use of org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MappedFieldType in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class GeoDistanceQueryBuilder method doToQuery.
protected Query doToQuery(QueryShardContext shardContext) throws IOException {
MappedFieldType fieldType = shardContext.fieldMapper(fieldName);
if (fieldType == null) {
if (ignoreUnmapped) {
return new MatchNoDocsQuery();
} else {
throw new QueryShardException(shardContext, "failed to find geo_point field [" + fieldName + "]");
if (!(fieldType instanceof GeoPointFieldType)) {
throw new QueryShardException(shardContext, "field [" + fieldName + "] is not a geo_point field");
final Version indexVersionCreated = shardContext.indexVersionCreated();
QueryValidationException exception = checkLatLon(shardContext.indexVersionCreated().before(Version.V_2_0_0));
if (exception != null) {
throw new QueryShardException(shardContext, "couldn't validate latitude/ longitude values", exception);
if (indexVersionCreated.onOrAfter(Version.V_2_2_0) || GeoValidationMethod.isCoerce(validationMethod)) {
GeoUtils.normalizePoint(center, true, true);
Query query = LatLonPoint.newDistanceQuery(,, center.lon(), this.distance);
if (fieldType.hasDocValues()) {
Query dvQuery = LatLonDocValuesField.newDistanceQuery(,, center.lon(), this.distance);
query = new IndexOrDocValuesQuery(query, dvQuery);
return query;
use of org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MappedFieldType in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class GeoPolygonQueryBuilder method doToQuery.
protected Query doToQuery(QueryShardContext context) throws IOException {
MappedFieldType fieldType = context.fieldMapper(fieldName);
if (fieldType == null) {
if (ignoreUnmapped) {
return new MatchNoDocsQuery();
} else {
throw new QueryShardException(context, "failed to find geo_point field [" + fieldName + "]");
if (!(fieldType instanceof GeoPointFieldType)) {
throw new QueryShardException(context, "field [" + fieldName + "] is not a geo_point field");
List<GeoPoint> shell = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>();
for (GeoPoint geoPoint : {
shell.add(new GeoPoint(geoPoint));
final int shellSize = shell.size();
// percolation queries we only ignore_malformed on 2.x created indexes
if (!GeoValidationMethod.isIgnoreMalformed(validationMethod)) {
for (GeoPoint point : shell) {
if (!GeoUtils.isValidLatitude( {
throw new QueryShardException(context, "illegal latitude value [{}] for [{}]",, GeoPolygonQueryBuilder.NAME);
if (!GeoUtils.isValidLongitude( {
throw new QueryShardException(context, "illegal longitude value [{}] for [{}]", point.lon(), GeoPolygonQueryBuilder.NAME);
if (GeoValidationMethod.isCoerce(validationMethod)) {
for (GeoPoint point : shell) {
GeoUtils.normalizePoint(point, true, true);
double[] lats = new double[shellSize];
double[] lons = new double[shellSize];
GeoPoint p;
for (int i = 0; i < shellSize; ++i) {
p = shell.get(i);
lats[i] =;
lons[i] = p.lon();
return LatLonPoint.newPolygonQuery(, new Polygon(lats, lons));
use of org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MappedFieldType in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class SpanTermQueryBuilder method doToQuery.
protected SpanQuery doToQuery(QueryShardContext context) throws IOException {
MappedFieldType mapper = context.fieldMapper(fieldName);
Term term;
if (mapper == null) {
term = new Term(fieldName, BytesRefs.toBytesRef(value));
} else {
Query termQuery = mapper.termQuery(value, context);
term = MappedFieldType.extractTerm(termQuery);
return new SpanTermQuery(term);
use of org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MappedFieldType in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class IndicesService method getFieldStats.
* Fetch {@linkplain FieldStats} for a field. These stats are cached until the shard changes.
* @param shard the shard to use with the cache key
* @param searcher searcher to use to lookup the field stats
* @param field the actual field
* @param useCache should this request use the cache?
public FieldStats<?> getFieldStats(IndexShard shard, Engine.Searcher searcher, String field, boolean useCache) throws Exception {
MappedFieldType fieldType = shard.mapperService().fullName(field);
if (fieldType == null) {
return null;
if (useCache == false) {
return fieldType.stats(searcher.reader());
BytesReference cacheKey = new BytesArray("fieldstats:" + field);
BytesReference statsRef = cacheShardLevelResult(shard, searcher.getDirectoryReader(), cacheKey, out -> {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to write field stats output", e);
try (StreamInput in = statsRef.streamInput()) {
return in.readOptionalWriteable(FieldStats::readFrom);
use of org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MappedFieldType in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class CategoryContextMappingTests method testIndexingWithMultipleContexts.
public void testIndexingWithMultipleContexts() throws Exception {
String mapping = jsonBuilder().startObject().startObject("type1").startObject("properties").startObject("completion").field("type", "completion").startArray("contexts").startObject().field("name", "ctx").field("type", "category").endObject().startObject().field("name", "type").field("type", "category").endObject().endArray().endObject().endObject().endObject().endObject().string();
DocumentMapper defaultMapper = createIndex("test").mapperService().documentMapperParser().parse("type1", new CompressedXContent(mapping));
FieldMapper fieldMapper = defaultMapper.mappers().getMapper("completion");
MappedFieldType completionFieldType = fieldMapper.fieldType();
XContentBuilder builder = jsonBuilder().startObject().startArray("completion").startObject().array("input", "suggestion5", "suggestion6", "suggestion7").field("weight", 5).startObject("contexts").array("ctx", "ctx1", "ctx2", "ctx3").array("type", "typr3", "ftg").endObject().endObject().endArray().endObject();
ParsedDocument parsedDocument = defaultMapper.parse("test", "type1", "1", builder.bytes());
IndexableField[] fields = parsedDocument.rootDoc().getFields(;
assertContextSuggestFields(fields, 3);