use of org.forgerock.openam.cts.exceptions.CoreTokenException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class CTSOperationsTest method shouldThrowExceptionOnReadError.
@Test(expectedExceptions = SessionException.class)
public void shouldThrowExceptionOnReadError() throws CoreTokenException, SessionException {
// Given
given( CoreTokenException(""));
// When / Then Throw
ctsOperations.refresh(mockSession, false);
use of org.forgerock.openam.cts.exceptions.CoreTokenException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class OAuth method process.
public int process(Callback[] callbacks, int state) throws LoginException {
OAuthUtil.debugMessage("process: state = " + state);
HttpServletRequest request = getHttpServletRequest();
HttpServletResponse response = getHttpServletResponse();
if (request == null) {
OAuthUtil.debugError("OAuth.process(): The request was null, this is " + "an interactive module");
return ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_IGNORE;
// We are being redirected back from an OAuth 2 Identity Provider
String code = request.getParameter(PARAM_CODE);
if (code != null) {
OAuthUtil.debugMessage("OAuth.process(): GOT CODE: " + code);
// The Proxy is used to return with a POST to the module
proxyURL = config.getProxyURL();
switch(state) {
case ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_START:
serverName = request.getServerName();
StringBuilder originalUrl = new StringBuilder();
String requestedQuery = request.getQueryString();
String realm = null;
String authCookieName = AuthUtils.getAuthCookieName();
final XUIState xuiState = InjectorHolder.getInstance(XUIState.class);
if (xuiState.isXUIEnabled()) {
// When XUI is in use the request URI points to the authenticate REST endpoint, which shouldn't be
// presented to the end-user, hence we use the contextpath only and rely on index.html and the
// XUIFilter to direct the user towards the XUI.
// the realm parameter was not present on the querystring, then we add it there.
if (requestedQuery != null && !requestedQuery.contains("realm=")) {
realm = request.getParameter("realm");
} else {
//In case of legacy UI the request URI will be /openam/UI/Login, which is safe to use.
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(realm)) {
if (requestedQuery != null) {
if (requestedQuery.endsWith(authCookieName + "=")) {
requestedQuery = requestedQuery.substring(0, requestedQuery.length() - authCookieName.length() - 1);
originalUrl.append(originalUrl.indexOf("?") == -1 ? '?' : '&');
// Find the domains for which we are configured
Set<String> domains = AuthClientUtils.getCookieDomainsForRequest(request);
String ProviderLogoutURL = config.getLogoutServiceUrl();
String csrfStateTokenId = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(32);
String csrfState = createAuthorizationState();
Token csrfStateToken = new Token(csrfStateTokenId, TokenType.GENERIC);
csrfStateToken.setAttribute(CoreTokenField.STRING_ONE, csrfState);
try {
} catch (CoreTokenException e) {
OAuthUtil.debugError("OAuth.process(): Authorization redirect failed to be sent because the state " + "could not be stored");
throw new AuthLoginException("OAuth.process(): Authorization redirect failed to be sent because " + "the state could not be stored", e);
// when retrieving the token
for (String domain : domains) {
CookieUtils.addCookieToResponse(response, CookieUtils.newCookie(COOKIE_PROXY_URL, proxyURL, "/", domain));
CookieUtils.addCookieToResponse(response, CookieUtils.newCookie(COOKIE_ORIG_URL, originalUrl.toString(), "/", domain));
CookieUtils.addCookieToResponse(response, CookieUtils.newCookie(NONCE_TOKEN_ID, csrfStateTokenId, "/", domain));
if (ProviderLogoutURL != null && !ProviderLogoutURL.isEmpty()) {
CookieUtils.addCookieToResponse(response, CookieUtils.newCookie(COOKIE_LOGOUT_URL, ProviderLogoutURL, "/", domain));
// The Proxy is used to return with a POST to the module
setUserSessionProperty(ISAuthConstants.FULL_LOGIN_URL, originalUrl.toString());
setUserSessionProperty(SESSION_LOGOUT_BEHAVIOUR, config.getLogoutBhaviour());
String authServiceUrl = config.getAuthServiceUrl(proxyURL, csrfState);
