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) )? (otherlv_4= 'version' ( (lv_version_5_0= RULE_ID ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'implements' ( (lv_implements_7_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) ) (otherlv_8= ',' ( (lv_implements_9_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) ) )* )? otherlv_10= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_34= '}' ) ;
public final EObject ruleUnit() throws RecognitionException {
    EObject current = null;
    int ruleUnit_StartIndex = input.index();
    Token lv_documentation_1_0 = null;
    Token otherlv_2 = null;
    Token lv_name_3_0 = null;
    Token otherlv_4 = null;
    Token lv_version_5_0 = null;
    Token otherlv_6 = null;
    Token otherlv_8 = null;
    Token otherlv_10 = null;
    Token otherlv_12 = null;
    Token otherlv_13 = null;
    Token otherlv_15 = null;
    Token otherlv_16 = null;
    Token otherlv_17 = null;
    Token otherlv_19 = null;
    Token otherlv_20 = null;
    Token otherlv_21 = null;
    Token otherlv_23 = null;
    Token otherlv_24 = null;
    Token otherlv_25 = null;
    Token otherlv_27 = null;
    Token otherlv_28 = null;
    Token otherlv_29 = null;
    Token otherlv_30 = null;
    Token otherlv_32 = null;
    Token otherlv_34 = null;
    EObject lv_implements_7_0 = null;
    EObject lv_implements_9_0 = null;
    AntlrDatatypeRuleToken lv_sourceLocation_14_0 = null;
    AntlrDatatypeRuleToken lv_outputLocation_18_0 = null;
    EObject lv_providedCapabilities_22_0 = null;
    EObject lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0 = null;
    EObject lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0 = null;
    EObject lv_functions_33_0 = null;
    UnorderedGroupState myUnorderedGroupState = getUnorderedGroupHelper().snapShot(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7());
    try {
        if (state.backtracking > 0 && alreadyParsedRule(input, 6)) {
            return current;
        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:181:2: ( ( () ( (lv_documentation_1_0= RULE_DOCUMENTATION ) )? otherlv_2= 'unit' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) )? (otherlv_4= 'version' ( (lv_version_5_0= RULE_ID ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'implements' ( (lv_implements_7_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) ) (otherlv_8= ',' ( (lv_implements_9_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) ) )* )? otherlv_10= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_34= '}' ) )
        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:182:2: ( () ( (lv_documentation_1_0= RULE_DOCUMENTATION ) )? otherlv_2= 'unit' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) )? (otherlv_4= 'version' ( (lv_version_5_0= RULE_ID ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'implements' ( (lv_implements_7_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) ) (otherlv_8= ',' ( (lv_implements_9_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) ) )* )? otherlv_10= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_34= '}' )
            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:182:2: ( () ( (lv_documentation_1_0= RULE_DOCUMENTATION ) )? otherlv_2= 'unit' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) )? (otherlv_4= 'version' ( (lv_version_5_0= RULE_ID ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'implements' ( (lv_implements_7_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) ) (otherlv_8= ',' ( (lv_implements_9_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) ) )* )? otherlv_10= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_34= '}' )
            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:183:3: () ( (lv_documentation_1_0= RULE_DOCUMENTATION ) )? otherlv_2= 'unit' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) )? (otherlv_4= 'version' ( (lv_version_5_0= RULE_ID ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'implements' ( (lv_implements_7_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) ) (otherlv_8= ',' ( (lv_implements_9_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) ) )* )? otherlv_10= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_34= '}'
                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:183:3: ()
                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:184:4:
                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                    /* */
                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                        current = forceCreateModelElement(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnitAction_0(), current);
                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:193:3: ( (lv_documentation_1_0= RULE_DOCUMENTATION ) )?
                int alt4 = 2;
                int LA4_0 = input.LA(1);
                if ((LA4_0 == RULE_DOCUMENTATION)) {
                    alt4 = 1;
                switch(alt4) {
                    case 1:
                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:194:4: (lv_documentation_1_0= RULE_DOCUMENTATION )
                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:194:4: (lv_documentation_1_0= RULE_DOCUMENTATION )
                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:195:5: lv_documentation_1_0= RULE_DOCUMENTATION
                                lv_documentation_1_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_DOCUMENTATION, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_5);
                                if (state.failed)
                                    return current;
                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                    newLeafNode(lv_documentation_1_0, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getDocumentationDOCUMENTATIONTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                    if (current == null) {
                                        current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getUnitRule());
                                    setWithLastConsumed(current, "documentation", lv_documentation_1_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.testlanguages.backtracking.BeeLangTestLanguage.DOCUMENTATION");
                otherlv_2 = (Token) match(input, 13, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_6);
                if (state.failed)
                    return current;
                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                    newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnitKeyword_2());
                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:215:3: ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) )?
                int alt5 = 2;
                int LA5_0 = input.LA(1);
                if ((LA5_0 == RULE_ID)) {
                    alt5 = 1;
                switch(alt5) {
                    case 1:
                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:216:4: (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID )
                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:216:4: (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID )
                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:217:5: lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID
                                lv_name_3_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_7);
                                if (state.failed)
                                    return current;
                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                    newLeafNode(lv_name_3_0, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_3_0());
                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                    if (current == null) {
                                        current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getUnitRule());
                                    setWithLastConsumed(current, "name", lv_name_3_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals.ID");
                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:233:3: (otherlv_4= 'version' ( (lv_version_5_0= RULE_ID ) ) )?
                int alt6 = 2;
                int LA6_0 = input.LA(1);
                if ((LA6_0 == 14)) {
                    alt6 = 1;
                switch(alt6) {
                    case 1:
                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:234:4: otherlv_4= 'version' ( (lv_version_5_0= RULE_ID ) )
                            otherlv_4 = (Token) match(input, 14, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_8);
                            if (state.failed)
                                return current;
                            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getVersionKeyword_4_0());
                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:238:4: ( (lv_version_5_0= RULE_ID ) )
                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:239:5: (lv_version_5_0= RULE_ID )
                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:239:5: (lv_version_5_0= RULE_ID )
                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:240:6: lv_version_5_0= RULE_ID
                                    lv_version_5_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_9);
                                    if (state.failed)
                                        return current;
                                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                        newLeafNode(lv_version_5_0, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getVersionIDTerminalRuleCall_4_1_0());
                                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                        if (current == null) {
                                            current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getUnitRule());
                                        setWithLastConsumed(current, "version", lv_version_5_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals.ID");
                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:257:3: (otherlv_6= 'implements' ( (lv_implements_7_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) ) (otherlv_8= ',' ( (lv_implements_9_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) ) )* )?
