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Example 6 with NumericValue

use of org.exist.xquery.value.NumericValue in project exist by eXist-db.

the class FunAbs method eval.

/* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.exist.xquery.Expression#eval(org.exist.dom.persistent.DocumentSet, org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence, org.exist.xquery.value.Item)
public Sequence eval(Sequence contextSequence, Item contextItem) throws XPathException {
    if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) {
        context.getProfiler().message(this, Profiler.DEPENDENCIES, "DEPENDENCIES", Dependency.getDependenciesName(this.getDependencies()));
        if (contextSequence != null) {
            context.getProfiler().message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT SEQUENCE", contextSequence);
        if (contextItem != null) {
            context.getProfiler().message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT ITEM", contextItem.toSequence());
    Sequence result;
    final Sequence seq = getArgument(0).eval(contextSequence, contextItem);
    if (seq.isEmpty()) {
        result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
    } else {
        final Item item = seq.itemAt(0);
        NumericValue value;
        if (item instanceof NumericValue) {
            value = (NumericValue) item;
        } else {
            value = (NumericValue) item.convertTo(Type.NUMBER);
        result = value.abs();
    if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) {
        context.getProfiler().end(this, "", result);
    return result;
Also used : Item(org.exist.xquery.value.Item) Sequence(org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence) NumericValue(org.exist.xquery.value.NumericValue)

Example 7 with NumericValue

use of org.exist.xquery.value.NumericValue in project exist by eXist-db.

the class FunAvg method eval.

/* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.exist.xquery.Expression#eval(org.exist.dom.persistent.DocumentSet, org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence, org.exist.xquery.value.Item)
public Sequence eval(Sequence contextSequence, Item contextItem) throws XPathException {
    if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) {
        context.getProfiler().message(this, Profiler.DEPENDENCIES, "DEPENDENCIES", Dependency.getDependenciesName(this.getDependencies()));
        if (contextSequence != null) {
            context.getProfiler().message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT SEQUENCE", contextSequence);
        if (contextItem != null) {
            context.getProfiler().message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT ITEM", contextItem.toSequence());
    Sequence result;
    final Sequence inner = getArgument(0).eval(contextSequence, contextItem);
    if (inner.isEmpty()) {
        result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
    } else {
        final SequenceIterator iter = inner.iterate();
        Item item = iter.nextItem();
        AtomicValue value = item.atomize();
        // Any values of type xdt:untypedAtomic are cast to xs:double
        if (value.getType() == Type.UNTYPED_ATOMIC) {
            value = value.convertTo(Type.DOUBLE);
        if (!(value instanceof ComputableValue)) {
            throw new XPathException(this, ErrorCodes.FORG0006, Type.getTypeName(value.getType()) + "(" + value + ") " + "can not be an operand in a sum", value);
        // Set the first value
        ComputableValue sum = (ComputableValue) value;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            item = iter.nextItem();
            value = item.atomize();
            // Any value of type xdt:untypedAtomic are cast to xs:double
            if (value.getType() == Type.UNTYPED_ATOMIC) {
                value = value.convertTo(Type.DOUBLE);
            if (!(value instanceof ComputableValue)) {
                throw new XPathException(this, ErrorCodes.FORG0006, "" + Type.getTypeName(value.getType()) + "(" + value + ") can not be an operand in a sum", value);
            if (Type.subTypeOfUnion(value.getType(), Type.NUMBER)) {
                if (((NumericValue) value).isInfinite()) {
                    gotInfinity = true;
                if (((NumericValue) value).isNaN()) {
                    sum = DoubleValue.NaN;
            try {
                sum = (ComputableValue) sum.promote(value);
                // Aggregate next values
                sum = value);
            } catch (final XPathException e) {
                throw new XPathException(this, ErrorCodes.FORG0006, e.getMessage());
        result = sum.div(new IntegerValue(inner.getItemCount()));
    if (!gotInfinity) {
        if (Type.subTypeOfUnion(result.getItemType(), Type.NUMBER) && ((NumericValue) result).isInfinite()) {
        // Throw an overflow exception here since we get an infinity
        // whereas is hasn't been provided by the sequence
        // TODO ? -pb
    if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) {
        context.getProfiler().end(this, "", result);
    return result;
Also used : Item(org.exist.xquery.value.Item) ComputableValue(org.exist.xquery.value.ComputableValue) SequenceIterator(org.exist.xquery.value.SequenceIterator) XPathException(org.exist.xquery.XPathException) IntegerValue(org.exist.xquery.value.IntegerValue) AtomicValue(org.exist.xquery.value.AtomicValue) Sequence(org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence) NumericValue(org.exist.xquery.value.NumericValue)

Example 8 with NumericValue

use of org.exist.xquery.value.NumericValue in project exist by eXist-db.

the class FunDistinctValues method eval.

/* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.exist.xquery.Expression#eval(org.exist.xquery.StaticContext, org.exist.dom.persistent.DocumentSet, org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence, org.exist.xquery.value.Item)
public Sequence eval(Sequence contextSequence, Item contextItem) throws XPathException {
    if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) {
        context.getProfiler().message(this, Profiler.DEPENDENCIES, "DEPENDENCIES", Dependency.getDependenciesName(this.getDependencies()));
        if (contextSequence != null) {
            context.getProfiler().message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT SEQUENCE", contextSequence);
        if (contextItem != null) {
            context.getProfiler().message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT ITEM", contextItem.toSequence());
    final Sequence seq = getArgument(0).eval(contextSequence, contextItem);
    final Collator collator = getCollator(contextSequence, contextItem, 2);
    final TreeSet<AtomicValue> set = new TreeSet<>(new ValueComparator(collator));
    final ValueSequence result = new ValueSequence();
    Item item;
    AtomicValue value;
    boolean hasAlreadyNaN = false;
    for (final SequenceIterator i = seq.iterate(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        item = i.nextItem();
        value = item.atomize();
        if (!set.contains(value)) {
            if (Type.subTypeOfUnion(value.getType(), Type.NUMBER)) {
                if (((NumericValue) value).isNaN()) {
                    // contains multiple NaN values a single NaN is returned.
                    if (!hasAlreadyNaN) {
                        hasAlreadyNaN = true;
                } else {
            } else {
    if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) {
        context.getProfiler().end(this, "", result);
    return result;
Also used : Item(org.exist.xquery.value.Item) SequenceIterator(org.exist.xquery.value.SequenceIterator) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) ValueSequence(org.exist.xquery.value.ValueSequence) AtomicValue(org.exist.xquery.value.AtomicValue) ValueSequence(org.exist.xquery.value.ValueSequence) Sequence(org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence) NumericValue(org.exist.xquery.value.NumericValue) Collator(

Example 9 with NumericValue

use of org.exist.xquery.value.NumericValue in project exist by eXist-db.

the class RangeIndexConfigAttributeCondition method find.

public boolean find(Predicate predicate) {
    final Expression inner = this.getInnerExpression(predicate);
    Operator operator;
    Expression lhe;
    Expression rhe;
    // get the type of the expression inside the predicate and determine right and left hand arguments
    if (inner instanceof GeneralComparison) {
        final GeneralComparison comparison = (GeneralComparison) inner;
        operator = RangeQueryRewriter.getOperator(inner);
        lhe = comparison.getLeft();
        rhe = comparison.getRight();
    } else if (inner instanceof InternalFunctionCall) {
        // calls to matches() will not have been rewritten to a comparison, so check for function call
        final Function func = ((InternalFunctionCall) inner).getFunction();
        if (func.isCalledAs("matches")) {
            operator = Operator.MATCH;
            lhe = func.getArgument(0);
            rhe = func.getArgument(1);
            lhe = unwrapSubExpression(lhe);
            rhe = unwrapSubExpression(rhe);
        } else {
            // predicate expression cannot be parsed as condition
            return false;
    } else {
        // predicate expression cannot be parsed as condition
        return false;
    // find the attribute name and value pair from the predicate to check against
    // first assume attribute is on the left and value is on the right
    LocationStep testStep = findLocationStep(lhe);
    AtomicValue testValue = findAtomicValue(rhe);
    switch(this.operator) {
        case EQ:
        case NE:
            // check the other way around
            if (testStep == null && testValue == null) {
                testStep = findLocationStep(rhe);
                testValue = findAtomicValue(lhe);
        case GT:
        case LT:
        case GE:
        case LE:
            // but the operator has to be inverted
            if (testStep == null && testValue == null) {
                testStep = findLocationStep(rhe);
                testValue = findAtomicValue(lhe);
                operator = invertOrdinalOperator(operator);
    if (testStep != null && testValue != null) {
        final QName qname = testStep.getTest().getName();
        Comparable foundValue;
        Comparable requiredValue;
        boolean valueTypeMatches;
        try {
            if (this.numericComparison) {
                valueTypeMatches = testValue instanceof NumericValue;
                requiredValue = this.numericValue;
                foundValue = testValue.toJavaObject(Double.class);
            } else {
                valueTypeMatches = testValue instanceof StringValue;
                if (this.caseSensitive) {
                    requiredValue = this.getLowercaseValue();
                    foundValue = testValue.getStringValue().toLowerCase();
                } else {
                    requiredValue = this.value;
                    foundValue = testValue.getStringValue();
            if (qname.getNameType() == ElementValue.ATTRIBUTE && operator.equals(this.operator) && qname.equals(this.attribute) && valueTypeMatches && foundValue.equals(requiredValue)) {
                return true;
        } catch (XPathException e) {
            RangeIndex.LOG.error("Value conversion error when testing predicate for condition, value: {}", testValue.toString());
    return false;
Also used : Operator(org.exist.indexing.range.RangeIndex.Operator) QName(org.exist.dom.QName) AtomicValue(org.exist.xquery.value.AtomicValue) NumericValue(org.exist.xquery.value.NumericValue) StringValue(org.exist.xquery.value.StringValue)

