use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class ElasticsearchExceptionTests method randomExceptions.
public static Tuple<Throwable, ElasticsearchException> randomExceptions() {
Throwable actual;
ElasticsearchException expected;
int type = randomIntBetween(0, 5);
switch(type) {
case 0:
actual = new ClusterBlockException(singleton(DiscoverySettings.NO_MASTER_BLOCK_WRITES));
expected = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=cluster_block_exception, " + "reason=blocked by: [SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE/2/no master];]");
case 1:
actual = new CircuitBreakingException("Data too large", 123, 456);
expected = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=circuit_breaking_exception, reason=Data too large]");
case 2:
actual = new SearchParseException(new TestSearchContext(null), "Parse failure", new XContentLocation(12, 98));
expected = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=search_parse_exception, reason=Parse failure]");
case 3:
actual = new IllegalArgumentException("Closed resource", new RuntimeException("Resource"));
expected = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=illegal_argument_exception, reason=Closed resource]", new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=runtime_exception, reason=Resource]"));
case 4:
actual = new SearchPhaseExecutionException("search", "all shards failed", new ShardSearchFailure[] { new ShardSearchFailure(new ParsingException(1, 2, "foobar", null), new SearchShardTarget("node_1", new Index("foo", "_na_"), 1)) });
expected = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=search_phase_execution_exception, " + "reason=all shards failed]");
expected.addMetadata("es.phase", "search");
case 5:
actual = new ElasticsearchException("Parsing failed", new ParsingException(9, 42, "Wrong state", new NullPointerException("Unexpected null value")));
ElasticsearchException expectedCause = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=parsing_exception, " + "reason=Wrong state]", new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=null_pointer_exception, " + "reason=Unexpected null value]"));
expected = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=exception, reason=Parsing failed]", expectedCause);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No randomized exceptions generated for type [" + type + "]");
if (actual instanceof ElasticsearchException) {
ElasticsearchException actualException = (ElasticsearchException) actual;
if (randomBoolean()) {
int nbHeaders = randomIntBetween(1, 5);
Map<String, List<String>> randomHeaders = new HashMap<>(nbHeaders);
for (int i = 0; i < nbHeaders; i++) {
List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
int nbValues = randomIntBetween(1, 3);
for (int j = 0; j < nbValues; j++) {
values.add(frequently() ? randomAsciiOfLength(5) : "");
randomHeaders.put("header_" + i, values);
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : randomHeaders.entrySet()) {
actualException.addHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
expected.addHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (rarely()) {
// Empty or null headers are not printed out by the toXContent method
actualException.addHeader("ignored", randomBoolean() ? emptyList() : null);
if (randomBoolean()) {
int nbMetadata = randomIntBetween(1, 5);
Map<String, List<String>> randomMetadata = new HashMap<>(nbMetadata);
for (int i = 0; i < nbMetadata; i++) {
List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
int nbValues = randomIntBetween(1, 3);
for (int j = 0; j < nbValues; j++) {
values.add(frequently() ? randomAsciiOfLength(5) : "");
randomMetadata.put("es.metadata_" + i, values);
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : randomMetadata.entrySet()) {
actualException.addMetadata(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
expected.addMetadata(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (rarely()) {
// Empty or null metadata are not printed out by the toXContent method
actualException.addMetadata("es.ignored", randomBoolean() ? emptyList() : null);
if (randomBoolean()) {
int nbResources = randomIntBetween(1, 5);
for (int i = 0; i < nbResources; i++) {
String resourceType = "type_" + i;
String[] resourceIds = new String[randomIntBetween(1, 3)];
for (int j = 0; j < resourceIds.length; j++) {
resourceIds[j] = frequently() ? randomAsciiOfLength(5) : "";
actualException.setResources(resourceType, resourceIds);
expected.setResources(resourceType, resourceIds);
return new Tuple<>(actual, expected);
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class RandomExceptionCircuitBreakerIT method testBreakerWithRandomExceptions.
