use of org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue in project crate by crate.
the class SettingTests method testByteSizeSettingMaxValue.
public void testByteSizeSettingMaxValue() {
final Setting<ByteSizeValue> byteSizeValueSetting = Setting.byteSizeSetting("a.byte.size", new ByteSizeValue(100, ByteSizeUnit.MB), new ByteSizeValue(16, ByteSizeUnit.MB), new ByteSizeValue(Integer.MAX_VALUE, ByteSizeUnit.BYTES));
final long value = (1L << 31) - 1 + randomIntBetween(1, 1024);
final Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("a.byte.size", value + "b").build();
final IllegalArgumentException e = expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> byteSizeValueSetting.get(settings));
final String expectedMessage = "failed to parse value [" + value + "b] for setting [a.byte.size], must be <= [2147483647b]";
assertThat(e, hasToString(containsString(expectedMessage)));
use of org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue in project crate by crate.
the class SettingTests method testByteSizeSetting.
public void testByteSizeSetting() {
final Setting<ByteSizeValue> byteSizeValueSetting = Setting.byteSizeSetting("a.byte.size", new ByteSizeValue(1024), Property.Dynamic, Property.NodeScope);
final ByteSizeValue byteSizeValue = byteSizeValueSetting.get(Settings.EMPTY);
assertThat(byteSizeValue.getBytes(), equalTo(1024L));
use of org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue in project crate by crate.
the class SettingTests method testByteSizeSettingMinValue.
public void testByteSizeSettingMinValue() {
final Setting<ByteSizeValue> byteSizeValueSetting = Setting.byteSizeSetting("a.byte.size", new ByteSizeValue(100, ByteSizeUnit.MB), new ByteSizeValue(20_000_000, ByteSizeUnit.BYTES), new ByteSizeValue(Integer.MAX_VALUE, ByteSizeUnit.BYTES));
final long value = 20_000_000 - randomIntBetween(1, 1024);
final Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("a.byte.size", value + "b").build();
final IllegalArgumentException e = expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> byteSizeValueSetting.get(settings));
final String expectedMessage = "failed to parse value [" + value + "b] for setting [a.byte.size], must be >= [20000000b]";
assertThat(e, hasToString(containsString(expectedMessage)));
use of org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class DiskThresholdDecider method canAllocate.
public Decision canAllocate(ShardRouting shardRouting, RoutingNode node, RoutingAllocation allocation) {
ClusterInfo clusterInfo = allocation.clusterInfo();
ImmutableOpenMap<String, DiskUsage> usages = clusterInfo.getNodeMostAvailableDiskUsages();
final Decision decision = earlyTerminate(allocation, usages);
if (decision != null) {
return decision;
final double usedDiskThresholdLow = 100.0 - diskThresholdSettings.getFreeDiskThresholdLow();
final double usedDiskThresholdHigh = 100.0 - diskThresholdSettings.getFreeDiskThresholdHigh();
// subtractLeavingShards is passed as false here, because they still use disk space, and therefore should we should be extra careful
// and take the size into account
DiskUsage usage = getDiskUsage(node, allocation, usages, false);
// First, check that the node currently over the low watermark
double freeDiskPercentage = usage.getFreeDiskAsPercentage();
// Cache the used disk percentage for displaying disk percentages consistent with documentation
double usedDiskPercentage = usage.getUsedDiskAsPercentage();
long freeBytes = usage.getFreeBytes();
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("node [{}] has {}% used disk", node.nodeId(), usedDiskPercentage);
// flag that determines whether the low threshold checks below can be skipped. We use this for a primary shard that is freshly
// allocated and empty.
boolean skipLowTresholdChecks = shardRouting.primary() && == false && shardRouting.recoverySource().getType() == RecoverySource.Type.EMPTY_STORE;
// checks for exact byte comparisons
if (freeBytes < diskThresholdSettings.getFreeBytesThresholdLow().getBytes()) {
if (skipLowTresholdChecks == false) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("less than the required {} free bytes threshold ({} bytes free) on node {}, preventing allocation", diskThresholdSettings.getFreeBytesThresholdLow(), freeBytes, node.nodeId());
return allocation.decision(Decision.NO, NAME, "the node is above the low watermark cluster setting [%s=%s], having less than the minimum required [%s] free " + "space, actual free: [%s]", CLUSTER_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_LOW_DISK_WATERMARK_SETTING.getKey(), diskThresholdSettings.getLowWatermarkRaw(), diskThresholdSettings.getFreeBytesThresholdLow(), new ByteSizeValue(freeBytes));
} else if (freeBytes > diskThresholdSettings.getFreeBytesThresholdHigh().getBytes()) {
// has never been allocated if it's under the high watermark
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("less than the required {} free bytes threshold ({} bytes free) on node {}, " + "but allowing allocation because primary has never been allocated", diskThresholdSettings.getFreeBytesThresholdLow(), freeBytes, node.nodeId());
return allocation.decision(Decision.YES, NAME, "the node is above the low watermark, but less than the high watermark, and this primary shard has " + "never been allocated before");
} else {
// above the high watermark, so don't allow allocating the shard
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("less than the required {} free bytes threshold ({} bytes free) on node {}, " + "preventing allocation even though primary has never been allocated", diskThresholdSettings.getFreeBytesThresholdHigh(), freeBytes, node.nodeId());