OAuthUtil.debugMessage("OAuth.process(): New RedirectURL=" + authServiceUrl);
Callback[] callbacks1 = getCallback(2);
RedirectCallback rc = (RedirectCallback) callbacks1[0];
RedirectCallback rcNew = new RedirectCallback(authServiceUrl, null, "GET", rc.getStatusParameter(), rc.getRedirectBackUrlCookieName());
replaceCallback(2, 0, rcNew);
final String csrfState;
if (request.getParameter("jsonContent") != null) {
final JsonValue jval = JsonValueBuilder.toJsonValue(request.getParameter("jsonContent"));
csrfState = jval.get("state").asString();
code = jval.get(PARAM_CODE).asString();
} else {
csrfState = request.getParameter("state");
code = request.getParameter(PARAM_CODE);
if (csrfState == null) {
OAuthUtil.debugError("OAuth.process(): Authorization call-back failed because there was no state " + "parameter");
throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "noState", null);
try {
Token csrfStateToken =, NONCE_TOKEN_ID));
String expectedCsrfState = csrfStateToken.getValue(CoreTokenField.STRING_ONE);
if (!expectedCsrfState.equals(csrfState)) {
OAuthUtil.debugError("OAuth.process(): Authorization call-back failed because the state parameter " + "contained an unexpected value");
throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "incorrectState", null);
// We are being redirected back from an OAuth 2 Identity Provider
if (code == null || code.isEmpty()) {
OAuthUtil.debugMessage("OAuth.process(): LOGIN_IGNORE");
return ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_START;
validateInput("code", code, "HTTPParameterValue", 2000, false);
OAuthUtil.debugMessage("OAuth.process(): code parameter: " + code);
String tokenSvcResponse = getContent(config.getTokenServiceUrl(code, proxyURL), null);
OAuthUtil.debugMessage("OAuth.process(): token=" + tokenSvcResponse);
JwtClaimsSet jwtClaims = null;
String idToken = null;
if (config.isOpenIDConnect()) {
idToken = extractToken(ID_TOKEN, tokenSvcResponse);
JwtHandler jwtHandler = new JwtHandler(jwtHandlerConfig);
try {
jwtClaims = jwtHandler.validateJwt(idToken);
} catch (RuntimeException | AuthLoginException e) {
debug.warning("Cannot validate JWT", e);
throw e;
if (!JwtHandler.isIntendedForAudience(config.getClientId(), jwtClaims)) {
OAuthUtil.debugError("OAuth.process(): ID token is not for this client as audience.");
throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "audience", null);
String token = extractToken(PARAM_ACCESS_TOKEN, tokenSvcResponse);
setUserSessionProperty(SESSION_OAUTH_TOKEN, token);
String profileSvcResponse = null;
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(config.getProfileServiceUrl())) {
profileSvcResponse = getContent(config.getProfileServiceUrl(), "Bearer " + token);
OAuthUtil.debugMessage("OAuth.process(): Profile Svc response: " + profileSvcResponse);
String realm = getRequestOrg();
if (realm == null) {
realm = "/";
AccountProvider accountProvider = instantiateAccountProvider();
AttributeMapper accountAttributeMapper = instantiateAccountMapper();
Map<String, Set<String>> userNames = getAttributes(profileSvcResponse, config.getAccountMapperConfig(), accountAttributeMapper, jwtClaims);
String user = null;
if (!userNames.isEmpty()) {
user = getUser(realm, accountProvider, userNames);
if (user == null && !config.getCreateAccountFlag()) {
authenticatedUser = getDynamicUser(userNames);
if (authenticatedUser != null) {
if (config.getSaveAttributesToSessionFlag()) {
Map<String, Set<String>> attributes = getAttributesMap(profileSvcResponse, jwtClaims);
OAuthUtil.debugMessage("OAuth.process(): LOGIN_SUCCEED " + "with user " + authenticatedUser);
storeUsernamePasswd(authenticatedUser, null);
return ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCEED;
} else {
throw new AuthLoginException("No user mapped!");
if (user == null && config.getCreateAccountFlag()) {
if (config.getPromptPasswordFlag()) {
setUserSessionProperty(PROFILE_SERVICE_RESPONSE, profileSvcResponse);
if (config.isOpenIDConnect()) {
setUserSessionProperty(OPENID_TOKEN, idToken);
} else {
authenticatedUser = provisionAccountNow(accountProvider, realm, profileSvcResponse, getRandomData(), jwtClaims);
