use of org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.SpatialOpsType in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.
the class FilterToOGC100Converter method visit.
public JAXBElement<?> visit(final Filter filter) {
if (filter.equals(Filter.include())) {
return null;
if (filter.equals(Filter.exclude())) {
return null;
final CodeList<?> type = filter.getOperatorType();
if (filter instanceof BetweenComparisonOperator) {
final BetweenComparisonOperator pib = (BetweenComparisonOperator) filter;
final PropertyIsBetweenType bot = ogc_factory.createPropertyIsBetweenType();
final LowerBoundaryType lbt = ogc_factory.createLowerBoundaryType();
final UpperBoundaryType ubt = ogc_factory.createUpperBoundaryType();
return ogc_factory.createPropertyIsBetween(bot);
} else if (type == ComparisonOperatorName.PROPERTY_IS_EQUAL_TO) {
final BinaryComparisonOperator pit = (BinaryComparisonOperator) filter;
final PropertyIsEqualToType bot = new PropertyIsEqualToType();
return ogc_factory.createPropertyIsEqualTo(bot);
} else if (type == ComparisonOperatorName.PROPERTY_IS_GREATER_THAN) {
final BinaryComparisonOperator pit = (BinaryComparisonOperator) filter;
final PropertyIsGreaterThanType bot = new PropertyIsGreaterThanType();
return ogc_factory.createPropertyIsGreaterThan(bot);
} else if (type == ComparisonOperatorName.PROPERTY_IS_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO) {
final BinaryComparisonOperator pit = (BinaryComparisonOperator) filter;
final PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualToType bot = new PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualToType();
return ogc_factory.createPropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(bot);
} else if (type == ComparisonOperatorName.PROPERTY_IS_LESS_THAN) {
final BinaryComparisonOperator pit = (BinaryComparisonOperator) filter;
final PropertyIsLessThanType bot = new PropertyIsLessThanType();
return ogc_factory.createPropertyIsLessThan(bot);
} else if (type == ComparisonOperatorName.PROPERTY_IS_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO) {
final BinaryComparisonOperator pit = (BinaryComparisonOperator) filter;
final PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualToType bot = new PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualToType();
return ogc_factory.createPropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo(bot);
} else if (filter instanceof LikeOperator) {
final LikeOperator pis = (LikeOperator) filter;
final List<Expression> expressions = filter.getExpressions();
final PropertyIsLikeType bot = ogc_factory.createPropertyIsLikeType();
final LiteralType lt = ogc_factory.createLiteralType();
lt.getContent().add(((Literal) expressions.get(1)).getValue());
final Expression expression = expressions.get(0);
if (!(expression instanceof ValueReference)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("LikeOperator can support ValueReference only, but was a " + expression);
final PropertyNameType pnt = (PropertyNameType) extract(expression).getValue();
return ogc_factory.createPropertyIsLike(bot);
} else if (type == ComparisonOperatorName.PROPERTY_IS_NOT_EQUAL_TO) {
final BinaryComparisonOperator pit = (BinaryComparisonOperator) filter;
final PropertyIsNotEqualToType bot = new PropertyIsNotEqualToType();
return ogc_factory.createPropertyIsNotEqualTo(bot);
} else if (filter instanceof NullOperator) {
final NullOperator pis = (NullOperator) filter;
final PropertyIsNullType bot = ogc_factory.createPropertyIsNullType();
final Object obj = extract((Expression) pis.getExpressions().get(0)).getValue();
if (obj instanceof LiteralType) {
bot.setLiteral((LiteralType) obj);
} else if (obj instanceof PropertyNameType) {
bot.setPropertyName((PropertyNameType) obj);
} else {
// should not be possible
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid expression element : " + obj);
return ogc_factory.createPropertyIsNull(bot);
} else if (type == LogicalOperatorName.AND) {
final LogicalOperator and = (LogicalOperator) filter;
final AndType lot = new AndType();
for (final Filter f : (List<Filter>) and.getOperands()) {
return ogc_factory.createAnd(lot);
} else if (type == LogicalOperatorName.OR) {
final LogicalOperator or = (LogicalOperator) filter;
final OrType lot = new OrType();
for (final Filter f : (List<Filter>) or.getOperands()) {
return ogc_factory.createOr(lot);
} else if (type == LogicalOperatorName.NOT) {
final LogicalOperator not = (LogicalOperator) filter;
final NotType lot = new NotType();
JAXBElement<?> sf = visit((Filter) not.getOperands().get(0));
if (sf.getValue() instanceof ComparisonOpsType) {
lot.setComparisonOps((JAXBElement<? extends ComparisonOpsType>) sf);
} else if (sf.getValue() instanceof LogicOpsType) {
lot.setLogicOps((JAXBElement<? extends LogicOpsType>) sf);
} else if (sf.getValue() instanceof SpatialOpsType) {
lot.setSpatialOps((JAXBElement<? extends SpatialOpsType>) sf);
} else {
// should not happen
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid filter element : " + sf);
return ogc_factory.createNot(lot);
} else if (type == SpatialOperatorName.BBOX) {
final BBOX bbox = BBOX.wrap((BinarySpatialOperator) filter);
final BBOXType bboxType = ogc_factory.createBBOXType();
final Expression sourceExp1 = bbox.getOperand1();
final JAXBElement<?> exp1 = extract(sourceExp1);
final Expression sourceExp2 = bbox.getOperand2();
JAXBElement<?> exp2 = extract(sourceExp2);
final PropertyNameType pName;
