use of org.geotoolkit.display2d.canvas.RenderingContext2D in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.
the class RenderingRoutines method prepareQuery.
* Creates an optimal query to send to the datastore, knowing which properties are knowned and
* the appropriate bounding box to filter.
public static Query prepareQuery(final RenderingContext2D renderingContext, FeatureSet fs, final MapLayer layer, final Set<String> styleRequieredAtts, final List<Rule> rules, double symbolsMargin) throws PortrayalException {
final FeatureType schema;
try {
schema = fs.getType();
} catch (DataStoreException ex) {
throw new PortrayalException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
// Note: do not use layer boundary to define the target bbox, because it can be expensive.
// Anyway, the target resource will be better to determine clipping between rendering boundaries and its own.
final Envelope bbox = optimizeBBox(renderingContext, fs, symbolsMargin);
final CoordinateReferenceSystem layerCRS = FeatureExt.getCRS(schema);
final RenderingHints hints = renderingContext.getRenderingHints();
* To restrict queried values to the rendering area, we must identify what geometries are used by the style.
* For each applied symbol, there are 3 possible cases:
* - if the rule uses default geometries, they will be added to the geometry property list after the loop
* - The geometric expression is a value reference, we can safely register it in geometric properties. The
* reference xpath is unwrapped in a set to ensure we won't create any doublon filters.
* - If the geometry property is a complex expression(Ex: a value computed from non geometric fields), we keep
* it as is to apply a filter directly upon it. Note that even if it's an expression derived from geometric
* fields, we cannot apply spatial filter on them, because the expression could drastically change topology.
* For example, if the expression is 'buffer', the result geometry would be larger than any of its operands.
* TODO: such cases are maybe manageable by replacing bbox filter by a distance filter based upon the buffer
* distance. But would it do more good than harm ?
boolean isDefaultGeometryNeeded = rules == null || rules.isEmpty();
final Set<String> geomProperties = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Expression> complexProperties = new HashSet<>();
if (rules != null) {
for (Rule r : rules) {
for (Symbolizer s : r.symbolizers()) {
final Expression expGeom = s.getGeometry();
if (isNil(expGeom))
isDefaultGeometryNeeded = true;
else if (expGeom instanceof ValueReference)
geomProperties.add(((ValueReference) expGeom).getXPath());
if (isDefaultGeometryNeeded) {
try {
final PropertyType defaultGeometry = FeatureExt.getDefaultGeometry(schema);
final String geomName = Features.getLinkTarget(defaultGeometry).orElseGet(() -> defaultGeometry.getName().toString());
} catch (PropertyNotFoundException e) {
throw new PortrayalException("Default geometry cannot be determined. " + "However, it is needed to properly define filtering rules.");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// If there's multiple geometric properties, and no primary one, we will use them all
schema.getProperties(true).stream().filter(p -> !Features.getLinkTarget(p).isPresent()).filter(AttributeConvention::isGeometryAttribute).map(p -> p.getName().toString()).forEach(geomProperties::add);
if (!complexProperties.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.fine("A style rule uses complex geometric properties. It can severly affect performance");
final Optional<Filter> spatialFilter = Stream.concat(,<Filter>map(expression -> FILTER_FACTORY.bbox(expression, bbox)).reduce(FILTER_FACTORY::or);
Filter userFilter = null;
// concatenate geographic filter with data filter if there is one
if (layer != null) {
Query query = layer.getQuery();
if (query instanceof FeatureQuery) {
userFilter = ((FeatureQuery) query).getSelection();
Filter filter;
if (spatialFilter.isPresent()) {
if (userFilter == null)
filter = spatialFilter.get();
// Note: we give priority to the spatial filter here, because it is our main use case: rendering is driven
// by bounding box.
filter = FILTER_FACTORY.and(spatialFilter.get(), userFilter);
} else if (userFilter == null) {
throw new PortrayalException("No spatial filter can be determined from style rules, and no user filter specified." + "We refuse dataset full-scan. To authorize it, manually specify Filter 'INCLUDE' on your map layer.");
} else {
LOGGER.warning("Spatial filter cannot be determined for rendering. However, user has provided a custom filter that we'll use as sole filtering policy");
filter = userFilter;
final Set<String> copy = new HashSet<>();
final FeatureType expected;
final String[] atts;
if (styleRequieredAtts == null) {
// all properties are requiered
expected = schema;
atts = null;
} else {
final Set<String> attributs = styleRequieredAtts;
try {
// always include the identifier if it exist
} catch (PropertyNotFoundException ex) {
// no id, ignore it
atts = copy.toArray(new String[copy.size()]);
// then we reduce it to the first parent property.
