use of org.finra.herd.model.dto.ManifestFile in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class UploaderManifestReaderTest method testReadJsonManifestNoRowCount.
public void testReadJsonManifestNoRowCount() throws IOException {
// Get an instance of uploader input manifest object.
UploaderInputManifestDto uploaderInputManifestDto = getTestUploaderInputManifestDto();
// Make all the row counts null.
for (ManifestFile manifestFile : uploaderInputManifestDto.getManifestFiles()) {
// Create and read a uploaderInputManifestDto file.
UploaderInputManifestDto resultManifest = uploaderManifestReader.readJsonManifest(createManifestFile(LOCAL_TEMP_PATH_INPUT.toString(), uploaderInputManifestDto));
// Validate the results.
assertUploaderManifest(uploaderInputManifestDto, resultManifest);
use of org.finra.herd.model.dto.ManifestFile in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class UploaderController method getValidatedLocalFiles.
* Returns the list of File objects created from the specified list of local files after they are validated for existence and read access.
* @param localDir the local path to directory to be used to construct the relative absolute paths for the files to be validated
* @param manifestFiles the list of manifest files that contain file paths relative to <code>localDir</code> to be validated.
* @return the list of validated File objects
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>localDir</code> or local files are not valid
* @throws IOException if there is a filesystem query issue to construct a canonical form of an abstract file path
private List<File> getValidatedLocalFiles(String localDir, List<ManifestFile> manifestFiles) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
// Create a "directory" file and ensure it is valid.
File directory = new File(localDir);
if (!directory.isDirectory() || !directory.canRead()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid local base directory: %s", directory.getAbsolutePath()));
// For each file path from the list, create Java "File" objects to the real file location (i.e. with the directory
// prepended to it), and verify that the file exists. If not, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
String basedir = directory.getAbsolutePath();
List<File> resultFiles = new ArrayList<>();
for (ManifestFile manifestFile : manifestFiles) {
// Create a "real file" that points to the actual file on the file system (i.e. directory + manifest file path).
String realFullPathFileName = Paths.get(basedir, manifestFile.getFileName()).toFile().getPath();
realFullPathFileName = realFullPathFileName.replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
File realFile = new File(realFullPathFileName);
// Verify that the file exists and is readable.
// Verify that the name of the actual file on the file system exactly matches the name of the real file on the file system.
// This will handle potential case issues on Windows systems. Note that the canonical file gives the actual file name on the system.
// The non-canonical file gives the name as it was specified in the manifest.
String realFileName = realFile.getName();
String manifestFileName = realFile.getCanonicalFile().getName();
if (!realFileName.equals(manifestFileName)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Manifest filename \"" + manifestFileName + "\" does not match actual filename \"" + realFileName + "\".");
return resultFiles;
use of org.finra.herd.model.dto.ManifestFile in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class UploaderManifestReader method validateManifest.
* Validates the manifest file.
* @param manifest the manifest to validate.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the manifest is not valid.
protected void validateManifest(UploaderInputManifestDto manifest) throws IllegalArgumentException {
// Perform the base validation.
Assert.hasText(manifest.getBusinessObjectFormatVersion(), "Manifest business object format version must be specified.");
Assert.notEmpty(manifest.getManifestFiles(), "Manifest must contain at least 1 file.");
// Ensure row counts are all positive.
for (ManifestFile manifestFile : manifest.getManifestFiles()) {
Assert.hasText(manifestFile.getFileName(), "Manifest file can not have a blank filename.");
// Trim to ensure we don't get errors with leading or trailing spaces causing "path" errors when validating that files exist.
if (manifestFile.getRowCount() != null) {
Assert.isTrue(manifestFile.getRowCount() >= 0, "Manifest file \"" + manifestFile.getFileName() + "\" can not have a negative row count.");
if (manifest.getAttributes() != null) {
HashSet<String> attributeNameValidationSet = new HashSet<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : manifest.getAttributes().entrySet()) {
String attributeName = entry.getKey().trim();
Assert.hasText(attributeName, "Manifest attribute name must be specified.");
// Validate attribute key length.
Assert.isTrue(attributeName.length() <= MAX_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_LENGTH, String.format("Manifest attribute name is longer than %d characters.", MAX_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_LENGTH));
// Ensure the attribute name isn't a duplicate by using a map with a "lowercase" name as the key for case insensitivity.
String lowercaseAttributeName = attributeName.toLowerCase();
Assert.isTrue(!attributeNameValidationSet.contains(lowercaseAttributeName), String.format("Duplicate manifest attribute name found: %s", attributeName));
// Validate attribute value length.
if (entry.getValue() != null) {
Assert.isTrue(entry.getValue().length() <= MAX_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LENGTH, String.format("Manifest attribute value is longer than %d characters.", MAX_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LENGTH));
if (manifest.getBusinessObjectDataParents() != null) {
HashSet<BusinessObjectDataKey> parentValidationSet = new HashSet<>();
for (BusinessObjectDataKey businessObjectDataKey : manifest.getBusinessObjectDataParents()) {
// Perform validation.