                int alt8 = 2;
                int LA8_0 = input.LA(1);
                if ((LA8_0 == 15)) {
                    alt8 = 1;
                switch(alt8) {
                    case 1:
                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:258:4: otherlv_6= 'implements' ( (lv_implements_7_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) ) (otherlv_8= ',' ( (lv_implements_9_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) ) )*
                            otherlv_6 = (Token) match(input, 15, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_8);
                            if (state.failed)
                                return current;
                            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getImplementsKeyword_5_0());
                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:262:4: ( (lv_implements_7_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) )
                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:263:5: (lv_implements_7_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef )
                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:263:5: (lv_implements_7_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef )
                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:264:6: lv_implements_7_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef
                                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                    lv_implements_7_0 = ruleSimpleTypeRef();
                                    if (state.failed)
                                        return current;
                                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                        if (current == null) {
                                            current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getUnitRule());
                                        add(current, "implements", lv_implements_7_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.testlanguages.backtracking.BeeLangTestLanguage.SimpleTypeRef");
                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:281:4: (otherlv_8= ',' ( (lv_implements_9_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) ) )*
                            loop7: do {
                                int alt7 = 2;
                                int LA7_0 = input.LA(1);
                                if ((LA7_0 == 16)) {
                                    alt7 = 1;
                                switch(alt7) {
                                    case 1:
                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:282:5: otherlv_8= ',' ( (lv_implements_9_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) )
                                            otherlv_8 = (Token) match(input, 16, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_8);
                                            if (state.failed)
                                                return current;
                                            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getCommaKeyword_5_2_0());
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:286:5: ( (lv_implements_9_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef ) )
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:287:6: (lv_implements_9_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:287:6: (lv_implements_9_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:288:7: lv_implements_9_0= ruleSimpleTypeRef
                                                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                    lv_implements_9_0 = ruleSimpleTypeRef();
                                                    if (state.failed)
                                                        return current;
                                                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                        if (current == null) {
                                                            current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getUnitRule());
                                                        add(current, "implements", lv_implements_9_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.testlanguages.backtracking.BeeLangTestLanguage.SimpleTypeRef");
                                        break loop7;
                            } while (true);
                otherlv_10 = (Token) match(input, 17, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_11);
                if (state.failed)
                    return current;
                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                    newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_6());
                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:311:3: ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) )
                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:312:4: ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) )
                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:312:4: ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) )
                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:313:5: ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ ) ) )* )
                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:316:5: ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ ) ) )* )
                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:317:6: ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ ) ) )*
                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:317:6: ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ ) ) )*
                            loop13: do {
                                int alt13 = 7;
                                alt13 = dfa13.predict(input);
                                switch(alt13) {
                                    case 1:
                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:318:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) )
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:318:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) )
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:319:5: {...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) )
                                                if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 0)) {
                                                    if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                        state.failed = true;
                                                        return current;
                                                    throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleUnit", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 0)");
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:319:101: ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:320:6: ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) )
                                                    getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 0);
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:323:9: ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) )
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:323:10: {...}? => (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' )
                                                        if (!((true))) {
                                                            if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                state.failed = true;
                                                                return current;
                                                            throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleUnit", "true");
                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:323:19: (otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';' )
                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:323:20: otherlv_12= 'source' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_15= ';'
                                                            otherlv_12 = (Token) match(input, 18, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_12);
                                                            if (state.failed)
                                                                return current;
                                                            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                newLeafNode(otherlv_12, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getSourceKeyword_7_0_0());
                                                            otherlv_13 = (Token) match(input, 19, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_13);
                                                            if (state.failed)
                                                                return current;
                                                            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                newLeafNode(otherlv_13, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getColonKeyword_7_0_1());
                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:331:9: ( (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath ) )
                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:332:10: (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath )
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:332:10: (lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath )
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:333:11: lv_sourceLocation_14_0= rulePath
                                                                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    lv_sourceLocation_14_0 = rulePath();
                                                                    if (state.failed)
                                                                        return current;
                                                                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                        if (current == null) {
                                                                            current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getUnitRule());
                                                                        set(current, "sourceLocation", lv_sourceLocation_14_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.testlanguages.backtracking.BeeLangTestLanguage.Path");
                                                            otherlv_15 = (Token) match(input, 20, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_11);
                                                            if (state.failed)
                                                                return current;
                                                            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                newLeafNode(otherlv_15, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_7_0_3());
                                    case 2:
                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:360:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) )
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:360:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) )
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:361:5: {...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) )
                                                if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 1)) {
                                                    if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                        state.failed = true;
                                                        return current;
                                                    throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleUnit", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 1)");
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:361:101: ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:362:6: ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) )
                                                    getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 1);
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:365:9: ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) )
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:365:10: {...}? => (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' )
                                                        if (!((true))) {
                                                            if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                state.failed = true;
                                                                return current;
                                                            throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleUnit", "true");
                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:365:19: (otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';' )
                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:365:20: otherlv_16= 'output' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) ) otherlv_19= ';'
                                                            otherlv_16 = (Token) match(input, 21, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_12);
                                                            if (state.failed)
                                                                return current;
                                                            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                newLeafNode(otherlv_16, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getOutputKeyword_7_1_0());
                                                            otherlv_17 = (Token) match(input, 19, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_13);
                                                            if (state.failed)
                                                                return current;
                                                            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                newLeafNode(otherlv_17, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getColonKeyword_7_1_1());
                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:373:9: ( (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath ) )
                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:374:10: (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath )
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:374:10: (lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath )
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:375:11: lv_outputLocation_18_0= rulePath
                                                                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    lv_outputLocation_18_0 = rulePath();
                                                                    if (state.failed)
                                                                        return current;
                                                                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                        if (current == null) {
                                                                            current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getUnitRule());
