use of org.elasticsearch.indices.breaker.CircuitBreakerStats in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class CircuitBreakerServiceIT method testRamAccountingTermsEnum.
public void testRamAccountingTermsEnum() throws Exception {
if (noopBreakerUsed()) {"--> noop breakers used, skipping test");
final Client client = client();
// Create an index where the mappings have a field data filter
assertAcked(prepareCreate("ramtest").setSource("{\"mappings\": {\"type\": {\"properties\": {\"test\": " + "{\"type\": \"text\",\"fielddata\": true,\"fielddata_frequency_filter\": {\"max\": 10000}}}}}}", XContentType.JSON));
// index some different terms so we have some field data for loading
int docCount = scaledRandomIntBetween(300, 1000);
List<IndexRequestBuilder> reqs = new ArrayList<>();
for (long id = 0; id < docCount; id++) {
reqs.add(client.prepareIndex("ramtest", "type", Long.toString(id)).setSource("test", "value" + id));
indexRandom(true, false, true, reqs);
// execute a search that loads field data (sorting on the "test" field)
client.prepareSearch("ramtest").setQuery(matchAllQuery()).addSort("test", SortOrder.DESC).get();
// clear field data cache (thus setting the loaded field data back to 0)
// Update circuit breaker settings
Settings settings = Settings.builder().put(HierarchyCircuitBreakerService.FIELDDATA_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_LIMIT_SETTING.getKey(), "100b").put(HierarchyCircuitBreakerService.FIELDDATA_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_OVERHEAD_SETTING.getKey(), 1.05).build();
// execute a search that loads field data (sorting on the "test" field)
// again, this time it should trip the breaker
SearchRequestBuilder searchRequest = client.prepareSearch("ramtest").setQuery(matchAllQuery()).addSort("test", SortOrder.DESC);
String errMsg = "Data too large, data for [test] would be";
assertFailures(searchRequest, RestStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, containsString(errMsg));
errMsg = "which is larger than the limit of [100/100b]";
assertFailures(searchRequest, RestStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, containsString(errMsg));
NodesStatsResponse stats = client.admin().cluster().prepareNodesStats().setBreaker(true).get();
int breaks = 0;
for (NodeStats stat : stats.getNodes()) {
CircuitBreakerStats breakerStats = stat.getBreaker().getStats(CircuitBreaker.FIELDDATA);
breaks += breakerStats.getTrippedCount();
assertThat(breaks, greaterThanOrEqualTo(1));