Search in sources :

Example 21 with UpdateRequest

use of org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest in project jena by apache.

the class TextIndexES method addEntity.

     * Add an Entity to the ElasticSearch Index.
     * The entity will be added as a new document in ES, if it does not already exists.
     * If the Entity exists, then the entity will simply be updated.
     * The entity will never be replaced.
     * @param entity the entity to add
public void addEntity(Entity entity) {
    LOGGER.debug("Adding/Updating the entity in ES");
    //The field that has a not null value in the current Entity instance.
    //Required, mainly for building a script for the update command.
    String fieldToAdd = null;
    String fieldValueToAdd = null;
    try {
        XContentBuilder builder = jsonBuilder().startObject();
        for (String field : docDef.fields()) {
            if (entity.get(field) != null) {
                if (entity.getLanguage() != null && !entity.getLanguage().isEmpty()) {
                    //We make sure that the field name contains all underscore and no dash (for eg. when the lang value is en-GB)
                    //The reason to do this is because the script fails with exception in case we have "-" in field name.
                    fieldToAdd = normalizeFieldName(field, entity.getLanguage());
                } else {
                    fieldToAdd = field;
                fieldValueToAdd = (String) entity.get(field);
                builder = builder.field(fieldToAdd, Arrays.asList(fieldValueToAdd));
            } else {
                //We are making sure that the field is at-least added to the index.
                //This will help us tremendously when we are appending the data later in an already indexed document.
                builder = builder.field(field, Collections.emptyList());
        builder = builder.endObject();
        IndexRequest indexRequest = new IndexRequest(indexName, docDef.getEntityField(), entity.getId()).source(builder);
        String addUpdateScript = ADD_UPDATE_SCRIPT.replaceAll("<fieldName>", fieldToAdd);
        Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put("fieldValue", fieldValueToAdd);
        UpdateRequest upReq = new UpdateRequest(indexName, docDef.getEntityField(), entity.getId()).script(new Script(Script.DEFAULT_SCRIPT_TYPE, Script.DEFAULT_SCRIPT_LANG, addUpdateScript, params)).upsert(indexRequest);
        UpdateResponse response = client.update(upReq).get();
        LOGGER.debug("Received the following Update response : " + response + " for the following entity: " + entity);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new TextIndexException("Unable to Index the Entity in ElasticSearch.", e);
Also used : Script(org.elasticsearch.script.Script) UpdateResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateResponse) UpdateRequest(org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest) IndexRequest(org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest) XContentBuilder(org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder) DocumentMissingException(org.elasticsearch.index.engine.DocumentMissingException)

Example 22 with UpdateRequest

use of org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest in project jena by apache.

the class TextIndexES method deleteEntity.

     * Delete the value of the entity from the existing document, if any.
     * The document itself will never get deleted. Only the value will get deleted.
     * @param entity entity whose value needs to be deleted
public void deleteEntity(Entity entity) {
    String fieldToRemove = null;
    String valueToRemove = null;
    for (String field : docDef.fields()) {
        if (entity.get(field) != null) {
            fieldToRemove = field;
            if (entity.getLanguage() != null && !entity.getLanguage().isEmpty()) {
                fieldToRemove = normalizeFieldName(fieldToRemove, entity.getLanguage());
            valueToRemove = (String) entity.get(field);
    if (fieldToRemove != null && valueToRemove != null) {
        LOGGER.debug("deleting content related to entity: " + entity.getId());
        String deleteScript = DELETE_SCRIPT.replaceAll("<fieldToRemove>", fieldToRemove);
        Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put("valueToRemove", valueToRemove);
        UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest(indexName, docDef.getEntityField(), entity.getId()).script(new Script(Script.DEFAULT_SCRIPT_TYPE, Script.DEFAULT_SCRIPT_LANG, deleteScript, params));
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(e) instanceof DocumentMissingException) {
                LOGGER.debug("Trying to delete values from a missing document. Ignoring deletion of entity: ", entity);
            } else {
                throw new TextIndexException("Unable to delete entity.", e);
Also used : Script(org.elasticsearch.script.Script) UpdateRequest(org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest) DocumentMissingException(org.elasticsearch.index.engine.DocumentMissingException) DocumentMissingException(org.elasticsearch.index.engine.DocumentMissingException)

Example 23 with UpdateRequest

use of org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest in project incubator-sdap-mudrod by apache.

the class SessionGenerator method update.

