use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShard in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class IndexingMemoryControllerTests method testActiveInactive.
public void testActiveInactive() {
createIndex("test", Settings.builder().put("index.number_of_shards", 2).put("index.number_of_replicas", 0).build());
IndicesService indicesService = getInstanceFromNode(IndicesService.class);
IndexService test = indicesService.indexService(resolveIndex("test"));
MockController controller = new MockController(Settings.builder().put("indices.memory.index_buffer_size", "5mb").build());
IndexShard shard0 = test.getShard(0);
IndexShard shard1 = test.getShard(1);
controller.assertBuffer(shard0, 1);
controller.assertBuffer(shard1, 1);
controller.assertBuffer(shard0, 2);
controller.assertBuffer(shard1, 2);
// index into one shard only, crosses the 5mb limit, so shard1 is refreshed
controller.assertBuffer(shard0, 0);
controller.assertBuffer(shard1, 2);
controller.assertBuffer(shard1, 4);
// shard1 crossed 5 mb and is now cleared:
controller.assertBuffer(shard1, 0);
use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShard in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class TransportTermVectorsAction method shardOperation.
protected TermVectorsResponse shardOperation(TermVectorsRequest request, ShardId shardId) {
IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexServiceSafe(shardId.getIndex());
IndexShard indexShard = indexService.getShard(;
return TermVectorsService.getTermVectors(indexShard, request);
use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShard in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class SyncedFlushService method performInFlightOps.
private InFlightOpsResponse performInFlightOps(InFlightOpsRequest request) {
IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexServiceSafe(request.shardId().getIndex());
IndexShard indexShard = indexService.getShard(request.shardId().id());
if (indexShard.routingEntry().primary() == false) {
throw new IllegalStateException("[" + request.shardId() + "] expected a primary shard");
int opCount = indexShard.getActiveOperationsCount();
logger.trace("{} in flight operations sampled at [{}]", request.shardId(), opCount);
return new InFlightOpsResponse(opCount);
use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShard in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class RecoveryTarget method finalizeRecovery.
public void finalizeRecovery(final long globalCheckpoint) {
final IndexShard indexShard = indexShard();
use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShard in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class TransportNodesListShardStoreMetaData method listStoreMetaData.
private StoreFilesMetaData listStoreMetaData(ShardId shardId) throws IOException {
logger.trace("listing store meta data for {}", shardId);
long startTimeNS = System.nanoTime();
boolean exists = false;
try {
IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexService(shardId.getIndex());
if (indexService != null) {
IndexShard indexShard = indexService.getShardOrNull(;
if (indexShard != null) {
exists = true;
return new StoreFilesMetaData(shardId, indexShard.snapshotStoreMetadata());
// try and see if we an list unallocated
IndexMetaData metaData = clusterService.state().metaData().index(shardId.getIndex());
if (metaData == null) {
// we may send this requests while processing the cluster state that recovered the index
// sometimes the request comes in before the local node processed that cluster state
// in such cases we can load it from disk
metaData = IndexMetaData.FORMAT.loadLatestState(logger, NamedXContentRegistry.EMPTY, nodeEnv.indexPaths(shardId.getIndex()));
if (metaData == null) {
logger.trace("{} node doesn't have meta data for the requests index, responding with empty", shardId);
return new StoreFilesMetaData(shardId, Store.MetadataSnapshot.EMPTY);
final IndexSettings indexSettings = indexService != null ? indexService.getIndexSettings() : new IndexSettings(metaData, settings);
final ShardPath shardPath = ShardPath.loadShardPath(logger, nodeEnv, shardId, indexSettings);
if (shardPath == null) {
return new StoreFilesMetaData(shardId, Store.MetadataSnapshot.EMPTY);
// reuse local resources.
return new StoreFilesMetaData(shardId, Store.readMetadataSnapshot(shardPath.resolveIndex(), shardId, nodeEnv::shardLock, logger));
} finally {
TimeValue took = new TimeValue(System.nanoTime() - startTimeNS, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
if (exists) {
logger.debug("{} loaded store meta data (took [{}])", shardId, took);
} else {
logger.trace("{} didn't find any store meta data to load (took [{}])", shardId, took);