if (authenticatedUser != null) {
OAuthUtil.debugMessage("User created: " + authenticatedUser);
storeUsernamePasswd(authenticatedUser, null);
return ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCEED;
} else {
return ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_IGNORE;
if (user != null) {
authenticatedUser = user;
OAuthUtil.debugMessage("OAuth.process(): LOGIN_SUCCEED " + "with user " + authenticatedUser);
if (config.getSaveAttributesToSessionFlag()) {
Map<String, Set<String>> attributes = getAttributesMap(profileSvcResponse, jwtClaims);
storeUsernamePasswd(authenticatedUser, null);
return ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCEED;
} catch (JSONException je) {
OAuthUtil.debugError("OAuth.process(): JSONException: " + je.getMessage());
throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "json", null, je);
} catch (SSOException ssoe) {
OAuthUtil.debugError("OAuth.process(): SSOException: " + ssoe.getMessage());
throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "ssoe", null, ssoe);
} catch (IdRepoException ire) {
OAuthUtil.debugError("OAuth.process(): IdRepoException: " + ire.getMessage());
throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "ire", null, ire);
} catch (CoreTokenException e) {
OAuthUtil.debugError("OAuth.process(): Authorization call-back failed because the state parameter " + "contained an unexpected value");
throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "incorrectState", null, e);
if (!config.getCreateAccountFlag()) {
return ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_IGNORE;
userPassword = request.getParameter(PARAM_TOKEN1);
validateInput(PARAM_TOKEN1, userPassword, "HTTPParameterValue", 512, false);
String userPassword2 = request.getParameter(PARAM_TOKEN2);
validateInput(PARAM_TOKEN2, userPassword2, "HTTPParameterValue", 512, false);
if (!userPassword.equals(userPassword2)) {
OAuthUtil.debugWarning("OAuth.process(): Passwords did not match!");
String terms = request.getParameter("terms");
if (!terms.equalsIgnoreCase("accept")) {
String profileSvcResponse = getUserSessionProperty("ATTRIBUTES");
data = getRandomData();
String mail = getMail(profileSvcResponse, config.getMailAttribute());
OAuthUtil.debugMessage("Mail found = " + mail);
try {
OAuthUtil.sendEmail(config.getEmailFrom(), mail, data, config.getSMTPConfig(), bundle, proxyURL);
} catch (NoEmailSentException ex) {
OAuthUtil.debugError("No mail sent due to error", ex);
throw new AuthLoginException("Aborting authentication, because " + "the mail could not be sent due to a mail sending error");
OAuthUtil.debugMessage("User to be created, we need to activate: " + data);
String activation = request.getParameter(PARAM_ACTIVATION);
validateInput(PARAM_ACTIVATION, activation, "HTTPParameterValue", 512, false);
OAuthUtil.debugMessage("code entered by the user: " + activation);
if (activation == null || activation.isEmpty() || !activation.trim().equals(data.trim())) {
String profileSvcResponse = getUserSessionProperty(PROFILE_SERVICE_RESPONSE);
String idToken = getUserSessionProperty(ID_TOKEN);
String realm = getRequestOrg();
if (realm == null) {
realm = "/";
OAuthUtil.debugMessage("Got Attributes: " + profileSvcResponse);
AccountProvider accountProvider = instantiateAccountProvider();
JwtClaimsSet jwtClaims = null;
if (idToken != null) {
jwtClaims = new JwtHandler(jwtHandlerConfig).getJwtClaims(idToken);
authenticatedUser = provisionAccountNow(accountProvider, realm, profileSvcResponse, userPassword, jwtClaims);
if (authenticatedUser != null) {
OAuthUtil.debugMessage("User created: " + authenticatedUser);
storeUsernamePasswd(authenticatedUser, null);
return ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCEED;
} else {
return ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_IGNORE;
OAuthUtil.debugError("OAuth.process(): Illegal State");
return ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_IGNORE;
throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "unknownState", null);
use of org.forgerock.openam.cts.exceptions.CoreTokenException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class CoreTokenResource method createInstance.