                                                                        set(current, "outputLocation", lv_outputLocation_18_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.testlanguages.backtracking.BeeLangTestLanguage.Path");
                                                            otherlv_19 = (Token) match(input, 20, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_11);
                                                            if (state.failed)
                                                                return current;
                                                            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                newLeafNode(otherlv_19, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_7_1_3());
                                    case 3:
                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:402:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ ) )
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:402:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ ) )
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:403:5: {...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ )
                                                if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 2)) {
                                                    if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                        state.failed = true;
                                                        return current;
                                                    throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleUnit", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 2)");
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:403:101: ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+ )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:404:6: ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+
                                                    getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 2);
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:407:9: ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )+
                                                    int cnt9 = 0;
                                                    loop9: do {
                                                        int alt9 = 2;
                                                        int LA9_0 = input.LA(1);
                                                        if ((LA9_0 == 22)) {
                                                            int LA9_2 = input.LA(2);
                                                            if (((synpred11_InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage() && (true)))) {
                                                                alt9 = 1;
                                                        switch(alt9) {
                                                            case 1:
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:407:10: {...}? => (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' )
                                                                    if (!((true))) {
                                                                        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                            state.failed = true;
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleUnit", "true");
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:407:19: (otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';' )
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:407:20: otherlv_20= 'provides' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) ) otherlv_23= ';'
                                                                        otherlv_20 = (Token) match(input, 22, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_12);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(otherlv_20, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getProvidesKeyword_7_2_0());
                                                                        otherlv_21 = (Token) match(input, 19, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_15);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(otherlv_21, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getColonKeyword_7_2_1());
                                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:415:9: ( (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability ) )
                                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:416:10: (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability )
                                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:416:10: (lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability )
                                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:417:11: lv_providedCapabilities_22_0= ruleProvidedCapability
                                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                                lv_providedCapabilities_22_0 = ruleProvidedCapability();
                                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                                    return current;
                                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                                    if (current == null) {
                                                                                        current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getUnitRule());
                                                                                    add(current, "providedCapabilities", lv_providedCapabilities_22_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.testlanguages.backtracking.BeeLangTestLanguage.ProvidedCapability");
                                                                        otherlv_23 = (Token) match(input, 20, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_11);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(otherlv_23, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_7_2_3());
                                                                if (cnt9 >= 1)
                                                                    break loop9;
                                                                if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                    state.failed = true;
                                                                    return current;
                                                                EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(9, input);
                                                                throw eee;
                                                    } while (true);
                                    case 4:
                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:444:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ ) )
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:444:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ ) )
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:445:5: {...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ )
                                                if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 3)) {
                                                    if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                        state.failed = true;
                                                        return current;
                                                    throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleUnit", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 3)");
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:445:101: ( ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+ )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:446:6: ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+
                                                    getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 3);
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:449:9: ({...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' ) )+
                                                    int cnt10 = 0;
                                                    loop10: do {
                                                        int alt10 = 2;
                                                        int LA10_0 = input.LA(1);
                                                        if ((LA10_0 == 23)) {
                                                            int LA10_2 = input.LA(2);
                                                            if (((synpred13_InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage() && (true)))) {
                                                                alt10 = 1;
                                                        switch(alt10) {
                                                            case 1:
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:449:10: {...}? => (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' )
                                                                    if (!((true))) {
                                                                        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                            state.failed = true;
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleUnit", "true");
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:449:19: (otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';' )
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:449:20: otherlv_24= 'requires' otherlv_25= ':' ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_27= ';'
                                                                        otherlv_24 = (Token) match(input, 23, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_12);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(otherlv_24, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getRequiresKeyword_7_3_0());
                                                                        otherlv_25 = (Token) match(input, 19, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_15);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(otherlv_25, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getColonKeyword_7_3_1());
                                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:457:9: ( (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability ) )
                                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:458:10: (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability )
                                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:458:10: (lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability )
                                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:459:11: lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0= ruleAliasedRequiredCapability
                                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                                lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0 = ruleAliasedRequiredCapability();
                                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                                    return current;
                                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                                    if (current == null) {
                                                                                        current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getUnitRule());
                                                                                    add(current, "requiredCapabilities", lv_requiredCapabilities_26_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.testlanguages.backtracking.BeeLangTestLanguage.AliasedRequiredCapability");
                                                                        otherlv_27 = (Token) match(input, 20, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_11);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(otherlv_27, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_7_3_3());
                                                                if (cnt10 >= 1)
                                                                    break loop10;
                                                                if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                    state.failed = true;
                                                                    return current;
                                                                EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(10, input);
                                                                throw eee;
                                                    } while (true);
                                    case 5:
                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:486:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ ) )
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:486:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ ) )
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:487:5: {...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ )
                                                if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 4)) {
                                                    if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                        state.failed = true;
                                                        return current;
                                                    throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleUnit", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 4)");
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:487:101: ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+ )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:488:6: ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+
                                                    getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 4);
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:491:9: ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' ) )+
                                                    int cnt11 = 0;
                                                    loop11: do {
                                                        int alt11 = 2;
                                                        int LA11_0 = input.LA(1);
                                                        if ((LA11_0 == 23)) {
                                                            int LA11_2 = input.LA(2);
                                                            if (((synpred15_InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage() && (true)))) {
                                                                alt11 = 1;
                                                        switch(alt11) {
                                                            case 1:
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:491:10: {...}? => (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' )
                                                                    if (!((true))) {
                                                                        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                            state.failed = true;
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleUnit", "true");
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:491:19: (otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';' )
