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Example 61 with DMatrixRMaj

use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class Relinearlize method process.

 * Estimates betas using relinearization.
 * @param L_full Linear constraint matrix
 * @param y distances between world control points
 * @param betas Estimated betas. Output.
public void process(DMatrixRMaj L_full, DMatrixRMaj y, double[] betas) {
    // extract null space
    V = svd.getV(null, true);
    // compute one possible solution
    pseudo.solve(y, x0);
    // add additional constraints to reduce the number of possible solutions
    DMatrixRMaj alphas = solveConstraintMatrix();
    // compute the final solution
    for (int i = 0; i < x0.numRows; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < numNull; j++) {
  [i] +=[j] * valueNull(j, i);
    if (numControl == 4) {
        betas[0] = Math.sqrt(Math.abs([0]));
        betas[1] = Math.sqrt(Math.abs([4])) * Math.signum([1]);
        betas[2] = Math.sqrt(Math.abs([7])) * Math.signum([2]);
        betas[3] = Math.sqrt(Math.abs([9])) * Math.signum([3]);
    } else {
        betas[0] = Math.sqrt(Math.abs([0]));
        betas[1] = Math.sqrt(Math.abs([3])) * Math.signum([1]);
        betas[2] = Math.sqrt(Math.abs([5])) * Math.signum([2]);
Also used : DMatrixRMaj(

Example 62 with DMatrixRMaj

use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class PixelDepthLinearMetric method depth2View.

 * Computes pixel depth in image 'a' from two observations.
 * @param a Observation in first frame. In calibrated coordinates. Not modified.
 * @param b Observation in second frame. In calibrated coordinates. Not modified.
 * @param fromAtoB Transform from frame a to frame b.
 * @return Pixel depth in first frame. In same units as T inside of fromAtoB.
public double depth2View(Point2D_F64 a, Point2D_F64 b, Se3_F64 fromAtoB) {
    DMatrixRMaj R = fromAtoB.getR();
    Vector3D_F64 T = fromAtoB.getT();
    GeometryMath_F64.multCrossA(b, R, temp0);
    GeometryMath_F64.mult(temp0, a, temp1);
    GeometryMath_F64.cross(b, T, temp2);
    return -(temp2.x + temp2.y + temp2.z) / (temp1.x + temp1.y + temp1.z);
Also used : Vector3D_F64(georegression.struct.point.Vector3D_F64) DMatrixRMaj(

Example 63 with DMatrixRMaj

use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class TriangulateMetricLinearDLT method addView.

private int addView(Se3_F64 motion, Point2D_F64 a, int index) {
    final double sx = stats.stdX, sy = stats.stdY;
    // final double cx = stats.meanX, cy = stats.meanY;
    DMatrixRMaj R = motion.getR();
    Vector3D_F64 T = motion.getT();
    double r11 =[0], r12 =[1], r13 =[2];
    double r21 =[3], r22 =[4], r23 =[5];
    double r31 =[6], r32 =[7], r33 =[8];
    // These rows are derived by applying the scaling matrix to pixels and camera matrix
    // more comments are in the projective code
    // first row[index++] = (a.x * r31 - r11) / sx;[index++] = (a.x * r32 - r12) / sx;[index++] = (a.x * r33 - r13) / sx;[index++] = (a.x * T.z - T.x) / sx;
    // second row[index++] = (a.y * r31 - r21) / sy;[index++] = (a.y * r32 - r22) / sy;[index++] = (a.y * r33 - r23) / sy;[index++] = (a.y * T.z - T.y) / sy;
    return index;
Also used : Vector3D_F64(georegression.struct.point.Vector3D_F64) DMatrixRMaj(

Example 64 with DMatrixRMaj

use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class QrCodeBinaryGridToPixel method setTransformFromLinesSquare.

