use of org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.bug302128.Element in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class WarrantPreferences method openFile.
public void openFile(String name) {
_fileName = name;
WarrantPreferencesXml prefsXml = new WarrantPreferencesXml();
File file = new File(_fileName);
Element root;
try {
root = prefsXml.rootFromFile(file);
} catch ( ea) {
log.debug("Could not find Warrant preferences file. Normal if preferences have not been saved before.");
root = null;
} catch (IOException | JDOMException eb) {
log.error("Exception while loading warrant preferences: " + eb);
root = null;
if (root != null) {
//"Found Warrant preferences file: {}", _fileName);
if (!loadSpeedMap(root.getChild(SPEED_MAP_PARAMS))) {
log.error("Unable to read ramp parameters. Setting to default values.");
} else {
use of org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.bug302128.Element in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class WarrantPreferences method loadSpeedMap.
// Avoid firePropertyChange until SignalSpeedMap is completely loaded
private boolean loadSpeedMap(Element child) {
if (child == null) {
return false;
Element rampParms = child.getChild(STEP_INCREMENTS);
if (rampParms == null) {
return false;
Attribute a;
if ((a = rampParms.getAttribute(TIME_INCREMENT)) != null) {
try {
this._msIncrTime = a.getIntValue();
} catch (DataConversionException ex) {
this._msIncrTime = 500;
log.error("Unable to read ramp time increment. Setting to default value (500ms).", ex);
if ((a = rampParms.getAttribute(RAMP_INCREMENT)) != null) {
try {
this._throttleIncr = a.getFloatValue();
} catch (DataConversionException ex) {
this._throttleIncr = 0.03f;
log.error("Unable to read ramp throttle increment. Setting to default value (0.03).", ex);
if ((a = rampParms.getAttribute(THROTTLE_SCALE)) != null) {
try {
_throttleScale = a.getFloatValue();
} catch (DataConversionException ex) {
_throttleScale = .90f;
log.error("Unable to read throttle scale. Setting to default value (0.90f).", ex);
rampParms = child.getChild(SPEED_NAME_PREFS);
if (rampParms == null) {
return false;
if ((a = rampParms.getAttribute("percentNormal")) != null) {
if (a.getValue().equals("yes")) {
_interpretation = 1;
} else {
_interpretation = 2;
if ((a = rampParms.getAttribute(INTERPRETATION)) != null) {
try {
_interpretation = a.getIntValue();
} catch (DataConversionException ex) {
_interpretation = 1;
log.error("Unable to read interpetation of Speed Map. Setting to default value % normal.", ex);
HashMap<String, Float> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
List<Element> list = rampParms.getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
String name = list.get(i).getName();
Float speed = 0f;
try {
speed = Float.valueOf(list.get(i).getText());
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
log.error("Speed names has invalid content for {} = ", name, list.get(i).getText());
log.debug("Add {}, {} to AspectSpeed Table", name, speed);
map.put(name, speed);
// no firePropertyChange
rampParms = child.getChild(APPEARANCE_PREFS);
if (rampParms == null) {
return false;
LinkedHashMap<String, String> heads = new LinkedHashMap<>();
list = rampParms.getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
String name = Bundle.getMessage(list.get(i).getName());
String speed = list.get(i).getText();
heads.put(name, speed);
// no firePropertyChange
// Now set SignalSpeedMap members.
SignalSpeedMap speedMap = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(SignalSpeedMap.class);
speedMap.setRampParams(_msIncrTime, _msIncrTime);
speedMap.setAspects(new HashMap<>(this._speedNames), _interpretation);
speedMap.setAppearances(new HashMap<>(this._headAppearances));
return true;
use of org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.bug302128.Element in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class TrainSwitchListText method load.
public static void load(Element e) {
Element emts = e.getChild(Xml.SWITCH_LIST_TEXT_STRINGS);
if (emts == null) {
Attribute a;
if (emts.getChild(Xml.SWICH_LIST_FOR) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.SWICH_LIST_FOR).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.SCHEDULED_WORK_TRAIN) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.SCHEDULED_WORK_TRAIN).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.DEPARTS_AT) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.DEPARTS_AT).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.DEPARTS_EXPECTED_ARRIVAL) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.DEPARTS_EXPECTED_ARRIVAL).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.DEPARTED_EXPECTED) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.DEPARTED_EXPECTED).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.VISIT_NUMBER) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.VISIT_NUMBER).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.VISIT_NUMBER_DEPARTED) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.VISIT_NUMBER_DEPARTED).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.VISIT_NUMBER_TERMINATES) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.VISIT_NUMBER_TERMINATES).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.VISIT_NUMBER_TERMINATES_DEPARTED) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.VISIT_NUMBER_TERMINATES_DEPARTED).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.VISIT_NUMBER_DONE) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.VISIT_NUMBER_DONE).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.TRAIN_DIRECTION_CHANGE) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.TRAIN_DIRECTION_CHANGE).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.NO_CAR_PICK_UPS) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.NO_CAR_PICK_UPS).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.NO_CAR_SET_OUTS) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.NO_CAR_SET_OUTS).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.TRAIN_DONE) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.TRAIN_DONE).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.TRAIN_DEPARTS_CARS) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.TRAIN_DEPARTS_CARS).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.TRAIN_DEPARTS_LOADS) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.TRAIN_DEPARTS_LOADS).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.SWITCH_LIST_TRACK) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.SWITCH_LIST_TRACK).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
if (emts.getChild(Xml.HOLD_CAR) != null) {
if ((a = emts.getChild(Xml.HOLD_CAR).getAttribute(Xml.TEXT)) != null) {
use of org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.bug302128.Element in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class TrainSwitchListText method store.
