use of org.glassfish.api.deployment.DeploymentContext in project Payara by payara.
the class CarHandler method getClassLoader.
public ClassLoader getClassLoader(final ClassLoader parent, DeploymentContext context) {
ASURLClassLoader cloader = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<ASURLClassLoader>() {
public ASURLClassLoader run() {
return new ASURLClassLoader(parent);
try {
// add libraries referenced from manifest
for (URL url : getManifestLibraries(context)) {
try {
final DeploymentContext dc = context;
final ClassLoader cl = cloader;
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PermsArchiveDelegate.SetPermissionsAction(, dc, cl));
} catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
throw new SecurityException(e.getException());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return cloader;
use of org.glassfish.api.deployment.DeploymentContext in project Payara by payara.
the class ResourcesDeployer method event.
* Event listener to listen to </code>application undeploy validation</code> and
* if <i>preserveResources</i> flag is set, cache the <resources>
* config for persisting it in domain.xml
* @param event
public void event(Event event) {
if ( {
DeploymentContext dc = (DeploymentContext) event.hook();
final DeployCommandParameters deployParams = dc.getCommandParameters(DeployCommandParameters.class);
processResources(dc, deployParams);
} else if ( {
DeploymentContext dc = (DeploymentContext) event.hook();
final UndeployCommandParameters undeployCommandParameters = dc.getCommandParameters(UndeployCommandParameters.class);
preserveResources(dc, undeployCommandParameters);
} else if (Deployment.UNDEPLOYMENT_FAILURE.equals(event.type())) {
DeploymentContext dc = (DeploymentContext) event.hook();
cleanupPreservedResources(dc, event);
} else if (Deployment.DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE.equals(event.type())) {
DeploymentContext dc = (DeploymentContext) event.hook();
String appName = getAppNameFromDeployCmdParams(dc);
cleanupResources(appName, dc.getCommandParameters(DeployCommandParameters.class).origin);
// TODO ASR call this only when the flag is on ? --properties preserveAppScopedResources=true
cleanupPreservedResources(dc, event);
} else if (Deployment.DEPLOYMENT_SUCCESS.equals(event.type())) {
ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = (ApplicationInfo) event.hook();
String appName = applicationInfo.getName();
use of org.glassfish.api.deployment.DeploymentContext in project Payara by payara.
the class JPADeployer method event.
public void event(Event event) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
logger.finest("JpaDeployer.event():" +;
if ( {
ExtendedDeploymentContext context = (ExtendedDeploymentContext) event.hook();
DeployCommandParameters deployCommandParameters = context.getCommandParameters(DeployCommandParameters.class);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
logger.fine("JpaDeployer.event(): Handling APPLICATION_PREPARED origin is:" + deployCommandParameters.origin);
// an application-ref is being created on DAS. Process the app
if (!deployCommandParameters.origin.isCreateAppRef() || isTargetDas(deployCommandParameters)) {
Map<String, ExtendedDeploymentContext> deploymentContexts = context.getModuleDeploymentContexts();
for (DeploymentContext deploymentContext : deploymentContexts.values()) {
// bundle level pus
// app level pus
} else if ( {
logger.fine("JpaDeployer.event(): APPLICATION_DISABLED");
// APPLICATION_DISABLED will be generated when an app is disabled/undeployed/appserver goes down.
// close all the emfs created for this app
ApplicationInfo appInfo = (ApplicationInfo) event.hook();
use of org.glassfish.api.deployment.DeploymentContext in project Payara by payara.
the class ConnectorDeployer method event.
