use of org.finra.herd.model.ObjectNotFoundException in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class BusinessObjectDataServiceGenerateBusinessObjectDataDdlTest method testGenerateBusinessObjectDataDdlInvalidParameters.
public void testGenerateBusinessObjectDataDdlInvalidParameters() {
// Prepare test data.
BusinessObjectDataDdlRequest request;
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl using non-existing format.
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest(UNSORTED_PARTITION_VALUES, CUSTOM_DDL_NAME);
try {
fail("Should throw an ObjectNotFoundException when non-existing business object format is used.");
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
assertEquals(businessObjectFormatServiceTestHelper.getExpectedBusinessObjectFormatNotFoundErrorMessage(request.getNamespace(), request.getBusinessObjectDefinitionName(), request.getBusinessObjectFormatUsage(), request.getBusinessObjectFormatFileType(), request.getBusinessObjectFormatVersion()), e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl using non-existing partition key (partition column).
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest(UNSORTED_PARTITION_VALUES, CUSTOM_DDL_NAME);
try {
fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException when non-existing partition key is used.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals(String.format("The partition key \"%s\" does not exist in first %d partition columns in the schema for business object format " + "{namespace: \"%s\", businessObjectDefinitionName: \"%s\", businessObjectFormatUsage: \"%s\", businessObjectFormatFileType: \"%s\", " + "businessObjectFormatVersion: %d}.", request.getPartitionValueFilters().get(0).getPartitionKey(), BusinessObjectDataEntity.MAX_SUBPARTITIONS + 1, request.getNamespace(), request.getBusinessObjectDefinitionName(), request.getBusinessObjectFormatUsage(), request.getBusinessObjectFormatFileType(), request.getBusinessObjectFormatVersion()), e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl when both partition value filter and partition value filter list are specified.
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest(UNSORTED_PARTITION_VALUES, CUSTOM_DDL_NAME);
try {
fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException when both a list of partition value filters and a standalone partition value filter are specified.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals("A list of partition value filters and a standalone partition value filter cannot be both specified.", e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl when partition value filter has none or more than one partition value filter option specified.
for (PartitionValueFilter partitionValueFilter : businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getInvalidPartitionValueFilters()) {
try {
fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException when partition value filter has more than one partition value filter option.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals("Exactly one partition value filter option must be specified.", e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl when partition value token is specified with a partition value range.
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest(BusinessObjectDataService.MAX_PARTITION_VALUE_TOKEN, END_PARTITION_VALUE);
try {
fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException when partition value token is specified with a partition value range.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals("A partition value token cannot be specified with a partition value range.", e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl when partition value token is specified with a partition value range.
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest(BusinessObjectDataService.MIN_PARTITION_VALUE_TOKEN, END_PARTITION_VALUE);
try {
fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException when partition value token is specified with a partition value range.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals("A partition value token cannot be specified with a partition value range.", e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl when partition value token is specified with a partition value range.
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest(START_PARTITION_VALUE, BusinessObjectDataService.MAX_PARTITION_VALUE_TOKEN);
try {
fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException when partition value token is specified with a partition value range.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals("A partition value token cannot be specified with a partition value range.", e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl when partition value token is specified with a partition value range.
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest(END_PARTITION_VALUE, BusinessObjectDataService.MIN_PARTITION_VALUE_TOKEN);
try {
fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException when partition value token is specified with a partition value range.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals("A partition value token cannot be specified with a partition value range.", e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl when partition value filter has start partition value which is greater than the end partition value.
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest(END_PARTITION_VALUE, START_PARTITION_VALUE, CUSTOM_DDL_NAME);
try {
fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException when start partition value which is greater than the end partition value.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals(String.format("The start partition value \"%s\" cannot be greater than the end partition value \"%s\".", END_PARTITION_VALUE, START_PARTITION_VALUE), e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl when partition value filter has specifies a range that results in no valid partition values.
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest("I_DO_NOT_EXIST_1", "I_DO_NOT_EXIST_2", null, CUSTOM_DDL_NAME);
try {
fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException when partition value filter has specifies a range that results in no valid partition values.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals(String.format("Partition value range [\"%s\", \"%s\"] contains no valid partition values in partition key group \"%s\". " + "Business object format: {%s}", request.getPartitionValueFilters().get(0).getPartitionValueRange().getStartPartitionValue(), request.getPartitionValueFilters().get(0).getPartitionValueRange().getEndPartitionValue(), PARTITION_KEY_GROUP, businessObjectFormatServiceTestHelper.getExpectedBusinessObjectFormatKeyAsString(NAMESPACE, BDEF_NAME, FORMAT_USAGE_CODE, FileTypeEntity.TXT_FILE_TYPE, FORMAT_VERSION)), e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl when partition value filter has specifies a range that results in no valid partition values.
