use of org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.NodeAllocationResult in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class ClusterAllocationExplainIT method testAllocationFilteringPreventsShardMove.
public void testAllocationFilteringPreventsShardMove() throws Exception {"--> starting 2 nodes");
internalCluster().startNodes(2);"--> creating an index with 1 primary and 0 replicas");
createIndexAndIndexData(1, 0);"--> setting up allocation filtering to prevent allocation to both nodes");
client().admin().indices().prepareUpdateSettings("idx").setSettings(Settings.builder().put("index.routing.allocation.include._name", "non_existent_node")).get();
boolean includeYesDecisions = randomBoolean();
boolean includeDiskInfo = randomBoolean();
ClusterAllocationExplanation explanation = runExplain(true, includeYesDecisions, includeDiskInfo);
ShardId shardId = explanation.getShard();
boolean isPrimary = explanation.isPrimary();
ShardRoutingState shardRoutingState = explanation.getShardState();
DiscoveryNode currentNode = explanation.getCurrentNode();
UnassignedInfo unassignedInfo = explanation.getUnassignedInfo();
ClusterInfo clusterInfo = explanation.getClusterInfo();
AllocateUnassignedDecision allocateDecision = explanation.getShardAllocationDecision().getAllocateDecision();
MoveDecision moveDecision = explanation.getShardAllocationDecision().getMoveDecision();
// verify shard info
assertEquals("idx", shardId.getIndexName());
assertEquals(0, shardId.getId());
// verify current node info
assertEquals(ShardRoutingState.STARTED, shardRoutingState);
// verify unassigned info
// verify cluster info
verifyClusterInfo(clusterInfo, includeDiskInfo, 2);
// verify decision object
assertEquals(AllocationDecision.NO, moveDecision.getAllocationDecision());
assertEquals("cannot move shard to another node, even though it is not allowed to remain on its current node", moveDecision.getExplanation());
assertEquals(0, moveDecision.getCurrentNodeRanking());
// verifying can remain decision object
assertEquals(Decision.Type.NO, moveDecision.getCanRemainDecision().type());
for (Decision d : moveDecision.getCanRemainDecision().getDecisions()) {
if (d.label().equals("filter")) {
assertEquals(Decision.Type.NO, d.type());
assertEquals("node does not match index setting [index.routing.allocation.include] filters [_name:\"non_existent_node\"]", d.getExplanation());
} else {
assertEquals(Decision.Type.YES, d.type());
// verify node decisions
assertEquals(1, moveDecision.getNodeDecisions().size());
NodeAllocationResult result = moveDecision.getNodeDecisions().get(0);
assertEquals(1, result.getWeightRanking());
assertEquals(AllocationDecision.NO, result.getNodeDecision());
if (includeYesDecisions) {
assertThat(result.getCanAllocateDecision().getDecisions().size(), greaterThan(1));
} else {
assertEquals(1, result.getCanAllocateDecision().getDecisions().size());
for (Decision d : result.getCanAllocateDecision().getDecisions()) {
if (d.label().equals("filter")) {
assertEquals(Decision.Type.NO, d.type());
assertEquals("node does not match index setting [index.routing.allocation.include] filters [_name:\"non_existent_node\"]", d.getExplanation());
} else {
assertEquals(Decision.Type.YES, d.type());
// verify JSON output
try (XContentParser parser = getParser(explanation)) {
verifyShardInfo(parser, true, includeDiskInfo, ShardRoutingState.STARTED);
assertEquals("can_remain_on_current_node", parser.currentName());
assertEquals(AllocationDecision.NO.toString(), parser.text());
assertEquals("can_remain_decisions", parser.currentName());
verifyDeciders(parser, AllocationDecision.NO);
assertEquals("can_move_to_other_node", parser.currentName());
assertEquals(AllocationDecision.NO.toString(), parser.text());
assertEquals("move_explanation", parser.currentName());
assertEquals("cannot move shard to another node, even though it is not allowed to remain on its current node", parser.text());
verifyNodeDecisions(parser, allNodeDecisions(AllocationDecision.NO, true), includeYesDecisions, false);
assertEquals(Token.END_OBJECT, parser.nextToken());
use of org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.NodeAllocationResult in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class ReplicaShardAllocator method canBeAllocatedToAtLeastOneNode.
* Determines if the shard can be allocated on at least one node based on the allocation deciders.
