use of org.finra.herd.model.jpa.StoragePlatformEntity in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class StorageUnitDaoImpl method getS3StorageUnitsToRestore.
public List<StorageUnitEntity> getS3StorageUnitsToRestore(int maxResult) {
// Create the criteria builder and the criteria.
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<StorageUnitEntity> criteria = builder.createQuery(StorageUnitEntity.class);
// The criteria root is the storage unit.
Root<StorageUnitEntity> storageUnitEntityRoot = criteria.from(StorageUnitEntity.class);
// Join to the other tables we can filter on.
Join<StorageUnitEntity, StorageEntity> storageEntityJoin = storageUnitEntityRoot.join(;
Join<StorageEntity, StoragePlatformEntity> storagePlatformEntityJoin = storageEntityJoin.join(StorageEntity_.storagePlatform);
Join<StorageUnitEntity, StorageUnitStatusEntity> storageUnitStatusEntityJoin = storageUnitEntityRoot.join(StorageUnitEntity_.status);
// Create the standard restrictions (i.e. the standard where clauses).
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
predicates.add(builder.equal(storagePlatformEntityJoin.get(, StoragePlatformEntity.S3));
predicates.add(builder.equal(storageUnitStatusEntityJoin.get(StorageUnitStatusEntity_.code), StorageUnitStatusEntity.RESTORING));
// Order the results by storage unit updated on timestamp.
Order orderBy = builder.asc(storageUnitEntityRoot.get(StorageUnitEntity_.updatedOn));
// Add the clauses for the query. Predicate[predicates.size()]))).orderBy(orderBy);
// Execute the query and return the results.
return entityManager.createQuery(criteria).setMaxResults(maxResult).getResultList();
use of org.finra.herd.model.jpa.StoragePlatformEntity in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class BaseJpaDaoTest method testFindUniqueByNamedProperties.
public void testFindUniqueByNamedProperties() {
// Retrieve the existing entity to get the createdBy value needed to use more than one property to query against.
StoragePlatformEntity storagePlatformEntity = baseJpaDao.findById(StoragePlatformEntity.class, StoragePlatformEntity.S3);
Map<String, String> namedProperties = new HashMap<>();
namedProperties.put(NAME_PROPERTY, StoragePlatformEntity.S3);
namedProperties.put(CREATED_BY_PROPERTY, storagePlatformEntity.getCreatedBy());
storagePlatformEntity = baseJpaDao.findUniqueByNamedProperties(StoragePlatformEntity.class, namedProperties);
assertEquals(StoragePlatformEntity.S3, storagePlatformEntity.getName());
use of org.finra.herd.model.jpa.StoragePlatformEntity in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class StorageUnitDaoImpl method getStorageUnitsByStoragePlatformAndBusinessObjectData.
public List<StorageUnitEntity> getStorageUnitsByStoragePlatformAndBusinessObjectData(String storagePlatform, BusinessObjectDataEntity businessObjectDataEntity) {
// Create the criteria builder and the criteria.
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<StorageUnitEntity> criteria = builder.createQuery(StorageUnitEntity.class);
// The criteria root is the storage unit.
Root<StorageUnitEntity> storageUnitEntity = criteria.from(StorageUnitEntity.class);
// Join to the other tables we can filter on.
Join<StorageUnitEntity, StorageEntity> storageEntity = storageUnitEntity.join(;
Join<StorageEntity, StoragePlatformEntity> storagePlatformEntity = storageEntity.join(StorageEntity_.storagePlatform);
// Create the standard restrictions (i.e. the standard where clauses).
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
predicates.add(builder.equal(builder.upper(storagePlatformEntity.get(, storagePlatform.toUpperCase()));
predicates.add(builder.equal(storageUnitEntity.get(StorageUnitEntity_.businessObjectData), businessObjectDataEntity));
// Order by storage name.
Order orderBy = builder.asc(storageEntity.get(;
// Add the clauses for the query. Predicate[predicates.size()]))).orderBy(orderBy);
// Execute the query and return the results.
return entityManager.createQuery(criteria).getResultList();
use of org.finra.herd.model.jpa.StoragePlatformEntity in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class StorageUnitDaoImpl method getStorageUnitsByPartitionFiltersAndStorages.
