Search in sources :

Example 6 with Format

use of org.geotoolkit.wps.xml.v200.Format in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class RepresentationTest method testGetCacheKey.

public void testGetCacheKey() {
    String uri = "";
    SegmentBase base = new SingleSegmentBase(new RangedUri(null, 0, 1), 1, 0, 1, 1);
    Format format = Format.createVideoContainerFormat("0", MimeTypes.APPLICATION_MP4, null, MimeTypes.VIDEO_H264, 2500000, 1920, 1080, Format.NO_VALUE, null, 0);
    Representation representation = Representation.newInstance("test_stream_1", 3, format, uri, base);
    assertEquals("test_stream_1.0.3", representation.getCacheKey());
    format = Format.createVideoContainerFormat("150", MimeTypes.APPLICATION_MP4, null, MimeTypes.VIDEO_H264, 2500000, 1920, 1080, Format.NO_VALUE, null, 0);
    representation = Representation.newInstance("test_stream_1", Representation.REVISION_ID_DEFAULT, format, uri, base);
    assertEquals("test_stream_1.150.-1", representation.getCacheKey());
Also used : SingleSegmentBase( SingleSegmentBase( Format(

Example 7 with Format

use of org.geotoolkit.wps.xml.v200.Format in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class HlsMasterPlaylistParserTest method testPlaylistWithClosedCaption.

public void testPlaylistWithClosedCaption() throws IOException {
    HlsMasterPlaylist playlist = parseMasterPlaylist(PLAYLIST_URI, MASTER_PLAYLIST_WITH_CC);
    assertEquals(1, playlist.muxedCaptionFormats.size());
    Format closedCaptionFormat = playlist.muxedCaptionFormats.get(0);
    assertEquals(MimeTypes.APPLICATION_CEA708, closedCaptionFormat.sampleMimeType);
    assertEquals(4, closedCaptionFormat.accessibilityChannel);
    assertEquals("es", closedCaptionFormat.language);
Also used : Format(

Example 8 with Format

use of org.geotoolkit.wps.xml.v200.Format in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class HlsSampleStreamWrapper method buildTracks.

   * Builds tracks that are exposed by this {@link HlsSampleStreamWrapper} instance, as well as
   * internal data-structures required for operation.
   * <p>
   * Tracks in HLS are complicated. A HLS master playlist contains a number of "variants". Each
   * variant stream typically contains muxed video, audio and (possibly) additional audio, metadata
   * and caption tracks. We wish to allow the user to select between an adaptive track that spans
   * all variants, as well as each individual variant. If multiple audio tracks are present within
   * each variant then we wish to allow the user to select between those also.
   * <p>
   * To do this, tracks are constructed as follows. The {@link HlsChunkSource} exposes (N+1) tracks,
   * where N is the number of variants defined in the HLS master playlist. These consist of one
   * adaptive track defined to span all variants and a track for each individual variant. The
   * adaptive track is initially selected. The extractor is then prepared to discover the tracks
   * inside of each variant stream. The two sets of tracks are then combined by this method to
   * create a third set, which is the set exposed by this {@link HlsSampleStreamWrapper}:
   * <ul>
   * <li>The extractor tracks are inspected to infer a "primary" track type. If a video track is
   * present then it is always the primary type. If not, audio is the primary type if present.
   * Else text is the primary type if present. Else there is no primary type.</li>
   * <li>If there is exactly one extractor track of the primary type, it's expanded into (N+1)
   * exposed tracks, all of which correspond to the primary extractor track and each of which
   * corresponds to a different chunk source track. Selecting one of these tracks has the effect
   * of switching the selected track on the chunk source.</li>
   * <li>All other extractor tracks are exposed directly. Selecting one of these tracks has the
   * effect of selecting an extractor track, leaving the selected track on the chunk source
   * unchanged.</li>
   * </ul>
private void buildTracks() {
    // Iterate through the extractor tracks to discover the "primary" track type, and the index
    // of the single track of this type.
    int primaryExtractorTrackType = PRIMARY_TYPE_NONE;
    int primaryExtractorTrackIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;
    int extractorTrackCount = sampleQueues.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < extractorTrackCount; i++) {
        String sampleMimeType = sampleQueues.valueAt(i).getUpstreamFormat().sampleMimeType;
        int trackType;
        if (MimeTypes.isVideo(sampleMimeType)) {
            trackType = PRIMARY_TYPE_VIDEO;
        } else if (MimeTypes.isAudio(sampleMimeType)) {
            trackType = PRIMARY_TYPE_AUDIO;
        } else if (MimeTypes.isText(sampleMimeType)) {
            trackType = PRIMARY_TYPE_TEXT;
        } else {
            trackType = PRIMARY_TYPE_NONE;
        if (trackType > primaryExtractorTrackType) {
            primaryExtractorTrackType = trackType;
            primaryExtractorTrackIndex = i;
        } else if (trackType == primaryExtractorTrackType && primaryExtractorTrackIndex != C.INDEX_UNSET) {
            // We have multiple tracks of the primary type. We only want an index if there only exists a
            // single track of the primary type, so unset the index again.
            primaryExtractorTrackIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;
    TrackGroup chunkSourceTrackGroup = chunkSource.getTrackGroup();
    int chunkSourceTrackCount = chunkSourceTrackGroup.length;
    // Instantiate the necessary internal data-structures.
    primaryTrackGroupIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;
    groupEnabledStates = new boolean[extractorTrackCount];
    // Construct the set of exposed track groups.
    TrackGroup[] trackGroups = new TrackGroup[extractorTrackCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < extractorTrackCount; i++) {
        Format sampleFormat = sampleQueues.valueAt(i).getUpstreamFormat();
        if (i == primaryExtractorTrackIndex) {
            Format[] formats = new Format[chunkSourceTrackCount];
            for (int j = 0; j < chunkSourceTrackCount; j++) {
                formats[j] = deriveFormat(chunkSourceTrackGroup.getFormat(j), sampleFormat);
            trackGroups[i] = new TrackGroup(formats);
            primaryTrackGroupIndex = i;
        } else {
            Format trackFormat = primaryExtractorTrackType == PRIMARY_TYPE_VIDEO && MimeTypes.isAudio(sampleFormat.sampleMimeType) ? muxedAudioFormat : null;
            trackGroups[i] = new TrackGroup(deriveFormat(trackFormat, sampleFormat));
    this.trackGroups = new TrackGroupArray(trackGroups);
Also used : Format( TrackGroup( TrackGroupArray(