String invalidPartitionValue = "INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE_/";
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest(Arrays.asList(invalidPartitionValue), CUSTOM_DDL_NAME);
try {
fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException when partition value contains a '/' character.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals(String.format("Partition value \"%s\" can not contain a '/' character.", request.getPartitionValueFilters().get(0).getPartitionValues().get(0)), e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl when partition value token is specified as a partition value.
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest(Arrays.asList(BusinessObjectDataService.MAX_PARTITION_VALUE_TOKEN), CUSTOM_DDL_NAME);
try {
fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException when partition value token is specified as a partition value.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals("A partition value token cannot be specified as one of partition values.", e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl when partition value token is specified as a partition value.
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest(Arrays.asList(BusinessObjectDataService.MIN_PARTITION_VALUE_TOKEN), CUSTOM_DDL_NAME);
try {
fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException when partition value token is specified as a partition value.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals("A partition value token cannot be specified as one of partition values.", e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl when both a list of storage names and standalone storage name are specified.
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest(UNSORTED_PARTITION_VALUES);
try {
fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException when both a list of storage names and standalone storage name are specified.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals("A list of storage names and a standalone storage name cannot be both specified.", e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl passing a non-existing storage as a standalone storage name.
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest(UNSORTED_PARTITION_VALUES, CUSTOM_DDL_NAME);
try {
fail("Should throw an ObjectNotFoundException when non-existing storage is used as a standalone storage name.");
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
assertEquals(String.format("Storage with name \"%s\" doesn't exist.", request.getStorageName()), e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl passing a non-existing storage in the list of storage names.
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest(UNSORTED_PARTITION_VALUES);
try {
fail("Should throw an ObjectNotFoundException when non-existing storage is used in the list of storage names.");
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
assertEquals(String.format("Storage with name \"%s\" doesn't exist.", request.getStorageNames().get(0)), e.getMessage());
// Try to retrieve business object data ddl using non-existing custom ddl.
request = businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.getTestBusinessObjectDataDdlRequest(UNSORTED_PARTITION_VALUES, CUSTOM_DDL_NAME);
try {
fail("Should throw an ObjectNotFoundException when non-existing custom ddl is used.");
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
assertEquals(String.format("Custom DDL with name \"%s\" does not exist for business object format with namespace \"%s\", " + "business object definition name \"%s\", format usage \"%s\", format file type \"%s\", and format version \"%d\".", request.getCustomDdlName(), request.getNamespace(), request.getBusinessObjectDefinitionName(), request.getBusinessObjectFormatUsage(), request.getBusinessObjectFormatFileType(), request.getBusinessObjectFormatVersion()), e.getMessage());
use of org.finra.herd.model.ObjectNotFoundException in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class BusinessObjectDataServiceGenerateBusinessObjectDataDdlTest method testGenerateBusinessObjectDataDdlLatestAfterPartitionValueNoExists.
public void testGenerateBusinessObjectDataDdlLatestAfterPartitionValueNoExists() {
// Prepare database entities required for testing.
// Try retrieve business object data ddl using a latest before partition value filter option when the latest partition value does not exist.
try {
fail("Suppose to throw an ObjectNotFoundException when failed to find the latest after partition value.");
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
assertEquals(String.format("Failed to find partition value which is the latest after partition value = \"%s\" " + "for partition key = \"%s\" due to no available business object data " + "in \"%s\" storage that satisfies the search criteria. Business object data {namespace: \"%s\", " + "businessObjectDefinitionName: \"%s\", businessObjectFormatUsage: \"%s\", businessObjectFormatFileType: \"%s\", " + "businessObjectFormatVersion: %d, businessObjectDataVersion: %d}", PARTITION_VALUE_2, FIRST_PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME, STORAGE_NAME, NAMESPACE, BDEF_NAME, FORMAT_USAGE_CODE, FileTypeEntity.TXT_FILE_TYPE, FORMAT_VERSION, DATA_VERSION), e.getMessage());
use of org.finra.herd.model.ObjectNotFoundException in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class Ec2DaoImpl method getSubnets.
* This implementation uses the DescribeSubnets API.
public List<Subnet> getSubnets(Collection<String> subnetIds, AwsParamsDto awsParamsDto) {
AmazonEC2Client ec2Client = getEc2Client(awsParamsDto);
DescribeSubnetsRequest describeSubnetsRequest = new DescribeSubnetsRequest();
try {
DescribeSubnetsResult describeSubnetsResult = ec2Operations.describeSubnets(ec2Client, describeSubnetsRequest);
return describeSubnetsResult.getSubnets();
} catch (AmazonServiceException amazonServiceException) {
* AWS throws a 400 error when any one of the specified subnet ID is not found.
