use of org.elasticsearch.painless.Definition.Sort in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class EUnary method write.
void write(MethodWriter writer, Globals globals) {
if (operation == Operation.NOT) {
Label fals = new Label();
Label end = new Label();
child.write(writer, globals);
writer.ifZCmp(Opcodes.IFEQ, fals);
} else {
Sort sort = promote.sort;
child.write(writer, globals);
// Def calls adopt the wanted return value. If there was a narrowing cast,
// we need to flag that so that it's done at runtime.
int defFlags = 0;
if (originallyExplicit) {
defFlags |= DefBootstrap.OPERATOR_EXPLICIT_CAST;
if (operation == Operation.BWNOT) {
if (sort == Sort.DEF) {
org.objectweb.asm.Type descriptor = org.objectweb.asm.Type.getMethodType(actual.type, child.actual.type);
writer.invokeDefCall("not", descriptor, DefBootstrap.UNARY_OPERATOR, defFlags);
} else {
if (sort == Sort.INT) {
} else if (sort == Sort.LONG) {
} else {
throw createError(new IllegalStateException("Illegal tree structure."));
writer.math(MethodWriter.XOR, actual.type);
} else if (operation == Operation.SUB) {
if (sort == Sort.DEF) {
org.objectweb.asm.Type descriptor = org.objectweb.asm.Type.getMethodType(actual.type, child.actual.type);
writer.invokeDefCall("neg", descriptor, DefBootstrap.UNARY_OPERATOR, defFlags);
} else {
writer.math(MethodWriter.NEG, actual.type);
} else if (operation == Operation.ADD) {
if (sort == Sort.DEF) {
org.objectweb.asm.Type descriptor = org.objectweb.asm.Type.getMethodType(actual.type, child.actual.type);
writer.invokeDefCall("plus", descriptor, DefBootstrap.UNARY_OPERATOR, defFlags);
} else {
throw createError(new IllegalStateException("Illegal tree structure."));
use of org.elasticsearch.painless.Definition.Sort in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class PBrace method analyze.
void analyze(Locals locals) {
prefix.expected = prefix.actual;
prefix = prefix.cast(locals);
Sort sort = prefix.actual.sort;
if (sort == Sort.ARRAY) {
sub = new PSubBrace(location, prefix.actual, index);
} else if (sort == Sort.DEF) {
sub = new PSubDefArray(location, index);
} else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(prefix.actual.clazz)) {
sub = new PSubMapShortcut(location, prefix.actual.struct, index);
} else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(prefix.actual.clazz)) {
sub = new PSubListShortcut(location, prefix.actual.struct, index);
} else {
throw createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal array access on type [" + + "]."));
sub.write = write; = read;
sub.expected = expected;
sub.explicit = explicit;
actual = sub.actual;
use of org.elasticsearch.painless.Definition.Sort in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class ENumeric method analyze.
void analyze(Locals locals) {
if (!read) {
throw createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Must read from constant [" + value + "]."));
if (value.endsWith("d") || value.endsWith("D")) {
if (radix != 10) {
throw createError(new IllegalStateException("Illegal tree structure."));
try {
constant = Double.parseDouble(value.substring(0, value.length() - 1));
actual = Definition.DOUBLE_TYPE;
} catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
throw createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid double constant [" + value + "]."));
} else if (value.endsWith("f") || value.endsWith("F")) {
if (radix != 10) {
throw createError(new IllegalStateException("Illegal tree structure."));
try {
constant = Float.parseFloat(value.substring(0, value.length() - 1));
actual = Definition.FLOAT_TYPE;
} catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
throw createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid float constant [" + value + "]."));
} else if (value.endsWith("l") || value.endsWith("L")) {
try {
constant = Long.parseLong(value.substring(0, value.length() - 1), radix);
actual = Definition.LONG_TYPE;
} catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
throw createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid long constant [" + value + "]."));
} else {
try {
Sort sort = expected == null ? Sort.INT : expected.sort;
int integer = Integer.parseInt(value, radix);
if (sort == Sort.BYTE && integer >= Byte.MIN_VALUE && integer <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
constant = (byte) integer;
actual = Definition.BYTE_TYPE;
} else if (sort == Sort.CHAR && integer >= Character.MIN_VALUE && integer <= Character.MAX_VALUE) {
constant = (char) integer;
actual = Definition.CHAR_TYPE;
} else if (sort == Sort.SHORT && integer >= Short.MIN_VALUE && integer <= Short.MAX_VALUE) {
constant = (short) integer;
actual = Definition.SHORT_TYPE;
} else {
constant = integer;
actual = Definition.INT_TYPE;
} catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
try {
// Check if we can parse as a long. If so then hint that the user might prefer that.
Long.parseLong(value, radix);
throw createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid int constant [" + value + "]. If you want a long constant " + "then change it to [" + value + "L]."));
} catch (NumberFormatException longNoGood) {
// Ignored
throw createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid int constant [" + value + "]."));
use of org.elasticsearch.painless.Definition.Sort in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class EUnary method analyzerSub.
void analyzerSub(Locals variables) {
promote = AnalyzerCaster.promoteNumeric(child.actual, true);
if (promote == null) {
throw createError(new ClassCastException("Cannot apply negative [-] to type [" + + "]."));
child.expected = promote;
child = child.cast(variables);
if (child.constant != null) {
Sort sort = promote.sort;
if (sort == Sort.INT) {
constant = -(int) child.constant;
} else if (sort == Sort.LONG) {
constant = -(long) child.constant;
} else if (sort == Sort.FLOAT) {
constant = -(float) child.constant;
} else if (sort == Sort.DOUBLE) {
constant = -(double) child.constant;
} else {
throw createError(new IllegalStateException("Illegal tree structure."));
if (promote.sort == Sort.DEF && expected != null) {
actual = expected;
} else {
actual = promote;
use of org.elasticsearch.painless.Definition.Sort in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class EUnary method analyzeBWNot.
void analyzeBWNot(Locals variables) {
promote = AnalyzerCaster.promoteNumeric(child.actual, false);
if (promote == null) {
throw createError(new ClassCastException("Cannot apply not [~] to type [" + + "]."));
child.expected = promote;
child = child.cast(variables);
if (child.constant != null) {
Sort sort = promote.sort;
if (sort == Sort.INT) {
constant = ~(int) child.constant;
} else if (sort == Sort.LONG) {
constant = ~(long) child.constant;
} else {
throw createError(new IllegalStateException("Illegal tree structure."));
if (promote.sort == Sort.DEF && expected != null) {
actual = expected;
} else {
actual = promote;