Example 9 with Format

use of org.geotoolkit.wps.xml.v200.Format in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class HlsPlaylistParser method parseMasterPlaylist.

private static HlsMasterPlaylist parseMasterPlaylist(LineIterator iterator, String baseUri) throws IOException {
    ArrayList<HlsMasterPlaylist.HlsUrl> variants = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<HlsMasterPlaylist.HlsUrl> audios = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<HlsMasterPlaylist.HlsUrl> subtitles = new ArrayList<>();
    Format muxedAudioFormat = null;
    ArrayList<Format> muxedCaptionFormats = new ArrayList<>();
    String line;
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        line =;
        if (line.startsWith(TAG_MEDIA)) {
            @C.SelectionFlags int selectionFlags = parseSelectionFlags(line);
            String uri = parseOptionalStringAttr(line, REGEX_URI);
            String id = parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_NAME);
            String language = parseOptionalStringAttr(line, REGEX_LANGUAGE);
            Format format;
            switch(parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_TYPE)) {
                case TYPE_AUDIO:
                    format = Format.createAudioContainerFormat(id, MimeTypes.APPLICATION_M3U8, null, null, Format.NO_VALUE, Format.NO_VALUE, Format.NO_VALUE, null, selectionFlags, language);
                    if (uri == null) {
                        muxedAudioFormat = format;
                    } else {
                        audios.add(new HlsMasterPlaylist.HlsUrl(uri, format));
                case TYPE_SUBTITLES:
                    format = Format.createTextContainerFormat(id, MimeTypes.APPLICATION_M3U8, MimeTypes.TEXT_VTT, null, Format.NO_VALUE, selectionFlags, language);
                    subtitles.add(new HlsMasterPlaylist.HlsUrl(uri, format));
                case TYPE_CLOSED_CAPTIONS:
                    String instreamId = parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_INSTREAM_ID);
                    String mimeType;
                    int accessibilityChannel;
                    if (instreamId.startsWith("CC")) {
                        mimeType = MimeTypes.APPLICATION_CEA608;
                        accessibilityChannel = Integer.parseInt(instreamId.substring(2));
                    } else /* starts with SERVICE */
                        mimeType = MimeTypes.APPLICATION_CEA708;
                        accessibilityChannel = Integer.parseInt(instreamId.substring(7));
                    muxedCaptionFormats.add(Format.createTextContainerFormat(id, null, mimeType, null, Format.NO_VALUE, selectionFlags, language, accessibilityChannel));
                    // Do nothing.
        } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_STREAM_INF)) {
            int bitrate = parseIntAttr(line, REGEX_BANDWIDTH);
            String codecs = parseOptionalStringAttr(line, REGEX_CODECS);
            String resolutionString = parseOptionalStringAttr(line, REGEX_RESOLUTION);
            int width;
            int height;
            if (resolutionString != null) {
                String[] widthAndHeight = resolutionString.split("x");
                width = Integer.parseInt(widthAndHeight[0]);
                height = Integer.parseInt(widthAndHeight[1]);
                if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
                    // Resolution string is invalid.
                    width = Format.NO_VALUE;
                    height = Format.NO_VALUE;
            } else {
                width = Format.NO_VALUE;
                height = Format.NO_VALUE;
            line =;
            Format format = Format.createVideoContainerFormat(Integer.toString(variants.size()), MimeTypes.APPLICATION_M3U8, null, codecs, bitrate, width, height, Format.NO_VALUE, null, 0);
            variants.add(new HlsMasterPlaylist.HlsUrl(line, format));
    return new HlsMasterPlaylist(baseUri, variants, audios, subtitles, muxedAudioFormat, muxedCaptionFormats);
Also used : Format( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 10 with Format