public void testBreakerWithRandomExceptions() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
for (NodeStats node : client().admin().cluster().prepareNodesStats().clear().setBreaker(true).execute().actionGet().getNodes()) {
assertThat("Breaker is not set to 0", node.getBreaker().getStats(CircuitBreaker.FIELDDATA).getEstimated(), equalTo(0L));
String mapping = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder().startObject().startObject("type").startObject("properties").startObject("test-str").field("type", "keyword").field("doc_values", randomBoolean()).endObject().startObject("test-num").field("type", randomFrom(Arrays.asList("float", "long", "double", "short", "integer"))).endObject().endObject().endObject().endObject().string();
final double topLevelRate;
final double lowLevelRate;
if (frequently()) {
if (randomBoolean()) {
if (randomBoolean()) {
lowLevelRate = 1.0 / between(2, 10);
topLevelRate = 0.0d;
} else {
topLevelRate = 1.0 / between(2, 10);
lowLevelRate = 0.0d;
} else {
lowLevelRate = 1.0 / between(2, 10);
topLevelRate = 1.0 / between(2, 10);
} else {
// rarely no exception
topLevelRate = 0d;
lowLevelRate = 0d;
Settings.Builder settings = Settings.builder().put(indexSettings()).put(EXCEPTION_TOP_LEVEL_RATIO_KEY, topLevelRate).put(EXCEPTION_LOW_LEVEL_RATIO_KEY, lowLevelRate).put(MockEngineSupport.WRAP_READER_RATIO.getKey(), 1.0d);"creating index: [test] using settings: [{}]",;
CreateIndexResponse response = client().admin().indices().prepareCreate("test").setSettings(settings).addMapping("type", mapping, XContentType.JSON).execute().actionGet();
final int numDocs;
if (response.isShardsAcked() == false) {
/* some seeds just won't let you create the index at all and we enter a ping-pong mode
* trying one node after another etc. that is ok but we need to make sure we don't wait
* forever when indexing documents so we set numDocs = 1 and expect all shards to fail
* when we search below.*/
if (response.isAcknowledged()) {"Index creation timed out waiting for primaries to start - only index one doc and expect searches to fail");
} else {"Index creation failed - only index one doc and expect searches to fail");
numDocs = 1;
} else {
numDocs = between(10, 100);
for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
try {
client().prepareIndex("test", "type", "" + i).setTimeout(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1)).setSource("test-str", randomUnicodeOfLengthBetween(5, 25), "test-num", i).get();
} catch (ElasticsearchException ex) {
}"Start Refresh");
// don't assert on failures here
RefreshResponse refreshResponse = client().admin().indices().prepareRefresh("test").execute().get();
final boolean refreshFailed = refreshResponse.getShardFailures().length != 0 || refreshResponse.getFailedShards() != 0;"Refresh failed: [{}] numShardsFailed: [{}], shardFailuresLength: [{}], successfulShards: [{}], totalShards: [{}] ", refreshFailed, refreshResponse.getFailedShards(), refreshResponse.getShardFailures().length, refreshResponse.getSuccessfulShards(), refreshResponse.getTotalShards());
final int numSearches = scaledRandomIntBetween(50, 150);
NodesStatsResponse resp = client().admin().cluster().prepareNodesStats().clear().setBreaker(true).execute().actionGet();
for (NodeStats stats : resp.getNodes()) {
assertThat("Breaker is set to 0", stats.getBreaker().getStats(CircuitBreaker.FIELDDATA).getEstimated(), equalTo(0L));
for (int i = 0; i < numSearches; i++) {
SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder = client().prepareSearch().setQuery(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery());
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
searchRequestBuilder.addSort("test-str", SortOrder.ASC);
searchRequestBuilder.addSort("test-num", SortOrder.ASC);
boolean success = false;
try {
// Sort by the string and numeric fields, to load them into field data
success = true;
} catch (SearchPhaseExecutionException ex) {"expected SearchPhaseException: [{}]", ex.getMessage());
if (frequently()) {
// Now, clear the cache and check that the circuit breaker has been
// successfully set back to zero. If there is a bug in the circuit
// breaker adjustment code, it should show up here by the breaker
// estimate being either positive or negative.
// make sure all shards are there - there could be shards that are still starting up.
