use of org.elasticsearch.index.translog.Translog in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class RecoverySourceHandler method sendSnapshot.
* Send the given snapshot's operations with a sequence number greater than the specified staring sequence number to this handler's
* target node.
* <p>
* Operations are bulked into a single request depending on an operation count limit or size-in-bytes limit.
* @param startingSeqNo the sequence number for which only operations with a sequence number greater than this will be sent
* @param snapshot the translog snapshot to replay operations from
* @return the total number of translog operations that were sent
* @throws IOException if an I/O exception occurred reading the translog snapshot
protected int sendSnapshot(final long startingSeqNo, final Translog.Snapshot snapshot) throws IOException {
int ops = 0;
long size = 0;
int totalOperations = 0;
final List<Translog.Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>();
if (snapshot.totalOperations() == 0) {
logger.trace("no translog operations to send");
// send operations in batches
Translog.Operation operation;
while ((operation = != null) {
if (shard.state() == IndexShardState.CLOSED) {
throw new IndexShardClosedException(request.shardId());
// if we are doing a sequence-number-based recovery, we have to skip older ops for which no sequence number was assigned, and
// any ops before the starting sequence number
final long seqNo = operation.seqNo();
if (startingSeqNo >= 0 && (seqNo == SequenceNumbersService.UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO || seqNo < startingSeqNo))
size += operation.estimateSize();
// check if this request is past bytes threshold, and if so, send it off
if (size >= chunkSizeInBytes) {
cancellableThreads.execute(() -> recoveryTarget.indexTranslogOperations(operations, snapshot.totalOperations()));
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("sent batch of [{}][{}] (total: [{}]) translog operations", ops, new ByteSizeValue(size), snapshot.totalOperations());
ops = 0;
size = 0;
// send the leftover operations
if (!operations.isEmpty()) {
cancellableThreads.execute(() -> recoveryTarget.indexTranslogOperations(operations, snapshot.totalOperations()));
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("sent final batch of [{}][{}] (total: [{}]) translog operations", ops, new ByteSizeValue(size), snapshot.totalOperations());
return totalOperations;
use of org.elasticsearch.index.translog.Translog in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class TranslogRecoveryPerformer method performRecoveryOperation.
* Performs a single recovery operation.
* @param allowMappingUpdates true if mapping update should be accepted (but collected). Setting it to false will
* cause a {@link MapperException} to be thrown if an update
* is encountered.
private void performRecoveryOperation(Engine engine, Translog.Operation operation, boolean allowMappingUpdates, Engine.Operation.Origin origin) throws IOException {
try {
switch(operation.opType()) {
case INDEX:
Translog.Index index = (Translog.Index) operation;
// we set canHaveDuplicates to true all the time such that we de-optimze the translog case and ensure that all
// autoGeneratedID docs that are coming from the primary are updated correctly.
Engine.Index engineIndex = IndexShard.prepareIndex(docMapper(index.type()), source(shardId.getIndexName(), index.type(),, index.source(), XContentFactory.xContentType(index.source())).routing(index.routing()).parent(index.parent()), index.seqNo(), index.primaryTerm(), index.version(), index.versionType().versionTypeForReplicationAndRecovery(), origin, index.getAutoGeneratedIdTimestamp(), true);
maybeAddMappingUpdate(engineIndex.type(), engineIndex.parsedDoc().dynamicMappingsUpdate(),, allowMappingUpdates);
logger.trace("[translog] recover [index] op [({}, {})] of [{}][{}]", index.seqNo(), index.primaryTerm(), index.type(),;
index(engine, engineIndex);
case DELETE:
Translog.Delete delete = (Translog.Delete) operation;
Uid uid = Uid.createUid(delete.uid().text());
logger.trace("[translog] recover [delete] op [({}, {})] of [{}][{}]", delete.seqNo(), delete.primaryTerm(), uid.type(),;
final Engine.Delete engineDelete = new Engine.Delete(uid.type(),, delete.uid(), delete.seqNo(), delete.primaryTerm(), delete.version(), delete.versionType().versionTypeForReplicationAndRecovery(), origin, System.nanoTime());
delete(engine, engineDelete);
case NO_OP:
final Translog.NoOp noOp = (Translog.NoOp) operation;
final long seqNo = noOp.seqNo();
final long primaryTerm = noOp.primaryTerm();
final String reason = noOp.reason();
logger.trace("[translog] recover [no_op] op [({}, {})] of [{}]", seqNo, primaryTerm, reason);
final Engine.NoOp engineNoOp = new Engine.NoOp(null, seqNo, primaryTerm, 0, VersionType.INTERNAL, origin, System.nanoTime(), reason);
noOp(engine, engineNoOp);
throw new IllegalStateException("No operation defined for [" + operation + "]");
} catch (ElasticsearchException e) {
boolean hasIgnoreOnRecoveryException = false;
ElasticsearchException current = e;
while (true) {
if (current instanceof IgnoreOnRecoveryEngineException) {
hasIgnoreOnRecoveryException = true;
if (current.getCause() instanceof ElasticsearchException) {
current = (ElasticsearchException) current.getCause();
} else {
if (!hasIgnoreOnRecoveryException) {
throw e;
use of org.elasticsearch.index.translog.Translog in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class TransportShardBulkActionTests method testUpdateReplicaRequestWithSuccess.