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:491:20: otherlv_28= 'requires' otherlv_29= 'env' otherlv_30= ':' ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) ) otherlv_32= ';'
                                                                        otherlv_28 = (Token) match(input, 23, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_16);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(otherlv_28, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getRequiresKeyword_7_4_0());
                                                                        otherlv_29 = (Token) match(input, 24, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_12);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(otherlv_29, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getEnvKeyword_7_4_1());
                                                                        otherlv_30 = (Token) match(input, 19, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_15);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(otherlv_30, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getColonKeyword_7_4_2());
                                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:503:9: ( (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability ) )
                                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:504:10: (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability )
                                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:504:10: (lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability )
                                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:505:11: lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0= ruleRequiredCapability
                                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                                lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0 = ruleRequiredCapability();
                                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                                    return current;
                                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                                    if (current == null) {
                                                                                        current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getUnitRule());
                                                                                    add(current, "metaRequiredCapabilities", lv_metaRequiredCapabilities_31_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.testlanguages.backtracking.BeeLangTestLanguage.RequiredCapability");
                                                                        otherlv_32 = (Token) match(input, 20, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_11);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(otherlv_32, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_7_4_4());
                                                                if (cnt11 >= 1)
                                                                    break loop11;
                                                                if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                    state.failed = true;
                                                                    return current;
                                                                EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(11, input);
                                                                throw eee;
                                                    } while (true);
                                    case 6:
                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:532:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ ) )
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:532:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ ) )
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:533:5: {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ )
                                                if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 5)) {
                                                    if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                        state.failed = true;
                                                        return current;
                                                    throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleUnit", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 5)");
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:533:101: ( ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+ )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:534:6: ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+
                                                    getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7(), 5);
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:537:9: ({...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) ) )+
                                                    int cnt12 = 0;
                                                    loop12: do {
                                                        int alt12 = 2;
                                                        switch(input.LA(1)) {
                                                            case RULE_DOCUMENTATION:
                                                                    int LA12_2 = input.LA(2);
                                                                    if (((synpred17_InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage() && (true)))) {
                                                                        alt12 = 1;
                                                            case RULE_ID:
                                                                    int LA12_3 = input.LA(2);
                                                                    if (((synpred17_InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage() && (true)))) {
                                                                        alt12 = 1;
                                                            case 33:
                                                                    int LA12_4 = input.LA(2);
                                                                    if (((synpred17_InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage() && (true)))) {
                                                                        alt12 = 1;
                                                            case 34:
                                                                    int LA12_5 = input.LA(2);
                                                                    if (((synpred17_InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage() && (true)))) {
                                                                        alt12 = 1;
                                                        switch(alt12) {
                                                            case 1:
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:537:10: {...}? => ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) )
                                                                    if (!((true))) {
                                                                        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                            state.failed = true;
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleUnit", "true");
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:537:19: ( (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction ) )
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:537:20: (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction )
                                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:537:20: (lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction )
                                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:538:10: lv_functions_33_0= ruleFunction
                                                                            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            lv_functions_33_0 = ruleFunction();
                                                                            if (state.failed)
                                                                                return current;
                                                                            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                                if (current == null) {
                                                                                    current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getUnitRule());
                                                                                add(current, "functions", lv_functions_33_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.testlanguages.backtracking.BeeLangTestLanguage.Function");
                                                                if (cnt12 >= 1)
                                                                    break loop12;
                                                                if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                    state.failed = true;
                                                                    return current;
                                                                EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(12, input);
                                                                throw eee;
                                                    } while (true);
                                        break loop13;
                            } while (true);
                otherlv_34 = (Token) match(input, 25, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_2);
                if (state.failed)
                    return current;
                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                    newLeafNode(otherlv_34, grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_8());
        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
    } catch (RecognitionException re) {
        recover(input, re);
    } finally {
        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
            memoize(input, 6, ruleUnit_StartIndex);
    return current;
Also used : UnorderedGroupState(org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState) EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) AntlrDatatypeRuleToken(org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AntlrDatatypeRuleToken) AntlrDatatypeRuleToken(org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AntlrDatatypeRuleToken)

Example 23 with UnorderedGroupState

use of org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState in project xtext-core by eclipse.

the class InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguageParser method ruleRequiredCapability.

// $ANTLR end "entryRuleRequiredCapability"
// $ANTLR start "ruleRequiredCapability"
// InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1125:1: ruleRequiredCapability returns [EObject current=null] : ( () ( ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) | otherlv_2= 'unit' ) ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_24= '}' ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleRequiredCapability() throws RecognitionException {
    EObject current = null;
    int ruleRequiredCapability_StartIndex = input.index();
    Token lv_nameSpace_1_0 = null;
    Token otherlv_2 = null;
    Token lv_name_3_0 = null;
    Token otherlv_4 = null;
    Token otherlv_6 = null;
    Token otherlv_7 = null;
    Token otherlv_9 = null;
    Token lv_greedy_10_0 = null;
    Token otherlv_11 = null;
    Token otherlv_12 = null;
    Token otherlv_13 = null;
    Token lv_min_14_0 = null;
    Token otherlv_15 = null;
    Token otherlv_16 = null;
    Token otherlv_17 = null;
    Token lv_max_18_0 = null;
    Token otherlv_19 = null;
    Token otherlv_20 = null;
    Token otherlv_21 = null;
    Token lv_versionRange_22_0 = null;
    Token otherlv_23 = null;
    Token otherlv_24 = null;
    EObject lv_condExpr_8_0 = null;
    UnorderedGroupState myUnorderedGroupState = getUnorderedGroupHelper().snapShot(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1());
    try {
        if (state.backtracking > 0 && alreadyParsedRule(input, 12)) {
            return current;
        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1134:2: ( ( () ( ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) | otherlv_2= 'unit' ) ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_24= '}' ) ) )
        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1135:2: ( () ( ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) | otherlv_2= 'unit' ) ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_24= '}' ) )
            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1135:2: ( () ( ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) | otherlv_2= 'unit' ) ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_24= '}' ) )
            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1136:3: () ( ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) | otherlv_2= 'unit' ) ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_24= '}' )
                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1136:3: ()
                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1137:4:
                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                    /* */
                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                        current = forceCreateModelElement(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getRequiredCapabilityAction_0(), current);
                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1146:3: ( ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) | otherlv_2= 'unit' )
                int alt20 = 2;
                int LA20_0 = input.LA(1);
                if ((LA20_0 == RULE_ID)) {
                    alt20 = 1;
                } else if ((LA20_0 == 13)) {
                    alt20 = 2;
                } else {
                    if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                        state.failed = true;
                        return current;
                    NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 20, 0, input);
                    throw nvae;
                switch(alt20) {
                    case 1:
                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1147:4: ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1147:4: ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1148:5: (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID )
                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1148:5: (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID )
                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1149:6: lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID
                                    lv_nameSpace_1_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_8);
                                    if (state.failed)
                                        return current;
                                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                        newLeafNode(lv_nameSpace_1_0, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getNameSpaceIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_0());