final BoxType boxType;
if (exp1 != null && exp1.getValue() instanceof PropertyNameType) {
pName = (PropertyNameType) exp1.getValue();
} else if (exp2 != null && exp2.getValue() instanceof PropertyNameType) {
pName = (PropertyNameType) exp2.getValue();
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No property name found in given bbox filter");
if (sourceExp1 instanceof Literal) {
boxType = toBox((Literal) sourceExp1);
} else if (sourceExp2 instanceof Literal) {
boxType = toBox((Literal) sourceExp2);
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No bbox found in given bbox filter");
return ogc_factory.createBBOX(bboxType);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknowed filter element : " + filter + " class :" + filter.getClass());
use of org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.SpatialOpsType in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.
the class OGC100toGTTransformer method visitSpatialOp.
* Transform a SLD spatial Filter v1.0 in GT filter.
public Filter visitSpatialOp(final JAXBElement<? extends org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.SpatialOpsType> jax) {
final org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.SpatialOpsType ops = jax.getValue();
final String OpName = jax.getName().getLocalPart();
if (ops instanceof org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.BinarySpatialOpType) {
final org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.BinarySpatialOpType binary = (org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.BinarySpatialOpType) ops;
final JAXBElement<? extends org.geotoolkit.gml.xml.v212.AbstractGeometryType> geom = binary.getGeometry();
final org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.PropertyNameType pnt = binary.getPropertyName();
final Expression left =;
final Expression right = visit(geom);
if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_CONTAINS.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.contains(left, right);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_CROSSES.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.crosses(left, right);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_DISJOINT.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.disjoint(left, right);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_EQUALS.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.equals(left, right);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_INTERSECTS.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.intersects(left, right);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_OVERLAPS.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.overlaps(left, right);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_TOUCHES.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.touches(left, right);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_WITHIN.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.within(left, right);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal filter element" + OpName + " : " + ops);
} else if (ops instanceof org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.DistanceBufferType) {
final org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.DistanceBufferType dstOp = (org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.DistanceBufferType) ops;
final org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.DistanceType dt = dstOp.getDistanceType();
final JAXBElement<? extends org.geotoolkit.gml.xml.v212.AbstractGeometryType> geom = dstOp.getAbstractGeometry();
final org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.PropertyNameType pnt = dstOp.getPropertyName();
final Expression geom1 =;
final Expression geom2 = visit(geom);
final double distance = Double.valueOf(dt.getContent());
final String units = dt.getUnits();
if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_DWITHIN.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.dwithin(geom1, geom2, distance, units);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_BEYOND.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.beyond(geom1, geom2, distance, units);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal filter element" + OpName + " : " + ops);
} else if (ops instanceof org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.BBOXType) {
final org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.BBOXType binary = (org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.BBOXType) ops;
final org.geotoolkit.gml.xml.v212.BoxType box = binary.getBox();
final org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.PropertyNameType pnt = binary.getPropertyNameType();
final Expression geom =;
final double minx = box.getCoord().get(0).getX();
final double maxx = box.getCoord().get(1).getX();
final double miny = box.getCoord().get(0).getY();
final double maxy = box.getCoord().get(1).getY();
final String srs = box.getSrsName();
if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_BBOX.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.bbox(geom, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, srs);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal filter element" + OpName + " : " + ops);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknowed filter element" + jax);
use of org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v100.SpatialOpsType in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.