* Create a token in the store.
* This call expects a JSON serialised Token instance to be passed in via the CreateRequest.
* @param serverContext Required context.
* @param createRequest Contains the serialised JSON value of the Token.
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> createInstance(Context serverContext, CreateRequest createRequest) {
String principal = PrincipalRestUtils.getPrincipalNameFromServerContext(serverContext);
String json = createRequest.getContent().toString();
Token token = serialisation.deserialise(json, Token.class);
try {
Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>();
result.put(TOKEN_ID, token.getTokenId());
ResourceResponse resource = newResourceResponse(token.getTokenId(), String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), new JsonValue(result));
debug("CREATE by {0}: Stored token with ID: {1}", principal, token.getTokenId());
return newResultPromise(resource);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return new BadRequestException(e.getMessage()).asPromise();
} catch (CoreTokenException e) {
error(e, "CREATE by {0}: Error creating token resource with ID: {1}", principal, token.getTokenId());
return generateException(e).asPromise();
use of org.forgerock.openam.cts.exceptions.CoreTokenException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class SessionService method recoverSession.
* If InternalSession is not present, we attempt to recover its state from
* associated HttpSession. We have to set the session tracking cookie to
* HttpID which is present in the SessionID object. This will work in the
* fail over cases. We first get the HttpSession by invoking the
* GetHttpSession Servlet on the SAME server instance this code is invoked.
* This should trigger the Web container to perform recovery of the
* associated Http session
* <p/>
* We also pass the SessionID to the servlet to double check the match
* between the session id and Http session
* <p/>
* This is the "client side" of the remote invocation. The servlet will call
* retrieveSession() to complete the work
* @param sid Session ID
InternalSession recoverSession(SessionID sid) {
if (!serviceConfig.isSessionFailoverEnabled()) {
return null;
InternalSession sess = null;
if (serviceConfig.isUseInternalRequestRoutingEnabled()) {
try {
String tokenId = tokenIdFactory.toSessionTokenId(sid);
Token token = getRepository().read(tokenId);
if (token == null) {
return sess;
* As a side effect of deserialising an InternalSession, we must trigger
* the InternalSession to reschedule its timing task to ensure it
* maintains the session expiry function.
sess = tokenAdapter.fromToken(token);
sess.setSessionServiceDependencies(this, serviceConfig, sessionLogging, sessionAuditor, sessionCookies, sessionDebug);
} catch (CoreTokenException e) {
sessionDebug.error("Failed to retrieve new session", e);
} else {
if (sessionDebug.messageEnabled()) {
sessionDebug.message("Recovering InternalSession from HttpSession: " + sid);
DataInputStream in = null;
try {
String query = "?" + GetHttpSession.OP + "=" + GetHttpSession.RECOVER_OP;
URL url = serverConfig.createLocalServerURL("GetHttpSession" + query);
HttpURLConnection conn = httpConnectionFactory.createSessionAwareConnection(url, sid, null);
in = new DataInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
sess = cache.getBySessionID(sid);
if (sess == null) {
sess = resolveRestrictedToken(sid, false);
} catch (Exception ex) {
sessionDebug.error("Failed to retrieve new session", ex);
} finally {
return sess;