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the class RecoverySourceHandler method phase1.
* Perform phase1 of the recovery operations. Once this {@link IndexCommit}
* snapshot has been performed no commit operations (files being fsync'd)
* are effectively allowed on this index until all recovery phases are done
* <p>
* Phase1 examines the segment files on the target node and copies over the
* segments that are missing. Only segments that have the same size and
* checksum can be reused
void phase1(IndexCommit snapshot, long startingSeqNo, IntSupplier translogOps, ActionListener<SendFileResult> listener) {
final Store store =;
try {
final StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch().start();
final Store.MetadataSnapshot recoverySourceMetadata;
try {
recoverySourceMetadata = store.getMetadata(snapshot);
} catch (CorruptIndexException | IndexFormatTooOldException | IndexFormatTooNewException ex) {
shard.failShard("recovery", ex);
throw ex;
for (String name : snapshot.getFileNames()) {
final StoreFileMetadata md = recoverySourceMetadata.get(name);
if (md == null) {"Snapshot differs from actual index for file: {} meta: {}", name, recoverySourceMetadata.asMap());
throw new CorruptIndexException("Snapshot differs from actual index - maybe index was removed metadata has " + recoverySourceMetadata.asMap().size() + " files", name);
if (canSkipPhase1(recoverySourceMetadata, request.metadataSnapshot()) == false) {
final List<String> phase1FileNames = new ArrayList<>();
final List<Long> phase1FileSizes = new ArrayList<>();
final List<String> phase1ExistingFileNames = new ArrayList<>();
final List<Long> phase1ExistingFileSizes = new ArrayList<>();
// Total size of segment files that are recovered
long totalSizeInBytes = 0;
// Total size of segment files that were able to be re-used
long existingTotalSizeInBytes = 0;
// Generate a "diff" of all the identical, different, and missing
// segment files on the target node, using the existing files on
// the source node
final Store.RecoveryDiff diff = recoverySourceMetadata.recoveryDiff(request.metadataSnapshot());
for (StoreFileMetadata md : diff.identical) {
existingTotalSizeInBytes += md.length();
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("recovery [phase1]: not recovering [{}], exist in local store and has checksum [{}]," + " size [{}]",, md.checksum(), md.length());
totalSizeInBytes += md.length();
List<StoreFileMetadata> phase1Files = new ArrayList<>(diff.different.size() + diff.missing.size());
for (StoreFileMetadata md : phase1Files) {
if (request.metadataSnapshot().asMap().containsKey( {
logger.trace("recovery [phase1]: recovering [{}], exists in local store, but is different: remote [{}], local [{}]",, request.metadataSnapshot().asMap().get(, md);
} else {
logger.trace("recovery [phase1]: recovering [{}], does not exist in remote",;
totalSizeInBytes += md.length();
logger.trace("recovery [phase1]: recovering_files [{}] with total_size [{}], reusing_files [{}] with total_size [{}]", phase1FileNames.size(), new ByteSizeValue(totalSizeInBytes), phase1ExistingFileNames.size(), new ByteSizeValue(existingTotalSizeInBytes));
final StepListener<Void> sendFileInfoStep = new StepListener<>();
final StepListener<Void> sendFilesStep = new StepListener<>();
final StepListener<RetentionLease> createRetentionLeaseStep = new StepListener<>();
final StepListener<Void> cleanFilesStep = new StepListener<>();
recoveryTarget.receiveFileInfo(phase1FileNames, phase1FileSizes, phase1ExistingFileNames, phase1ExistingFileSizes, translogOps.getAsInt(), sendFileInfoStep);
sendFileInfoStep.whenComplete(r -> sendFiles(store, phase1Files.toArray(new StoreFileMetadata[0]), translogOps, sendFilesStep), listener::onFailure);
sendFilesStep.whenComplete(r -> createRetentionLease(startingSeqNo, createRetentionLeaseStep), listener::onFailure);
createRetentionLeaseStep.whenComplete(retentionLease -> {
final long lastKnownGlobalCheckpoint = shard.getLastKnownGlobalCheckpoint();
assert retentionLease == null || retentionLease.retainingSequenceNumber() - 1 <= lastKnownGlobalCheckpoint : retentionLease + " vs " + lastKnownGlobalCheckpoint;
// Establishes new empty translog on the replica with global checkpoint set to lastKnownGlobalCheckpoint. We want
// the commit we just copied to be a safe commit on the replica, so why not set the global checkpoint on the replica
// to the max seqno of this commit? Because (in rare corner cases) this commit might not be a safe commit here on
// the primary, and in these cases the max seqno would be too high to be valid as a global checkpoint.
