use of org.forgerock.json.resource.NotFoundException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class RestSTSPublishServiceRequestHandler method handleRead.
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> handleRead(Context context, ReadRequest request) {
try {
if (EMPTY_STRING.equals(request.getResourcePath())) {
List<RestSTSInstanceConfig> publishedInstances = publisher.getPublishedInstances();
JsonObject jsonObject = JsonValueBuilder.jsonValue();
for (RestSTSInstanceConfig instanceConfig : publishedInstances) {
jsonObject.put(instanceConfig.getDeploymentSubPath(), mapStringToJson(instanceConfig.toJson().toString()));
Note that the revision etag is not set, as this is not a resource which should really be cached.
If caching becomes necessary, a string composed of the hash codes of each of the RestSTSInstanceConfig
instances could be used (or a hash of that string).
return newResultPromise(newResourceResponse(PUBLISHED_INSTANCES, EMPTY_STRING,;
} else {
final String realm = getRealmFromResourceName(request.getResourcePath());
if (!realmValidator.isRealm(realm)) {
logger.warn("Read of rest STS instance state for instance " + request.getResourcePath() + " in realm " + realm + " rejected because realm does not exist");
return new NotFoundException("The specified realm does not exist.").asPromise();
RestSTSInstanceConfig instanceConfig = publisher.getPublishedInstance(request.getResourcePath(), realm);
return newResultPromise(newResourceResponse(instanceConfig.getDeploymentSubPath(), Integer.toString(instanceConfig.hashCode()), JsonValueBuilder.jsonValue().put(instanceConfig.getDeploymentSubPath(), mapStringToJson(instanceConfig.toJson().toString())).build()));
} catch (STSPublishException e) {
String message = "Exception caught obtaining rest sts instance corresponding to id: " + request.getResourcePath() + "; Exception: " + e;
logger.error(message, e);
return e.asPromise();
use of org.forgerock.json.resource.NotFoundException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class SoapSTSPublishServiceRequestHandler method handleUpdate.
* A PUT to the url composed of the publish endpont + the sts instance id with a payload corresponding to a
* SoapSTSInstanceId (wrapped in invocation context information) will result in republishing the existing instance
* (which is a delete followed by a create).
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> handleUpdate(Context context, UpdateRequest request) {
String stsId = request.getResourcePath();
String realm = getRealmFromResourceName(request.getResourcePath());
if (!realmValidator.isRealm(realm)) {
logger.warn("Update of soap STS instance state for instance " + stsId + " in realm " + realm + " rejected because realm does not exist");
return new NotFoundException("The specified realm does not exist.").asPromise();
Insure that the instance is published before performing an update.
final boolean publishedToSMS;
try {
publishedToSMS = (publisher.getPublishedInstance(stsId, realm) != null);
} catch (STSPublishException e) {
logger.error("In SoapSTSPublishServiceRequestHandler#handleUpdate, exception caught determining whether " + "instance persisted in SMS. Instance not updated. Exception: " + e, e);
return e.asPromise();
if (publishedToSMS) {
SoapSTSInstanceConfig instanceConfig;
try {
instanceConfig = marshalInstanceConfigFromInvocation(request.getContent());
} catch (BadRequestException e) {
logger.error("In SoapSTSPublishServiceRequestHandler#handleUpdate, exception caught marshalling " + "invocation state to SoapSTSInstanceConfig. Instance not updated. The state: " + request.getContent() + "Exception: " + e, e);
return e.asPromise();
try {
publisher.removeInstance(stsId, realm);
} catch (STSPublishException e) {
logger.error("In SoapSTSPublishServiceRequestHandler#handleUpdate, exception caught removing " + "soap sts instance " + instanceConfig.getDeploymentSubPath() + ". This means instance is" + "in indeterminate state, and has not been updated. The instance config: " + instanceConfig + "; Exception: " + e, e);
return e.asPromise();
try {
ResourceResponse response = publishInstance(instanceConfig);"Soap STS instance " + instanceConfig.getDeploymentSubPath() + " updated to state " + instanceConfig.toJson());
return newResultPromise(response);
} catch (ResourceException e) {
logger.error("In SoapSTSPublishServiceRequestHandler#handleUpdate, exception caught publishing " + "soap sts instance " + instanceConfig.getDeploymentSubPath() + ". This means instance is" + "in indeterminate state, having been removed, but not successfully published with updated " + "state. The instance config: " + instanceConfig + "; Exception: " + e, e);
return e.asPromise();
} else {
//404 - realm and id not found in SMS
return new NotFoundException("No soap sts instance with id " + stsId + " in realm " + realm).asPromise();
use of org.forgerock.json.resource.NotFoundException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class UmaPolicyServiceImpl method internalReadPolicy.
* {@inheritDoc}
private Promise<UmaPolicy, ResourceException> internalReadPolicy(final Context context, final String resourceSetId) {
String resourceOwnerUid = getResourceOwnerUid(context);
QueryRequest request = Requests.newQueryRequest("").setQueryFilter(QueryFilter.and(QueryFilter.equalTo(new JsonPointer("resourceTypeUuid"), resourceSetId), QueryFilter.equalTo(new JsonPointer("createdBy"), resourceOwnerUid)));
return policyResourceDelegate.queryPolicies(context, request).thenAsync(new AsyncFunction<Pair<QueryResponse, List<ResourceResponse>>, UmaPolicy, ResourceException>() {
public Promise<UmaPolicy, ResourceException> apply(Pair<QueryResponse, List<ResourceResponse>> value) {
try {
if (value.getSecond().isEmpty()) {
return new NotFoundException("UMA Policy not found, " + resourceSetId).asPromise();
} else {
ResourceSetDescription resourceSet = getResourceSet(getRealm(context), resourceSetId);
UmaPolicy umaPolicy = UmaPolicy.fromUnderlyingPolicies(resourceSet, value.getSecond());
return newResultPromise(umaPolicy);
} catch (ResourceException e) {
return e.asPromise();
use of org.forgerock.json.resource.NotFoundException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class ResourceSetResourceTest method revokeAllUserPoliciesActionShouldHandleResourceException.
public void revokeAllUserPoliciesActionShouldHandleResourceException() {
Context context = mock(Context.class);
ActionRequest request = mock(ActionRequest.class);
given(resourceSetService.revokeAllPolicies(context, "REALM", "RESOURCE_OWNER_ID")).willReturn(new NotFoundException().<Void>asPromise());
Promise<ActionResponse, ResourceException> promise = resource.actionCollection(context, request);