* Retrieves a list of storage unit entities per specified parameters. This method processes a sublist of partition filters specified by
* partitionFilterSubListFromIndex and partitionFilterSubListSize parameters.
* @param businessObjectFormatKey the business object format key (case-insensitive). If a business object format version isn't specified, the latest
* available format version for each partition value will be used
* @param partitionFilters the list of partition filter to be used to select business object data instances. Each partition filter contains a list of
* primary and sub-partition values in the right order up to the maximum partition levels allowed by business object data registration - with partition
* values for the relative partitions not to be used for selection passed as nulls
* @param businessObjectDataVersion the business object data version. If a business object data version isn't specified, the latest data version based on
* the specified business object data status is returned
* @param businessObjectDataStatus the business object data status. This parameter is ignored when the business object data version is specified. When
* business object data version and business object data status both are not specified, the latest data version for each set of partition values will be
* used regardless of the status
* @param storageNames the list of storage names where the business object data storage units should be looked for (case-insensitive)
* @param storagePlatformType the optional storage platform type, e.g. S3 for Hive DDL. It is ignored when the list of storages is not empty
* @param excludedStoragePlatformType the optional storage platform type to be excluded from search. It is ignored when the list of storages is not empty or
* the storage platform type is specified
* @param partitionFilterSubListFromIndex the index of the first element in the partition filter sublist
* @param partitionFilterSubListSize the size of the partition filter sublist
* @param selectOnlyAvailableStorageUnits specifies if only available storage units will be selected or any storage units regardless of their status
* @return the list of storage unit entities sorted by partition values
private List<StorageUnitEntity> getStorageUnitsByPartitionFiltersAndStorages(BusinessObjectFormatKey businessObjectFormatKey, List<List<String>> partitionFilters, Integer businessObjectDataVersion, String businessObjectDataStatus, List<String> storageNames, String storagePlatformType, String excludedStoragePlatformType, boolean selectOnlyAvailableStorageUnits, int partitionFilterSubListFromIndex, int partitionFilterSubListSize) {
// Create the criteria builder and the criteria.
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> criteria = builder.createTupleQuery();
// The criteria root is the storage unit.
Root<StorageUnitEntity> storageUnitEntity = criteria.from(StorageUnitEntity.class);
// Join to the other tables we can filter on.
Join<StorageUnitEntity, BusinessObjectDataEntity> businessObjectDataEntity = storageUnitEntity.join(StorageUnitEntity_.businessObjectData);
Join<StorageUnitEntity, StorageEntity> storageEntity = storageUnitEntity.join(;
Join<StorageEntity, StoragePlatformEntity> storagePlatformEntity = storageEntity.join(StorageEntity_.storagePlatform);
Join<BusinessObjectDataEntity, BusinessObjectFormatEntity> businessObjectFormatEntity = businessObjectDataEntity.join(BusinessObjectDataEntity_.businessObjectFormat);
Join<BusinessObjectFormatEntity, FileTypeEntity> fileTypeEntity = businessObjectFormatEntity.join(BusinessObjectFormatEntity_.fileType);
Join<BusinessObjectFormatEntity, BusinessObjectDefinitionEntity> businessObjectDefinitionEntity = businessObjectFormatEntity.join(BusinessObjectFormatEntity_.businessObjectDefinition);
Join<StorageUnitEntity, StorageUnitStatusEntity> storageUnitStatusEntity = storageUnitEntity.join(StorageUnitEntity_.status);
// Create the standard restrictions (i.e. the standard where clauses).
// Create a standard restriction based on the business object format key values.
// Please note that we specify not to ignore the business object format version.
Predicate mainQueryRestriction = getQueryRestriction(builder, businessObjectFormatEntity, fileTypeEntity, businessObjectDefinitionEntity, businessObjectFormatKey, false);
// If a format version was not specified, use the latest available for this set of partition values.
if (businessObjectFormatKey.getBusinessObjectFormatVersion() == null) {
// Get the latest available format version for this set of partition values and per other restrictions.