                                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                        if (current == null) {
                                            current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityRule());
                                        setWithLastConsumed(current, "nameSpace", lv_nameSpace_1_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals.ID");
                    case 2:
                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1166:4: otherlv_2= 'unit'
                            otherlv_2 = (Token) match(input, 13, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_8);
                            if (state.failed)
                                return current;
                            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnitKeyword_1_1());
                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1171:3: ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) )
                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1172:4: (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID )
                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1172:4: (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID )
                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1173:5: lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID
                        lv_name_3_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_22);
                        if (state.failed)
                            return current;
                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                            newLeafNode(lv_name_3_0, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                            if (current == null) {
                                current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityRule());
                            setWithLastConsumed(current, "name", lv_name_3_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals.ID");
                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1189:3: (otherlv_4= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_24= '}' )
                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1190:4: otherlv_4= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_24= '}'
                    otherlv_4 = (Token) match(input, 17, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_23);
                    if (state.failed)
                        return current;
                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                        newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_3_0());
                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1194:4: ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) ) )* ) ) )
                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1195:5: ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) ) )* ) )
                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1195:5: ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) ) )* ) )
                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1196:6: ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) ) )* )
                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1199:6: ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) ) )* )
                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1200:7: ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) ) )*
                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1200:7: ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) ) )*
                                loop21: do {
                                    int alt21 = 6;
                                    int LA21_0 = input.LA(1);
                                    if (LA21_0 == 26 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 0)) {
                                        alt21 = 1;
                                    } else if (LA21_0 == 29 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 1)) {
                                        alt21 = 2;
                                    } else if (LA21_0 == 30 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 2)) {
                                        alt21 = 3;
                                    } else if (LA21_0 == 31 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 3)) {
                                        alt21 = 4;
                                    } else if (LA21_0 == 14 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 4)) {
                                        alt21 = 5;
                                    switch(alt21) {
                                        case 1:
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1201:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1201:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1202:6: {...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) )
                                                    if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 0)) {
                                                        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                            state.failed = true;
                                                            return current;
                                                        throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 0)");
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1202:118: ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) ) )
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1203:7: ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) )
                                                        getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 0);
                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1206:10: ({...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' ) )
                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1206:11: {...}? => (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' )
                                                            if (!((true))) {
                                                                if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                    state.failed = true;
                                                                    return current;
                                                                throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "true");
                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1206:20: (otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';' )
                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1206:21: otherlv_6= 'when' otherlv_7= ':' ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= ';'
                                                                otherlv_6 = (Token) match(input, 26, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_12);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getWhenKeyword_3_1_0_0());
                                                                otherlv_7 = (Token) match(input, 19, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_19);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getColonKeyword_3_1_0_1());
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1214:10: ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) )
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1215:11: (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression )
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1215:11: (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression )
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1216:12: lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                        lv_condExpr_8_0 = ruleExpression();
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            if (current == null) {
                                                                                current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityRule());
                                                                            set(current, "condExpr", lv_condExpr_8_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.testlanguages.backtracking.BeeLangTestLanguage.Expression");
                                                                otherlv_9 = (Token) match(input, 20, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_23);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_9, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_3_1_0_3());
                                        case 2:
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1243:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1243:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1244:6: {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) )
                                                    if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 1)) {
                                                        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                            state.failed = true;
                                                            return current;
                                                        throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 1)");
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1244:118: ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) ) )
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1245:7: ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) )
                                                        getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 1);
                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1248:10: ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' ) )
                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1248:11: {...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' )
                                                            if (!((true))) {
                                                                if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                    state.failed = true;
                                                                    return current;
                                                                throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "true");
                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1248:20: ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';' )
                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1248:21: ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) ) otherlv_11= ';'
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1248:21: ( (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' ) )
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1249:11: (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' )
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1249:11: (lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy' )
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1250:12: lv_greedy_10_0= 'greedy'
                                                                        lv_greedy_10_0 = (Token) match(input, 29, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_14);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(lv_greedy_10_0, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getGreedyGreedyKeyword_3_1_1_0_0());
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            if (current == null) {
                                                                                current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityRule());
                                                                            setWithLastConsumed(current, "greedy", true, "greedy");
                                                                otherlv_11 = (Token) match(input, 20, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_23);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_11, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_3_1_1_1());
                                        case 3:
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1272:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1272:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1273:6: {...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) )
                                                    if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 2)) {
                                                        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                            state.failed = true;
                                                            return current;
                                                        throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 2)");
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1273:118: ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) ) )
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1274:7: ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) )
                                                        getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 2);
                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1277:10: ({...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' ) )
                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1277:11: {...}? => (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' )
                                                            if (!((true))) {
                                                                if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                    state.failed = true;
                                                                    return current;
                                                                throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "true");
                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1277:20: (otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';' )
                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1277:21: otherlv_12= 'requires-min' otherlv_13= ':' ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= ';'
                                                                otherlv_12 = (Token) match(input, 30, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_12);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_12, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getRequiresMinKeyword_3_1_2_0());
                                                                otherlv_13 = (Token) match(input, 19, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_24);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_13, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getColonKeyword_3_1_2_1());
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1285:10: ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) )
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1286:11: (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT )
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1286:11: (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT )
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1287:12: lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT
                                                                        lv_min_14_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_INT, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_14);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(lv_min_14_0, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getMinINTTerminalRuleCall_3_1_2_2_0());
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            if (current == null) {
                                                                                current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityRule());
                                                                            setWithLastConsumed(current, "min", lv_min_14_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals.INT");
                                                                otherlv_15 = (Token) match(input, 20, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_23);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_15, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_3_1_2_3());
                                        case 4:
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1313:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1313:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1314:6: {...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) )
                                                    if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 3)) {
                                                        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                            state.failed = true;
                                                            return current;
                                                        throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 3)");
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1314:118: ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) ) )
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1315:7: ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) )
                                                        getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 3);
                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1318:10: ({...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' ) )
                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1318:11: {...}? => (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' )
                                                            if (!((true))) {
                                                                if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                    state.failed = true;
                                                                    return current;
                                                                throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "true");
                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1318:20: (otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';' )
                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1318:21: otherlv_16= 'requires-max' otherlv_17= ':' ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= ';'
                                                                otherlv_16 = (Token) match(input, 31, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_12);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_16, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getRequiresMaxKeyword_3_1_3_0());
                                                                otherlv_17 = (Token) match(input, 19, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_24);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_17, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getColonKeyword_3_1_3_1());
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1326:10: ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) )
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1327:11: (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT )
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1327:11: (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT )
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1328:12: lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT
                                                                        lv_max_18_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_INT, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_14);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(lv_max_18_0, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getMaxINTTerminalRuleCall_3_1_3_2_0());
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            if (current == null) {
                                                                                current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityRule());
                                                                            setWithLastConsumed(current, "max", lv_max_18_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals.INT");
                                                                otherlv_19 = (Token) match(input, 20, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_23);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_19, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_3_1_3_3());
                                        case 5:
                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1354:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1354:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1355:6: {...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) )
                                                    if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 4)) {
                                                        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                            state.failed = true;
                                                            return current;
                                                        throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 4)");
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1355:118: ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) ) )
                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1356:7: ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )
                                                        getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 4);
                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1359:10: ({...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' ) )
                                                        // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1359:11: {...}? => (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' )
                                                            if (!((true))) {
                                                                if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                    state.failed = true;
                                                                    return current;
                                                                throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "true");
                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1359:20: (otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';' )
                                                            // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1359:21: otherlv_20= 'version' otherlv_21= ':' ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= ';'
                                                                otherlv_20 = (Token) match(input, 14, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_12);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_20, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getVersionKeyword_3_1_4_0());
                                                                otherlv_21 = (Token) match(input, 19, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_8);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_21, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getColonKeyword_3_1_4_1());
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1367:10: ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) )
                                                                // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1368:11: (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID )
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1368:11: (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID )
                                                                    // InternalSimpleBeeLangTestLanguage.g:1369:12: lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID
                                                                        lv_versionRange_22_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_14);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(lv_versionRange_22_0, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getVersionRangeIDTerminalRuleCall_3_1_4_2_0());
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            if (current == null) {
                                                                                current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityRule());
                                                                            setWithLastConsumed(current, "versionRange", lv_versionRange_22_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals.ID");
                                                                otherlv_23 = (Token) match(input, 20, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_23);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_23, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_3_1_4_3());
                                            break loop21;
                                } while (true);
                    otherlv_24 = (Token) match(input, 25, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_2);
                    if (state.failed)
                        return current;
                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                        newLeafNode(otherlv_24, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_3_2());
        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
    } catch (RecognitionException re) {
        recover(input, re);
    } finally {
        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
            memoize(input, 12, ruleRequiredCapability_StartIndex);
    return current;
Also used : UnorderedGroupState(org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState) EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) AntlrDatatypeRuleToken(org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AntlrDatatypeRuleToken)

Example 24 with UnorderedGroupState

use of org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState in project xtext-core by eclipse.

the class InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser method ruleRequiredCapability.

// $ANTLR end "entryRuleRequiredCapability"
// $ANTLR start "ruleRequiredCapability"
// InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1118:1: ruleRequiredCapability returns [EObject current=null] : ( () ( ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) | otherlv_2= Unit ) ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= LeftCurlyBracket ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_24= RightCurlyBracket ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleRequiredCapability() throws RecognitionException {
    EObject current = null;
    int ruleRequiredCapability_StartIndex = input.index();
    Token lv_nameSpace_1_0 = null;
    Token otherlv_2 = null;
    Token lv_name_3_0 = null;
    Token otherlv_4 = null;
    Token otherlv_6 = null;
    Token otherlv_7 = null;
    Token otherlv_9 = null;
    Token lv_greedy_10_0 = null;
    Token otherlv_11 = null;
    Token otherlv_12 = null;
    Token otherlv_13 = null;
    Token lv_min_14_0 = null;
    Token otherlv_15 = null;
    Token otherlv_16 = null;
    Token otherlv_17 = null;
    Token lv_max_18_0 = null;
    Token otherlv_19 = null;
    Token otherlv_20 = null;
    Token otherlv_21 = null;
    Token lv_versionRange_22_0 = null;
    Token otherlv_23 = null;
    Token otherlv_24 = null;
    EObject lv_condExpr_8_0 = null;
    UnorderedGroupState myUnorderedGroupState = getUnorderedGroupHelper().snapShot(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1());
    try {
        if (state.backtracking > 0 && alreadyParsedRule(input, 12)) {
            return current;
        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1127:2: ( ( () ( ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) | otherlv_2= Unit ) ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= LeftCurlyBracket ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_24= RightCurlyBracket ) ) )
        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1128:2: ( () ( ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) | otherlv_2= Unit ) ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= LeftCurlyBracket ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_24= RightCurlyBracket ) )
            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1128:2: ( () ( ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) | otherlv_2= Unit ) ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= LeftCurlyBracket ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_24= RightCurlyBracket ) )
            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1129:3: () ( ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) | otherlv_2= Unit ) ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= LeftCurlyBracket ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_24= RightCurlyBracket )
                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1129:3: ()
                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1130:4:
                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                    /* */
                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                        current = forceCreateModelElement(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getRequiredCapabilityAction_0(), current);
                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1139:3: ( ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) | otherlv_2= Unit )
                int alt20 = 2;
                int LA20_0 = input.LA(1);
                if ((LA20_0 == RULE_ID)) {
                    alt20 = 1;
                } else if ((LA20_0 == Unit)) {
                    alt20 = 2;
                } else {
                    if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                        state.failed = true;
                        return current;
                    NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 20, 0, input);
                    throw nvae;
                switch(alt20) {
                    case 1:
                        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1140:4: ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1140:4: ( (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1141:5: (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID )
                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1141:5: (lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID )
                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1142:6: lv_nameSpace_1_0= RULE_ID
                                    lv_nameSpace_1_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_8);
                                    if (state.failed)