* We want to catch it and throw as an handled herd error as a 404 not found.
if (ERROR_CODE_SUBNET_ID_NOT_FOUND.equals(amazonServiceException.getErrorCode())) {
throw new ObjectNotFoundException(amazonServiceException.getErrorMessage(), amazonServiceException);
} else // Any other type of error we throw as is because they are unexpected.
throw amazonServiceException;
use of org.finra.herd.model.ObjectNotFoundException in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class EmrPricingHelper method updateEmrClusterDefinitionWithBestPrice.
* Finds the best price for each master and core instances based on the subnets and master and core instance search parameters given in the definition.
* <p/>
* The results of the findings are used to update the given definition.
* <p/>
* If the instance's instanceSpotPrice is set, the instance definition will keep that value. If the instance's instanceMaxSearchPrice is set, the best price
* will be found. If the found price is spot, the instanceSpotPrice will be set to the value of instanceMaxSearchPrice. If the found price is on-demand, the
* instanceSpotPrice will be removed. The definition's subnetId will be set to the particular subnet which the best price is found. The value will always be
* replaced by a single subnet ID.
* <p/>
* The definition's instanceMaxSearchPrice and instanceOnDemandThreshold will be removed by this operation.
* @param emrClusterAlternateKeyDto EMR cluster alternate key
* @param emrClusterDefinition The EMR cluster definition with search criteria, and the definition that will be updated
* @param awsParamsDto the AWS related parameters for access/secret keys and proxy details
public void updateEmrClusterDefinitionWithBestPrice(EmrClusterAlternateKeyDto emrClusterAlternateKeyDto, EmrClusterDefinition emrClusterDefinition, AwsParamsDto awsParamsDto) {
EmrVpcPricingState emrVpcPricingState = new EmrVpcPricingState();
// Get total count of instances this definition will attempt to create
int totalInstanceCount = getTotalInstanceCount(emrClusterDefinition);
// Get the subnet information
List<Subnet> subnets = getSubnets(emrClusterDefinition, awsParamsDto);
for (Subnet subnet : subnets) {
emrVpcPricingState.getSubnetAvailableIpAddressCounts().put(subnet.getSubnetId(), subnet.getAvailableIpAddressCount());
// Filter out subnets with not enough available IPs
removeSubnetsWithAvailableIpsLessThan(subnets, totalInstanceCount);
if (subnets.isEmpty()) {"Insufficient IP availability. namespace=\"%s\" emrClusterDefinitionName=\"%s\" emrClusterName=\"%s\" " + "totalRequestedInstanceCount=%s emrVpcPricingState=%s", emrClusterAlternateKeyDto.getNamespace(), emrClusterAlternateKeyDto.getEmrClusterDefinitionName(), emrClusterAlternateKeyDto.getEmrClusterName(), totalInstanceCount, jsonHelper.objectToJson(emrVpcPricingState)));
throw new ObjectNotFoundException(String.format("There are no subnets in the current VPC which have sufficient IP addresses available to run your " + "clusters. Try expanding the list of subnets or try again later. requestedInstanceCount=%s%n%s", totalInstanceCount, emrVpcPricingStateFormatter.format(emrVpcPricingState)));
// Best prices are accumulated in this list
List<EmrClusterPriceDto> emrClusterPrices = new ArrayList<>();
InstanceDefinition masterInstanceDefinition = getMasterInstanceDefinition(emrClusterDefinition);
InstanceDefinition coreInstanceDefinition = getCoreInstanceDefinition(emrClusterDefinition);
InstanceDefinition taskInstanceDefinition = getTaskInstanceDefinition(emrClusterDefinition);
Set<String> requestedInstanceTypes = new HashSet<>();
String masterInstanceType = masterInstanceDefinition.getInstanceType();
if (coreInstanceDefinition != null) {
String coreInstanceType = coreInstanceDefinition.getInstanceType();
if (taskInstanceDefinition != null) {
String taskInstanceType = taskInstanceDefinition.getInstanceType();
// Get AZs for the subnets
for (AvailabilityZone availabilityZone : getAvailabilityZones(subnets, awsParamsDto)) {
// Create a mapping of instance types to prices for more efficient, in-memory lookup
// This method also validates that the given instance types are real instance types supported by AWS.
Map<String, BigDecimal> instanceTypeOnDemandPrices = getInstanceTypeOnDemandPrices(availabilityZone, requestedInstanceTypes);
// Create a mapping of instance types to prices for more efficient, in-memory lookup
// When AWS does not return any spot price history for an instance type in an availability zone, the algorithm will not use that availability zone
// when selecting the lowest price.