Subquery<Integer> subQuery = getMaximumBusinessObjectFormatVersionSubQuery(builder, criteria, businessObjectDefinitionEntity, businessObjectFormatEntity, fileTypeEntity, businessObjectDataEntity, businessObjectDataVersion, businessObjectDataStatus, storageNames, storagePlatformType, excludedStoragePlatformType, selectOnlyAvailableStorageUnits);
mainQueryRestriction = builder.and(mainQueryRestriction,;
// Add restriction as per specified primary and/or sub-partition values.
mainQueryRestriction = builder.and(mainQueryRestriction, getQueryRestrictionOnPartitionValues(builder, businessObjectDataEntity, partitionFilters.subList(partitionFilterSubListFromIndex, partitionFilterSubListFromIndex + partitionFilterSubListSize)));
// If a data version was specified, use it. Otherwise, use the latest one as per specified business object data status.
if (businessObjectDataVersion != null) {
mainQueryRestriction = builder.and(mainQueryRestriction, builder.equal(businessObjectDataEntity.get(BusinessObjectDataEntity_.version), businessObjectDataVersion));
} else {
// Business object data version is not specified, so get the latest one as per specified business object data status, if any.
// Meaning, when both business object data version and business object data status are not specified, we just return
// the latest business object data version in the specified storage.
Subquery<Integer> subQuery = getMaximumBusinessObjectDataVersionSubQuery(builder, criteria, businessObjectDataEntity, businessObjectFormatEntity, businessObjectDataStatus, storageNames, storagePlatformType, excludedStoragePlatformType, selectOnlyAvailableStorageUnits);
mainQueryRestriction = builder.and(mainQueryRestriction,;
// If specified, add restriction on storage.
mainQueryRestriction = builder.and(mainQueryRestriction, getQueryRestrictionOnStorage(builder, storageEntity, storagePlatformEntity, storageNames, storagePlatformType, excludedStoragePlatformType));
// If specified, add a restriction on storage unit status availability flag.
if (selectOnlyAvailableStorageUnits) {
mainQueryRestriction = builder.and(mainQueryRestriction, builder.isTrue(storageUnitStatusEntity.get(StorageUnitStatusEntity_.available)));
// Order by partitions and storage names.
List<Order> orderBy = new ArrayList<>();
for (SingularAttribute<BusinessObjectDataEntity, String> businessObjectDataPartition : BUSINESS_OBJECT_DATA_PARTITIONS) {
// Add the clauses for the query.
// Please note that we use multiselect here in order to eliminate the Hibernate N+1 SELECT's problem,
// happening when we select storage unit entities and access their relative business object data entities.
// This is an alternative approach, since adding @Fetch(FetchMode.JOIN) failed to address the issue.
criteria.multiselect(storageUnitEntity, storageUnitStatusEntity, storageEntity, storagePlatformEntity, businessObjectDataEntity, businessObjectFormatEntity).where(mainQueryRestriction).orderBy(orderBy);
// Run the query to get a list of tuples back.
List<Tuple> tuples = entityManager.createQuery(criteria).getResultList();
// Build a list of storage unit entities to return.
List<StorageUnitEntity> storageUnitEntities = new ArrayList<>();
for (Tuple tuple : tuples) {
return storageUnitEntities;
use of org.finra.herd.model.jpa.StoragePlatformEntity in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class StoragePlatformDaoTest method testGetStoragePlatformByName.
public void testGetStoragePlatformByName() {
// Create relative database entities.
StoragePlatformEntity storagePlatformEntity = storagePlatformDaoTestHelper.createStoragePlatformEntity(STORAGE_PLATFORM_CODE);
// Retrieve the storage platform entity by its name.
assertEquals(storagePlatformEntity, storagePlatformDao.getStoragePlatformByName(STORAGE_PLATFORM_CODE));
// Retrieve the storage platform entity using its name in upper and lower case.
assertEquals(storagePlatformEntity, storagePlatformDao.getStoragePlatformByName(STORAGE_PLATFORM_CODE.toUpperCase()));
assertEquals(storagePlatformEntity, storagePlatformDao.getStoragePlatformByName(STORAGE_PLATFORM_CODE.toLowerCase()));
// Try to retrieve a storage platform entity using an invalid name.