the class OGC110toGTTransformer method visitSpatialOp.
* Transform a SLD spatial Filter v1.1 in GT filter.
public Filter visitSpatialOp(final JAXBElement<? extends org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v110.SpatialOpsType> jax) throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException, FactoryException {
final org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v110.SpatialOpsType ops = jax.getValue();
final String OpName = jax.getName().getLocalPart();
if (ops instanceof org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v110.BinarySpatialOpType) {
final org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v110.BinarySpatialOpType binary = (org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v110.BinarySpatialOpType) ops;
final JAXBElement<? extends AbstractGeometryType> geom = binary.getAbstractGeometry();
final JAXBElement<EnvelopeType> env = binary.getEnvelope();
final org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v110.PropertyNameType pnt = binary.getPropertyName().getValue();
final Expression left = visitPropertyName(pnt);
final Expression right;
if (env != null && env.getValue() != null) {
try {
right = visitEnv(env);
} catch (FactoryException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("SRS name is unknowned : " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
} else {
right = visit(geom);
if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_CONTAINS.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.contains(left, right);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_CROSSES.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.crosses(left, right);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_DISJOINT.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.disjoint(left, right);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_EQUALS.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.equals(left, right);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_INTERSECTS.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.intersects(left, right);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_OVERLAPS.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.overlaps(left, right);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_TOUCHES.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.touches(left, right);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_WITHIN.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.within(left, right);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal filter element" + OpName + " : " + ops);
} else if (ops instanceof org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v110.DistanceBufferType) {
final org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v110.DistanceBufferType dstOp = (org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v110.DistanceBufferType) ops;
final org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v110.DistanceType dt = dstOp.getDistanceType();
final JAXBElement<? extends AbstractGeometryType> geom = dstOp.getAbstractGeometry();
final org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v110.PropertyNameType pnt = dstOp.getPropertyName();
final Expression geom1 = visitPropertyName(pnt);
final Expression geom2 = visit(geom);
// TODO marche pas ? ou est la distance ? Double.valueOf(dt.getContent());
final double distance = 0;
final String units = dt.getUnits();
if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_DWITHIN.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.dwithin(geom1, geom2, distance, units);
} else if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_BEYOND.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.beyond(geom1, geom2, distance, units);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal filter element" + OpName + " : " + ops);
} else if (ops instanceof org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v110.BBOXType) {
final org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v110.BBOXType binary = (org.geotoolkit.ogc.xml.v110.BBOXType) ops;
final EnvelopeType box = binary.getEnvelope();
final String pnt = binary.getPropertyName();
final Expression geom;
if (pnt != null) {
geom = visitPropertyName(pnt);
} else {
geom = null;
final double minx = box.getLowerCorner().getOrdinate(0);
final double maxx = box.getUpperCorner().getOrdinate(0);
final double miny = box.getLowerCorner().getOrdinate(1);
final double maxy = box.getUpperCorner().getOrdinate(1);
// final double minx = box.getPos().get(0).getOrdinate(0);
// final double maxx = box.getPos().get(0).getOrdinate(1);
// final double miny = box.getPos().get(1).getOrdinate(0);
// final double maxy = box.getPos().get(1).getOrdinate(1);
final String srs = box.getSrsName();
if (OGCJAXBStatics.FILTER_SPATIAL_BBOX.equalsIgnoreCase(OpName)) {
return filterFactory.bbox(geom, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, srs);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal filter element" + OpName + " : " + ops);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknowed filter element" + jax);