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Example 21 with MutableStyle

use of in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.

the class Styles method dashedLine.

public static MutableStyle dashedLine() throws URISyntaxException {
    // general informations
    final String name = "mySymbol";
    final Description desc = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION;
    // use the default geometry of the feature
    final String geometry = null;
    final Unit unit = Units.POINT;
    final Expression offset = LITERAL_ONE_FLOAT;
    // the visual element
    final Expression color = SF.literal(Color.BLUE);
    final Expression width = FF.literal(2);
    final Expression opacity = LITERAL_ONE_FLOAT;
    final Expression linecap = STROKE_CAP_BUTT;
    final Expression linejoin = STROKE_JOIN_ROUND;
    final float[] dashes = new float[] { 8, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4 };
    final Expression dashOffset = LITERAL_ZERO_FLOAT;
    final Stroke stroke = SF.stroke(color, opacity, width, linejoin, linecap, dashes, dashOffset);
    final LineSymbolizer symbolizer = SF.lineSymbolizer(name, geometry, desc, unit, stroke, offset);
    final MutableStyle style =;
    return style;
Also used : Stroke( GraphicStroke( Description( MutableStyle( Expression(org.opengis.filter.Expression) LineSymbolizer( Unit(javax.measure.Unit)

Example 22 with MutableStyle

use of in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.

the class Styles method colorLine.

public static MutableStyle colorLine() {
    // general informations
    final String name = "mySymbol";
    final Description desc = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION;
    // use the default geometry of the feature
    final String geometry = null;
    final Unit unit = Units.POINT;
    final Expression offset = LITERAL_ZERO_FLOAT;
    // the visual element
    final Expression color = SF.literal(Color.BLUE);
    final Expression width = FF.literal(4);
    final Expression opacity = LITERAL_ONE_FLOAT;
    final Stroke stroke = SF.stroke(color, width, opacity);
    final LineSymbolizer symbolizer = SF.lineSymbolizer(name, geometry, desc, unit, stroke, offset);
    final MutableStyle style =;
    return style;
Also used : Stroke( GraphicStroke( Description( MutableStyle( Expression(org.opengis.filter.Expression) LineSymbolizer( Unit(javax.measure.Unit)

Example 23 with MutableStyle

use of in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.

the class Styles method uomLine.

public static MutableStyle uomLine() throws URISyntaxException {
    // general informations
    final String name = "mySymbol";
    final Description desc = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION;
    // use the default geometry of the feature
    final String geometry = null;
    final Unit unit = Units.METRE;
    final Expression offset = LITERAL_ZERO_FLOAT;
    // the visual element
    final Expression color = SF.literal(Color.BLUE);
    final Expression width = FF.literal(400);
    final Expression opacity = LITERAL_ONE_FLOAT;
    final Stroke stroke = SF.stroke(color, width, opacity);
    final LineSymbolizer symbolizer = SF.lineSymbolizer(name, geometry, desc, unit, stroke, offset);
    final MutableStyle style =;
    return style;
Also used : Stroke( GraphicStroke( Description( MutableStyle( Expression(org.opengis.filter.Expression) LineSymbolizer( Unit(javax.measure.Unit)

Example 24 with MutableStyle

use of in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.

the class Styles method imagePoint.

public static MutableStyle imagePoint() throws URISyntaxException {
    // general informations
    final String name = "mySymbol";
    final Description desc = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION;
    // use the default geometry of the feature
    final String geometry = null;
    final Unit unit = Units.POINT;
    // the visual element
    final Expression size = FF.literal(12);
    final Expression opacity = LITERAL_ONE_FLOAT;
    final Expression rotation = LITERAL_ONE_FLOAT;
    final AnchorPoint anchor = DEFAULT_ANCHOR_POINT;
    final Displacement disp = DEFAULT_DISPLACEMENT;
    final List<GraphicalSymbol> symbols = new ArrayList<GraphicalSymbol>();
    final GraphicalSymbol external = SF.externalGraphic(SF.onlineResource(Styles.class.getResource("/data/fish.png").toURI()), "image/png", null);
    final Graphic graphic = SF.graphic(symbols, opacity, size, rotation, anchor, disp);
    final PointSymbolizer symbolizer = SF.pointSymbolizer(name, geometry, desc, unit, graphic);
    final MutableStyle style =;
    return style;
Also used : PointSymbolizer( Description( Graphic( GraphicalSymbol( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Unit(javax.measure.Unit) Displacement( AnchorPoint( MutableStyle( Expression(org.opengis.filter.Expression)

Example 25 with MutableStyle

use of in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.

the class Styles method customRaster.

public static MutableStyle customRaster() {
    final String name = "mySymbol";
    final Description desc = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION;
    // use the default geometry of the feature
    final String geometry = null;
    final Unit unit = Units.POINT;
    final Expression opacity = LITERAL_ONE_FLOAT;
    final ChannelSelection channels = null;
    final OverlapBehavior overlap = null;
    final ColorMap colormap = null;
    final ContrastEnhancement enhance = null;
    final ShadedRelief relief = null;
    final Symbolizer outline = null;
    final RasterSymbolizer symbol = SF.rasterSymbolizer(name, (String) null, desc, unit, opacity, channels, overlap, colormap, enhance, relief, outline);
    final MutableStyle style =;
    return style;
Also used : RasterSymbolizer( Description( ContrastEnhancement( MutableStyle( Expression(org.opengis.filter.Expression) ChannelSelection( ColorMap( Unit(javax.measure.Unit) ShadedRelief( PointSymbolizer( PolygonSymbolizer( LineSymbolizer( RasterSymbolizer( TextSymbolizer( Symbolizer( OverlapBehavior(


MutableStyle ( Expression (org.opengis.filter.Expression)20 MapLayer (org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapLayer)19 Unit (javax.measure.Unit)16 MapLayers (org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapLayers)15 Description ( Test (org.junit.Test)12 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)11 Feature (org.opengis.feature.Feature)11 FeatureType (org.opengis.feature.FeatureType)11 Fill ( GraphicalSymbol ( Stroke ( FeatureTypeBuilder (org.apache.sis.feature.builder.FeatureTypeBuilder)10 FeatureSet ( GraphicStroke ( PointSymbolizer ( BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)9 MutableFeatureTypeStyle ( PolygonSymbolizer (