Map<String, BigDecimal> instanceTypeSpotPrices = getInstanceTypeSpotPrices(availabilityZone, requestedInstanceTypes, awsParamsDto);
emrVpcPricingState.getSpotPricesPerAvailabilityZone().put(availabilityZone.getZoneName(), instanceTypeSpotPrices);
emrVpcPricingState.getOnDemandPricesPerAvailabilityZone().put(availabilityZone.getZoneName(), instanceTypeOnDemandPrices);
// Get and compare master price
BigDecimal masterSpotPrice = instanceTypeSpotPrices.get(masterInstanceType);
BigDecimal masterOnDemandPrice = instanceTypeOnDemandPrices.get(masterInstanceType);
Ec2PriceDto masterPrice = getBestInstancePrice(masterSpotPrice, masterOnDemandPrice, masterInstanceDefinition);
// Get and compare core price
Ec2PriceDto corePrice = null;
if (coreInstanceDefinition != null) {
String coreInstanceType = coreInstanceDefinition.getInstanceType();
BigDecimal coreSpotPrice = instanceTypeSpotPrices.get(coreInstanceType);
BigDecimal coreOnDemandPrice = instanceTypeOnDemandPrices.get(coreInstanceType);
corePrice = getBestInstancePrice(coreSpotPrice, coreOnDemandPrice, coreInstanceDefinition);
// Get and compare task price
Ec2PriceDto taskPrice = null;
if (taskInstanceDefinition != null) {
String taskInstanceType = taskInstanceDefinition.getInstanceType();
BigDecimal taskSpotPrice = instanceTypeSpotPrices.get(taskInstanceType);
BigDecimal taskOnDemandPrice = instanceTypeOnDemandPrices.get(taskInstanceType);
taskPrice = getBestInstancePrice(taskSpotPrice, taskOnDemandPrice, taskInstanceDefinition);
// If prices were found
if (masterPrice != null && (coreInstanceDefinition == null || corePrice != null) && (taskInstanceDefinition == null || taskPrice != null)) {
// Add the pricing result to the result list
emrClusterPrices.add(createEmrClusterPrice(availabilityZone, masterPrice, corePrice, taskPrice));
// If prices were not found for either master or core, this AZ cannot satisfy the search criteria. Ignore this AZ.
if (emrClusterPrices.isEmpty()) {"No subnets which satisfied the best price search criteria. namespace=\"%s\" emrClusterDefinitionName=\"%s\" " + "emrClusterName=\"%s\" emrVpcPricingState=%s", emrClusterAlternateKeyDto.getNamespace(), emrClusterAlternateKeyDto.getEmrClusterDefinitionName(), emrClusterAlternateKeyDto.getEmrClusterName(), jsonHelper.objectToJson(emrVpcPricingState)));
throw new ObjectNotFoundException(String.format("There were no subnets which satisfied your best price search criteria. If you explicitly opted to use spot EC2 instances, please confirm " + "that your instance types support spot pricing. Otherwise, try setting the max price or the on-demand threshold to a higher value.%n%s", emrVpcPricingStateFormatter.format(emrVpcPricingState)));
// Find the best prices from the result list
EmrClusterPriceDto bestEmrClusterPrice = getEmrClusterPriceWithLowestCoreInstancePrice(emrClusterPrices);
// Find the best subnet among the best AZ's
Subnet bestEmrClusterSubnet = getBestSubnetForAvailabilityZone(bestEmrClusterPrice.getAvailabilityZone(), subnets);
// Update the definition with the new calculated values
updateInstanceDefinitionsWithBestPrice(emrClusterDefinition, bestEmrClusterSubnet, bestEmrClusterPrice);
use of org.finra.herd.model.ObjectNotFoundException in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class StorageUnitNotificationRegistrationServiceTest method testUpdateStorageUnitNotificationRegistrationNoExists.
public void testUpdateStorageUnitNotificationRegistrationNoExists() {
// Try to update a non-existing storage unit notification registration.
try {
storageUnitNotificationRegistrationService.updateStorageUnitNotificationRegistration(new NotificationRegistrationKey(NAMESPACE, NOTIFICATION_NAME), new StorageUnitNotificationRegistrationUpdateRequest(, new StorageUnitNotificationFilter(BDEF_NAMESPACE_2, BDEF_NAME_2, FORMAT_USAGE_CODE_2, FORMAT_FILE_TYPE_CODE_2, FORMAT_VERSION_2, STORAGE_NAME_2, STORAGE_UNIT_STATUS, NO_STORAGE_UNIT_STATUS), notificationRegistrationDaoTestHelper.getTestJobActions2(), NotificationRegistrationStatusEntity.ENABLED));
fail("Should throw an ObjectNotFoundException when trying to update a non-existing storage unit notification.");
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
assertEquals(String.format("Storage unit notification registration with name \"%s\" does not exist for \"%s\" namespace.", NOTIFICATION_NAME, NAMESPACE), e.getMessage());