// Since .cleanUp() is no longer called on cache clear, we need to call it on each node manually
for (String node : internalCluster().getNodeNames()) {
final IndicesFieldDataCache fdCache = internalCluster().getInstance(IndicesService.class, node).getIndicesFieldDataCache();
// Clean up the cache, ensuring that entries' listeners have been called
NodesStatsResponse nodeStats = client().admin().cluster().prepareNodesStats().clear().setBreaker(true).execute().actionGet();
for (NodeStats stats : nodeStats.getNodes()) {
assertThat("Breaker reset to 0 last search success: " + success + " mapping: " + mapping, stats.getBreaker().getStats(CircuitBreaker.FIELDDATA).getEstimated(), equalTo(0L));
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class SearchWhileRelocatingIT method testSearchAndRelocateConcurrently.
private void testSearchAndRelocateConcurrently(final int numberOfReplicas) throws Exception {
final int numShards = between(1, 20);
client().admin().indices().prepareCreate("test").setSettings(Settings.builder().put("index.number_of_shards", numShards).put("index.number_of_replicas", numberOfReplicas)).addMapping("type", "loc", "type=geo_point", "test", "type=text").execute().actionGet();
List<IndexRequestBuilder> indexBuilders = new ArrayList<>();
final int numDocs = between(10, 20);
for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
indexBuilders.add(client().prepareIndex("test", "type", Integer.toString(i)).setSource(jsonBuilder().startObject().field("test", "value").startObject("loc").field("lat", 11).field("lon", 21).endObject().endObject()));
indexRandom(true, indexBuilders.toArray(new IndexRequestBuilder[indexBuilders.size()]));
assertHitCount(client().prepareSearch().get(), (numDocs));
final int numIters = scaledRandomIntBetween(5, 20);
for (int i = 0; i < numIters; i++) {
final AtomicBoolean stop = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final List<String> nonCriticalExceptions = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
Thread[] threads = new Thread[scaledRandomIntBetween(1, 3)];
for (int j = 0; j < threads.length; j++) {
threads[j] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
while (!stop.get()) {
SearchResponse sr = client().prepareSearch().setSize(numDocs).get();
if (sr.getHits().getTotalHits() != numDocs) {
// request comes in. It's a small window but a known limitation.
if (sr.getTotalShards() != sr.getSuccessfulShards() && sr.getFailedShards() == 0) {
nonCriticalExceptions.add("Count is " + sr.getHits().getTotalHits() + " but " + numDocs + " was expected. " + formatShardStatus(sr));
} else {
assertHitCount(sr, numDocs);
final SearchHits sh = sr.getHits();
assertThat("Expected hits to be the same size the actual hits array", sh.getTotalHits(), equalTo((long) (sh.getHits().length)));
// this is the more critical but that we hit the actual hit array has a different size than the
// actual number of hits.
} catch (SearchPhaseExecutionException ex) {
// with replicas this should not happen
if (numberOfReplicas == 1 || !ex.getMessage().contains("all shards failed")) {
throw ex;
for (int j = 0; j < threads.length; j++) {
allowNodes("test", between(1, 3));
for (int j = 0; j < threads.length; j++) {
// this might time out on some machines if they are really busy and you hit lots of throttling
ClusterHealthResponse resp = client().admin().cluster().prepareHealth().setWaitForYellowStatus().setWaitForNoRelocatingShards(true).setWaitForEvents(Priority.LANGUID).setTimeout("5m").get();
// if we hit only non-critical exceptions we make sure that the post search works
if (!nonCriticalExceptions.isEmpty()) {"non-critical exceptions: {}", nonCriticalExceptions);
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
assertHitCount(client().prepareSearch().get(), numDocs);
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class SearchWithRandomExceptionsIT method testRandomExceptions.
