use of org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class FieldSortIT method testSortDuelBetweenSingleShardAndMultiShardIndex.
public void testSortDuelBetweenSingleShardAndMultiShardIndex() throws Exception {
String sortField = "sortField";
assertAcked(prepareCreate("test1").setSettings(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS, between(2, maximumNumberOfShards())).addMapping("type", sortField, "type=long").get());
assertAcked(prepareCreate("test2").setSettings(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS, 1).addMapping("type", sortField, "type=long").get());
for (String index : new String[] { "test1", "test2" }) {
List<IndexRequestBuilder> docs = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
docs.add(client().prepareIndex(index, "type", Integer.toString(i)).setSource(sortField, i));
indexRandom(true, docs);
ensureSearchable("test1", "test2");
SortOrder order = randomBoolean() ? SortOrder.ASC : SortOrder.DESC;
int from = between(0, 256);
int size = between(0, 256);
SearchResponse multiShardResponse = client().prepareSearch("test1").setFrom(from).setSize(size).addSort(sortField, order).get();
SearchResponse singleShardResponse = client().prepareSearch("test2").setFrom(from).setSize(size).addSort(sortField, order).get();
assertThat(multiShardResponse.getHits().getTotalHits(), equalTo(singleShardResponse.getHits().getTotalHits()));
assertThat(multiShardResponse.getHits().getHits().length, equalTo(singleShardResponse.getHits().getHits().length));
for (int i = 0; i < multiShardResponse.getHits().getHits().length; i++) {
assertThat(multiShardResponse.getHits().getAt(i).getSortValues()[0], equalTo(singleShardResponse.getHits().getAt(i).getSortValues()[0]));
assertThat(multiShardResponse.getHits().getAt(i).getId(), equalTo(singleShardResponse.getHits().getAt(i).getId()));
use of org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class ContextCompletionSuggestSearchIT method testMissingContextValue.
public void testMissingContextValue() throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap<String, ContextMapping> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
map.put("cat", ContextBuilder.category("cat").field("cat").build());
map.put("type", ContextBuilder.category("type").field("type").build());
final CompletionMappingBuilder mapping = new CompletionMappingBuilder().context(map);
int numDocs = 10;
List<IndexRequestBuilder> indexRequestBuilders = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
XContentBuilder source = jsonBuilder().startObject().startObject(FIELD).field("input", "suggestion" + i).field("weight", i + 1).endObject();
if (randomBoolean()) {
source.field("cat", "cat" + i % 2);
if (randomBoolean()) {
source.field("type", "type" + i % 4);
indexRequestBuilders.add(client().prepareIndex(INDEX, TYPE, "" + i).setSource(source));
indexRandom(true, indexRequestBuilders);
CompletionSuggestionBuilder prefix = SuggestBuilders.completionSuggestion(FIELD).prefix("sugg");
assertSuggestions("foo", prefix, "suggestion9", "suggestion8", "suggestion7", "suggestion6", "suggestion5");
use of org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class SuggestSearchIT method testSuggestWithManyCandidates.
public void testSuggestWithManyCandidates() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException {
CreateIndexRequestBuilder builder = prepareCreate("test").setSettings(Settings.builder().put(indexSettings()).put(SETTING_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS, // A single shard will help to keep the tests repeatable.
1).put("index.analysis.analyzer.text.tokenizer", "standard").putArray("index.analysis.analyzer.text.filter", "lowercase", "my_shingle").put("index.analysis.filter.my_shingle.type", "shingle").put("index.analysis.filter.my_shingle.output_unigrams", true).put("index.analysis.filter.my_shingle.min_shingle_size", 2).put("index.analysis.filter.my_shingle.max_shingle_size", 3));
XContentBuilder mapping = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder().startObject().startObject("type1").startObject("properties").startObject("title").field("type", "text").field("analyzer", "text").endObject().endObject().endObject().endObject();
assertAcked(builder.addMapping("type1", mapping));
List<String> titles = new ArrayList<>();
// We're going to be searching for:
// united states house of representatives elections in washington 2006
// But we need to make sure we generate a ton of suggestions so we add a bunch of candidates.
// Many of these candidates are drawn from page names on English Wikipedia.
