use of in project aws-athena-query-federation by awslabs.
the class ElasticsearchRecordHandler method readWithConstraint.
* Used to read the row data associated with the provided Split.
* @param spiller A BlockSpiller that should be used to write the row data associated with this Split.
* The BlockSpiller automatically handles chunking the response, encrypting, and spilling to S3.
* @param recordsRequest Details of the read request, including:
* 1. The Split
* 2. The Catalog, Database, and Table the read request is for.
* 3. The filtering predicate (if any)
* 4. The columns required for projection.
* @param queryStatusChecker A QueryStatusChecker that you can use to stop doing work for a query that has already terminated
* @throws RuntimeException when an error occurs while attempting to send the query, or the query timed out.
* @note Avoid writing >10 rows per-call to BlockSpiller.writeRow(...) because this will limit the BlockSpiller's
* ability to control Block size. The resulting increase in Block size may cause failures and reduced performance.
protected void readWithConstraint(BlockSpiller spiller, ReadRecordsRequest recordsRequest, QueryStatusChecker queryStatusChecker) throws RuntimeException {"readWithConstraint - enter - Domain: {}, Index: {}, Mapping: {}", recordsRequest.getTableName().getSchemaName(), recordsRequest.getTableName().getTableName(), recordsRequest.getSchema());
String domain = recordsRequest.getTableName().getSchemaName();
String endpoint = recordsRequest.getSplit().getProperty(domain);
String index = recordsRequest.getTableName().getTableName();
String shard = recordsRequest.getSplit().getProperty(ElasticsearchMetadataHandler.SHARD_KEY);
long numRows = 0;
if (queryStatusChecker.isQueryRunning()) {
AwsRestHighLevelClient client = clientFactory.getOrCreateClient(endpoint);
try {
// Create field extractors for all data types in the schema.
GeneratedRowWriter rowWriter = createFieldExtractors(recordsRequest);
// Create a new search-source injected with the projection, predicate, and the pagination batch size.
SearchSourceBuilder searchSource = new SearchSourceBuilder().size(QUERY_BATCH_SIZE).timeout(new TimeValue(queryTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)).fetchSource(ElasticsearchQueryUtils.getProjection(recordsRequest.getSchema())).query(ElasticsearchQueryUtils.getQuery(recordsRequest.getConstraints().getSummary()));
// Create a new search-request for the specified index.
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(index).preference(shard);
int hitsNum;
int currPosition = 0;
do {
// Process the search request injecting the search-source, and setting the from position
// used for pagination of results.
SearchResponse searchResponse = client.getDocuments(searchRequest.source(searchSource.from(currPosition)));
// Throw on query timeout.
if (searchResponse.isTimedOut()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Request for index (" + index + ") " + shard + " timed out.");
// Increment current position to next batch of results.
currPosition += QUERY_BATCH_SIZE;
// Process hits.
Iterator<SearchHit> hitIterator = searchResponse.getHits().iterator();
hitsNum = searchResponse.getHits().getHits().length;
while (hitIterator.hasNext() && queryStatusChecker.isQueryRunning()) {
spiller.writeRows((Block block, int rowNum) -> rowWriter.writeRow(block, rowNum, client.getDocument( ? 1 : 0);
// if hitsNum < QUERY_BATCH_SIZE, then this is the last batch of documents.
} while (hitsNum == QUERY_BATCH_SIZE && queryStatusChecker.isQueryRunning());
} catch (IOException error) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error sending search query: " + error.getMessage(), error);
}"readWithConstraint: numRows[{}]", numRows);
use of in project pipelines by gbif.
the class ExtensionTermCountRequestBuilder method getRequest.
public ExtTermCountRequest getRequest() {
String aggsField = prefix == null || prefix.isEmpty() ? term : prefix + "." + term;
SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest().source(new SearchSourceBuilder().size(0).query(QueryBuilders.termQuery(termName, termValue)).aggregation(AggregationBuilders.count(AGGREGATION).field(aggsField))).indices(indexName);
return ExtTermCountRequest.create(term, request);
use of in project starcoin-search by starcoinorg.
the class BlockService method getUncleBlockByHash.
public UncleBlock getUncleBlockByHash(String network, String hash) {
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(getIndex(network, Constant.UNCLE_BLOCK_INDEX));
SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder();
TermQueryBuilder termQueryBuilder = QueryBuilders.termQuery("header.block_hash", hash);
SearchResponse searchResponse;
try {
searchResponse =, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("get uncle block by hash error:", e);
return null;
Result<UncleBlock> result = ServiceUtils.getSearchResult(searchResponse, UncleBlock.class);
List<UncleBlock> blocks = result.getContents();
if (blocks.size() == 1) {
return blocks.get(0);
} else {
logger.warn("get uncle block by hash is null, network: {}, : {}", network, hash);
return null;
use of in project starcoin-search by starcoinorg.
the class BlockService method getUncleBlockByHeight.
public UncleBlock getUncleBlockByHeight(String network, long height) {
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(getIndex(network, Constant.UNCLE_BLOCK_INDEX));
SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder();
TermQueryBuilder termQueryBuilder = QueryBuilders.termQuery("header.number", height);
SearchResponse searchResponse;
try {
searchResponse =, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("get uncle block error:", e);
return null;
Result<UncleBlock> result = ServiceUtils.getSearchResult(searchResponse, UncleBlock.class);
List<UncleBlock> blocks = result.getContents();
if (blocks.size() == 1) {
return blocks.get(0);
} else {
logger.warn("get uncle block by height is null, network: {}, : {}", network, height);
return null;
use of in project starcoin-search by starcoinorg.
the class BlockService method getRange.
public Result<Block> getRange(String network, int page, int count, int start_height) {
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(getIndex(network, Constant.BLOCK_IDS_INDEX));
SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder();
// page size
// begin offset
int offset;
if (page > 1) {
offset = (page - 1) * count;
if (offset >= ELASTICSEARCH_MAX_HITS && start_height > 0) {
offset = start_height - (page - 1) * count;
searchSourceBuilder.searchAfter(new Object[] { offset });
} else {
searchSourceBuilder.sort("header.number", SortOrder.DESC);
SearchResponse searchResponse;
try {
searchResponse =, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("get range block error:", e);
return null;
return ServiceUtils.getSearchResult(searchResponse, Block.class);