Assert.hasText(businessObjectDataKey.getBusinessObjectDefinitionName(), "Manifest parent business object definition name must be specified.");
Assert.hasText(businessObjectDataKey.getBusinessObjectFormatUsage(), "Manifest parent business object format usage must be specified.");
Assert.hasText(businessObjectDataKey.getBusinessObjectFormatFileType(), "Manifest parent business object format file type must be specified.");
Assert.hasText(businessObjectDataKey.getPartitionValue(), "Manifest parent business object data partition value must be specified.");
// Remove leading and trailing spaces.
// Ensure the business object data parent isn't a duplicate by using a unique set
// with "lowercase" parent alternate key fields that are case insensitive.
BusinessObjectDataKey lowercaseKey = new BusinessObjectDataKey();
Assert.isTrue(!parentValidationSet.contains(lowercaseKey), String.format("Duplicate manifest business object data parent found: {%s}", businessObjectDataHelper.businessObjectDataKeyToString(businessObjectDataKey)));
use of org.finra.herd.model.dto.ManifestFile in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class UploaderControllerTest method testPerformUploadManifestContainsDuplicateFileNames.
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testPerformUploadManifestContainsDuplicateFileNames() throws Exception {
List<ManifestFile> duplicateTestDataFiles = new ArrayList<>();
// Create local data files in LOCAL_TEMP_PATH_INPUT directory
for (ManifestFile manifestFile : testManifestFiles) {
createLocalFile(LOCAL_TEMP_PATH_INPUT.toString(), manifestFile.getFileName(), FILE_SIZE_1_KB);
// Create uploader input manifest file in LOCAL_TEMP_PATH_INPUT directory
UploaderInputManifestDto uploaderInputManifestDto = getTestUploaderInputManifestDto();
File manifestFile = createManifestFile(LOCAL_TEMP_PATH_INPUT.toString(), uploaderInputManifestDto);
// Try to upload business object data having duplicate file names.
RegServerAccessParamsDto regServerAccessParamsDto = RegServerAccessParamsDto.builder().withRegServerHost(WEB_SERVICE_HOSTNAME).withRegServerPort(WEB_SERVICE_HTTPS_PORT).withUseSsl(true).withUsername(WEB_SERVICE_HTTPS_USERNAME).withPassword(WEB_SERVICE_HTTPS_PASSWORD).build();
uploaderController.performUpload(regServerAccessParamsDto, manifestFile, getTestS3FileTransferRequestParamsDto(), false, false, TEST_RETRY_ATTEMPTS, TEST_RETRY_DELAY_SECS);
use of org.finra.herd.model.dto.ManifestFile in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class UploaderControllerTest method testPerformUploadManifestFileNameDoesNotMatchActualFileName.
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testPerformUploadManifestFileNameDoesNotMatchActualFileName() throws Exception {
List<ManifestFile> declaredManifestFiles = getManifestFilesFromFileNames(Arrays.asList("test-data-1.txt", "test-data-2.txt"), FILE_SIZE_1_KB);
List<ManifestFile> actualManifestFiles = getManifestFilesFromFileNames(Arrays.asList("test-data-1.txt", "TEST-DATA-2.TXT"), FILE_SIZE_1_KB);
// Create local data files in LOCAL_TEMP_PATH_INPUT directory
for (ManifestFile manifestFile : actualManifestFiles) {
createLocalFile(LOCAL_TEMP_PATH_INPUT.toString(), manifestFile.getFileName(), FILE_SIZE_1_KB);
// Create uploader input manifest file in LOCAL_TEMP_PATH_INPUT directory.
UploaderInputManifestDto uploaderInputManifestDto = getTestUploaderInputManifestDto();
File manifestFile = createManifestFile(LOCAL_TEMP_PATH_INPUT.toString(), uploaderInputManifestDto);
// Try to upload business object data with one of the file having name that does not match to incorrect name specified.
RegServerAccessParamsDto regServerAccessParamsDto = RegServerAccessParamsDto.builder().withRegServerHost(WEB_SERVICE_HOSTNAME).withRegServerPort(WEB_SERVICE_HTTPS_PORT).withUseSsl(true).withUsername(WEB_SERVICE_HTTPS_USERNAME).withPassword(WEB_SERVICE_HTTPS_PASSWORD).build();
uploaderController.performUpload(regServerAccessParamsDto, manifestFile, getTestS3FileTransferRequestParamsDto(), false, false, TEST_RETRY_ATTEMPTS, TEST_RETRY_DELAY_SECS);