// must synchronize changes with operation-config.dtd
public static Element store() {
Element values;
Element e = new Element(Xml.SWITCH_LIST_TEXT_STRINGS);
// only save strings that have been modified
if (!getStringSwitchListFor().equals(Bundle.getMessage("SwitchListFor"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.SWICH_LIST_FOR));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringSwitchListFor());
if (!getStringScheduledWork().equals(Bundle.getMessage("ScheduledWork"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.SCHEDULED_WORK_TRAIN));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringScheduledWork());
if (!getStringDepartsAt().equals(Bundle.getMessage("DepartsAt"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.DEPARTS_AT));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringDepartsAt());
if (!getStringDepartsAtExpectedArrival().equals(Bundle.getMessage("DepartsAtExpectedArrival"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.DEPARTS_EXPECTED_ARRIVAL));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringDepartsAtExpectedArrival());
if (!getStringDepartedExpected().equals(Bundle.getMessage("DepartedExpected"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.DEPARTED_EXPECTED));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringDepartedExpected());
if (!getStringVisitNumber().equals(Bundle.getMessage("VisitNumber"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.VISIT_NUMBER));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringVisitNumber());
if (!getStringVisitNumberDeparted().equals(Bundle.getMessage("VisitNumberDeparted"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.VISIT_NUMBER_DEPARTED));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringVisitNumberDeparted());
if (!getStringVisitNumberTerminates().equals(Bundle.getMessage("VisitNumberTerminates"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.VISIT_NUMBER_TERMINATES));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringVisitNumberTerminates());
if (!getStringVisitNumberTerminatesDeparted().equals(Bundle.getMessage("VisitNumberTerminatesDeparted"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.VISIT_NUMBER_TERMINATES_DEPARTED));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringVisitNumberTerminatesDeparted());
if (!getStringVisitNumberDone().equals(Bundle.getMessage("VisitNumberDone"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.VISIT_NUMBER_DONE));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringVisitNumberDone());
if (!getStringTrainDirectionChange().equals(Bundle.getMessage("TrainDirectionChange"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.TRAIN_DIRECTION_CHANGE));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringTrainDirectionChange());
if (!getStringNoCarPickUps().equals(Bundle.getMessage("NoCarPickUps"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.NO_CAR_PICK_UPS));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringNoCarPickUps());
if (!getStringNoCarDrops().equals(Bundle.getMessage("NoCarDrops"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.NO_CAR_SET_OUTS));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringNoCarDrops());
if (!getStringTrainDone().equals(Bundle.getMessage("TrainDone"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.TRAIN_DONE));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringTrainDone());
if (!getStringTrainDepartsCars().equals(Bundle.getMessage("TrainDepartsCars"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.TRAIN_DEPARTS_CARS));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringTrainDepartsCars());
if (!getStringTrainDepartsLoads().equals(Bundle.getMessage("TrainDepartsLoads"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.TRAIN_DEPARTS_LOADS));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringTrainDepartsLoads());
if (!getStringSwitchListByTrack().equals(Bundle.getMessage("SwitchListByTrack"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.SWITCH_LIST_TRACK));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringSwitchListByTrack());
if (!getStringHoldCar().equals(Bundle.getMessage("HoldCar"))) {
e.addContent(values = new Element(Xml.HOLD_CAR));
values.setAttribute(Xml.TEXT, getStringHoldCar());
return e;
use of org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.bug302128.Element in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class Roster method readFile.
* Read the contents of a roster XML file into this object.
* <P>
* Note that this does not clear any existing entries.
* @param name filename of roster file
void readFile(String name) throws org.jdom2.JDOMException, {
// roster exists?
if (!(new File(name)).exists()) {
log.debug("no roster file found; this is normal if you haven't put decoders in your roster yet");
// find root
Element root = rootFromName(name);
if (root == null) {
log.error("Roster file exists, but could not be read; roster not available");
// decode type, invoke proper processing routine if a decoder file
if (root.getChild("roster") != null) {
// NOI18N
// NOI18N
List<Element> l = root.getChild("roster").getChildren("locomotive");
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("readFile sees " + l.size() + " children");
} -> {
addEntry(new RosterEntry(e));
//any <?p?> processor directives and change them to back \n characters
synchronized (_list) { -> {
//Extract the Comment field and create a new string for output
String tempComment = entry.getComment();
String xmlComment = "";
//characters in tempComment.
for (int k = 0; k < tempComment.length(); k++) {
if (tempComment.startsWith("<?p?>", k)) {
// NOI18N
// NOI18N
xmlComment = xmlComment + "\n";
k = k + 4;
} else {
xmlComment = xmlComment + tempComment.substring(k, k + 1);
return entry;
}).forEachOrdered((r) -> {
//Now do the same thing for the decoderComment field
String tempDecoderComment = r.getDecoderComment();
String xmlDecoderComment = "";
for (int k = 0; k < tempDecoderComment.length(); k++) {
if (tempDecoderComment.startsWith("<?p?>", k)) {
// NOI18N
// NOI18N
xmlDecoderComment = xmlDecoderComment + "\n";
k = k + 4;
} else {
xmlDecoderComment = xmlDecoderComment + tempDecoderComment.substring(k, k + 1);
} else {
log.error("Unrecognized roster file contents in file: " + name);
if (root.getChild("rosterGroup") != null) {
// NOI18N
// NOI18N
List<Element> groups = root.getChild("rosterGroup").getChildren("group"); -> {