use of org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class MinAggregator method getLeafCollector.
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx, final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
final SortedNumericDoubleValues allValues = valuesSource.doubleValues(ctx);
final NumericDoubleValues values =, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, allValues) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
if (bucket >= mins.size()) {
long from = mins.size();
mins = bigArrays.grow(mins, bucket + 1);
mins.fill(from, mins.size(), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
final double value = values.get(doc);
double min = mins.get(bucket);
min = Math.min(min, value);
mins.set(bucket, min);
use of org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class AbstractHDRPercentilesAggregator method getLeafCollector.
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx, final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
final SortedNumericDoubleValues values = valuesSource.doubleValues(ctx);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, values) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
states = bigArrays.grow(states, bucket + 1);
DoubleHistogram state = states.get(bucket);
if (state == null) {
state = new DoubleHistogram(numberOfSignificantValueDigits);
// Set the histogram to autosize so it can resize itself as
// the data range increases. Resize operations should be
// rare as the histogram buckets are exponential (on the top
// level). In the future we could expose the range as an
// option on the request so the histogram can be fixed at
// initialisation and doesn't need resizing.
states.set(bucket, state);
final int valueCount = values.count();
for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) {
use of org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class AbstractTDigestPercentilesAggregator method getLeafCollector.
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx, final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
final SortedNumericDoubleValues values = valuesSource.doubleValues(ctx);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, values) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
states = bigArrays.grow(states, bucket + 1);
TDigestState state = states.get(bucket);
if (state == null) {
state = new TDigestState(compression);
states.set(bucket, state);
final int valueCount = values.count();
for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) {
use of org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class IndexService method createShard.
public synchronized IndexShard createShard(ShardRouting routing) throws IOException {
final boolean primary = routing.primary();
* TODO: we execute this in parallel but it's a synced method. Yet, we might
* be able to serialize the execution via the cluster state in the future. for now we just
* keep it synced.
if (closed.get()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't create shard " + routing.shardId() + ", closed");
final Settings indexSettings = this.indexSettings.getSettings();
final ShardId shardId = routing.shardId();
boolean success = false;
Store store = null;
IndexShard indexShard = null;
ShardLock lock = null;
try {
lock = nodeEnv.shardLock(shardId, TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(5));
eventListener.beforeIndexShardCreated(shardId, indexSettings);
ShardPath path;
try {
path = ShardPath.loadShardPath(logger, nodeEnv, shardId, this.indexSettings);
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
logger.warn("{} failed to load shard path, trying to remove leftover", shardId);
try {
ShardPath.deleteLeftoverShardDirectory(logger, nodeEnv, lock, this.indexSettings);
path = ShardPath.loadShardPath(logger, nodeEnv, shardId, this.indexSettings);
} catch (Exception inner) {
throw ex;
if (path == null) {
// TODO: we should, instead, hold a "bytes reserved" of how large we anticipate this shard will be, e.g. for a shard
// that's being relocated/replicated we know how large it will become once it's done copying:
// Count up how many shards are currently on each data path:
Map<Path, Integer> dataPathToShardCount = new HashMap<>();
for (IndexShard shard : this) {
Path dataPath = shard.shardPath().getRootStatePath();
Integer curCount = dataPathToShardCount.get(dataPath);
if (curCount == null) {
curCount = 0;
dataPathToShardCount.put(dataPath, curCount + 1);
path = ShardPath.selectNewPathForShard(nodeEnv, shardId, this.indexSettings, routing.getExpectedShardSize() == ShardRouting.UNAVAILABLE_EXPECTED_SHARD_SIZE ? getAvgShardSizeInBytes() : routing.getExpectedShardSize(), dataPathToShardCount);
logger.debug("{} creating using a new path [{}]", shardId, path);
} else {
logger.debug("{} creating using an existing path [{}]", shardId, path);
if (shards.containsKey( {
throw new IllegalStateException(shardId + " already exists");
logger.debug("creating shard_id {}", shardId);
// if we are on a shared FS we only own the shard (ie. we can safely delete it) if we are the primary.
final boolean canDeleteShardContent = this.indexSettings.isOnSharedFilesystem() == false || (primary && this.indexSettings.isOnSharedFilesystem());
final Engine.Warmer engineWarmer = (searcher) -> {
IndexShard shard = getShardOrNull(shardId.getId());
if (shard != null) {
warmer.warm(searcher, shard, IndexService.this.indexSettings);
store = new Store(shardId, this.indexSettings, indexStore.newDirectoryService(path), lock, new StoreCloseListener(shardId, canDeleteShardContent, () -> eventListener.onStoreClosed(shardId)));
if (useShadowEngine(primary, this.indexSettings)) {
indexShard = new ShadowIndexShard(routing, this.indexSettings, path, store, indexCache, mapperService, similarityService, indexFieldData, engineFactory, eventListener, searcherWrapper, threadPool, bigArrays, engineWarmer, searchOperationListeners);
// no indexing listeners - shadow engines don't index
} else {
indexShard = new IndexShard(routing, this.indexSettings, path, store, indexCache, mapperService, similarityService, indexFieldData, engineFactory, eventListener, searcherWrapper, threadPool, bigArrays, engineWarmer, () -> globalCheckpointSyncer.accept(shardId), searchOperationListeners, indexingOperationListeners);
eventListener.indexShardStateChanged(indexShard, null, indexShard.state(), "shard created");
shards = newMapBuilder(shards).put(, indexShard).immutableMap();
success = true;
return indexShard;
} catch (ShardLockObtainFailedException e) {
throw new IOException("failed to obtain in-memory shard lock", e);
} finally {
if (success == false) {
if (lock != null) {
closeShard("initialization failed", shardId, indexShard, store, eventListener);
use of org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class NetworkModuleTests method testRegisterHttpTransport.
public void testRegisterHttpTransport() {
Settings settings = Settings.builder().put(NetworkModule.HTTP_TYPE_SETTING.getKey(), "custom").put(NetworkModule.TRANSPORT_TYPE_KEY, "local").build();
Supplier<HttpServerTransport> custom = FakeHttpTransport::new;
NetworkModule module = newNetworkModule(settings, false, new NetworkPlugin() {
public Map<String, Supplier<HttpServerTransport>> getHttpTransports(Settings settings, ThreadPool threadPool, BigArrays bigArrays, CircuitBreakerService circuitBreakerService, NamedWriteableRegistry namedWriteableRegistry, NamedXContentRegistry xContentRegistry, NetworkService networkService, HttpServerTransport.Dispatcher requestDispatcher) {
return Collections.singletonMap("custom", custom);
assertSame(custom, module.getHttpServerTransportSupplier());
settings = Settings.builder().put(NetworkModule.HTTP_ENABLED.getKey(), false).put(NetworkModule.TRANSPORT_TYPE_KEY, "local").build();
NetworkModule newModule = newNetworkModule(settings, false);
expectThrows(IllegalStateException.class, () -> newModule.getHttpServerTransportSupplier());