                                        return current;
                                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                        newLeafNode(lv_nameSpace_1_0, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getNameSpaceIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_0());
                                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                        if (current == null) {
                                            current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityRule());
                                        setWithLastConsumed(current, "nameSpace", lv_nameSpace_1_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals.ID");
                    case 2:
                        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1159:4: otherlv_2= Unit
                            otherlv_2 = (Token) match(input, Unit, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_8);
                            if (state.failed)
                                return current;
                            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnitKeyword_1_1());
                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1164:3: ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) )
                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1165:4: (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID )
                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1165:4: (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID )
                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1166:5: lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID
                        lv_name_3_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_22);
                        if (state.failed)
                            return current;
                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                            newLeafNode(lv_name_3_0, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                            if (current == null) {
                                current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityRule());
                            setWithLastConsumed(current, "name", lv_name_3_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals.ID");
                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1182:3: (otherlv_4= LeftCurlyBracket ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_24= RightCurlyBracket )
                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1183:4: otherlv_4= LeftCurlyBracket ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_24= RightCurlyBracket
                    otherlv_4 = (Token) match(input, LeftCurlyBracket, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_23);
                    if (state.failed)
                        return current;
                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                        newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_3_0());
                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1187:4: ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) ) )* ) ) )
                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1188:5: ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) ) )* ) )
                        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1188:5: ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) ) )* ) )
                        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1189:6: ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) ) )* )
                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1192:6: ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) ) )* )
                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1193:7: ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) ) )*
                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1193:7: ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) ) )*
                                loop21: do {
                                    int alt21 = 6;
                                    int LA21_0 = input.LA(1);
                                    if (LA21_0 == When && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 0)) {
                                        alt21 = 1;
                                    } else if (LA21_0 == Greedy && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 1)) {
                                        alt21 = 2;
                                    } else if (LA21_0 == RequiresMin && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 2)) {
                                        alt21 = 3;
                                    } else if (LA21_0 == RequiresMax && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 3)) {
                                        alt21 = 4;
                                    } else if (LA21_0 == Version && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 4)) {
                                        alt21 = 5;
                                    switch(alt21) {
                                        case 1:
                                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1194:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1194:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1195:6: {...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) )
                                                    if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 0)) {
                                                        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                            state.failed = true;
                                                            return current;
                                                        throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 0)");
                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1195:118: ( ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) ) )
                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1196:7: ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) )
                                                        getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 0);
                                                        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1199:10: ({...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon ) )
                                                        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1199:11: {...}? => (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon )
                                                            if (!((true))) {
                                                                if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                    state.failed = true;
                                                                    return current;
                                                                throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "true");
                                                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1199:20: (otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon )
                                                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1199:21: otherlv_6= When otherlv_7= Colon ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_9= Semicolon
                                                                otherlv_6 = (Token) match(input, When, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_12);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getWhenKeyword_3_1_0_0());
                                                                otherlv_7 = (Token) match(input, Colon, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_19);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getColonKeyword_3_1_0_1());
                                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1207:10: ( (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression ) )
                                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1208:11: (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression )
                                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1208:11: (lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression )
                                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1209:12: lv_condExpr_8_0= ruleExpression
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                        lv_condExpr_8_0 = ruleExpression();
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            if (current == null) {
                                                                                current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityRule());
                                                                            set(current, "condExpr", lv_condExpr_8_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.testlanguages.backtracking.BeeLangTestLanguage.Expression");
                                                                otherlv_9 = (Token) match(input, Semicolon, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_23);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_9, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_3_1_0_3());
                                        case 2:
                                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1236:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1236:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1237:6: {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) )
                                                    if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 1)) {
                                                        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                            state.failed = true;
                                                            return current;
                                                        throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 1)");
                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1237:118: ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) ) )
                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1238:7: ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) )
                                                        getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 1);
                                                        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1241:10: ({...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon ) )
                                                        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1241:11: {...}? => ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon )
                                                            if (!((true))) {
                                                                if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                    state.failed = true;
                                                                    return current;
                                                                throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "true");
                                                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1241:20: ( ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon )
                                                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1241:21: ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) ) otherlv_11= Semicolon
                                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1241:21: ( (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy ) )
                                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1242:11: (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy )
                                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1242:11: (lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy )
                                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1243:12: lv_greedy_10_0= Greedy
                                                                        lv_greedy_10_0 = (Token) match(input, Greedy, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_14);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(lv_greedy_10_0, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getGreedyGreedyKeyword_3_1_1_0_0());
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            if (current == null) {
                                                                                current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityRule());
                                                                            setWithLastConsumed(current, "greedy", true, "greedy");
                                                                otherlv_11 = (Token) match(input, Semicolon, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_23);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_11, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_3_1_1_1());
                                        case 3:
                                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1265:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1265:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1266:6: {...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) )
                                                    if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 2)) {
                                                        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                            state.failed = true;
                                                            return current;
                                                        throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 2)");
                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1266:118: ( ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) ) )
                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1267:7: ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) )
                                                        getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 2);
                                                        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1270:10: ({...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon ) )
                                                        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1270:11: {...}? => (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon )
                                                            if (!((true))) {
                                                                if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                    state.failed = true;
                                                                    return current;
                                                                throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "true");
                                                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1270:20: (otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon )
                                                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1270:21: otherlv_12= RequiresMin otherlv_13= Colon ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_15= Semicolon
                                                                otherlv_12 = (Token) match(input, RequiresMin, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_12);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_12, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getRequiresMinKeyword_3_1_2_0());
                                                                otherlv_13 = (Token) match(input, Colon, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_24);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_13, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getColonKeyword_3_1_2_1());
                                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1278:10: ( (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT ) )
                                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1279:11: (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT )
                                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1279:11: (lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT )
                                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1280:12: lv_min_14_0= RULE_INT
                                                                        lv_min_14_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_INT, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_14);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(lv_min_14_0, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getMinINTTerminalRuleCall_3_1_2_2_0());
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            if (current == null) {
                                                                                current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityRule());
                                                                            setWithLastConsumed(current, "min", lv_min_14_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals.INT");
                                                                otherlv_15 = (Token) match(input, Semicolon, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_23);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_15, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_3_1_2_3());
                                        case 4:
                                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1306:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1306:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1307:6: {...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) )
                                                    if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 3)) {
                                                        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                            state.failed = true;
                                                            return current;
                                                        throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 3)");
                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1307:118: ( ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) ) )
                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1308:7: ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) )
                                                        getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 3);
                                                        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1311:10: ({...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon ) )
                                                        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1311:11: {...}? => (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon )
                                                            if (!((true))) {
                                                                if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                    state.failed = true;
                                                                    return current;
                                                                throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "true");
                                                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1311:20: (otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon )
                                                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1311:21: otherlv_16= RequiresMax otherlv_17= Colon ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= Semicolon
                                                                otherlv_16 = (Token) match(input, RequiresMax, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_12);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_16, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getRequiresMaxKeyword_3_1_3_0());
                                                                otherlv_17 = (Token) match(input, Colon, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_24);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_17, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getColonKeyword_3_1_3_1());
                                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1319:10: ( (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT ) )
                                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1320:11: (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT )
                                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1320:11: (lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT )
                                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1321:12: lv_max_18_0= RULE_INT
                                                                        lv_max_18_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_INT, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_14);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(lv_max_18_0, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getMaxINTTerminalRuleCall_3_1_3_2_0());
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            if (current == null) {
                                                                                current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityRule());
                                                                            setWithLastConsumed(current, "max", lv_max_18_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals.INT");
                                                                otherlv_19 = (Token) match(input, Semicolon, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_23);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_19, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_3_1_3_3());
                                        case 5:
                                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1347:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1347:5: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) ) )
                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1348:6: {...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) )
                                                    if (!getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 4)) {
                                                        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                            state.failed = true;
                                                            return current;
                                                        throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 4)");
                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1348:118: ( ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) ) )
                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1349:7: ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) )
                                                        getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3_1(), 4);
                                                        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1352:10: ({...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon ) )
                                                        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1352:11: {...}? => (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon )
                                                            if (!((true))) {
                                                                if (state.backtracking > 0) {
                                                                    state.failed = true;
                                                                    return current;
                                                                throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleRequiredCapability", "true");
                                                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1352:20: (otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon )
                                                            // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1352:21: otherlv_20= Version otherlv_21= Colon ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_23= Semicolon
                                                                otherlv_20 = (Token) match(input, Version, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_12);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_20, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getVersionKeyword_3_1_4_0());
                                                                otherlv_21 = (Token) match(input, Colon, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_8);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_21, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getColonKeyword_3_1_4_1());
                                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1360:10: ( (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID ) )
                                                                // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1361:11: (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID )
                                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1361:11: (lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID )
                                                                    // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:1362:12: lv_versionRange_22_0= RULE_ID
                                                                        lv_versionRange_22_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_14);
                                                                        if (state.failed)
                                                                            return current;
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            newLeafNode(lv_versionRange_22_0, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getVersionRangeIDTerminalRuleCall_3_1_4_2_0());
                                                                        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                            if (current == null) {
                                                                                current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityRule());
                                                                            setWithLastConsumed(current, "versionRange", lv_versionRange_22_0, "org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals.ID");
                                                                otherlv_23 = (Token) match(input, Semicolon, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_23);
                                                                if (state.failed)
                                                                    return current;
                                                                if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                                                                    newLeafNode(otherlv_23, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_3_1_4_3());
                                            break loop21;
                                } while (true);
                    otherlv_24 = (Token) match(input, RightCurlyBracket, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_2);
                    if (state.failed)
                        return current;
                    if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                        newLeafNode(otherlv_24, grammarAccess.getRequiredCapabilityAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_3_2());
        if (state.backtracking == 0) {
    } catch (RecognitionException re) {
        recover(input, re);
    } finally {
        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
            memoize(input, 12, ruleRequiredCapability_StartIndex);
    return current;
Also used : UnorderedGroupState(org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState) EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) AntlrDatatypeRuleToken(org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AntlrDatatypeRuleToken)

Example 25 with UnorderedGroupState

use of org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState in project xtext-core by eclipse.

the class InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser method entryRuleUnit.

// $ANTLR end "ruleModel"
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleUnit"
// InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:151:1: entryRuleUnit returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleUnit= ruleUnit EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleUnit() throws RecognitionException {
    EObject current = null;
    int entryRuleUnit_StartIndex = input.index();
    EObject iv_ruleUnit = null;
    UnorderedGroupState myUnorderedGroupState = getUnorderedGroupHelper().snapShot(grammarAccess.getUnitAccess().getUnorderedGroup_7());
    try {
        if (state.backtracking > 0 && alreadyParsedRule(input, 5)) {
            return current;
        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:155:2: (iv_ruleUnit= ruleUnit EOF )
        // InternalExBeeLangTestLanguageParser.g:156:2: iv_ruleUnit= ruleUnit EOF
            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
            iv_ruleUnit = ruleUnit();
            if (state.failed)
                return current;
            if (state.backtracking == 0) {
                current = iv_ruleUnit;
            match(input, EOF, FollowSets000.FOLLOW_2);
            if (state.failed)
                return current;
    } catch (RecognitionException re) {
        recover(input, re);
    } finally {
        if (state.backtracking > 0) {
            memoize(input, 5, entryRuleUnit_StartIndex);
    return current;
Also used : UnorderedGroupState(org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState) EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)


EObject (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)30 UnorderedGroupState (org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState)30 AntlrDatatypeRuleToken (org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AntlrDatatypeRuleToken)15