use of org.finra.herd.model.jpa.StorageFileEntity in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class BusinessObjectDataStorageFileServiceTest method testCreateBusinessObjectDataStorageFilesAutoDiscoveryPreviouslyRegisteredS3FileSizeMismatch.
public void testCreateBusinessObjectDataStorageFilesAutoDiscoveryPreviouslyRegisteredS3FileSizeMismatch() throws Exception {
// Create and persist a storage unit entity.
StorageUnitEntity storageUnitEntity = storageUnitDaoTestHelper.createStorageUnitEntity(StorageEntity.MANAGED_STORAGE, NAMESPACE, BDEF_NAME, FORMAT_USAGE_CODE, FORMAT_FILE_TYPE_CODE, FORMAT_VERSION, PARTITION_VALUE, NO_SUBPARTITION_VALUES, DATA_VERSION, LATEST_VERSION_FLAG_SET, BusinessObjectDataStatusEntity.UPLOADING, StorageUnitStatusEntity.ENABLED, testS3KeyPrefix);
// Create and persist a storage file with file size that would not match S3 reported size.
StorageFileEntity storageFileEntity = storageFileDaoTestHelper.createStorageFileEntity(storageUnitEntity, testS3KeyPrefix + "/" + FILE_PATH_1, FILE_SIZE_2_KB, NO_ROW_COUNT);
// Create and upload to S3 managed storage two test files with 1 KB file size.
businessObjectDataServiceTestHelper.prepareTestS3Files(testS3KeyPrefix, localTempPath, Arrays.asList(FILE_PATH_1, FILE_PATH_2));
// Try to discover storage files when file size reported by S3 does not match for an already registered storage file.
try {
fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException when an already registered storage file size does not match file size reported by S3.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals(String.format("Previously registered storage file \"%s/%s\" has file size of %d bytes that does not match file size of %d bytes reported by S3.", testS3KeyPrefix, FILE_PATH_1, FILE_SIZE_2_KB, FILE_SIZE_1_KB), e.getMessage());
use of org.finra.herd.model.jpa.StorageFileEntity in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class BusinessObjectDataDaoHelper method createStorageFileEntitiesFromStorageFiles.
* Creates a list of storage file entities from a list of storage files.
* @param storageFiles the list of storage files
* @param storageEntity the storage entity
* @param storageFilesDiscovered specifies whether the storage files were actually discovered in the storage
* @param expectedS3KeyPrefix the expected S3 key prefix
* @param storageUnitEntity the storage unit entity that storage file entities will belong to
* @param directoryPath the storage directory path
* @param validatePathPrefix specifies whether the storage has S3 key prefix validation enabled
* @param validateFileExistence specifies whether the storage has file existence enabled
* @param validateFileSize specifies whether the storage has file validation enabled
* @param isS3StoragePlatform specifies whether the storage platform type is S3
* @return the list of storage file entities
private List<StorageFileEntity> createStorageFileEntitiesFromStorageFiles(List<StorageFile> storageFiles, StorageEntity storageEntity, boolean storageFilesDiscovered, String expectedS3KeyPrefix, StorageUnitEntity storageUnitEntity, String directoryPath, boolean validatePathPrefix, boolean validateFileExistence, boolean validateFileSize, boolean isS3StoragePlatform) {
List<StorageFileEntity> storageFileEntities = null;
// Process storage files if they are specified.
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(storageFiles)) {
storageFileEntities = new ArrayList<>();
// If the validate file existence flag is configured for this storage and storage files were not discovered, prepare for S3 file validation.
S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto params = null;
Map<String, StorageFile> actualS3Keys = null;
if (validateFileExistence && isS3StoragePlatform && !storageFilesDiscovered) {
// Get the validate file parameters.
params = getFileValidationParams(storageEntity, expectedS3KeyPrefix, storageUnitEntity, validatePathPrefix);
// When listing S3 files, we ignore 0 byte objects that represent S3 directories.
actualS3Keys = storageFileHelper.getStorageFilesMapFromS3ObjectSummaries(s3Service.listDirectory(params, true));
// storage by some other business object data that start with the expected S3 key prefix.
if (validatePathPrefix && isS3StoragePlatform) {
// Since the S3 key prefix represents a directory, we add a trailing '/' character to it.
