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Example 6 with IndexOutputOutputStream

use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.

the class MetaDataStateFormat method write.

     * Writes the given state to the given directories. The state is written to a
     * state directory ({@value #STATE_DIR_NAME}) underneath each of the given file locations and is created if it
     * doesn't exist. The state is serialized to a temporary file in that directory and is then atomically moved to
     * it's target filename of the pattern <tt>{prefix}{version}.st</tt>.
     * @param state the state object to write
     * @param locations the locations where the state should be written to.
     * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs
public final void write(final T state, final Path... locations) throws IOException {
    if (locations == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Locations must not be null");
    if (locations.length <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("One or more locations required");
    final long maxStateId = findMaxStateId(prefix, locations) + 1;
    assert maxStateId >= 0 : "maxStateId must be positive but was: [" + maxStateId + "]";
    final String fileName = prefix + maxStateId + STATE_FILE_EXTENSION;
    Path stateLocation = locations[0].resolve(STATE_DIR_NAME);
    final Path tmpStatePath = stateLocation.resolve(fileName + ".tmp");
    final Path finalStatePath = stateLocation.resolve(fileName);
    try {
        final String resourceDesc = "MetaDataStateFormat.write(path=\"" + tmpStatePath + "\")";
        try (OutputStreamIndexOutput out = new OutputStreamIndexOutput(resourceDesc, fileName, Files.newOutputStream(tmpStatePath), BUFFER_SIZE)) {
            CodecUtil.writeHeader(out, STATE_FILE_CODEC, STATE_FILE_VERSION);
            try (XContentBuilder builder = newXContentBuilder(format, new IndexOutputOutputStream(out) {

                public void close() throws IOException {
                // this is important since some of the XContentBuilders write bytes on close.
                // in order to write the footer we need to prevent closing the actual index input.
            })) {
                    toXContent(builder, state);
        // fsync the state file
        IOUtils.fsync(tmpStatePath, false);
        Files.move(tmpStatePath, finalStatePath, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
        IOUtils.fsync(stateLocation, true);
        for (int i = 1; i < locations.length; i++) {
            stateLocation = locations[i].resolve(STATE_DIR_NAME);
            Path tmpPath = stateLocation.resolve(fileName + ".tmp");
            Path finalPath = stateLocation.resolve(fileName);
            try {
                Files.copy(finalStatePath, tmpPath);
                // we are on the same FileSystem / Partition here we can do an atomic move
                Files.move(tmpPath, finalPath, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
                // we just fsync the dir here..
                IOUtils.fsync(stateLocation, true);
            } finally {
    } finally {
    cleanupOldFiles(prefix, fileName, locations);
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) OutputStreamIndexOutput( IndexOutputOutputStream( IOException( XContentBuilder(org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder)

Example 7 with IndexOutputOutputStream

use of in project crate by crate.

the class ChecksumBlobStoreFormat method writeTo.

private void writeTo(final T obj, final String blobName, final CheckedConsumer<BytesArray, IOException> consumer) throws IOException {
    final BytesReference bytes;
    try (BytesStreamOutput bytesStreamOutput = new BytesStreamOutput()) {
        if (compress) {
            try (StreamOutput compressedStreamOutput = CompressorFactory.COMPRESSOR.streamOutput(bytesStreamOutput)) {
                write(obj, compressedStreamOutput);
        } else {
            write(obj, bytesStreamOutput);
        bytes = bytesStreamOutput.bytes();
    try (ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
        final String resourceDesc = "ChecksumBlobStoreFormat.writeBlob(blob=\"" + blobName + "\")";
        try (OutputStreamIndexOutput indexOutput = new OutputStreamIndexOutput(resourceDesc, blobName, outputStream, BUFFER_SIZE)) {
            CodecUtil.writeHeader(indexOutput, codec, VERSION);
            try (OutputStream indexOutputOutputStream = new IndexOutputOutputStream(indexOutput) {

                public void close() {
                // this is important since some of the XContentBuilders write bytes on close.
                // in order to write the footer we need to prevent closing the actual index input.
            }) {
        consumer.accept(new BytesArray(outputStream.toByteArray()));
Also used : BytesReference(org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesReference) BytesArray(org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesArray) OutputStreamIndexOutput( IndexOutputOutputStream( ByteArrayOutputStream( OutputStream( IndexOutputOutputStream( ByteArrayOutputStream( StreamOutput( BytesStreamOutput( BytesStreamOutput(


IndexOutputOutputStream ( IOException ( OutputStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 OutputStreamIndexOutput ( BytesArray (org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesArray)3 BytesReference (org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesReference)3 ByteArrayOutputStream ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)2 Document (org.apache.lucene.document.Document)2 StringField (org.apache.lucene.document.StringField)2 CorruptIndexException (org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException)2 IndexReader (org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader)2 RandomIndexWriter (org.apache.lucene.index.RandomIndexWriter)2 Directory ( DiscoveryNode (org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode)2 ClusterSettings (org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ClusterSettings)2 Settings (org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings)2 IndexSettings (org.elasticsearch.index.IndexSettings)2 ParsedDocument (org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.ParsedDocument)2