// Tons of different options very near the exact query term
titles.add("United States House of Representatives Elections in Washington 1789");
for (int year = 1790; year < 2014; year += 2) {
titles.add("United States House of Representatives Elections in Washington " + year);
// since 0. Why not?
for (int year = 0; year < 2015; year++) {
// That ought to provide more less good candidates for the last term
// Now remove or add plural copies of every term we can
titles.add("Houses of Parliament");
titles.add("Representative Government");
// Now some possessive
titles.add("Washington's Birthday");
// And some conjugation
titles.add("Unified Modeling Language");
titles.add("Unite Against Fascism");
titles.add("Stated Income Tax");
titles.add("Media organizations housed within colleges");
// And other stuff
titles.add("Untied shoelaces");
titles.add("Unit circle");
// Highway in Malaysia
titles.add("Jalan Uniten–Dengkil");
titles.add("STATS LLC");
titles.add("Statues of the Liberators");
titles.add("Staten Island");
titles.add("Statens Museum for Kunst");
// The last name or the German word, whichever.
titles.add("Howse Peak");
titles.add("The Hoose-Gow");
titles.add("Coronal mass ejection");
// A film?
// A town in England
// Lots of places have this name
// Ditto
// Yup, also a town
// Book
titles.add("Washing of the Spears");
for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++) {
// Can't forget lists, glorious lists!
titles.add("List of former members of the United States House of Representatives (" + c + ")");
// Lots of people are named Washington <Middle Initial>. LastName
titles.add("Washington " + c + ". Lastname");
// Lets just add some more to be evil
titles.add("United " + c);
titles.add("States " + c);
titles.add("House " + c);
titles.add("Elections " + c);
titles.add("2006 " + c);
titles.add(c + " United");
titles.add(c + " States");
titles.add(c + " House");
titles.add(c + " Elections");
titles.add(c + " 2006");
List<IndexRequestBuilder> builders = new ArrayList<>();
for (String title : titles) {
builders.add(client().prepareIndex("test", "type1").setSource("title", title));
indexRandom(true, builders);
PhraseSuggestionBuilder suggest = phraseSuggestion("title").addCandidateGenerator(candidateGenerator("title").suggestMode("always").maxTermFreq(.99f).size(// Setting a silly high size helps of generate a larger list of candidates for testing.
1000).maxInspections(// This too
Suggest searchSuggest = searchSuggest("united states house of representatives elections in washington 2006", "title", suggest);
assertSuggestion(searchSuggest, 0, 0, "title", "united states house of representatives elections in washington 2006");
// Just to prove that we've run through a ton of options
assertSuggestionSize(searchSuggest, 0, 25480, "title");
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
searchSuggest = searchSuggest("united states house of representatives elections in washington 2006", "title", suggest);
long total = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
assertSuggestion(searchSuggest, 0, 0, "title", "united states house of representatives elections in washington 2006");
// assertThat(total, lessThan(1000L)); // Takes many seconds without fix - just for debugging
use of org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class ContextCompletionSuggestSearchIT method testSeveralContexts.
public void testSeveralContexts() throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap<String, ContextMapping> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
final int numContexts = randomIntBetween(2, 5);
for (int i = 0; i < numContexts; i++) {
map.put("type" + i, ContextBuilder.category("type" + i).field("type" + i).build());
final CompletionMappingBuilder mapping = new CompletionMappingBuilder().context(map);
int numDocs = randomIntBetween(10, 200);
List<IndexRequestBuilder> indexRequestBuilders = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
XContentBuilder source = jsonBuilder().startObject().startObject(FIELD).field("input", "suggestion" + i).field("weight", numDocs - i).endObject();
for (int c = 0; c < numContexts; c++) {
source.field("type" + c, "type" + c + i % 4);
indexRequestBuilders.add(client().prepareIndex(INDEX, TYPE, "" + i).setSource(source));
indexRandom(true, indexRequestBuilders);
CompletionSuggestionBuilder prefix = SuggestBuilders.completionSuggestion(FIELD).prefix("sugg");
assertSuggestions("foo", prefix, "suggestion0", "suggestion1", "suggestion2", "suggestion3", "suggestion4");
use of org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class ContextCompletionSuggestSearchIT method testContextPrefix.
public void testContextPrefix() throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap<String, ContextMapping> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
map.put("cat", ContextBuilder.category("cat").field("cat").build());
boolean addAnotherContext = randomBoolean();
if (addAnotherContext) {
map.put("type", ContextBuilder.category("type").field("type").build());
final CompletionMappingBuilder mapping = new CompletionMappingBuilder().context(map);
int numDocs = 10;
List<IndexRequestBuilder> indexRequestBuilders = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
XContentBuilder source = jsonBuilder().startObject().startObject(FIELD).field("input", "suggestion" + i).field("weight", i + 1).endObject().field("cat", "cat" + i % 2);
if (addAnotherContext) {
source.field("type", "type" + i % 3);
indexRequestBuilders.add(client().prepareIndex(INDEX, TYPE, "" + i).setSource(source));
indexRandom(true, indexRequestBuilders);
CompletionSuggestionBuilder prefix = SuggestBuilders.completionSuggestion(FIELD).prefix("sugg");
assertSuggestions("foo", prefix, "suggestion9", "suggestion8", "suggestion7", "suggestion6", "suggestion5");