use of org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IResourceDescriptions in project xtext-eclipse by eclipse.
the class JdtTypesProposalProvider method getDirtyTypeNames.
* @since 2.8
protected Set<String> getDirtyTypeNames() {
Iterable<IEObjectDescription> dirtyTypes = dirtyStateManager.getExportedObjectsByType(TypesPackage.Literals.JVM_TYPE);
final Set<String> dirtyNames = new HashSet<String>();
for (IEObjectDescription description : dirtyTypes) {
for (URI dirtyURI : ((IDirtyStateManagerExtension) dirtyStateManager).getDirtyResourceURIs()) {
IResourceDescriptions index = resourceDescriptionsProvider.createPersistedResourceDescriptions();
IResourceDescription indexedResourceDescription = index.getResourceDescription(dirtyURI);
if (indexedResourceDescription != null)
for (IEObjectDescription desc : indexedResourceDescription.getExportedObjectsByType(TypesPackage.Literals.JVM_TYPE)) {
return dirtyNames;
use of org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IResourceDescriptions in project n4js by eclipse.
the class TestDiscoveryHelper method isTestable.
* Checks if the resource at the given location can be executed as a test. The location may point to an N4JS project
* or a folder or file within an N4JS project.
* <p>
* This method is intended as a very first check to decide if the user should be given the option to launch a test
* or not; for example, to enable or disable a "Run as test" context menu item). This method does not check all
* details because many checks are better handled at later stages when meaningful error messages can be provided to
* the user.
public boolean isTestable(final URI location) {
if (null == location) {
return false;
if (isProject(location)) {
// location points an N4JS project
// --> must contain at least 1 source container of type "test"
// (do *not* check if the folder contains test classes (for performance reasons and
// to show better error messages; same behavior as in JUnit support in Eclipse))
final IN4JSProject p = n4jsCore.create(location);
return p.getSourceContainers().stream().anyMatch(IN4JSSourceContainer::isTest);
} else {
// then extract the fragment and check the location for the module.
if (location.hasFragment()) {
return isTestable(location.trimFragment());
// (2) location must lie in a source container of type "test"
final IN4JSSourceContainer c = n4jsCore.findN4JSSourceContainer(location).orNull();
if (c == null || !c.isTest())
return false;
// (3) if the location points to an n4js-file, it must contain at least one test class
final ResourceSet resourceSet = n4jsCore.createResourceSet(Optional.of(c.getProject()));
final IResourceDescriptions index = n4jsCore.getXtextIndex(resourceSet);
final IResourceDescription rdesc = index.getResourceDescription(location);
if (rdesc != null) {
return stream(rdesc.getExportedObjectsByType(T_CLASS)).anyMatch(desc -> hasTestMethods(resourceSet, desc));
} else {
// to show better error messages; same behavior as in JUnit support in Eclipse))
return true;
use of org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IResourceDescriptions in project n4js by eclipse.
the class TestDiscoveryHelper method collectTests.
* Collects all test methods available at the given location and returns a {@link TestTree} in which each test
* method is represented by a {@link TestCase}. The location may point to an N4JS project or a folder or file within
* an N4JS project.
* @param locations
* the locations referencing to a resource. Can be an N4JS project, or a folder or a file within an N4JS
* project.
* @return The test tree representing one or more test cases. Never returns with {@code null}, but the returned test
* tree may be empty.
public TestTree collectTests(final URI... locations) {
final ResourceSet resSet = n4jsCore.createResourceSet(Optional.absent());
final IResourceDescriptions index = n4jsCore.getXtextIndex(resSet);
return collectTests(resSet, index, locations).sort();
use of org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IResourceDescriptions in project n4js by eclipse.
the class EditorContentExtractor method getDescriptorForSemanticElement.
* Optionally returns with the semantic AST node element (given as the element URI) as a {@link StyledTextDescriptor
* styled text descriptor}. If the element cannot be resolved or the styled text cannot be computed this method
* returns with and {@link Optional#absent() absent} instance but never {@code null}.
* @param uri
* the URI of the semantic element in the AST.
