use of org.freeswitch.esl.client.transport.CommandResponse in project bigbluebutton by bigbluebutton.
the class Client method addEventFilter.
* Add an event filter to the current set of event filters on this connection. Any of the event headers
* can be used as a filter.
* </p>
* Note that event filters follow 'filter-in' semantics. That is, when a filter is applied
* only the filtered values will be received. Multiple filters can be added to the current
* connection.
* </p>
* Example filters:
* <pre>
* eventHeader valueToFilter
* ----------------------------------
* Channel-State CS_NEW
* </pre>
* @param eventHeader to filter on
* @param valueToFilter the value to match
* @return a {@link CommandResponse} with the server's response.
public CommandResponse addEventFilter(String eventHeader, String valueToFilter) {
InboundClientHandler handler = (InboundClientHandler) channel.getPipeline().getLast();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (eventHeader != null && !eventHeader.isEmpty()) {
sb.append("filter ");
if (valueToFilter != null && !valueToFilter.isEmpty()) {
sb.append(' ');
EslMessage response = handler.sendSyncSingleLineCommand(channel, sb.toString());
return new CommandResponse(sb.toString(), response);
use of org.freeswitch.esl.client.transport.CommandResponse in project bigbluebutton by bigbluebutton.
the class Client method setLoggingLevel.
* Enable log output.
* @param level using the same values as in console.conf
* @return a {@link CommandResponse} with the server's response.
public CommandResponse setLoggingLevel(String level) {
InboundClientHandler handler = (InboundClientHandler) channel.getPipeline().getLast();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (level != null && !level.isEmpty()) {
sb.append("log ");
EslMessage response = handler.sendSyncSingleLineCommand(channel, sb.toString());
return new CommandResponse(sb.toString(), response);
use of org.freeswitch.esl.client.transport.CommandResponse in project bigbluebutton by bigbluebutton.
the class Client method setEventSubscriptions.
* Set the current event subscription for this connection to the server. Examples of the events
* argument are:
* <pre>
* CUSTOM conference::maintenance
* CHANNEL_CREATE CHANNEL_DESTROY CUSTOM conference::maintenance sofia::register sofia::expire
* </pre>
* Subsequent calls to this method replaces any previous subscriptions that were set.
* </p>
* Note: current implementation can only process 'plain' events.
* @param format can be { plain | xml }
* @param events { all | space separated list of events }
* @return a {@link CommandResponse} with the server's response.
public CommandResponse setEventSubscriptions(String format, String events) {
// temporary hack
if (!format.equals("plain")) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Only 'plain' event format is supported at present");
InboundClientHandler handler = (InboundClientHandler) channel.getPipeline().getLast();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (format != null && !format.isEmpty()) {
sb.append("event ");
if (events != null && !events.isEmpty()) {
sb.append(' ');
EslMessage response = handler.sendSyncSingleLineCommand(channel, sb.toString());
return new CommandResponse(sb.toString(), response);
use of org.freeswitch.esl.client.transport.CommandResponse in project bigbluebutton by bigbluebutton.
the class InboundClientHandler method handleAuthRequest.
protected void handleAuthRequest(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
log.debug("Auth requested, sending [auth {}]", "*****");
EslMessage response = sendSyncSingleLineCommand(ctx.getChannel(), "auth " + password);
log.debug("Auth response [{}]", response);
if (response.getContentType().equals(Value.COMMAND_REPLY)) {
CommandResponse commandResponse = new CommandResponse("auth " + password, response);
} else {
log.error("Bad auth response message [{}]", response);
throw new IllegalStateException("Incorrect auth response");