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the class MockSearchServiceTests method testAssertNoInFlightContext.
public void testAssertNoInFlightContext() {
final long nowInMillis = randomNonNegativeLong();
SearchContext s = new TestSearchContext(new QueryShardContext(0, new IndexSettings(EMPTY_INDEX_METADATA, Settings.EMPTY), null, null, null, null, null, xContentRegistry(), null, null, () -> nowInMillis)) {
public SearchShardTarget shardTarget() {
return new SearchShardTarget("node", new Index("idx", "ignored"), 0);
public SearchType searchType() {
return SearchType.DEFAULT;
public Query query() {
return Queries.newMatchAllQuery();
try {
Throwable e = expectThrows(AssertionError.class, () -> MockSearchService.assertNoInFlightContext());
assertEquals("There are still [1] in-flight contexts. The first one's creation site is listed as the cause of this exception.", e.getMessage());
e = e.getCause();
// The next line with throw an exception if the date looks wrong
assertEquals("[node][idx][0] query=[*:*]", e.getMessage());
assertEquals(MockSearchService.class.getName(), e.getStackTrace()[0].getClassName());
assertEquals(MockSearchServiceTests.class.getName(), e.getStackTrace()[1].getClassName());
} finally {
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the class AbstractQueryTestCase method testToQuery.
* Test creates the {@link Query} from the {@link QueryBuilder} under test and delegates the
* assertions being made on the result to the implementing subclass.
public void testToQuery() throws IOException {
for (int runs = 0; runs < NUMBER_OF_TESTQUERIES; runs++) {
QueryShardContext context = createShardContext();
assert context.isCachable();
QB firstQuery = createTestQueryBuilder();
QB controlQuery = copyQuery(firstQuery);
SearchContext searchContext = getSearchContext(randomTypes, context);
/* we use a private rewrite context here since we want the most realistic way of asserting that we are cacheable or not.
* We do it this way in SearchService where
* we first rewrite the query with a private context, then reset the context and then build the actual lucene query*/
QueryBuilder rewritten = rewriteQuery(firstQuery, new QueryShardContext(context));
Query firstLuceneQuery = rewritten.toQuery(context);
if (isCachable(firstQuery)) {
assertTrue("query was marked as not cacheable in the context but this test indicates it should be cacheable: " + firstQuery.toString(), context.isCachable());
} else {
assertFalse("query was marked as cacheable in the context but this test indicates it should not be cacheable: " + firstQuery.toString(), context.isCachable());
assertNotNull("toQuery should not return null", firstLuceneQuery);
assertLuceneQuery(firstQuery, firstLuceneQuery, searchContext);
//remove after assertLuceneQuery since the assertLuceneQuery impl might access the context as well
assertTrue("query is not equal to its copy after calling toQuery, firstQuery: " + firstQuery + ", secondQuery: " + controlQuery, firstQuery.equals(controlQuery));
assertTrue("equals is not symmetric after calling toQuery, firstQuery: " + firstQuery + ", secondQuery: " + controlQuery, controlQuery.equals(firstQuery));
assertThat("query copy's hashcode is different from original hashcode after calling toQuery, firstQuery: " + firstQuery + ", secondQuery: " + controlQuery, controlQuery.hashCode(), equalTo(firstQuery.hashCode()));
QB secondQuery = copyQuery(firstQuery);
// query _name never should affect the result of toQuery, we randomly set it to make sure
if (randomBoolean()) {
secondQuery.queryName(secondQuery.queryName() == null ? randomAsciiOfLengthBetween(1, 30) : secondQuery.queryName() + randomAsciiOfLengthBetween(1, 10));
searchContext = getSearchContext(randomTypes, context);
Query secondLuceneQuery = rewriteQuery(secondQuery, context).toQuery(context);
assertNotNull("toQuery should not return null", secondLuceneQuery);
assertLuceneQuery(secondQuery, secondLuceneQuery, searchContext);
if (builderGeneratesCacheableQueries()) {
assertEquals("two equivalent query builders lead to different lucene queries", rewrite(secondLuceneQuery), rewrite(firstLuceneQuery));
if (supportsBoostAndQueryName()) {
secondQuery.boost(firstQuery.boost() + 1f + randomFloat());
Query thirdLuceneQuery = rewriteQuery(secondQuery, context).toQuery(context);
assertNotEquals("modifying the boost doesn't affect the corresponding lucene query", rewrite(firstLuceneQuery), rewrite(thirdLuceneQuery));
// check that context#isFilter is not changed by invoking toQuery/rewrite
boolean filterFlag = randomBoolean();
rewriteQuery(firstQuery, context).toQuery(context);
assertEquals("isFilter should be unchanged", filterFlag, context.isFilter());
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the class IndexModuleTests method testAddSearchOperationListener.
public void testAddSearchOperationListener() throws IOException {
IndexModule module = new IndexModule(IndexSettingsModule.newIndexSettings(index, settings), new AnalysisRegistry(environment, emptyMap(), emptyMap(), emptyMap(), emptyMap(), emptyMap()));
AtomicBoolean executed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
SearchOperationListener listener = new SearchOperationListener() {
public void onNewContext(SearchContext context) {
expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> module.addSearchOperationListener(listener));
expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> module.addSearchOperationListener(null));
IndexService indexService = newIndexService(module);
assertEquals(2, indexService.getSearchOperationListener().size());
assertEquals(SearchSlowLog.class, indexService.getSearchOperationListener().get(0).getClass());
assertSame(listener, indexService.getSearchOperationListener().get(1));
for (SearchOperationListener l : indexService.getSearchOperationListener()) {
l.onNewContext(new TestSearchContext(null));
indexService.close("simon says", false);
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the class SearchSlowLogTests method testSlowLogSearchContextPrinterToLog.
public void testSlowLogSearchContextPrinterToLog() throws IOException {
IndexService index = createIndex("foo");
SearchContext searchContext = createSearchContext(index);
SearchSourceBuilder source = SearchSourceBuilder.searchSource().query(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery());
SearchSlowLog.SlowLogSearchContextPrinter p = new SearchSlowLog.SlowLogSearchContextPrinter(searchContext, 10);
assertThat(p.toString(), startsWith("[foo][0]"));
// Makes sure that output doesn't contain any new lines
assertThat(p.toString(), not(containsString("\n")));
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the class InnerHitBuilderTests method testBuild_ignoreUnmappedHasChildQuery.
public void testBuild_ignoreUnmappedHasChildQuery() throws Exception {
QueryShardContext queryShardContext = mock(QueryShardContext.class);
SearchContext searchContext = mock(SearchContext.class);
InnerHitBuilder leafInnerHits = randomInnerHits();
HasChildQueryBuilder query1 = new HasChildQueryBuilder("type", new MatchAllQueryBuilder(), ScoreMode.None).innerHit(leafInnerHits, false);
expectThrows(IllegalStateException.class, () -> query1.innerHit().build(searchContext, new InnerHitsContext()));
HasChildQueryBuilder query2 = new HasChildQueryBuilder("type", new MatchAllQueryBuilder(), ScoreMode.None).innerHit(leafInnerHits, true);
InnerHitsContext innerHitsContext = new InnerHitsContext();
query2.innerHit().build(searchContext, innerHitsContext);
assertThat(innerHitsContext.getInnerHits().size(), equalTo(0));