cleanFiles(store, recoverySourceMetadata, translogOps, lastKnownGlobalCheckpoint, cleanFilesStep);
}, listener::onFailure);
final long totalSize = totalSizeInBytes;
final long existingTotalSize = existingTotalSizeInBytes;
cleanFilesStep.whenComplete(r -> {
final TimeValue took = stopWatch.totalTime();
logger.trace("recovery [phase1]: took [{}]", took);
listener.onResponse(new SendFileResult(phase1FileNames, phase1FileSizes, totalSize, phase1ExistingFileNames, phase1ExistingFileSizes, existingTotalSize, took));
}, listener::onFailure);
} else {
logger.trace("skipping [phase1] since source and target have identical sync id [{}]", recoverySourceMetadata.getSyncId());
// but we must still create a retention lease
final StepListener<RetentionLease> createRetentionLeaseStep = new StepListener<>();
createRetentionLease(startingSeqNo, createRetentionLeaseStep);
createRetentionLeaseStep.whenComplete(retentionLease -> {
final TimeValue took = stopWatch.totalTime();
logger.trace("recovery [phase1]: took [{}]", took);
listener.onResponse(new SendFileResult(Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), 0L, Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), 0L, took));
}, listener::onFailure);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RecoverFilesRecoveryException(request.shardId(), 0, new ByteSizeValue(0L), e);
use of in project crate by crate.
the class RecoverySourceHandler method handleErrorOnSendFiles.
private void handleErrorOnSendFiles(Store store, Exception e, StoreFileMetadata[] mds) throws Exception {
final IOException corruptIndexException = ExceptionsHelper.unwrapCorruption(e);
assert Transports.assertNotTransportThread(RecoverySourceHandler.this + "[handle error on send/clean files]");
if (corruptIndexException != null) {
Exception localException = null;
for (StoreFileMetadata md : mds) {
logger.debug("checking integrity for file {} after remove corruption exception", md);
if (store.checkIntegrityNoException(md) == false) {
// we are corrupted on the primary -- fail!
logger.warn("{} Corrupted file detected {} checksum mismatch", shardId, md);
if (localException == null) {
localException = corruptIndexException;
if (localException != null) {
throw localException;
} else {
// corruption has happened on the way to replica
RemoteTransportException remoteException = new RemoteTransportException("File corruption occurred on recovery but checksums are ok", null);
logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("{} Remote file corruption on node {}, recovering {}. local checksum OK", shardId, request.targetNode(), mds), corruptIndexException);
throw remoteException;
throw e;
use of in project crate by crate.
the class IndexShard method doCheckIndex.
private void doCheckIndex() throws IOException {
final long timeNS = System.nanoTime();
if (!Lucene.indexExists( {
BytesStreamOutput os = new BytesStreamOutput();
PrintStream out = new PrintStream(os, false,;
if ("checksum".equals(checkIndexOnStartup)) {
// physical verification only: verify all checksums for the latest commit
IOException corrupt = null;
MetadataSnapshot metadata = snapshotStoreMetadata();
for (Map.Entry<String, StoreFileMetadata> entry : metadata.asMap().entrySet()) {
try {
out.println("checksum passed: " + entry.getKey());
} catch (IOException exc) {
out.println("checksum failed: " + entry.getKey());
corrupt = exc;
if (corrupt != null) {
logger.warn("check index [failure]\n{}", os.bytes().utf8ToString());
throw corrupt;
} else {
// full checkindex
final CheckIndex.Status status = store.checkIndex(out);
if (!status.clean) {
if (state == IndexShardState.CLOSED) {
// ignore if closed....
logger.warn("check index [failure]\n{}", os.bytes().utf8ToString());
throw new IOException("index check failure");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("check index [success]\n{}", os.bytes().utf8ToString());
recoveryState.getVerifyIndex().checkIndexTime(Math.max(0, TimeValue.nsecToMSec(System.nanoTime() - timeNS)));
use of in project crate by crate.
the class RecoverySourceHandlerTests method testSendFileChunksStopOnError.