for (int i = 0; i < atts.length; i++) {
String attName = atts[i];
int index = attName.indexOf('/');
if (index == 0) {
// remove all xpath elements
// remove first slash
attName = attName.substring(1);
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\{[^\\{\\}]*\\})|(\\[[^\\[\\]]*\\])|/{1}");
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(attName);
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int position = 0;
while (matcher.find()) {
final String match =;
sb.append(attName.substring(position, matcher.start()));
position = matcher.end();
if (match.charAt(0) == '/') {
// we don't query precisely sub elements
position = attName.length();
} else if (match.charAt(0) == '{') {
} else if (match.charAt(0) == '[') {
// strip indexes or xpath searches
atts[i] = sb.toString();
try {
expected = new ViewMapper(schema, atts).getMappedType();
} catch (MismatchedFeatureException ex) {
throw new PortrayalException(ex);
// combine the filter with rule filters----------------------------------
if (rules != null) {
List<Filter<Object>> rulefilters = new ArrayList<>();
for (Rule rule : rules) {
if (rule.isElseFilter()) {
// we can't append styling filters, an else rule match all features
rulefilters = null;
final Filter rf = rule.getFilter();
if (rf == null || rf == Filter.include()) {
// we can't append styling filters, this rule matchs all features.
rulefilters = null;
if (rulefilters != null) {
final Filter combined;
if (rulefilters.size() == 1) {
// we can optimze here, since we pass the filter on the query, we can remove
// the filter on the rule.
final MutableRule mr = StyleUtilities.copy(rules.get(0));
rules.set(0, mr);
combined = rulefilters.get(0);
} else {
combined = FILTER_FACTORY.or(rulefilters);
if (filter != Filter.include()) {
filter = FILTER_FACTORY.and(filter, combined);
} else {
filter = combined;
// optimize the filter---------------------------------------------------
filter = FilterUtilities.prepare(filter, Feature.class, expected);
final Hints queryHints = new Hints();
final qb = new;
// resampling and ignore flag only works when we know the layer crs
if (layerCRS != null) {
// add resampling -------------------------------------------------------
Boolean resample = (hints == null) ? null : (Boolean) hints.get(GO2Hints.KEY_GENERALIZE);
if (!Boolean.FALSE.equals(resample)) {
// we only disable resampling if it is explictly specified
double[] res = renderingContext.getResolution(layerCRS);
// adjust with the generalization factor
final Number n = (hints == null) ? null : (Number) hints.get(GO2Hints.KEY_GENERALIZE_FACTOR);
final double factor;
if (n != null) {
factor = n.doubleValue();
} else {
factor = GO2Hints.GENERALIZE_FACTOR_DEFAULT.doubleValue();
res[0] *= factor;
res[1] *= factor;
try {
res = renderingContext.getResolution(CRS.forCode("EPSG:3395"));
res[0] *= factor;
res[1] *= factor;
qb.setLinearResolution(Quantities.create(res[0], Units.METRE));
} catch (FactoryException ex) {
throw new PortrayalException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
// add ignore flag ------------------------------------------------------
// TODO this is efficient but erases values, when plenty of then are to be rendered
// we should find another way to handle this
// if(!GO2Utilities.visibleMargin(rules, 1.01f, renderingContext)){
// //style does not expend itself further than the feature geometry
// //that mean geometries smaller than a pixel will not be renderer or barely visible
// queryHints.put(Hints.KEY_IGNORE_SMALL_FEATURES, renderingContext.getResolution(layerCRS));
// }
// add reprojection -----------------------------------------------------
// we don't reproject, the reprojection may produce curves but JTS can not represent those.
// so we generate those curves in java2d shapes by doing the transformation ourself.
// TODO wait for a new geometry implementation
// qb.setCRS(renderingContext.getObjectiveCRS2D());
// set the acumulated hints
return qb;