use of org.finra.herd.model.dto.S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class S3DaoTest method testTagObjectsTargetTagKeyAlreadyExists.
public void testTagObjectsTargetTagKeyAlreadyExists() {
// Create two S3 object tags having the same tag key.
List<Tag> tags = Arrays.asList(new Tag(S3_OBJECT_TAG_KEY, S3_OBJECT_TAG_VALUE), new Tag(S3_OBJECT_TAG_KEY, S3_OBJECT_TAG_VALUE_2));
// Put a file in S3 that is already tagged with the first S3 object tag.
PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(S3_BUCKET_NAME, TARGET_S3_KEY, new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[1]), new ObjectMetadata());
putObjectRequest.setTagging(new ObjectTagging(Arrays.asList(tags.get(0))));
s3Operations.putObject(putObjectRequest, null);
// Validate that the S3 object is tagged with the first tag.
GetObjectTaggingResult getObjectTaggingResult = s3Operations.getObjectTagging(new GetObjectTaggingRequest(S3_BUCKET_NAME, TARGET_S3_KEY), null);
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(tags.get(0)), getObjectTaggingResult.getTagSet());
// Tag the S3 file with the second S3 object tag.
S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto params = new S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto();
params.setFiles(Arrays.asList(new File(TARGET_S3_KEY)));
s3Dao.tagObjects(params, new S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto(), tags.get(1));
// Validate that the S3 object is tagged with the second tag now.
getObjectTaggingResult = s3Operations.getObjectTagging(new GetObjectTaggingRequest(S3_BUCKET_NAME, TARGET_S3_KEY), null);
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(tags.get(1)), getObjectTaggingResult.getTagSet());
use of org.finra.herd.model.dto.S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class S3DaoTest method testAbortMultipartUploadsAssertHandleGenericException.
* When any exception is thrown during the flow, the S3 client should be shut down gracefully. The exception is thrown as-is, without any wrapping or
* special handling.
public void testAbortMultipartUploadsAssertHandleGenericException() {
S3Operations originalS3Operations = (S3Operations) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(s3Dao, "s3Operations");
S3Operations mockS3Operations = mock(S3Operations.class);
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(s3Dao, "s3Operations", mockS3Operations);
try {
String s3BucketName = "s3BucketName";
S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto = new S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto();
Date thresholdDate = new Date(1);
when(mockS3Operations.listMultipartUploads(any(), any())).thenThrow(new AmazonServiceException("message"));
try {
s3Dao.abortMultipartUploads(s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto, thresholdDate);
} catch (Exception e) {
assertEquals(AmazonServiceException.class, e.getClass());
assertEquals("message (Service: null; Status Code: 0; Error Code: null; Request ID: null)", e.getMessage());
} finally {
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(s3Dao, "s3Operations", originalS3Operations);
use of org.finra.herd.model.dto.S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class S3DaoTest method testUploadDirectory.
* Test that we are able to perform the uploadDirectory S3Dao operation on S3 using our DAO tier.
public void testUploadDirectory() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// Create local test files.
for (String file : LOCAL_FILES) {
createLocalFile(localTempPath.toString(), file, FILE_SIZE_1_KB);
// Upload test file to s3Dao.
// Since the S3 key prefix represents a directory, we add a trailing '/' character to it.
S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto = s3DaoTestHelper.getTestS3FileTransferRequestParamsDto();
s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto.setS3KeyPrefix(TEST_S3_KEY_PREFIX + "/");
S3FileTransferResultsDto results = s3Dao.uploadDirectory(s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto);
// Validate results.
Assert.assertTrue(results.getTotalFilesTransferred() == LOCAL_FILES.size());
// Build a list of expected S3 key values.
List<String> expectedKeys = new ArrayList<>();
for (String file : LOCAL_FILES) {
expectedKeys.add(TEST_S3_KEY_PREFIX + "/" + file.replaceAll("\\\\", "/"));
// Validate the file upload.
s3DaoTestHelper.validateS3FileUpload(s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto, expectedKeys);
use of org.finra.herd.model.dto.S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class S3DaoTest method testUploadFileZeroBytes.
* Test that we are able to upload a zero byte file to S3 using our DAO tier.
public void testUploadFileZeroBytes() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// Create an empty local file.
File targetFile = createLocalFile(localTempPath.toString(), LOCAL_FILE, FILE_SIZE_0_BYTE);
Assert.assertTrue(targetFile.length() == FILE_SIZE_0_BYTE);
// Upload test file to s3Dao.
S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto = s3DaoTestHelper.getTestS3FileTransferRequestParamsDto();
S3FileTransferResultsDto results = s3Dao.uploadFile(s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto);
// Validate results.
Assert.assertTrue(results.getTotalFilesTransferred() == 1L);
// Validate the file upload.
s3DaoTestHelper.validateS3FileUpload(s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto, Arrays.asList(TARGET_S3_KEY));
use of org.finra.herd.model.dto.S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class S3DaoTest method testRestoreObjectsAmazonServiceException.
public void testRestoreObjectsAmazonServiceException() {
// Build a mock file path that triggers an Amazon service exception when we request to restore an object.
String testKey = String.format("%s/%s", TEST_S3_KEY_PREFIX, MockS3OperationsImpl.MOCK_S3_FILE_NAME_SERVICE_EXCEPTION);
// Put a 1 byte Glacier storage class file in S3.
ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata();
metadata.setHeader(Headers.STORAGE_CLASS, StorageClass.Glacier);
s3Operations.putObject(new PutObjectRequest(storageDaoTestHelper.getS3ManagedBucketName(), testKey, new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[1]), metadata), null);
// Try to initiate a restore request for a mocked S3 file that would trigger an Amazon service exception when we request to restore an object.
try {
S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto params = new S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto();
params.setFiles(Arrays.asList(new File(testKey)));
s3Dao.restoreObjects(params, S3_RESTORE_OBJECT_EXPIRATION_IN_DAYS);
fail("Should throw an IllegalStateException when an S3 restore object operation fails.");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
assertEquals(String.format("Failed to initiate a restore request for \"%s\" key in \"%s\" bucket. " + "Reason: InternalError (Service: null; Status Code: 0; Error Code: InternalError; Request ID: null)", testKey, storageDaoTestHelper.getS3ManagedBucketName()), e.getMessage());