* @return a styled text descriptor representing the extracted code for the semantic AST node given with its unique
* URI.
public Optional<StyledTextDescriptor> getDescriptorForSemanticElement(final URI uri) {
if (null == uri) {
return absent();
final URI trimmedUri = uri.hasFragment() ? uri.trimFragment() : uri;
final IN4JSProject project = core.findProject(trimmedUri).orNull();
if (project == null) {
return absent();
final ResourceSet resSet = core.createResourceSet(Optional.of(project));
final IResourceDescriptions index = core.getXtextIndex(resSet);
final IResourceDescription resDesc = index.getResourceDescription(trimmedUri);
if (null == resDesc) {
return absent();
final TModule module = core.loadModuleFromIndex(resSet, resDesc, false);
if (null == module || null == module.eResource() || null == module.eResource().getResourceSet()) {
return absent();
final URI moduleUri = module.eResource().getURI();
final IFile file = getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(moduleUri.toPlatformString(true)));
if (null == file || !file.exists()) {
return absent();
final FileEditorInput editorInput = new FileEditorInput(file);
try {
} catch (final CoreException e) {
LOGGER.error("Error while connecting editor input with document provider: " + e);
return absent();
final IDocument doc = docProvider.getDocument(editorInput);
if (null == doc) {
return absent();
final XtextResource xtextResource = (XtextResource) module.eResource();
final ResourceSet resourceSet = xtextResource.getResourceSet();
final EObject object = resourceSet.getEObject(uri, true);
if (null == object) {
return absent();
final ITextRegion textRegion = locationInFileProvider.getFullTextRegion(object);
if (null == textRegion) {
return absent();
try {
final int lineOfOffset = doc.getLineOfOffset(textRegion.getOffset());
final int lineOffset = doc.getLineOffset(lineOfOffset);
final int offset = lineOffset;
final int length = textRegion.getLength() + (textRegion.getOffset() - lineOffset);
final String text = doc.get(offset, length);
final IPresentationRepairer repairer = repairerProvider.get();
final IPresentationDamager damager = damagerProvider.get();
for (final String contentType : partitionTypeMapper.getSupportedPartitionTypes()) {
reconciler.setRepairer(repairer, contentType);
reconciler.setDamager(damager, contentType);
final Region region = new Region(offset, length);
final TextPresentation textPresentation = reconciler.createRepairDescription(region, doc);
final Iterator<?> rangeItr = textPresentation.getAllStyleRangeIterator();
final Collection<StyleRange> ranges = newLinkedList();
while (rangeItr.hasNext()) {
final Object next =;
if (next instanceof StyleRange) {
ranges.add((StyleRange) next);
final Range<Integer> textRange = Range.closed(offset, offset + length);
for (final Iterator<StyleRange> itr = ranges.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) /* nothing */
final StyleRange range =;
if (!textRange.contains(range.start) || !textRange.contains(range.start + range.length)) {
} else {
range.start = range.start - offset;
return fromNullable(new StyledTextDescriptorImpl(text, ranges));
} catch (final BadLocationException e) {
LOGGER.error("Error while trying to extract text from document.", e);
return absent();
use of org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IResourceDescriptions in project n4js by eclipse.
the class ProjectCompareHelper method createComparison.
* First step in comparing API and implementation projects. This method will collect all API projects, the types
* declared there and their members and relate them to the corresponding types and members in all available
* implementation projects.
* <p>
* The second step of comparison is to compare an individual type/member to a corresponding type/member of a
* particular implementation via method {@link #compareApiImpl(ProjectComparisonEntry, int)}.
* <p>
* Usually, this second step is performed lazily when method <code>#compareApiImpl()</code> is invoked; however, by
* setting <code>fullCompare</code> to <code>true</code>, this is performed up-front here causing all results to be
* stored in a cache in the entries, and then subsequent calls to <code>#compareApiImpl()</code> will just read from
* that cache.
* <p>
* Returns <code>null</code> in case of error and adds human-readable error messages to the given list.
public ProjectComparison createComparison(boolean fullCompare, List<String> addErrorMessagesHere) {
final ResourceSet resourceSet = n4jsCore.createResourceSet(Optional.absent());
final IResourceDescriptions index = n4jsCore.getXtextIndex(resourceSet);
final ApiImplMapping mapping = ApiImplMapping.of(n4jsCore);
if (mapping.hasErrors()) {
if (addErrorMessagesHere != null)
return null;
final List<String> allImplIds = mapping.getAllImplIds();
final int implCount = allImplIds.size();
final ProjectComparison root = new ProjectComparison(allImplIds.toArray(new String[implCount]));
for (String currApiId : mapping.getApiIds()) {
final IN4JSProject currApi = mapping.getApi(currApiId);
final IN4JSProject[] currImpls = new IN4JSProject[implCount];
for (int idx = 0; idx < implCount; idx++) {
final String currImplId = allImplIds.get(idx);
currImpls[idx] = mapping.getImpl(currApiId, currImplId);
createEntries(root, currApi, currImpls, resourceSet, index);
// compare all implementations in all entries and store in cache (if requested)
if (fullCompare) {
root.getAllEntries().forEach(currE -> {
for (int implIdx = 0; implIdx < implCount; implIdx++) compareApiImpl(currE, implIdx);
return root;