String expectedS3KeyPrefixWithTrailingSlash = expectedS3KeyPrefix + "/";
Long registeredStorageFileCount = storageFileDao.getStorageFileCount(storageEntity.getName(), expectedS3KeyPrefixWithTrailingSlash);
if (registeredStorageFileCount > 0) {
throw new AlreadyExistsException(String.format("Found %d storage file(s) matching \"%s\" S3 key prefix in \"%s\" " + "storage that is registered with another business object data.", registeredStorageFileCount, expectedS3KeyPrefix, storageEntity.getName()));
for (StorageFile storageFile : storageFiles) {
StorageFileEntity storageFileEntity = new StorageFileEntity();
// Skip storage file validation if storage files were discovered.
if (!storageFilesDiscovered) {
// Otherwise, if a directory path is specified, ensure it is consistent with the file path.
if (validatePathPrefix && isS3StoragePlatform) {
// Ensure the S3 file key prefix adheres to the S3 naming convention.
Assert.isTrue(storageFileEntity.getPath().startsWith(expectedS3KeyPrefix), String.format("Specified storage file path \"%s\" does not match the expected S3 key prefix \"%s\".", storageFileEntity.getPath(), expectedS3KeyPrefix));
} else if (directoryPath != null) {
// When storage directory path is specified, ensure that storage file path starts with it.
Assert.isTrue(storageFileEntity.getPath().startsWith(directoryPath), String.format("Storage file path \"%s\" does not match the storage directory path \"%s\".", storageFileEntity.getPath(), directoryPath));
// Ensure the file exists in S3 if the validate file existence flag is configured for this storage.
if (validateFileExistence && isS3StoragePlatform) {
// Validate storage file.
storageFileHelper.validateStorageFile(storageFile, params.getS3BucketName(), actualS3Keys, validateFileSize);
return storageFileEntities;
use of org.finra.herd.model.jpa.StorageFileEntity in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class FileUploadCleanupServiceImpl method deleteBusinessObjectData.
public List<BusinessObjectDataKey> deleteBusinessObjectData(String storageName, int thresholdMinutes) {"Deleting dangling business object data from the storage that is older than the threshold... storageName=\"{}\" thresholdMinutes={}", storageName, thresholdMinutes);
// Get the storage entity and make sure it exists.
StorageEntity storageEntity = storageDaoHelper.getStorageEntity(storageName);
// Returns a new instance of S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto populated with all parameters, required to access the S3 bucket.
S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto = storageHelper.getS3BucketAccessParams(storageEntity);
// Get dangling business object data records having storage files associated with the specified storage.
List<BusinessObjectDataEntity> businessObjectDataEntities = businessObjectDataDao.getBusinessObjectDataFromStorageOlderThan(storageName, thresholdMinutes, Arrays.asList(BusinessObjectDataStatusEntity.DELETED));
// Build a list of keys for business object data that got marked as DELETED.
List<BusinessObjectDataKey> resultBusinessObjectDataKeys = new ArrayList<>();
for (BusinessObjectDataEntity businessObjectDataEntity : businessObjectDataEntities) {
try {
// Get the storage unit. Please note that the storage unit entity must exist,
// since we selected business object data entities associated with the storage.
StorageUnitEntity storageUnitEntity = storageUnitDaoHelper.getStorageUnitEntity(storageName, businessObjectDataEntity);
// Validate that none of the storage files (if any) exist in the relative S3 bucket.
boolean foundExistingS3File = false;
for (StorageFileEntity storageFileEntity : storageUnitEntity.getStorageFiles()) {
// Check if the actual S3 file does not exist.
if (s3Dao.getObjectMetadata(s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto) != null) {
foundExistingS3File = true;
// If not S3 files exist, mark the business object data as DELETED.
if (!foundExistingS3File) {
// Update the business object data status.