public void event(Event event) {
if (/*env.isDas() && */
Deployment.UNDEPLOYMENT_VALIDATION.equals(event.type())) {
// this is an application undeploy event
DeploymentContext dc = (DeploymentContext) event.hook();
UndeployCommandParameters dcp = dc.getCommandParameters(UndeployCommandParameters.class);
String appName =;
Boolean cascade = dcp.cascade;
Boolean ignoreCascade = dcp._ignoreCascade;
if (cascade != null && ignoreCascade != null) {
if (cascade || ignoreCascade) {
com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Application app = domain.getApplications().getApplication(appName);
boolean isRAR = false;
if (app != null && Boolean.valueOf(app.getEnabled())) {
isRAR = app.containsSnifferType(ConnectorConstants.CONNECTOR_MODULE);
if (!isRAR) {
boolean isAppRefEnabled = false;
Server server = domain.getServers().getServer(env.getInstanceName());
ApplicationRef appRef = server.getApplicationRef(appName);
if (appRef != null && Boolean.valueOf(appRef.getEnabled())) {
isAppRefEnabled = true;
if (isAppRefEnabled) {
boolean isEAR = app.containsSnifferType(EAR);
String moduleName = appName;
ResourcesUtil resourcesUtil = ResourcesUtil.createInstance();
if (isEAR) {
List<Module> modules = app.getModule();
for (Module module : modules) {
moduleName = module.getName();
if (module.getEngine(ConnectorConstants.CONNECTOR_MODULE) != null) {
moduleName = appName + ConnectorConstants.EMBEDDEDRAR_NAME_DELIMITER + moduleName;
if (moduleName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()).endsWith(".rar")) {
int index = moduleName.lastIndexOf(".rar");
moduleName = moduleName.substring(0, index);
if (resourcesUtil.filterConnectorResources(resourceManager.getAllResources(), moduleName, true).size() > 0) {
setFailureStatus(dc, moduleName);
} else {
if (resourcesUtil.filterConnectorResources(resourceManager.getAllResources(), moduleName, true).size() > 0) {
setFailureStatus(dc, moduleName);
use of org.glassfish.api.deployment.DeploymentContext in project Payara by payara.
the class CreateApplicationRefCommand method execute.
* Entry point from the framework into the command execution
* @param context context for the command.
public void execute(AdminCommandContext context) {
final ActionReport report = context.getActionReport();
final Logger logger = context.getLogger();
// retrieve matched version(s) if exist
List<String> matchedVersions = null;
if (enabled) {
try {
// warn users that they can use version expressions
matchedVersions = new ArrayList<String>(1);
} catch (VersioningWildcardException ex) {
// a version expression is supplied with enabled == true
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("wildcard.not.allowed", "WARNING : version expression are available only with --enabled=false"));
} catch (VersioningSyntaxException ex) {
if (!deployment.isRegistered(name)) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("application.notreg", "Application {0} not registered", name));
} else {
// retrieve matched version(s) if exist
try {
matchedVersions = versioningService.getMatchedVersions(name, null);
} catch (VersioningException e) {
report.failure(logger, e.getMessage());
// this is an unversioned behavior and the given application is not registered
if (matchedVersions.isEmpty()) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("", "Application {0} is not referenced by target {1}", name, target));
ActionReport.MessagePart part = report.getTopMessagePart();
boolean isVersionExpression = VersioningUtils.isVersionExpression(name);
// for each matched version
Iterator it = matchedVersions.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String appName = (String);
Application app = applications.getApplication(appName);
ApplicationRef applicationRef = domain.getApplicationRefInTarget(appName, target);
if (applicationRef != null) {
// if a versioned name has been provided to the command
if (isVersionExpression) {
ActionReport.MessagePart childPart = part.addChild();
childPart.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("appref.already.exists", "Application reference {0} already exists in target {1}.", appName, target));
} else {
// returns failure if an untagged name has been provided to the command
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("appref.already.exists", "Application reference {0} already exists in target {1}.", name, target));
} else {
Transaction t = new Transaction();
if (app.isLifecycleModule()) {
handleLifecycleModule(context, t);
ReadableArchive archive;
File file = null;
DeployCommandParameters commandParams = null;