public void testUpdateReplicaRequestWithSuccess() throws Exception {
DocWriteRequest writeRequest = new IndexRequest("index", "type", "id").source(Requests.INDEX_CONTENT_TYPE, "field", "value");
BulkItemRequest replicaRequest = new BulkItemRequest(0, writeRequest);
boolean created = randomBoolean();
Translog.Location resultLocation = new Translog.Location(42, 42, 42);
Engine.IndexResult indexResult = new FakeResult(1, 1, created, resultLocation);
DocWriteResponse indexResponse = new IndexResponse(shardId, "index", "id", 1, 1, created);
BulkItemResultHolder goodResults = new BulkItemResultHolder(indexResponse, indexResult, replicaRequest);
Translog.Location originalLocation = new Translog.Location(21, 21, 21);
BulkItemRequest[] items = new BulkItemRequest[0];
BulkShardRequest bulkShardRequest = new BulkShardRequest(shardId, RefreshPolicy.NONE, items);
Translog.Location newLocation = TransportShardBulkAction.updateReplicaRequest(goodResults, DocWriteRequest.OpType.INDEX, originalLocation, bulkShardRequest);
BulkItemResponse primaryResponse = replicaRequest.getPrimaryResponse();
// Check that the translog is successfully advanced
assertThat(newLocation, equalTo(resultLocation));
// Since this was not a conflict failure, the primary response
// should be filled out with the failure information
assertThat(primaryResponse.getItemId(), equalTo(0));
assertThat(primaryResponse.getId(), equalTo("id"));
assertThat(primaryResponse.getOpType(), equalTo(DocWriteRequest.OpType.INDEX));
DocWriteResponse response = primaryResponse.getResponse();
assertThat(response.status(), equalTo(created ? RestStatus.CREATED : RestStatus.OK));
use of org.elasticsearch.index.translog.Translog in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class TransportShardBulkActionTests method testExecuteBulkIndexRequestWithConflictingMappings.
public void testExecuteBulkIndexRequestWithConflictingMappings() throws Exception {
IndexMetaData metaData = indexMetaData();
IndexShard shard = newStartedShard(true);
BulkItemRequest[] items = new BulkItemRequest[1];
DocWriteRequest writeRequest = new IndexRequest("index", "type", "id").source(Requests.INDEX_CONTENT_TYPE, "foo", "bar");
items[0] = new BulkItemRequest(0, writeRequest);
BulkShardRequest bulkShardRequest = new BulkShardRequest(shardId, RefreshPolicy.NONE, items);
Translog.Location location = new Translog.Location(0, 0, 0);
UpdateHelper updateHelper = null;
// Return a mapping conflict (IAE) when trying to update the mapping
Exception err = new IllegalArgumentException("mapping conflict");
Translog.Location newLocation = TransportShardBulkAction.executeBulkItemRequest(metaData, shard, bulkShardRequest, location, 0, updateHelper, threadPool::absoluteTimeInMillis, new FailingMappingUpdatePerformer(err));
// Translog shouldn't change, as there were conflicting mappings
assertThat(newLocation, equalTo(location));
BulkItemResponse primaryResponse = bulkShardRequest.items()[0].getPrimaryResponse();
// Since this was not a conflict failure, the primary response
// should be filled out with the failure information
assertThat(primaryResponse.getItemId(), equalTo(0));
assertThat(primaryResponse.getId(), equalTo("id"));
assertThat(primaryResponse.getOpType(), equalTo(DocWriteRequest.OpType.INDEX));
assertThat(primaryResponse.getFailureMessage(), containsString("mapping conflict"));
BulkItemResponse.Failure failure = primaryResponse.getFailure();
assertThat(failure.getIndex(), equalTo("index"));
assertThat(failure.getType(), equalTo("type"));
assertThat(failure.getId(), equalTo("id"));
assertThat(failure.getCause(), equalTo(err));
assertThat(failure.getStatus(), equalTo(RestStatus.BAD_REQUEST));
use of org.elasticsearch.index.translog.Translog in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class InternalEngineTests method testNoOps.
* This test tests that a no-op does not generate a new sequence number, that no-ops can advance the local checkpoint, and that no-ops
* are correctly added to the translog.
public void testNoOps() throws IOException {
InternalEngine noOpEngine = null;
final int maxSeqNo = randomIntBetween(0, 128);
final int localCheckpoint = randomIntBetween(0, maxSeqNo);
final int globalCheckpoint = randomIntBetween(0, localCheckpoint);
try {
final SequenceNumbersService seqNoService = new SequenceNumbersService(shardId, defaultSettings, maxSeqNo, localCheckpoint, globalCheckpoint) {
public long generateSeqNo() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
noOpEngine = createEngine(defaultSettings, store, primaryTranslogDir, newMergePolicy(), null, () -> seqNoService);
final long primaryTerm = randomNonNegativeLong();
final String reason = randomAsciiOfLength(16);
noOpEngine.noOp(new Engine.NoOp(null, maxSeqNo + 1, primaryTerm, 0, VersionType.INTERNAL, randomFrom(PRIMARY, REPLICA, PEER_RECOVERY, LOCAL_TRANSLOG_RECOVERY), System.nanoTime(), reason));
assertThat(noOpEngine.seqNoService().getLocalCheckpoint(), equalTo((long) (maxSeqNo + 1)));
assertThat(noOpEngine.getTranslog().totalOperations(), equalTo(1));
final Translog.Operation op = noOpEngine.getTranslog().newSnapshot().next();
assertThat(op, instanceOf(Translog.NoOp.class));
final Translog.NoOp noOp = (Translog.NoOp) op;
assertThat(noOp.seqNo(), equalTo((long) (maxSeqNo + 1)));
assertThat(noOp.primaryTerm(), equalTo(primaryTerm));
assertThat(noOp.reason(), equalTo(reason));
} finally {