* Returns the best allocation decision for allocating the shard on any node (i.e. YES if at least one
* node decided YES, THROTTLE if at least one node decided THROTTLE, and NO if none of the nodes decided
* YES or THROTTLE). If in explain mode, also returns the node-level explanations as the second element
* in the returned tuple.
private Tuple<Decision, Map<String, NodeAllocationResult>> canBeAllocatedToAtLeastOneNode(ShardRouting shard, RoutingAllocation allocation) {
Decision madeDecision = Decision.NO;
final boolean explain = allocation.debugDecision();
Map<String, NodeAllocationResult> nodeDecisions = explain ? new HashMap<>() : null;
for (ObjectCursor<DiscoveryNode> cursor : allocation.nodes().getDataNodes().values()) {
RoutingNode node = allocation.routingNodes().node(cursor.value.getId());
if (node == null) {
// if we can't allocate it on a node, ignore it, for example, this handles
// cases for only allocating a replica after a primary
Decision decision = allocation.deciders().canAllocate(shard, node, allocation);
if (decision.type() == Decision.Type.YES && madeDecision.type() != Decision.Type.YES) {
if (explain) {
madeDecision = decision;
} else {
return Tuple.tuple(decision, nodeDecisions);
} else if (madeDecision.type() == Decision.Type.NO && decision.type() == Decision.Type.THROTTLE) {
madeDecision = decision;
if (explain) {
nodeDecisions.put(node.nodeId(), new NodeAllocationResult(node.node(), null, decision));
return Tuple.tuple(madeDecision, nodeDecisions);
use of org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.NodeAllocationResult in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class ReplicaShardAllocator method makeAllocationDecision.
public AllocateUnassignedDecision makeAllocationDecision(final ShardRouting unassignedShard, final RoutingAllocation allocation, final Logger logger) {
if (isResponsibleFor(unassignedShard) == false) {
// this allocator is not responsible for deciding on this shard
return AllocateUnassignedDecision.NOT_TAKEN;
final RoutingNodes routingNodes = allocation.routingNodes();
final boolean explain = allocation.debugDecision();
// pre-check if it can be allocated to any node that currently exists, so we won't list the store for it for nothing
Tuple<Decision, Map<String, NodeAllocationResult>> result = canBeAllocatedToAtLeastOneNode(unassignedShard, allocation);
Decision allocateDecision = result.v1();
if (allocateDecision.type() != Decision.Type.YES && (explain == false || hasInitiatedFetching(unassignedShard) == false)) {
// only return early if we are not in explain mode, or we are in explain mode but we have not
// yet attempted to fetch any shard data
logger.trace("{}: ignoring allocation, can't be allocated on any node", unassignedShard);
return, result.v2() != null ? new ArrayList<>(result.v2().values()) : null);
AsyncShardFetch.FetchResult<NodeStoreFilesMetaData> shardStores = fetchData(unassignedShard, allocation);
if (shardStores.hasData() == false) {
logger.trace("{}: ignoring allocation, still fetching shard stores", unassignedShard);
List<NodeAllocationResult> nodeDecisions = null;
if (explain) {
nodeDecisions = buildDecisionsForAllNodes(unassignedShard, allocation);
return, nodeDecisions);
ShardRouting primaryShard = routingNodes.activePrimary(unassignedShard.shardId());
if (primaryShard == null) {
assert explain : "primary should only be null here if we are in explain mode, so we didn't " + "exit early when canBeAllocatedToAtLeastOneNode didn't return a YES decision";
return, new ArrayList<>(result.v2().values()));
TransportNodesListShardStoreMetaData.StoreFilesMetaData primaryStore = findStore(primaryShard, allocation, shardStores);
if (primaryStore == null) {
// if we can't find the primary data, it is probably because the primary shard is corrupted (and listing failed)
// we want to let the replica be allocated in order to expose the actual problem with the primary that the replica
// will try and recover from
// Note, this is the existing behavior, as exposed in running CorruptFileTest#testNoPrimaryData
logger.trace("{}: no primary shard store found or allocated, letting actual allocation figure it out", unassignedShard);
return AllocateUnassignedDecision.NOT_TAKEN;
MatchingNodes matchingNodes = findMatchingNodes(unassignedShard, allocation, primaryStore, shardStores, explain);
assert explain == false || matchingNodes.nodeDecisions != null : "in explain mode, we must have individual node decisions";
List<NodeAllocationResult> nodeDecisions = augmentExplanationsWithStoreInfo(result.v2(), matchingNodes.nodeDecisions);
if (allocateDecision.type() != Decision.Type.YES) {
return, nodeDecisions);
} else if (matchingNodes.getNodeWithHighestMatch() != null) {