 * Method to update a Elasticsearch record/document by id, field, and value
 * @param es
 * @param index  index name is Elasticsearch
 * @param type   type name
 * @param id     ID of the document that needs to be updated
 * @param field1 field of the document that needs to be updated
 * @param value1 value of the document that needs to be changed to
 * @throws ElasticsearchException
 * @throws IOException
private void update(ESDriver es, String index, String type, String id, String field1, Object value1) throws IOException {
    UpdateRequest ur = new UpdateRequest(index, type, id).doc(jsonBuilder().startObject().field(field1, value1).endObject());
Also used : UpdateRequest(org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest)

Example 24 with UpdateRequest

use of org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest in project incubator-sdap-mudrod by apache.

the class ESDriver method generateUpdateRequest.

public UpdateRequest generateUpdateRequest(String index, String type, String id, Map<String, Object> filedValueMap) {
    UpdateRequest ur = null;
    try {
        XContentBuilder builder = jsonBuilder().startObject();
        for (Entry<String, Object> entry : filedValueMap.entrySet()) {
            String key = entry.getKey();
            builder.field(key, filedValueMap.get(key));
        ur = new UpdateRequest(index, type, id).doc(builder);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Error whilst attempting to generate a new Update Request.", e);
    return ur;
Also used : UpdateRequest(org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest) IOException( XContentBuilder(org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder)

Example 25 with UpdateRequest

use of org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest in project elasticsearch-indexing-proxy by codelibs.

the class ProxyActionFilter method getExecutor.