 * Used to estimate the image to grid coordinate system before the version is known. The top left square is
 * used to fix the coordinate system. Then 4 lines between corners  going to other QR codes is used to
 * make it less suspectable to errors in the first 4 corners
public void setTransformFromLinesSquare(QrCode qr) {
    // clear old points
    // use 3 of the corners to set the coordinate system
    // set(0, 0, qr.ppCorner,0); <-- prone to damage. Significantly degrades results if used
    set(0, 7, qr.ppCorner, 1);
    set(7, 7, qr.ppCorner, 2);
    set(7, 0, qr.ppCorner, 3);
    // Use 4 lines to make it more robust errors in these corners
    // We just need to get the direction right for the lines. the exact grid to image doesn't matter
    setLine(0, 7, 0, 14, qr.ppCorner, 1, qr.ppRight, 0);
    setLine(7, 7, 7, 14, qr.ppCorner, 2, qr.ppRight, 3);
    setLine(7, 7, 14, 7, qr.ppCorner, 2, qr.ppDown, 1);
    setLine(7, 0, 14, 0, qr.ppCorner, 3, qr.ppDown, 0);
    DMatrixRMaj HH = new DMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
    dlt.process(storagePairs2D.toList(), storagePairs3D.toList(), null, HH);
    ConvertFloatType.convert(Hinv, Hinv32);
    ConvertFloatType.convert(H, H32);
Also used : DMatrixRMaj(

Example 65 with DMatrixRMaj

use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class ProjectiveToMetricCameraPracticalGuessAndCheck method process.

public boolean process(List<ElevateViewInfo> views, List<DMatrixRMaj> cameraMatrices, List<AssociatedTuple> observations, MetricCameras metricViews) {
    BoofMiscOps.checkTrue(cameraMatrices.size() + 1 == views.size());
    // tell it the image size
    ImageDimension dimension = views.get(0).shape;
    selfCalib.setCamera(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, dimension.width, dimension.height);
    // Perform self calibration
    if (!selfCalib.process(cameraMatrices))
        return false;
    DMatrixRMaj H = selfCalib.getRectifyingHomography();
    // the top left 3x3 matrix is K in view 1
    CommonOps_DDRM.extract(H, 0, 0, K);
    PerspectiveOps.matrixToPinhole(K, -1, -1, metricViews.intrinsics.grow());
    // Get the solution for the remaining cameras / views
    double largestT = 0.0;
    for (int viewIdx = 0; viewIdx < cameraMatrices.size(); viewIdx++) {
        DMatrixRMaj P = cameraMatrices.get(viewIdx);
        if (!MultiViewOps.projectiveToMetric(P, H, metricViews.motion_1_to_k.grow(), K))
            return false;
        PerspectiveOps.matrixToPinhole(K, -1, -1, metricViews.intrinsics.grow());
        largestT = Math.max(largestT, metricViews.motion_1_to_k.getTail().T.norm());
    // Ensure the found motion has a scale around 1.0
    for (int i = 0; i < metricViews.motion_1_to_k.size; i++) {
    resolveSign.process(observations, metricViews);
    return true;
Also used : ImageDimension(boofcv.struct.image.ImageDimension) DMatrixRMaj(


DMatrixRMaj ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)210 Se3_F64 ( Point2D_F64 (georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F64)87 Point3D_F64 (georegression.struct.point.Point3D_F64)68 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)55 Vector3D_F64 (georegression.struct.point.Vector3D_F64)54 AssociatedPair (boofcv.struct.geo.AssociatedPair)38 CameraPinhole (boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinhole)32 Equation (org.ejml.equation.Equation)29 UtilPoint3D_F64 (georegression.geometry.UtilPoint3D_F64)25 Point4D_F64 (georegression.struct.point.Point4D_F64)19 StringReader ( Test (org.junit.Test)15 AssociatedTriple (boofcv.struct.geo.AssociatedTriple)12 TrifocalTensor (boofcv.struct.geo.TrifocalTensor)11 RectifyCalibrated (boofcv.alg.geo.rectify.RectifyCalibrated)10 CameraPinholeBrown (boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinholeBrown)10 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)10 SceneStructureProjective (boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.SceneStructureProjective)9