public void testRandomExceptions() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
String mapping = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder().startObject().startObject("type").startObject("properties").startObject("test").field("type", "keyword").endObject().endObject().endObject().endObject().string();
final double lowLevelRate;
final double topLevelRate;
if (frequently()) {
if (randomBoolean()) {
if (randomBoolean()) {
lowLevelRate = 1.0 / between(2, 10);
topLevelRate = 0.0d;
} else {
topLevelRate = 1.0 / between(2, 10);
lowLevelRate = 0.0d;
} else {
lowLevelRate = 1.0 / between(2, 10);
topLevelRate = 1.0 / between(2, 10);
} else {
// rarely no exception
topLevelRate = 0d;
lowLevelRate = 0d;
Builder settings = Settings.builder().put(indexSettings()).put(EXCEPTION_TOP_LEVEL_RATIO_KEY, topLevelRate).put(EXCEPTION_LOW_LEVEL_RATIO_KEY, lowLevelRate).put(MockEngineSupport.WRAP_READER_RATIO.getKey(), 1.0d);"creating index: [test] using settings: [{}]",;
assertAcked(prepareCreate("test").setSettings(settings).addMapping("type", mapping, XContentType.JSON));
final int numDocs = between(10, 100);
int numCreated = 0;
boolean[] added = new boolean[numDocs];
for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
try {
IndexResponse indexResponse = client().prepareIndex("test", "type", "" + i).setTimeout(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1)).setSource("test", English.intToEnglish(i)).get();
if (indexResponse.getResult() == DocWriteResponse.Result.CREATED) {
added[i] = true;
} catch (ElasticsearchException ex) {
}"Start Refresh");
// don't assert on failures here
RefreshResponse refreshResponse = client().admin().indices().prepareRefresh("test").execute().get();
final boolean refreshFailed = refreshResponse.getShardFailures().length != 0 || refreshResponse.getFailedShards() != 0;"Refresh failed [{}] numShardsFailed: [{}], shardFailuresLength: [{}], successfulShards: [{}], totalShards: [{}] ", refreshFailed, refreshResponse.getFailedShards(), refreshResponse.getShardFailures().length, refreshResponse.getSuccessfulShards(), refreshResponse.getTotalShards());
NumShards test = getNumShards("test");
final int numSearches = scaledRandomIntBetween(100, 200);
// we don't check anything here really just making sure we don't leave any open files or a broken index behind.
for (int i = 0; i < numSearches; i++) {
try {
int docToQuery = between(0, numDocs - 1);
int expectedResults = added[docToQuery] ? 1 : 0;"Searching for [test:{}]", English.intToEnglish(docToQuery));
SearchResponse searchResponse = client().prepareSearch().setQuery(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("test", English.intToEnglish(docToQuery))).setSize(expectedResults).get();"Successful shards: [{}] numShards: [{}]", searchResponse.getSuccessfulShards(), test.numPrimaries);
if (searchResponse.getSuccessfulShards() == test.numPrimaries && !refreshFailed) {
assertResultsAndLogOnFailure(expectedResults, searchResponse);
// check match all
searchResponse = client().prepareSearch().setQuery(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery()).setSize(numCreated).addSort("_id", SortOrder.ASC).get();"Match all Successful shards: [{}] numShards: [{}]", searchResponse.getSuccessfulShards(), test.numPrimaries);
if (searchResponse.getSuccessfulShards() == test.numPrimaries && !refreshFailed) {
assertResultsAndLogOnFailure(numCreated, searchResponse);
} catch (SearchPhaseExecutionException ex) {"expected SearchPhaseException: [{}]", ex.getMessage());
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class ElasticsearchAssertions method assertFailures.
public static void assertFailures(SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder, RestStatus restStatus, Matcher<String> reasonMatcher) {
//we can either run into partial or total failures depending on the current number of shards
try {
SearchResponse searchResponse = searchRequestBuilder.get();
assertThat("Expected shard failures, got none", searchResponse.getShardFailures().length, greaterThan(0));
for (ShardSearchFailure shardSearchFailure : searchResponse.getShardFailures()) {
assertThat(shardSearchFailure.status(), equalTo(restStatus));
assertThat(shardSearchFailure.reason(), reasonMatcher);
} catch (SearchPhaseExecutionException e) {
assertThat(e.status(), equalTo(restStatus));
assertThat(e.toString(), reasonMatcher);
for (ShardSearchFailure shardSearchFailure : e.shardFailures()) {
assertThat(shardSearchFailure.status(), equalTo(restStatus));
assertThat(shardSearchFailure.reason(), reasonMatcher);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("SearchPhaseExecutionException expected but got " + e.getClass());