use of org.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchException in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class ZenDiscovery method publish.
/** end of {@link PingContextProvider } implementation */
public void publish(ClusterChangedEvent clusterChangedEvent, AckListener ackListener) {
if (!clusterChangedEvent.state().getNodes().isLocalNodeElectedMaster()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Shouldn't publish state when not master");
try {
publishClusterState.publish(clusterChangedEvent, electMaster.minimumMasterNodes(), ackListener);
} catch (FailedToCommitClusterStateException t) {
// cluster service logs a WARN message
logger.debug("failed to publish cluster state version [{}] (not enough nodes acknowledged, min master nodes [{}])", clusterChangedEvent.state().version(), electMaster.minimumMasterNodes());
throw t;
// update the set of nodes to ping after the new cluster state has been published
// clean the pending cluster queue - we are currently master, so any pending cluster state should be failed
// note that we also clean the queue on master failure (see handleMasterGone) but a delayed cluster state publish
// from a stale master can still make it in the queue during the election (but not be committed)
publishClusterState.pendingStatesQueue().failAllStatesAndClear(new ElasticsearchException("elected as master"));
use of org.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchException in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class TransportNodesListGatewayStartedShards method nodeOperation.
protected NodeGatewayStartedShards nodeOperation(NodeRequest request) {
try {
final ShardId shardId = request.getShardId();
logger.trace("{} loading local shard state info", shardId);
ShardStateMetaData shardStateMetaData = ShardStateMetaData.FORMAT.loadLatestState(logger, NamedXContentRegistry.EMPTY, nodeEnv.availableShardPaths(request.shardId));
if (shardStateMetaData != null) {
IndexMetaData metaData = clusterService.state().metaData().index(shardId.getIndex());
if (metaData == null) {
// we may send this requests while processing the cluster state that recovered the index
// sometimes the request comes in before the local node processed that cluster state
// in such cases we can load it from disk
metaData = IndexMetaData.FORMAT.loadLatestState(logger, NamedXContentRegistry.EMPTY, nodeEnv.indexPaths(shardId.getIndex()));
if (metaData == null) {
ElasticsearchException e = new ElasticsearchException("failed to find local IndexMetaData");
throw e;
if (indicesService.getShardOrNull(shardId) == null) {
// we don't have an open shard on the store, validate the files on disk are openable
ShardPath shardPath = null;
try {
IndexSettings indexSettings = new IndexSettings(metaData, settings);
shardPath = ShardPath.loadShardPath(logger, nodeEnv, shardId, indexSettings);
if (shardPath == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(shardId + " no shard path found");
Store.tryOpenIndex(shardPath.resolveIndex(), shardId, nodeEnv::shardLock, logger);
} catch (Exception exception) {
final ShardPath finalShardPath = shardPath;
logger.trace((Supplier<?>) () -> new ParameterizedMessage("{} can't open index for shard [{}] in path [{}]", shardId, shardStateMetaData, (finalShardPath != null) ? finalShardPath.resolveIndex() : ""), exception);
String allocationId = shardStateMetaData.allocationId != null ? shardStateMetaData.allocationId.getId() : null;
return new NodeGatewayStartedShards(clusterService.localNode(), allocationId, shardStateMetaData.primary, exception);
logger.debug("{} shard state info found: [{}]", shardId, shardStateMetaData);
String allocationId = shardStateMetaData.allocationId != null ? shardStateMetaData.allocationId.getId() : null;
return new NodeGatewayStartedShards(clusterService.localNode(), allocationId, shardStateMetaData.primary);
logger.trace("{} no local shard info found", shardId);
return new NodeGatewayStartedShards(clusterService.localNode(), null, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ElasticsearchException("failed to load started shards", e);
use of org.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchException in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class IndicesService method deleteShardStore.
* This method deletes the shard contents on disk for the given shard ID. This method will fail if the shard deleting
* is prevented by {@link #canDeleteShardContent(ShardId, IndexSettings)}
* of if the shards lock can not be acquired.
* On data nodes, if the deleted shard is the last shard folder in its index, the method will attempt to remove the index folder as well.