RoutingNode nodeWithHighestMatch = allocation.routingNodes().node(matchingNodes.getNodeWithHighestMatch().getId());
// we only check on THROTTLE since we checked before before on NO
Decision decision = allocation.deciders().canAllocate(unassignedShard, nodeWithHighestMatch, allocation);
if (decision.type() == Decision.Type.THROTTLE) {
logger.debug("[{}][{}]: throttling allocation [{}] to [{}] in order to reuse its unallocated persistent store", unassignedShard.index(),, unassignedShard, nodeWithHighestMatch.node());
// we are throttling this, as we have enough other shards to allocate to this node, so ignore it for now
return AllocateUnassignedDecision.throttle(nodeDecisions);
} else {
logger.debug("[{}][{}]: allocating [{}] to [{}] in order to reuse its unallocated persistent store", unassignedShard.index(),, unassignedShard, nodeWithHighestMatch.node());
// we found a match
return AllocateUnassignedDecision.yes(nodeWithHighestMatch.node(), null, nodeDecisions, true);
} else if (matchingNodes.hasAnyData() == false && unassignedShard.unassignedInfo().isDelayed()) {
// if we didn't manage to find *any* data (regardless of matching sizes), and the replica is
// unassigned due to a node leaving, so we delay allocation of this replica to see if the
// node with the shard copy will rejoin so we can re-use the copy it has
logger.debug("{}: allocation of [{}] is delayed", unassignedShard.shardId(), unassignedShard);
long remainingDelayMillis = 0L;
long totalDelayMillis = 0L;
if (explain) {
UnassignedInfo unassignedInfo = unassignedShard.unassignedInfo();
MetaData metadata = allocation.metaData();
IndexMetaData indexMetaData = metadata.index(unassignedShard.index());
totalDelayMillis = INDEX_DELAYED_NODE_LEFT_TIMEOUT_SETTING.get(indexMetaData.getSettings()).getMillis();
long remainingDelayNanos = unassignedInfo.getRemainingDelay(System.nanoTime(), indexMetaData.getSettings());
remainingDelayMillis = TimeValue.timeValueNanos(remainingDelayNanos).millis();
return AllocateUnassignedDecision.delayed(remainingDelayMillis, totalDelayMillis, nodeDecisions);
return AllocateUnassignedDecision.NOT_TAKEN;
use of org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.NodeAllocationResult in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class PrimaryShardAllocator method makeAllocationDecision.
public AllocateUnassignedDecision makeAllocationDecision(final ShardRouting unassignedShard, final RoutingAllocation allocation, final Logger logger) {
if (isResponsibleFor(unassignedShard) == false) {
// this allocator is not responsible for allocating this shard
return AllocateUnassignedDecision.NOT_TAKEN;
final boolean explain = allocation.debugDecision();
final FetchResult<NodeGatewayStartedShards> shardState = fetchData(unassignedShard, allocation);
if (shardState.hasData() == false) {
List<NodeAllocationResult> nodeDecisions = null;
if (explain) {
nodeDecisions = buildDecisionsForAllNodes(unassignedShard, allocation);
return, nodeDecisions);
// don't create a new IndexSetting object for every shard as this could cause a lot of garbage
// on cluster restart if we allocate a boat load of shards
final IndexMetaData indexMetaData = allocation.metaData().getIndexSafe(unassignedShard.index());
final Set<String> inSyncAllocationIds = indexMetaData.inSyncAllocationIds(;
final boolean snapshotRestore = unassignedShard.recoverySource().getType() == RecoverySource.Type.SNAPSHOT;
final boolean recoverOnAnyNode = recoverOnAnyNode(indexMetaData);
assert inSyncAllocationIds.isEmpty() == false;
// use in-sync allocation ids to select nodes
final NodeShardsResult nodeShardsResult = buildNodeShardsResult(unassignedShard, snapshotRestore || recoverOnAnyNode, allocation.getIgnoreNodes(unassignedShard.shardId()), inSyncAllocationIds, shardState, logger);
final boolean enoughAllocationsFound = nodeShardsResult.orderedAllocationCandidates.size() > 0;
logger.debug("[{}][{}]: found {} allocation candidates of {} based on allocation ids: [{}]", unassignedShard.index(),, nodeShardsResult.orderedAllocationCandidates.size(), unassignedShard, inSyncAllocationIds);
if (enoughAllocationsFound == false) {
if (snapshotRestore) {
// let BalancedShardsAllocator take care of allocating this shard
logger.debug("[{}][{}]: missing local data, will restore from [{}]", unassignedShard.index(),, unassignedShard.recoverySource());
return AllocateUnassignedDecision.NOT_TAKEN;
} else if (recoverOnAnyNode) {
// let BalancedShardsAllocator take care of allocating this shard
logger.debug("[{}][{}]: missing local data, recover from any node", unassignedShard.index(),;
return AllocateUnassignedDecision.NOT_TAKEN;
} else {
// We have a shard that was previously allocated, but we could not find a valid shard copy to allocate the primary.