use of org.geotoolkit.wps.xml.v200.Format in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class DashManifestParser method parseRepresentation.

// Representation parsing.
protected RepresentationInfo parseRepresentation(XmlPullParser xpp, String baseUrl, String adaptationSetMimeType, String adaptationSetCodecs, int adaptationSetWidth, int adaptationSetHeight, float adaptationSetFrameRate, int adaptationSetAudioChannels, int adaptationSetAudioSamplingRate, String adaptationSetLanguage, @C.SelectionFlags int adaptationSetSelectionFlags, List<SchemeValuePair> adaptationSetAccessibilityDescriptors, SegmentBase segmentBase) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
    String id = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "id");
    int bandwidth = parseInt(xpp, "bandwidth", Format.NO_VALUE);
    String mimeType = parseString(xpp, "mimeType", adaptationSetMimeType);
    String codecs = parseString(xpp, "codecs", adaptationSetCodecs);
    int width = parseInt(xpp, "width", adaptationSetWidth);
    int height = parseInt(xpp, "height", adaptationSetHeight);
    float frameRate = parseFrameRate(xpp, adaptationSetFrameRate);
    int audioChannels = adaptationSetAudioChannels;
    int audioSamplingRate = parseInt(xpp, "audioSamplingRate", adaptationSetAudioSamplingRate);
    ArrayList<SchemeData> drmSchemeDatas = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<SchemeValuePair> inbandEventStreams = new ArrayList<>();
    boolean seenFirstBaseUrl = false;
    do {;
        if (XmlPullParserUtil.isStartTag(xpp, "BaseURL")) {
            if (!seenFirstBaseUrl) {
                baseUrl = parseBaseUrl(xpp, baseUrl);
                seenFirstBaseUrl = true;
        } else if (XmlPullParserUtil.isStartTag(xpp, "AudioChannelConfiguration")) {
            audioChannels = parseAudioChannelConfiguration(xpp);
        } else if (XmlPullParserUtil.isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentBase")) {
            segmentBase = parseSegmentBase(xpp, (SingleSegmentBase) segmentBase);
        } else if (XmlPullParserUtil.isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentList")) {
            segmentBase = parseSegmentList(xpp, (SegmentList) segmentBase);
        } else if (XmlPullParserUtil.isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentTemplate")) {
            segmentBase = parseSegmentTemplate(xpp, (SegmentTemplate) segmentBase);
        } else if (XmlPullParserUtil.isStartTag(xpp, "ContentProtection")) {
            SchemeData contentProtection = parseContentProtection(xpp);
            if (contentProtection != null) {
        } else if (XmlPullParserUtil.isStartTag(xpp, "InbandEventStream")) {
    } while (!XmlPullParserUtil.isEndTag(xpp, "Representation"));
    Format format = buildFormat(id, mimeType, width, height, frameRate, audioChannels, audioSamplingRate, bandwidth, adaptationSetLanguage, adaptationSetSelectionFlags, adaptationSetAccessibilityDescriptors, codecs);
    segmentBase = segmentBase != null ? segmentBase : new SingleSegmentBase();
    return new RepresentationInfo(format, baseUrl, segmentBase, drmSchemeDatas, inbandEventStreams);
Also used : SingleSegmentBase( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SchemeData( SegmentTemplate( Format(


Format ( Test (org.junit.Test)132 TrackGroup ( TrackGroupArray ( Nullable (androidx.annotation.Nullable)47 RendererCapabilities ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)31 MediaFormat ( Data (org.geotoolkit.wps.xml.v200.Data)19 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)16 Format (org.geotoolkit.wps.xml.v200.Format)16 SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)15 Point ( Capabilities ( UnconvertibleObjectException (org.apache.sis.util.UnconvertibleObjectException)12 DecoderReuseEvaluation ( Metadata ( ImmutableList ( ComplexData (org.geotoolkit.wps.xml.v200.ComplexData)9 C (