Example 10 with NumericValue

use of org.exist.xquery.value.NumericValue in project exist by eXist-db.

the class FunSum method eval.

public Sequence eval(Sequence contextSequence, Item contextItem) throws XPathException {
    if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) {
        context.getProfiler().message(this, Profiler.DEPENDENCIES, "DEPENDENCIES", Dependency.getDependenciesName(this.getDependencies()));
        if (contextSequence != null) {
            context.getProfiler().message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT SEQUENCE", contextSequence);
        if (contextItem != null) {
            context.getProfiler().message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT ITEM", contextItem.toSequence());
    Sequence result;
    final Sequence inner = getArgument(0).eval(contextSequence, contextItem);
    if (inner.isEmpty()) {
        // If $zero is not specified, then the value returned for an empty sequence is the xs:integer value 0
        Sequence zero = IntegerValue.ZERO;
        if (getSignature().getArgumentCount() == 2) {
            zero = getArgument(1).eval(contextSequence, contextItem);
        result = zero;
    } else {
        final SequenceIterator iter = inner.iterate();
        Item item = iter.nextItem();
        AtomicValue value = item.atomize();
        value = check(value, null);
        // Set the first value
        ComputableValue sum = (ComputableValue) value;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            item = iter.nextItem();
            value = item.atomize();
            value = check(value, sum);
            if (Type.subTypeOfUnion(value.getType(), Type.NUMBER)) {
                if (((NumericValue) value).isInfinite()) {
                    gotInfinity = true;
                if (((NumericValue) value).isNaN()) {
                    sum = DoubleValue.NaN;
            sum = (ComputableValue) sum.promote(value);
            // Aggregate next values
            sum = value);
        result = sum;
    if (!gotInfinity) {
        if (Type.subTypeOfUnion(result.getItemType(), Type.NUMBER) && ((NumericValue) result).isInfinite()) {
        // Throw an overflow eception here since we get an infinity
        // whereas is hasn't been provided by the sequence
    if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) {
        context.getProfiler().end(this, "", result);
    return result;
Also used : Item(org.exist.xquery.value.Item) ComputableValue(org.exist.xquery.value.ComputableValue) SequenceIterator(org.exist.xquery.value.SequenceIterator) AtomicValue(org.exist.xquery.value.AtomicValue) Sequence(org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence) NumericValue(org.exist.xquery.value.NumericValue)


NumericValue (org.exist.xquery.value.NumericValue)18 Sequence (org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence)17 Item (org.exist.xquery.value.Item)12 SequenceIterator (org.exist.xquery.value.SequenceIterator)8 AtomicValue (org.exist.xquery.value.AtomicValue)6 ComputableValue (org.exist.xquery.value.ComputableValue)5 XPathException (org.exist.xquery.XPathException)4 IntegerValue (org.exist.xquery.value.IntegerValue)4 ValueSequence (org.exist.xquery.value.ValueSequence)4 Collator ( TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)3 ContextItem (org.exist.dom.persistent.ContextItem)2 NewArrayNodeSet (org.exist.dom.persistent.NewArrayNodeSet)2 NodeSet (org.exist.dom.persistent.NodeSet)2 VirtualNodeSet (org.exist.dom.persistent.VirtualNodeSet)2 QNameValue (org.exist.xquery.value.QNameValue)2 StringValue (org.exist.xquery.value.StringValue)2 QName (org.exist.dom.QName)1 NodeProxy (org.exist.dom.persistent.NodeProxy)1 Operator (org.exist.indexing.range.RangeIndex.Operator)1