public void testSendFileChunksStopOnError() throws Exception {
final List<FileChunkResponse> unrepliedChunks = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
final AtomicInteger sentChunks = new AtomicInteger();
final TestRecoveryTargetHandler recoveryTarget = new TestRecoveryTargetHandler() {
final AtomicLong chunkNumberGenerator = new AtomicLong();
public void writeFileChunk(StoreFileMetadata md, long position, BytesReference content, boolean lastChunk, int totalTranslogOps, ActionListener<Void> listener) {
final long chunkNumber = chunkNumberGenerator.getAndIncrement();"--> write chunk name={} seq={}, position={}",, chunkNumber, position);
unrepliedChunks.add(new FileChunkResponse(chunkNumber, listener));
final int maxConcurrentChunks = between(1, 4);
final int chunkSize = between(1, 16);
final RecoverySourceHandler handler = new RecoverySourceHandler(null, new AsyncRecoveryTarget(recoveryTarget, recoveryExecutor), threadPool, getStartRecoveryRequest(), chunkSize, maxConcurrentChunks, between(1, 5));
Store store = newStore(createTempDir(), false);
List<StoreFileMetadata> files = generateFiles(store, between(1, 10), () -> between(1, chunkSize * 20));
int totalChunks = -> ((int) md.length() + chunkSize - 1) / chunkSize).sum();
SetOnce<Exception> sendFilesError = new SetOnce<>();
CountDownLatch sendFilesLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
handler.sendFiles(store, files.toArray(new StoreFileMetadata[0]), () -> 0, new LatchedActionListener<>(ActionListener.wrap(r -> sendFilesError.set(null), e -> sendFilesError.set(e)), sendFilesLatch));
assertBusy(() -> assertThat(sentChunks.get(), equalTo(Math.min(totalChunks, maxConcurrentChunks))));
List<FileChunkResponse> failedChunks = randomSubsetOf(between(1, unrepliedChunks.size()), unrepliedChunks);
CountDownLatch replyLatch = new CountDownLatch(failedChunks.size());
failedChunks.forEach(c -> {
c.listener.onFailure(new IllegalStateException("test chunk exception"));
unrepliedChunks.forEach(c -> {
if (randomBoolean()) {
c.listener.onFailure(new RuntimeException("test"));
} else {
assertThat(sendFilesError.get(), instanceOf(IllegalStateException.class));
assertThat(sendFilesError.get().getMessage(), containsString("test chunk exception"));
assertThat("no more chunks should be sent", sentChunks.get(), equalTo(Math.min(totalChunks, maxConcurrentChunks)));
use of in project crate by crate.
the class RecoverySourceHandlerTests method testHandleCorruptedIndexOnSendSendFiles.
public void testHandleCorruptedIndexOnSendSendFiles() throws Throwable {
Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("indices.recovery.concurrent_streams", 1).put("indices.recovery.concurrent_small_file_streams", 1).build();
final RecoverySettings recoverySettings = new RecoverySettings(settings, service);
final StartRecoveryRequest request = getStartRecoveryRequest();
Path tempDir = createTempDir();
Store store = newStore(tempDir, false);
AtomicBoolean failedEngine = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Directory dir =;
RandomIndexWriter writer = new RandomIndexWriter(random(), dir, newIndexWriterConfig());
int numDocs = randomIntBetween(10, 100);
for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
Document document = new Document();
document.add(new StringField("id", Integer.toString(i), Field.Store.YES));
document.add(newField("field", randomUnicodeOfCodepointLengthBetween(1, 10), TextField.TYPE_STORED));
Store.MetadataSnapshot metadata = store.getMetadata(null);
List<StoreFileMetadata> metas = new ArrayList<>();
for (StoreFileMetadata md : metadata) {
CorruptionUtils.corruptFile(random(), FileSystemUtils.files(tempDir, (p) -> (p.getFileName().toString().equals("write.lock") || p.getFileName().toString().startsWith("extra")) == false));
Store targetStore = newStore(createTempDir(), false);
MultiFileWriter multiFileWriter = new MultiFileWriter(targetStore, mock(RecoveryState.Index.class), "", logger, () -> {
RecoveryTargetHandler target = new TestRecoveryTargetHandler() {
public void writeFileChunk(StoreFileMetadata md, long position, BytesReference content, boolean lastChunk, int totalTranslogOps, ActionListener<Void> listener) {
ActionListener.completeWith(listener, () -> {
multiFileWriter.writeFileChunk(md, position, content, lastChunk);
return null;
RecoverySourceHandler handler = new RecoverySourceHandler(null, new AsyncRecoveryTarget(target, recoveryExecutor), threadPool, request, Math.toIntExact(recoverySettings.getChunkSize().getBytes()), between(1, 8), between(1, 8)) {
protected void failEngine(IOException cause) {
SetOnce<Exception> sendFilesError = new SetOnce<>();
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
handler.sendFiles(store, metas.toArray(new StoreFileMetadata[0]), () -> 0, new LatchedActionListener<>(ActionListener.wrap(r -> sendFilesError.set(null), e -> sendFilesError.set(e)), latch));
assertThat(sendFilesError.get(), instanceOf(IOException.class));
// ensure all chunk requests have been completed; otherwise some files on the target are left open.
IOUtils.close(() -> terminate(threadPool), () -> threadPool = null);
IOUtils.close(store, multiFileWriter, targetStore);