return allocation.decision(Decision.NO, NAME, "the node is above the high watermark cluster setting [%s=%s], having less than the minimum required [%s] free " + "space, actual free: [%s]", CLUSTER_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_HIGH_DISK_WATERMARK_SETTING.getKey(), diskThresholdSettings.getHighWatermarkRaw(), diskThresholdSettings.getFreeBytesThresholdHigh(), new ByteSizeValue(freeBytes));
// checks for percentage comparisons
if (freeDiskPercentage < diskThresholdSettings.getFreeDiskThresholdLow()) {
// If the shard is a replica or is a non-empty primary, check the low threshold
if (skipLowTresholdChecks == false) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("more than the allowed {} used disk threshold ({} used) on node [{}], preventing allocation", Strings.format1Decimals(usedDiskThresholdLow, "%"), Strings.format1Decimals(usedDiskPercentage, "%"), node.nodeId());
return allocation.decision(Decision.NO, NAME, "the node is above the low watermark cluster setting [%s=%s], using more disk space than the maximum allowed " + "[%s%%], actual free: [%s%%]", CLUSTER_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_LOW_DISK_WATERMARK_SETTING.getKey(), diskThresholdSettings.getLowWatermarkRaw(), usedDiskThresholdLow, freeDiskPercentage);
} else if (freeDiskPercentage > diskThresholdSettings.getFreeDiskThresholdHigh()) {
// has never been allocated if it's under the high watermark
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("more than the allowed {} used disk threshold ({} used) on node [{}], " + "but allowing allocation because primary has never been allocated", Strings.format1Decimals(usedDiskThresholdLow, "%"), Strings.format1Decimals(usedDiskPercentage, "%"), node.nodeId());
return allocation.decision(Decision.YES, NAME, "the node is above the low watermark, but less than the high watermark, and this primary shard has " + "never been allocated before");
} else {
// above the high watermark, so don't allow allocating the shard
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("less than the required {} free bytes threshold ({} bytes free) on node {}, " + "preventing allocation even though primary has never been allocated", Strings.format1Decimals(diskThresholdSettings.getFreeDiskThresholdHigh(), "%"), Strings.format1Decimals(freeDiskPercentage, "%"), node.nodeId());
return allocation.decision(Decision.NO, NAME, "the node is above the high watermark cluster setting [%s=%s], using more disk space than the maximum allowed " + "[%s%%], actual free: [%s%%]", CLUSTER_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_HIGH_DISK_WATERMARK_SETTING.getKey(), diskThresholdSettings.getHighWatermarkRaw(), usedDiskThresholdHigh, freeDiskPercentage);
// Secondly, check that allocating the shard to this node doesn't put it above the high watermark
final long shardSize = getExpectedShardSize(shardRouting, allocation, 0);
double freeSpaceAfterShard = freeDiskPercentageAfterShardAssigned(usage, shardSize);
long freeBytesAfterShard = freeBytes - shardSize;
if (freeBytesAfterShard < diskThresholdSettings.getFreeBytesThresholdHigh().getBytes()) {
logger.warn("after allocating, node [{}] would have less than the required " + "{} free bytes threshold ({} bytes free), preventing allocation", node.nodeId(), diskThresholdSettings.getFreeBytesThresholdHigh(), freeBytesAfterShard);
return allocation.decision(Decision.NO, NAME, "allocating the shard to this node will bring the node above the high watermark cluster setting [%s=%s] " + "and cause it to have less than the minimum required [%s] of free space (free bytes after shard added: [%s])", CLUSTER_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_HIGH_DISK_WATERMARK_SETTING.getKey(), diskThresholdSettings.getHighWatermarkRaw(), diskThresholdSettings.getFreeBytesThresholdHigh(), new ByteSizeValue(freeBytesAfterShard));
if (freeSpaceAfterShard < diskThresholdSettings.getFreeDiskThresholdHigh()) {
logger.warn("after allocating, node [{}] would have more than the allowed " + "{} free disk threshold ({} free), preventing allocation", node.nodeId(), Strings.format1Decimals(diskThresholdSettings.getFreeDiskThresholdHigh(), "%"), Strings.format1Decimals(freeSpaceAfterShard, "%"));
return allocation.decision(Decision.NO, NAME, "allocating the shard to this node will bring the node above the high watermark cluster setting [%s=%s] " + "and cause it to use more disk space than the maximum allowed [%s%%] (free space after shard added: [%s%%])", CLUSTER_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_HIGH_DISK_WATERMARK_SETTING.getKey(), diskThresholdSettings.getHighWatermarkRaw(), usedDiskThresholdHigh, freeSpaceAfterShard);
return allocation.decision(Decision.YES, NAME, "enough disk for shard on node, free: [%s], shard size: [%s], free after allocating shard: [%s]", new ByteSizeValue(freeBytes), new ByteSizeValue(shardSize), new ByteSizeValue(freeBytesAfterShard));
use of org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class HierarchyCircuitBreakerService method checkParentLimit.
* Checks whether the parent breaker has been tripped
public void checkParentLimit(String label) throws CircuitBreakingException {
long totalUsed = 0;
for (CircuitBreaker breaker : this.breakers.values()) {
totalUsed += (breaker.getUsed() * breaker.getOverhead());
long parentLimit = this.parentSettings.getLimit();
if (totalUsed > parentLimit) {
final String message = "[parent] Data too large, data for [" + label + "]" + " would be [" + totalUsed + "/" + new ByteSizeValue(totalUsed) + "]" + ", which is larger than the limit of [" + parentLimit + "/" + new ByteSizeValue(parentLimit) + "]";
throw new CircuitBreakingException(message, totalUsed, parentLimit);