* @param reason the reason for the shard deletion
* @param shardId the shards ID to delete
* @param clusterState . This is required to access the indexes settings etc.
* @throws IOException if an IOException occurs
public void deleteShardStore(String reason, ShardId shardId, ClusterState clusterState) throws IOException, ShardLockObtainFailedException {
final IndexMetaData metaData = clusterState.getMetaData().indices().get(shardId.getIndexName());
final IndexSettings indexSettings = buildIndexSettings(metaData);
ShardDeletionCheckResult shardDeletionCheckResult = canDeleteShardContent(shardId, indexSettings);
if (shardDeletionCheckResult != ShardDeletionCheckResult.FOLDER_FOUND_CAN_DELETE) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't delete shard " + shardId + " (cause: " + shardDeletionCheckResult + ")");
nodeEnv.deleteShardDirectorySafe(shardId, indexSettings);
logger.debug("{} deleted shard reason [{}]", shardId, reason);
if (// master nodes keep the index meta data, even if having no shards..
clusterState.nodes().getLocalNode().isMasterNode() == false && canDeleteIndexContents(shardId.getIndex(), indexSettings)) {
if (nodeEnv.findAllShardIds(shardId.getIndex()).isEmpty()) {
try {
// note that deleteIndexStore have more safety checks and may throw an exception if index was concurrently created.
deleteIndexStore("no longer used", metaData, clusterState);
} catch (Exception e) {
// wrap the exception to indicate we already deleted the shard
throw new ElasticsearchException("failed to delete unused index after deleting its last shard (" + shardId + ")", e);
} else {
logger.trace("[{}] still has shard stores, leaving as is", shardId.getIndex());
use of org.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchException in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class TermVectorsService method getTermVectors.
static TermVectorsResponse getTermVectors(IndexShard indexShard, TermVectorsRequest request, LongSupplier nanoTimeSupplier) {
final long startTime = nanoTimeSupplier.getAsLong();
final TermVectorsResponse termVectorsResponse = new TermVectorsResponse(indexShard.shardId().getIndex().getName(), request.type(),;
final Term uidTerm = new Term(UidFieldMapper.NAME, Uid.createUidAsBytes(request.type(),;
Engine.GetResult get = indexShard.get(new Engine.Get(request.realtime(), uidTerm).version(request.version()).versionType(request.versionType()));
Fields termVectorsByField = null;
AggregatedDfs dfs = null;
TermVectorsFilter termVectorsFilter = null;
/* handle potential wildcards in fields */
if (request.selectedFields() != null) {
handleFieldWildcards(indexShard, request);
final Engine.Searcher searcher = indexShard.acquireSearcher("term_vector");
try {
Fields topLevelFields = MultiFields.getFields(get.searcher() != null ? get.searcher().reader() : searcher.reader());
Versions.DocIdAndVersion docIdAndVersion = get.docIdAndVersion();
/* from an artificial document */
if (request.doc() != null) {
termVectorsByField = generateTermVectorsFromDoc(indexShard, request);
// if no document indexed in shard, take the queried document itself for stats
if (topLevelFields == null) {
topLevelFields = termVectorsByField;
} else /* or from an existing document */
if (docIdAndVersion != null) {
// fields with stored term vectors
termVectorsByField = docIdAndVersion.context.reader().getTermVectors(docIdAndVersion.docId);
Set<String> selectedFields = request.selectedFields();
// generate tvs for fields where analyzer is overridden
if (selectedFields == null && request.perFieldAnalyzer() != null) {
selectedFields = getFieldsToGenerate(request.perFieldAnalyzer(), termVectorsByField);
// fields without term vectors
if (selectedFields != null) {
termVectorsByField = addGeneratedTermVectors(indexShard, get, termVectorsByField, request, selectedFields);
} else /* no term vectors generated or found */
/* if there are term vectors, optional compute dfs and/or terms filtering */
if (termVectorsByField != null) {
if (request.filterSettings() != null) {
termVectorsFilter = new TermVectorsFilter(termVectorsByField, topLevelFields, request.selectedFields(), dfs);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ElasticsearchException("failed to select best terms", e);
// write term vectors
termVectorsResponse.setFields(termVectorsByField, request.selectedFields(), request.getFlags(), topLevelFields, dfs, termVectorsFilter);
termVectorsResponse.setTookInMillis(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(nanoTimeSupplier.getAsLong() - startTime));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ElasticsearchException("failed to execute term vector request", ex);
} finally {
return termVectorsResponse;
use of org.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchException in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class TruncateTranslogCommand method execute.