Properties contextProps;
Map<String, Properties> modulePropsMap = null;
ApplicationConfigInfo savedAppConfig = null;
try {
commandParams = app.getDeployParameters(null);
commandParams.origin = Origin.create_application_ref;
commandParams.command = Command.create_application_ref; = target;
commandParams.virtualservers = virtualservers;
commandParams.enabled = enabled;
if (lbenabled != null) {
commandParams.lbenabled = lbenabled;
commandParams.type = app.archiveType();
contextProps = app.getDeployProperties();
modulePropsMap = app.getModulePropertiesMap();
savedAppConfig = new ApplicationConfigInfo(app);
URI uri = new URI(app.getLocation());
file = new File(uri);
if (!file.exists()) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("fnf", "File not found", file.getAbsolutePath()));
archive = archiveFactory.openArchive(file);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error opening deployable artifact : " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("unknownarchiveformat", "Archive format not recognized"));
try {
final ExtendedDeploymentContext deploymentContext = deployment.getBuilder(logger, commandParams, report).source(archive).build();
Properties appProps = deploymentContext.getAppProps();
// relativize the location so it could be set properly in
// domain.xml
String location = DeploymentUtils.relativizeWithinDomainIfPossible(new URI(app.getLocation()));
appProps.setProperty(ServerTags.LOCATION, location);
// relativize the URI properties so they could store in the
// domain.xml properly on the instances
String appLocation = appProps.getProperty(Application.APP_LOCATION_PROP_NAME);
appProps.setProperty(Application.APP_LOCATION_PROP_NAME, DeploymentUtils.relativizeWithinDomainIfPossible(new URI(appLocation)));
String planLocation = appProps.getProperty(Application.DEPLOYMENT_PLAN_LOCATION_PROP_NAME);
if (planLocation != null) {
appProps.setProperty(Application.DEPLOYMENT_PLAN_LOCATION_PROP_NAME, DeploymentUtils.relativizeWithinDomainIfPossible(new URI(planLocation)));
String altDDLocation = appProps.getProperty(Application.ALT_DD_LOCATION_PROP_NAME);
if (altDDLocation != null) {
appProps.setProperty(Application.ALT_DD_LOCATION_PROP_NAME, DeploymentUtils.relativizeWithinDomainIfPossible(new URI(altDDLocation)));
String runtimeAltDDLocation = appProps.getProperty(Application.RUNTIME_ALT_DD_LOCATION_PROP_NAME);
if (runtimeAltDDLocation != null) {
appProps.setProperty(Application.RUNTIME_ALT_DD_LOCATION_PROP_NAME, DeploymentUtils.relativizeWithinDomainIfPossible(new URI(runtimeAltDDLocation)));
if (modulePropsMap != null) {
if (enabled) {
versioningService.handleDisable(appName, target, deploymentContext.getActionReport(), context.getSubject());
if (domain.isCurrentInstanceMatchingTarget(target, appName, server.getName(), null)) {
deployment.deploy(deployment.getSniffersFromApp(app), deploymentContext);
} else {
// send the APPLICATION_PREPARED event for DAS
events.send(new Event<DeploymentContext>(Deployment.APPLICATION_PREPARED, deploymentContext), false);
final List<String> targets = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(",")));
List<String> deploymentTarget = new ArrayList<>();
// If targets contains Deployment Group, check if the application is already deployed to instances in it.
for (String target : targets) {
if (isDeploymentGroup(target)) {
List<Server> instances = domain.getDeploymentGroupNamed(target).getInstances();
for (Server instance : instances) {
List<Application> applications = domain.getApplicationsInTarget(instance.getName());
List<String> listOfApplications = new ArrayList<>();
for (Application application : applications) {
if (!listOfApplications.contains(appName)) {
if (report.getActionExitCode().equals(ActionReport.ExitCode.SUCCESS)) {
try {
deployment.registerAppInDomainXML(null, deploymentContext, t, true);
} catch (TransactionFailure e) {
logger.warning("failed to create application ref for " + appName);
// if the target is DAS, we do not need to do anything more
if (!isVersionExpression && DeploymentUtils.isDASTarget(target)) {
final ParameterMap paramMap = deployment.prepareInstanceDeployParamMap(deploymentContext);
if (!deploymentTarget.isEmpty()) {
replicateCommand(deploymentTarget, context, paramMap);
} else {
replicateCommand(targets, context, paramMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error during creating application ref ", e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Error while closing deployable artifact : " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e);