// We could just be waiting for the node that holds the primary to start back up, in which case the allocation for
// this shard will be picked up when the node joins and we do another allocation reroute
logger.debug("[{}][{}]: not allocating, number_of_allocated_shards_found [{}]", unassignedShard.index(),, nodeShardsResult.allocationsFound);
return, explain ? buildNodeDecisions(null, shardState, inSyncAllocationIds) : null);
NodesToAllocate nodesToAllocate = buildNodesToAllocate(allocation, nodeShardsResult.orderedAllocationCandidates, unassignedShard, false);
DiscoveryNode node = null;
String allocationId = null;
boolean throttled = false;
if (nodesToAllocate.yesNodeShards.isEmpty() == false) {
DecidedNode decidedNode = nodesToAllocate.yesNodeShards.get(0);
logger.debug("[{}][{}]: allocating [{}] to [{}] on primary allocation", unassignedShard.index(),, unassignedShard, decidedNode.nodeShardState.getNode());
node = decidedNode.nodeShardState.getNode();
allocationId = decidedNode.nodeShardState.allocationId();
} else if (nodesToAllocate.throttleNodeShards.isEmpty() && !nodesToAllocate.noNodeShards.isEmpty()) {
// The deciders returned a NO decision for all nodes with shard copies, so we check if primary shard
// can be force-allocated to one of the nodes.
nodesToAllocate = buildNodesToAllocate(allocation, nodeShardsResult.orderedAllocationCandidates, unassignedShard, true);
if (nodesToAllocate.yesNodeShards.isEmpty() == false) {
final DecidedNode decidedNode = nodesToAllocate.yesNodeShards.get(0);
final NodeGatewayStartedShards nodeShardState = decidedNode.nodeShardState;
logger.debug("[{}][{}]: allocating [{}] to [{}] on forced primary allocation", unassignedShard.index(),, unassignedShard, nodeShardState.getNode());
node = nodeShardState.getNode();
allocationId = nodeShardState.allocationId();
} else if (nodesToAllocate.throttleNodeShards.isEmpty() == false) {
logger.debug("[{}][{}]: throttling allocation [{}] to [{}] on forced primary allocation", unassignedShard.index(),, unassignedShard, nodesToAllocate.throttleNodeShards);
throttled = true;
} else {
logger.debug("[{}][{}]: forced primary allocation denied [{}]", unassignedShard.index(),, unassignedShard);
} else {
// we are throttling this, since we are allowed to allocate to this node but there are enough allocations
// taking place on the node currently, ignore it for now
logger.debug("[{}][{}]: throttling allocation [{}] to [{}] on primary allocation", unassignedShard.index(),, unassignedShard, nodesToAllocate.throttleNodeShards);
throttled = true;
List<NodeAllocationResult> nodeResults = null;
if (explain) {
nodeResults = buildNodeDecisions(nodesToAllocate, shardState, inSyncAllocationIds);
if (allocation.hasPendingAsyncFetch()) {
return, nodeResults);
} else if (node != null) {
return AllocateUnassignedDecision.yes(node, allocationId, nodeResults, false);
} else if (throttled) {
return AllocateUnassignedDecision.throttle(nodeResults);
} else {
return, nodeResults, true);
use of org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.NodeAllocationResult in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class PrimaryShardAllocator method buildNodeDecisions.
* Builds a map of nodes to the corresponding allocation decisions for those nodes.
private static List<NodeAllocationResult> buildNodeDecisions(NodesToAllocate nodesToAllocate, FetchResult<NodeGatewayStartedShards> fetchedShardData, Set<String> inSyncAllocationIds) {
List<NodeAllocationResult> nodeResults = new ArrayList<>();
Collection<NodeGatewayStartedShards> ineligibleShards;
if (nodesToAllocate != null) {
final Set<DiscoveryNode> discoNodes = new HashSet<>();
nodeResults.addAll(Stream.of(nodesToAllocate.yesNodeShards, nodesToAllocate.throttleNodeShards, nodesToAllocate.noNodeShards).flatMap(Collection::stream).map(dnode -> {
return new NodeAllocationResult(dnode.nodeShardState.getNode(), shardStoreInfo(dnode.nodeShardState, inSyncAllocationIds), dnode.decision);
ineligibleShards = fetchedShardData.getData().values().stream().filter(shardData -> discoNodes.contains(shardData.getNode()) == false).collect(Collectors.toList());
} else {
// there were no shard copies that were eligible for being assigned the allocation,
// so all fetched shard data are ineligible shards
ineligibleShards = fetchedShardData.getData().values();
nodeResults.addAll( -> new NodeAllocationResult(shardData.getNode(), shardStoreInfo(shardData, inSyncAllocationIds), null)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
return nodeResults;