protected void execute(Terminal terminal, OptionSet options, Environment env) throws Exception {
boolean batch = options.has(batchMode);
Path translogPath = getTranslogPath(options);
Path idxLocation = translogPath.getParent().resolve("index");
if (Files.exists(translogPath) == false || Files.isDirectory(translogPath) == false) {
throw new ElasticsearchException("translog directory [" + translogPath + "], must exist and be a directory");
if (Files.exists(idxLocation) == false || Files.isDirectory(idxLocation) == false) {
throw new ElasticsearchException("unable to find a shard at [" + idxLocation + "], which must exist and be a directory");
// Hold the lock open for the duration of the tool running
try (Directory dir =, NativeFSLockFactory.INSTANCE);
Lock writeLock = dir.obtainLock(IndexWriter.WRITE_LOCK_NAME)) {
Set<Path> translogFiles;
try {
terminal.println("Checking existing translog files");
translogFiles = filesInDirectory(translogPath);
} catch (IOException e) {
terminal.println("encountered IOException while listing directory, aborting...");
throw new ElasticsearchException("failed to find existing translog files", e);
// Warn about ES being stopped and files being deleted
warnAboutDeletingFiles(terminal, translogFiles, batch);
List<IndexCommit> commits;
try {
terminal.println("Reading translog UUID information from Lucene commit from shard at [" + idxLocation + "]");
commits = DirectoryReader.listCommits(dir);
} catch (IndexNotFoundException infe) {
throw new ElasticsearchException("unable to find a valid shard at [" + idxLocation + "]", infe);
// Retrieve the generation and UUID from the existing data
Map<String, String> commitData = commits.get(commits.size() - 1).getUserData();
String translogGeneration = commitData.get(Translog.TRANSLOG_GENERATION_KEY);
String translogUUID = commitData.get(Translog.TRANSLOG_UUID_KEY);
if (translogGeneration == null || translogUUID == null) {
throw new ElasticsearchException("shard must have a valid translog generation and UUID but got: [{}] and: [{}]", translogGeneration, translogUUID);
terminal.println("Translog Generation: " + translogGeneration);
terminal.println("Translog UUID : " + translogUUID);
Path tempEmptyCheckpoint = translogPath.resolve("temp-" + Translog.CHECKPOINT_FILE_NAME);
Path realEmptyCheckpoint = translogPath.resolve(Translog.CHECKPOINT_FILE_NAME);
Path tempEmptyTranslog = translogPath.resolve("temp-" + Translog.TRANSLOG_FILE_PREFIX + translogGeneration + Translog.TRANSLOG_FILE_SUFFIX);
Path realEmptyTranslog = translogPath.resolve(Translog.TRANSLOG_FILE_PREFIX + translogGeneration + Translog.TRANSLOG_FILE_SUFFIX);
// Write empty checkpoint and translog to empty files
long gen = Long.parseLong(translogGeneration);
int translogLen = writeEmptyTranslog(tempEmptyTranslog, translogUUID);
writeEmptyCheckpoint(tempEmptyCheckpoint, translogLen, gen);
terminal.println("Removing existing translog files");
IOUtils.rm(translogFiles.toArray(new Path[] {}));
terminal.println("Creating new empty checkpoint at [" + realEmptyCheckpoint + "]");
Files.move(tempEmptyCheckpoint, realEmptyCheckpoint, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
terminal.println("Creating new empty translog at [" + realEmptyTranslog + "]");
Files.move(tempEmptyTranslog, realEmptyTranslog, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
// Fsync the translog directory after rename
IOUtils.fsync(translogPath, true);
} catch (LockObtainFailedException lofe) {
throw new ElasticsearchException("Failed to lock shard's directory at [" + idxLocation + "], is Elasticsearch still running?");