private <Request extends ActionRequest, Response extends ActionResponse> Supplier<Response> getExecutor(final Task task, final String action, final Request request) {
    if (BulkAction.NAME.equals(action)) {
        final long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        int count = 0;
        final BulkRequest req = (BulkRequest) request;
        for (final DocWriteRequest<?> subReq : req.requests()) {
            if (indexingProxyService.isTargetIndex(subReq.index())) {
        if (count == 0) {
            return null;
        } else if (count != req.requests().size()) {
            throw new ElasticsearchException("Mixed target requests. ({} != {})", count, req.requests().size());
        return () -> {
            final List<BulkItemResponse> responseList = new ArrayList<>(req.requests().size());
            for (int i = 0; i < req.requests().size(); i++) {
                final DocWriteRequest<?> dwr = req.requests().get(i);
                if (dwr instanceof IndexRequest) {
                    final IndexRequest r = (IndexRequest) dwr;
                    final String id = == null ? INDEX_UUID :;
                    final IndexResponse response = new IndexResponse(new ShardId(new Index(r.index(), INDEX_UUID), 0), r.type(), id, r.version(), true);
                    responseList.add(new BulkItemResponse(i, r.opType(), response));
                } else if (dwr instanceof UpdateRequest) {
                    final UpdateRequest r = (UpdateRequest) dwr;
                    final String id = == null ? INDEX_UUID :;
                    final UpdateResponse response = new UpdateResponse(new ShardId(new Index(r.index(), INDEX_UUID), 0), r.type(), id, r.version(), Result.CREATED);
                    responseList.add(new BulkItemResponse(i, r.opType(), response));
                } else if (dwr instanceof DeleteRequest) {
                    final DeleteRequest r = (DeleteRequest) dwr;
                    final String id = == null ? INDEX_UUID :;
                    final DeleteResponse response = new DeleteResponse(new ShardId(new Index(r.index(), INDEX_UUID), 0), r.type(), id, r.version(), true);
                    response.setShardInfo(new ReplicationResponse.ShardInfo(1, 1, ReplicationResponse.EMPTY));
                    responseList.add(new BulkItemResponse(i, r.opType(), response));
                } else {
                    responseList.add(new BulkItemResponse(i, dwr.opType(), new BulkItemResponse.Failure(dwr.index(), dwr.type(),, new ElasticsearchException("Unknown request: " + dwr))));
            return (Response) new BulkResponse(responseList.toArray(new BulkItemResponse[responseList.size()]), (System.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1000000);
    } else if (DeleteAction.NAME.equals(action)) {
        final DeleteRequest req = (DeleteRequest) request;
        if (!indexingProxyService.isTargetIndex(req.index())) {
            return null;
        return () -> {
            final String id = == null ? INDEX_UUID :;
            final DeleteResponse res = new DeleteResponse(new ShardId(new Index(req.index(), INDEX_UUID), 0), req.type(), id, req.version(), true);
            res.setShardInfo(new ReplicationResponse.ShardInfo(1, 1, ReplicationResponse.EMPTY));
            return (Response) res;
    } else if (DeleteByQueryAction.NAME.equals(action)) {
        final long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        int count = 0;
        final DeleteByQueryRequest req = (DeleteByQueryRequest) request;
        for (final String index : req.indices()) {
            if (indexingProxyService.isTargetIndex(index)) {
        if (count == 0) {
            return null;
        } else if (count != req.indices().length) {
            throw new ElasticsearchException("Mixed target requests. ({} != {})", count, req.indices().length);
        return () -> {
            return (Response) new BulkByScrollResponse(TimeValue.timeValueNanos(System.nanoTime() - startTime), new BulkByScrollTask.Status(null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, TimeValue.ZERO, 0, null, TimeValue.ZERO), Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), false);
    } else if (IndexAction.NAME.equals(action)) {
        final IndexRequest req = (IndexRequest) request;
        if (!indexingProxyService.isTargetIndex(req.index())) {
            return null;
        return () -> {
            final String id = == null ? INDEX_UUID :;
            return (Response) new IndexResponse(new ShardId(new Index(req.index(), INDEX_UUID), 0), req.type(), id, req.version(), true);
    } else if (UpdateAction.NAME.equals(action)) {
        final UpdateRequest req = (UpdateRequest) request;
        if (!indexingProxyService.isTargetIndex(req.index())) {
            return null;
        return () -> {
            final String id = == null ? INDEX_UUID :;
            return (Response) new UpdateResponse(new ShardId(new Index(req.index(), INDEX_UUID), 0), req.type(), id, req.version(), Result.CREATED);
    } else if (UpdateByQueryAction.NAME.equals(action)) {
        final long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        int count = 0;
        final UpdateByQueryRequest req = (UpdateByQueryRequest) request;
        for (final String index : req.indices()) {
            if (indexingProxyService.isTargetIndex(index)) {
        if (count == 0) {
            return null;
        } else if (count != req.indices().length) {
            throw new ElasticsearchException("Mixed target requests. ({} != {})", count, req.indices().length);
        return () -> {
            return (Response) new BulkByScrollResponse(TimeValue.timeValueNanos(System.nanoTime() - startTime), new BulkByScrollTask.Status(null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, TimeValue.ZERO, 0, null, TimeValue.ZERO), Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), false);
    return null;
Also used : Index(org.elasticsearch.index.Index) ElasticsearchException(org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException) IndexRequest(org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest) ReplicationResponse( BulkByScrollResponse(org.elasticsearch.index.reindex.BulkByScrollResponse) ShardId(org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId) UpdateResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateResponse) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) BulkByScrollTask(org.elasticsearch.index.reindex.BulkByScrollTask) UpdateRequest(org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest) DeleteByQueryRequest(org.elasticsearch.index.reindex.DeleteByQueryRequest) BulkItemResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkItemResponse) BulkResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkResponse) UpdateByQueryRequest(org.elasticsearch.index.reindex.UpdateByQueryRequest) UpdateResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateResponse) IndexResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexResponse) DeleteResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteResponse) BulkByScrollResponse(org.elasticsearch.index.reindex.BulkByScrollResponse) BulkItemResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkItemResponse) ActionResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.ActionResponse) BulkResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkResponse) ReplicationResponse( DeleteResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteResponse) IndexResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexResponse) BulkRequest(org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequest) DocWriteRequest(org.elasticsearch.action.DocWriteRequest) DeleteRequest(org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteRequest)


UpdateRequest (org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest)56 IndexRequest (org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest)32 DeleteRequest (org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteRequest)25 BulkRequest (org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequest)14 DocWriteRequest (org.elasticsearch.action.DocWriteRequest)11 UpdateResponse (org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateResponse)8 GetRequest (org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetRequest)7 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 Script (org.elasticsearch.script.Script)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 BulkItemResponse (org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkItemResponse)5 WriteRequest ( BytesReference (org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesReference)5 XContentType (org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentType)5 VersionType (org.elasticsearch.index.VersionType)5 HttpEntity (org.apache.http.HttpEntity)4 ByteArrayEntity (org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity)4 ElasticsearchException (org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException)4 TimeValue (org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue)4