BusinessObjectDataKey businessObjectDataKey = businessObjectDataHelper.getBusinessObjectDataKey(businessObjectDataEntity);
String originalBusinessObjectStatus = businessObjectDataEntity.getStatus().getCode();
uploadDownloadHelperService.updateBusinessObjectDataStatus(businessObjectDataKey, BusinessObjectDataStatusEntity.DELETED);
// Create business object data notification.
notificationEventService.processBusinessObjectDataNotificationEventAsync(NotificationEventTypeEntity.EventTypesBdata.BUS_OBJCT_DATA_STTS_CHG, businessObjectDataKey, BusinessObjectDataStatusEntity.DELETED, originalBusinessObjectStatus);
// Add the business object data key to the result list.
// Log the business object data status change."Changed business object data status. " + "oldBusinessObjectDataStatus=\"{}\" newBusinessObjectDataStatus=\"{}\" businessObjectDataKey={}", originalBusinessObjectStatus, BusinessObjectDataStatusEntity.DELETED, jsonHelper.objectToJson(businessObjectDataKey));
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// Log the exception and continue the processing.
LOGGER.error("Failed to delete business object data. businessObjectDataKey={}", jsonHelper.objectToJson(businessObjectDataHelper.getBusinessObjectDataKey(businessObjectDataEntity)), e);
return resultBusinessObjectDataKeys;
use of org.finra.herd.model.jpa.StorageFileEntity in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class StorageUnitHelper method createStorageUnitsFromEntities.
* Creates a list of storage units from the list of storage unit entities.
* @param storageUnitEntities the storage unit entities.
* @param includeStorageUnitStatusHistory specifies to include storage unit status history for each storage unit in the response
* @return the list of storage units.
public List<StorageUnit> createStorageUnitsFromEntities(Collection<StorageUnitEntity> storageUnitEntities, Boolean includeStorageUnitStatusHistory) {
List<StorageUnit> storageUnits = new ArrayList<>();
for (StorageUnitEntity storageUnitEntity : storageUnitEntities) {
StorageUnit storageUnit = new StorageUnit();
Storage storage = new Storage();
StorageEntity storageEntity = storageUnitEntity.getStorage();
// Add the storage attributes.
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(storageEntity.getAttributes())) {
List<Attribute> storageAttributes = new ArrayList<>();
for (StorageAttributeEntity storageAttributeEntity : storageEntity.getAttributes()) {
Attribute attribute = new Attribute();
// Add the storage directory.
if (storageUnitEntity.getDirectoryPath() != null) {
StorageDirectory storageDirectory = new StorageDirectory();
// Add the storage files.
if (!storageUnitEntity.getStorageFiles().isEmpty()) {
List<StorageFile> storageFiles = new ArrayList<>();
for (StorageFileEntity storageFileEntity : storageUnitEntity.getStorageFiles()) {
// Set the storage unit status.
// If specified, add storage unit status history.
if (BooleanUtils.isTrue(includeStorageUnitStatusHistory)) {
List<StorageUnitStatusChangeEvent> storageUnitStatusChangeEvents = new ArrayList<>();
for (StorageUnitStatusHistoryEntity storageUnitStatusHistoryEntity : storageUnitEntity.getHistoricalStatuses()) {
storageUnitStatusChangeEvents.add(new StorageUnitStatusChangeEvent(storageUnitStatusHistoryEntity.getStatus().getCode(), HerdDateUtils.getXMLGregorianCalendarValue(storageUnitStatusHistoryEntity.getCreatedOn()), storageUnitStatusHistoryEntity.getCreatedBy()));
// Set the number of failed attempts to execute a storage policy transition.
if (storageUnitEntity.getRestoreExpirationOn() != null) {
return storageUnits;
use of org.finra.herd.model.jpa.StorageFileEntity in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class StorageFileDaoHelper method createStorageFileEntitiesFromStorageFiles.
* Creates storage file entities from the list of storage files.
* @param storageUnitEntity the storage unit entity
* @param storageFiles the list of storage files
* @return the list storage file entities
public List<StorageFileEntity> createStorageFileEntitiesFromStorageFiles(StorageUnitEntity storageUnitEntity, List<StorageFile> storageFiles) {
List<StorageFileEntity> storageFileEntities = new ArrayList<>();
for (StorageFile storageFile : storageFiles) {
StorageFileEntity storageFileEntity = new StorageFileEntity();
return storageFileEntities;